Wikidata:WikiProject Modernisme/infoboxes

Some data available in infoboxes placed in Wikipedia articles may be imported to Wikidata. Based upon Catalan Wikipedia infoboxes, here's a list of infoboxes which might interest and the connection between their fields and Wikidata properties



Note: only those fields considered relevant are included.

Field Wikidata property
nom Q and aliases
Imatge image (P18)
tipus_edifici instance of (P31)
arquitectes architect (P84)
arquitecte architect (P84)
començament start time (P580)
consagració significant event (P793)
acabament end time (P582)
localització located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
coordenades coordinate location (P625)
estil architectural style (P149)
materials_utilitzats made from material (P186)
premis award received (P166)
Field Wikidata property
nom Q
imatge image (P18)
municipi located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
coordenades coordinate location (P625)
diocesi diocese (P708)
construccio point in time (P585)
estil architectural style (P149)
començament start time (P580)
acabament end time (P582)
consagració significant event (P793)
dedicat dedicated to (P825)
arquitecte architect (P84)
arquitectes architect (P84)
fundador founded by (P112)
material made from material (P186)
tipologia heritage designation (P1435)
catalogacio inventory number (P217), Inventari del Patrimoni Arquitectònic de Catalunya code (P1600), Asset of cultural interest code (P808), World Heritage Site ID (P757), Catalan object of cultural interest ID (P1586)



Note: only the most relevant fields are listed

Template field Wikidata property
nom Q (and aliases)
prefix honorífic honorific prefix (P511)
nom de naixement given name (P735)
data de naixement date of birth (P569)
lloc de naixement place of birth (P19)
data de mort date of death (P570)
lloc de mort place of death (P20)
causa de mort cause of death (P509)
sepultura place of burial (P119)
nacionalitat country of citizenship (P27)
ocupació occupation (P106)
moviment movement (P135)
estil movement (P135)
cònjuge spouse (P26)
guardons award received (P166)
obres notable work (P800)
patrons commissioned by (P88)
mestres student of (P1066)
deixebles student (P802)
influenciat per influenced by (P737)
influí P738 (P738)
Template field Wikidata property
nom Q
imatge image (P18)
nom de naixement given name (P735)
data de naixement date of birth (P569)
lloc de naixement place of birth (P19)
data de mort date of death (P570)
lloc de mort place of death (P20)
causa de mort cause of death (P509)
sepultura place of burial (P119)
residència residence (P551)
nacionalitat country of citizenship (P27)
alma mater educated at (P69)
ocupació occupation (P106)
conegut per notable work (P800), with qualificators pointing to the artworks?
moviment movement (P135)
estil movement (P135)
cònjuge spouse (P26)
honors award received (P166)
principals_edificis notable work (P800)
principals_projectes notable work (P800)
principals_dissenys notable work (P800)
mestres student of (P1066)
deixebles student (P802)
influenciat per influenced by (P737)
influí P738 (P738)
guardons award received (P166)



Note: only the most relevant fields of each template have been included

Template field Wikidata property
imatge image (P18)
títol Q
altre títol aliases
artista creator (P170)
artista2 contributor to the creative work or subject (P767)
any point in time (P585)
estil movement (P135)
material made from material (P186)
museu collection (P195)
ciutat located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
coordenades coordinate location (P625)
Template field Wikidata property
imatge image (P18)
títol Q
altre títol aliases
artista creator (P170)
artista2 contributor to the creative work or subject (P767)
any point in time (P585)
estil movement (P135)
tècnica made from material (P186)
museu collection (P195)
ciutat located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
coordenades coordinate location (P625)