Wikidata:WikiProject Random/Item List

items that do not have:

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item { SERVICE bd:sample { ?item wikibase:sitelinks []. bd:serviceParam bd:sample.limit "10000". } MINUS {?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q4167836.} MINUS {?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q4167410.} MINUS {?item wdt:P31 wd:Q13406463.} MINUS {?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11266439.} MINUS {?item wdt:P31 wd:Q17633526.} MINUS {?item wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814.} MINUS {?item wdt:P3083 [].} MINUS {?item wdt:P1566 [].} MINUS {?item wdt:P442 [].} }

item label description instance of subclass of
Q302814 geometric data analysis
Q798228 Bachpatenschaft
Q811109 Bauaufsichtsbehörde Building control officer
Q916503 Setote
Q1243433 Doppelvergaser
Q1288423 Simai-ház heritage site in Cluj County, Romania
Q1428268 Thyristortetrode thyristor
Q1437726 flask type of tooling used to contain a mold in metal casting physical container
Q1550643 principle discovery, statement or rule being the foundation for other considerations, statements or activites principle
Q1591402 Hautgout
Q1756475 metal matrix composite composite material with at least two constituent parts, one of which is a metal composite material
Q1765993 Open de Tenis Ciudad de Pozoblanco Covap Memorial - Fabián Dorado tennis tournament tennis tournament
Q2108344 Prefader
Q2356102 Strichaufnahme
Q2459329 musculus iliocostalis thoracis muscle
Q2797491 Welstandscommissie committee
Q2864314 Arrêts de la Cour de justice (1955)
Q2994907 Constante d'affaiblissement
Q3258946 London Controlling Section secret department of the British Government during World War II
Q3357460 Osttürkischer Waffen-Verband der SS
Q3455676 régions pétrolifères en Amérique du Nord
Q3838408 Lucerna ad aria infiammabile
Q4057630 Административная реформа в Российской Федерации
Q4178874 Железнодорожная филокартия
Q4419632 Симеоновская летопись
Q4431213 Spin-destruction collision
Q4602699 2004 Democratic National Convention keynote address speech given by Barack Obama
Q4649965 AA Battlefield District
Q4698310 Air commanders of World War I
Q4708508 Alaska Broadcast Communications alaskan radio broadcasting company
Q4819872 Audio noise measurement audio equipment quality assessment
Q4874959 Baythorn Public School
Q5172493 Corporate social entrepreneur non-specific organisational entrepreneur
Q5223782 Darkroom manipulation
Q5434684 Farabi Orchestra
Q5527018 Gate of Divine Might Northern gate of the Forbidden City
Q5748253 Heuristic-systematic model of information processing
Q5767098 Hinge loss Loss function in machine learning
Q5802253 Societal democracy
Q6022821 Indian soap operas in Pakistan
Q6373498 Kartan
Q6546243 Light transport theory
Q6577116 מסיבה (בית המקדש)
Q6712030 M-94 cylinder cipher cipher machine
Q6889087 Modern valence bond theory
Q7036551 Nikong Pool body of water
Q7444548 Secrétariat aux affaires intergouvernementales canadiennes agency of the government of Quebec.
Q7487423 Shamanur Davangere Diamonds
Q7495668 Shetland animal breeds animal breeds of the Shetland Islands of Scotland
Q7742796 The JGI Group
Q7800107 Tiamat yacht racing team
Q8026610 Winton Domesday
Q10612743 Orusthöna
Q11250663 The Aurora – umi no ōrora
Q11300690 グループ改革
Q11405144 十王中継局
Q11494009 愛知万博の入場者数問題
Q11684785 Akt wykonawczy
Q11777870 Metodyki projektowania systemów wieloagentowych
Q11827300 Proces empiryczny (model kontroli procesu)
Q11842724 DXKN-TV
Q11873428 Kuningaskobra (kappale)
Q11972996 Gruvedrift i Longyearbyen
Q12035236 Marbuel demon
mythical character
Q12424676 गोरामानसिंह्
Q12435011 नन्देद सिकंदराबाद एक्स्प्रेस ७६४०
Q12446952 मुंबई अगस्त क्रांति राजधानी अप
Q12526237 Абай музыкалық мұрасын жинау
Q12540565 Динамо (футбол клубы, Шымкент)
Q12613698 일산동구의 행정 구역
Q12618023 지역발전위원회
Q12632520 Hrvatska udruga logoraša Domovinskog rata u BiH
Q12632561 Hrvatski dnevnik (dnevni list, Zagreb)
Q12690021 Kes Kaunseling: Proses dan Rawatan
Q12700379 Peribahasa bermula dengan huruf "T"
Q12830192 Poksviruslar
Q12830502 Pul belgilari
Q12917968 करालमञ्च ताल
Q12918002 करेला, खैरागढ मण्डल
Q12959452 Prvenstvo G8 u rukometu 2010.
Q13114480 വക്രോക്തി (അലങ്കാരം)
Q13140300 گورنمنٹ گرلز ہاءی سکول
Q13189441 Cosmos
Q13206031 Нагорный
Q13410264 flood basalt result of a very large volume eruption of basalt lava basalt
Q14715351 Snark Missile Launch Complex FUDS in Maine used as a Cold War base the winged intercontinental missile
Q15490856 Nízký tarif
Q15647745 जन्म नक्षत्र
Q15689366 అష్టాత్రింశతి మహాదానములు
Q15893016 抱真堂詩話
Q16191347 불가분채무
Q16314453 పెద్దొడ్డి
Q16420905 Lofthæna
Q16562476 Entrevista Díaz - Creelman
Q16564106 Esquemas de Mayor
Q16682576 Одноосный тягач
Q16976902 Maddalam and Chenda Keli genre in Carnatic music, featuring a set of maddalam drums as the main instrument
Q17049945 Ouagadougou Accords (2013)
Q17065578 Pearl Street Market Public market in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.
Q17304996 Levuka Historical Port Town world heritage site in Fiji
Q17345850 KT엠하우스
Q18124542 Ekamra Marg
Q18517290 Stema e Komunës së Herceg Novit
Q18862743 蟾宮曲·青樓十詠
Q19214531 Jugendleben und Wanderbilder
Q19221189 Nachträge, betreffend die Eichung und Stempelung von Maaßen und Meßwerkzeugen für Brennmaterialien, sowie für Kalk und andere Mineralprodukte
Q19486835 Resistencias injustas
Q19530796 قانون معافیت گمرکی کالاهای شرکت ملی نفت که واگذار یا فروخته می‌شود
Q19552772 Olhos Verdes
Q19671030 ओदान
Q19736834 ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ගුවන්තොටුපළවල්
Q20073309 Єдина державна система діловодства
Q20584467 खानपुरपूर्व, गदरपुर तहसील
Q20617767 Амуур сахалара
Q20623808 ሴት ይወዷል ማጀት ያንጎዳጉዷል
Q21018190 褒先寺
Q22930945 لجنة الصناعة والطاقة والثروات الطبيعية والبنية الأساسية والبيئة
Q23786662 Leipziger Vaterlandsverein
Q24036382 prycza bed
Q24944404 IX Mistrzostwa Polski w Wabieniu Drapieżników
Q24987599 March Route of Rochambeau's Army: Scotland Road
Q25344645 Fukushima Youth Sinfonietta Japanese orchestra
Q25489647 Цесна –Астық концерні
Q25499968 Niit
Q25505936 Venoosõõs
Q25535339 3000 μέτρα στους Νορδικούς Αγώνες Κλειστού Στίβου
Q25642790 Тыл уларыйар
Q25682351 বুধ
Q29150991 fourchette à Landerneau
Q29247288 Christ en croix
Q29573261 Protestantismus in Galizien
Q31195233 Հայաստանի զինված ուժերի պատմություն
Q31340837 केन्दाई प्रपात
Q31450893 Эллин маданияты
Q31452146 Шопен Фредерик Францишек
Q42882339 Necropolă tumulară heritage site in Constanța County, Romania
Q46523309 Interjera dekoratīvā apdare (9 telpās) Latvian cultural monument No. 4043
Q50686882 Core 8 (MUC2) [Golgi lumen] An instance of entity with accessioned sequence in Homo sapiens with Reactome ID (R-HSA-1462340) mucin 2, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming
Q54849735 Nagäsé people
Q55703847 Şörəyel livası
Q55719246 嘉裕太陽城廣場
Q55736474 MicroC/OS-III
Q56314895 forced collectionnism compulsive hoarding
Q56343213 O Królowaniu
Q59223929 劉家港 (姚承緒)
Q60861366 Capitán Muñoz Gamero
Q61117190 Juara Carta Mingguan Muzik Muzik 34
Q61740983 Lagerstätte Neuoberhaus
Q65043765 OPSkins
Q65044998 May's Lick Negro School
Q65081260 Rose Lime Kiln
Q65126671 Kew
Q65203368 Monumenta Henricina
Q65231729 Fi-Nergy Voima
Q65236776 アタミザクラ
Q65265221 Charles Hayteri värvisüsteem
Q65275176 Esmutelín
Q65280828 عام الوفود
Q65315025 दर्शक
Q65335439 ကျွန်မနှင့် ကိုဘကျော်
Q65768789 community library
Q65769545 repertory
Q66513616 anterior inferior minor calyx of right renal pelvis anterior inferior minor calyx
Q66514651 uterine paracervical lymph node visceral pelvic lymph node
Q66523689 medial surface of left triquetral medial surface of triquetral
Q66541673 compact bone of distal phalanx of left second toe compact bone of distal phalanx of second toe
Q66571587 stroma of right kidney stroma of kidney
Q66571605 inner cortex of left kidney inner cortex of kidney
Q66578661 nerve to left flexor accessorius nerve to flexor accessorius
Q73041617 electrospray ionization mass spectrometry technique used for analysis of nonvolatile compounds mass spectrometry
Q85348884 我們斷然有救
Q85539724 大寶積經·卷17
Q85827462 春秋集註 (高閌, 四庫全書本)/卷16
Q85978083 گهرگز
Q85984295 Soprano
Q85999453 Стара зграда ОУ „Бошко Палковлевиќ Пинки” Батајница
Q86467204 若人
Q93256969 Proverbi piemontèis
Q96398262 Palli Daridro Bimochon Foundation
Q97191370 هنگ
Q97218245 Bol
Q97245150 Tuca de la Estiveta Lliterola
Q97267173 ཀློག་སྐྱ་གཞོན་ནུ་འབར་བ་
Q97272141 Saulo Musoke
Q97339379 한국교회를 빛낸 칼빈주의자들
Q97447102 分水梁氏碉楼
Q97715523 最勝問菩薩十住除垢斷結經/02
Q97730648 1981年上海
Q102075699 titular church in Rome church in Rome that can be assigned to a cardinal of the Catholic Church Catholic church building
Q104941554 旅游景区质量等级管理办法
Q106215389 college van burgemeester en wethouders of Havelte college van burgemeester en wethouders
Q108611986 Trauerkaufhaus department store
Q108955339 Q108955339
Q108968810 Q108968810
Q109063488 Q109063488
Q109163123 XIX
Q109187087 Rozdział 84
Q109259439 Festiv'Été 2021
Q109429978 Ost. Love is Cinta
Q109877508 market sounding field research
Q110049220 Записано у бескрају
Q110121919 لزا ستھالیکر
Q110235870 Mkhomazi Wilderness Area
Q110416928 Rugby Białystok
Q110773010 Czeres-Sieliszcze
Q110785263 Matka type of coarse silk
Q111221454 Išlaužas stadium
Q111328576 San Pietro (Castelveccana) Village in Castelveccana
Q111525937 clickable region region of a graphical interface that is "clickable" graphical user interface element
Q111530912 XV
Q111912268 Lütke
Q112136526 ecological area type of protected area in New Zealand protected area of New Zealand
Q116179254 2023 WAFF U-16 Girls Championship international football competition
Q117750380 Slaveykov house, Plovdiv
Q118104217 Retablo de la Virgen de las Nieves
Q118946919 Peyman
Q118952015 Hardanger Handbak Klubb
Q121366339 2023 Acropolis International Basketball Tournament
Q121590191 Divisiones Regionales de la Región de Murcia 1965-66
Q121693439 İstanbul'da 1930 Türkiye yerel seçimleri
Q122252509 Hakkâri'de 1973 Türkiye senato seçimleri
Q122885624 Qoʻrgʻontepa (Samarqand viloyati, Qoʻshrobod tumani, Navkat)
Q123861232 скарбнік уладзімірскі скарбнік земскі
Q123966174 Gustavo Bassi
Q126205645 Laguna de Torreguadiaro lagoon located in San Roque, Spain
Q126393936 Oprah Winfrey
Q126456301 Template:el-nF-ος-οι-3b1

Act of the Parliament of Australia

item label description instance of subclass of
Q56749212 Loan (Defence) Act 1971 Act of the Parliament of Australia, no longer in force, registered as C1971A00103 Act of the Parliament of Australia
Q56757286 Income Tax Amendment Act 2007 Act of the Parliament of Australia, currently registered as C2007A00016 Act of the Parliament of Australia
Q56758028 Private Health Insurance (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2007 Act of the Parliament of Australia, currently registered as C2011C00456 Act of the Parliament of Australia

Bank of Baroda branch

item label description instance of subclass of
Q73753088 Bank Of Baroda, Kanjhawala branch Bank in India Bank of Baroda branch
Q73756041 Bank Of Baroda, Pakhar Br., Dist. Dausa, Rajasthan branch Bank in India Bank of Baroda branch
Q73757750 Bank Of Baroda, Tilaknagar-hyderabad branch Bank in India Bank of Baroda branch


item label description instance of subclass of
Q98175137 Cultural heritage D-6-5728-0093 in Thundorf in Unterfranken cultural heritage monument in Thundorf in Unterfranken, Bad Kissingen, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany Bodendenkmal
preceding structure
filial church
Q98273714 Cultural heritage D-3-7039-0238 in Hagelstadt cultural heritage monument in Hagelstadt, Regensburg, Upper Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany Bodendenkmal
human settlement
Q98362156 Cultural heritage D-2-7445-0025 in Haarbach cultural heritage monument in Haarbach, Passau, Lower Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany Bodendenkmal
mine field

Christian hymn

item label description instance of subclass of
Q10540074 Jesus, precious savior psalm Christian hymn
Q10589083 Morgon mellan fjällen psalm Christian hymn

Congressional Research Service report

item label description instance of subclass of
Q59557759 Overtime Provisions in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): Frequently Asked Questions Congressional Research Service report Congressional Research Service report
Q59598493 Lighting Industry Trends Congressional Research Service report Congressional Research Service report
Q59637224 Iran-Iraq Relations Congressional Research Service report Congressional Research Service report
Q59667035 Border and Transportation Security: Appropriations for FY2005 Congressional Research Service report Congressional Research Service report

Irish Statutory Instrument

item label description instance of subclass of
Q100580859 Building Control Regulations, 1997 Irish Statutory Instrument S.I. No. 496/1997 Irish Statutory Instrument
Q100582670 Local Government Act, 2001 (Section 237A) Regulations, 2003 Irish Statutory Instrument S.I. No. 274/2003 Irish Statutory Instrument

Jewish cemetery

item label description instance of subclass of
Q9194838 Cmentarz żydowski w Twardogórze Jewish cemetery
Q9344440 Stary cmentarz żydowski w Nowym Korczynie Jewish cemetery

July 23

item label description instance of subclass of
Q69097791 July 23, 1640 date in Gregorian calendar July 23
calendar day of a given year
Q69172823 July 23, 1760 date in Gregorian calendar July 23
calendar day of a given year

March 3

item label description instance of subclass of
Q69220480 March 3, 1841 date in Gregorian calendar March 3
calendar day of a given year
Q69267911 March 3, 1929 date in Gregorian calendar March 3
calendar day of a given year


item label description instance of subclass of
Q1021751 Büschdorf human settlement in Germany Ortsteil
Q18021252 St. Johannis human settlement in Germany Ortsteil

Python package

item label description instance of subclass of
Q107384090 kt-legacy Python library Python package
Q107385280 dbt-bigquery Python library Python package

State Bank of India branch

item label description instance of subclass of
Q65958370 State Bank of India, Prathipadu branch State Bank of India branch
Q65982976 State Bank of India, Pulwama branch State Bank of India branch

UK Statutory Instrument

item label description instance of subclass of
Q99538600 The Policing and Crime Act 2017 (Commencement No. 8) Regulations 2018 UK Statutory Instrument SI 2018 No. 456 (C. 37) UK Statutory Instrument
Q99651347 The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (Commencement No. 3) (Amendment) Order 2014 UK Statutory Instrument 2014 No. 831 (C. 35) UK Statutory Instrument
Q99684717 The A34 Trunk Road (Botley Interchange, Southbound Exit Slip Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011 UK Statutory Instrument 2011 No. 2036 UK Statutory Instrument
Q99831334 The Firearms (Sentencing) (Transitory Provisions) Order 2007 UK Statutory Instrument 2007 No. 1324 UK Statutory Instrument
Q99864910 The Landfill Tax (Amendment) Regulations 1999 UK Statutory Instrument 1999 No. 3270 UK Statutory Instrument
Q99868351 The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (Commencement No. 3 and Appointed Day) Order 1998 UK Statutory Instrument 1998 No. 3263 (C. 82) UK Statutory Instrument
Q99908974 The Industrial and Provident Societies (Amendment of Fees) Regulations 1986 UK Statutory Instrument 1986 No. 621 UK Statutory Instrument
Q99918029 The Inshore Fishing (Prohibition of Fishing and Fishing Methods) (Scotland) (Amendment) Order 1985 UK Statutory Instrument 1985 No. 1569 (S. 123) UK Statutory Instrument
Q99940861 The Insolvency of Employer (Excluded Classes) Regulations 1983 UK Statutory Instrument 1983 No. 624 UK Statutory Instrument

Unicode character

item label description instance of subclass of
Q87569549 𝌏 Unicode character Unicode character
Q87591453 𗒨 Unicode character Unicode character
Q109635858 𐖪 Unicode character Unicode character
Q109740905 Unicode character Unicode character
CJKV character
Q109769803 Unicode character Unicode character
CJKV character
Q109770027 Unicode character Unicode character
CJKV character
Q109945474 𫪒 Unicode character Unicode character
CJKV character
Q109953583 𬦎 Unicode character Unicode character
CJKV character
Q109966115 𮣥 Unicode character Unicode character
CJKV character
Q109976087 𰔗 Unicode character Unicode character
CJKV character

United Nations Security Council resolution

item label description instance of subclass of
Q33523995 United Nations Security Council Resolution 2366 United Nations Security Council resolution United Nations Security Council resolution
Q38066702 United Nations Security Council Resolution 2369 United Nations Security Council resolution United Nations Security Council resolution

United States Supreme Court decision

item label description instance of subclass of
Q19036948 Christoffel v. United States United States Supreme Court case United States Supreme Court decision
Q19087559 Drews v. Maryland United States Supreme Court decision

United States patent

item label description instance of subclass of
Q117459406 Autonomous vehicle retrieval US patent 11511736 United States patent
Q117477329 Apparatus for disentanglement of fibers from rotors US patent 11484167 United States patent
Q118014788 Manufacturing method of reinforced layer US patent 11298868 United States patent
Q118328726 Method for using PS data off function and user equipment US patent 11166323 United States patent
Q118848657 Semiconductor devices including array power pads, and associated semiconductor device packages and systems US patent 11251148 United States patent
Q119081366 Systems and methods for estimating locations of signal shadowing obstructions and signal reflectors in a wireless communications network US patent 11350293 United States patent
Q119831671 Rotation-rate sensor, method for manufacturing a rotation-rate sensor US patent 11248909 United States patent
Q119851016 Method for controlling display device, and display device US patent 11172175 United States patent
Q120790842 Semiconductor memory device US patent 11380399 United States patent
Q121033735 Methods and apparatus for automatically providing personalized item reviews US patent 11461822 United States patent
Q121738055 Facilitating compact signaling design for reserved resource configuration in wireless communication systems US patent 11277786 United States patent
Q121831405 Method and system for prevention of metal contamination by using a self-assembled monolayer coating US patent 11460775 United States patent
Q122586667 Apparatus and method for mitigating particulate accumulation on a component of a gas turbine US patent 11143401 United States patent
Q123024330 Systems and methods for biometric key generation in data access control, data verification, and path selection in block chain-linked workforce data ma US patent 11146394 United States patent
Q123186551 Communication method and device US patent 11172449 United States patent
Q123343763 Optical unit having shake correction function US patent 11372259 United States patent
Q123564299 Method for recovering scandium US patent 11214849 United States patent
Q123594799 Item recommendations using convolutions on weighted graphs US patent 11373233 United States patent
Q123670522 Method of cooperatively controlling regenerative braking step by step for rear-wheel-drive environmentally-friendly vehicle US patent 11465624 United States patent
Q123975486 High-speed connector US patent 11431134 United States patent
Q124668978 Automated storage and retrieval system US patent 11167921 United States patent
Q125433249 Fruit and vegetable products US patent 11523628 United States patent

Wikibook page

item label description instance of subclass of
Q20097293 A+ Certification/Exam Objectives/Life as a Tech/Prohibited Content and Activities/What to do first Wikibook page
Q20113331 A-level Mathematics/OCR/C3/Differentiation Wikibook page

Wikimedia albums discography

item label description instance of subclass of
Q101426688 Judas Priest tribute albums Wikimedia albums discography Wikimedia albums discography
Q114744609 Jay Perez' albums in chronological order Wikimedia albums discography Wikimedia albums discography

Wikimedia module

item label description instance of subclass of
Q106596680 Module:zh/data/dial-syn/媽媽 Chinese dialectal equivalents module: 媽媽 Wikimedia module
Q106894576 Module:zh/data/Christian-syn/book of Jeremiah Wikimedia module Wikimedia module
Q108237375 Module:zh/data/ltc-pron/踂 Wikimedia module Wikimedia module
Q108249323 Module:zh/data/ltc-pron/𣓁 Wikimedia module Wikimedia module
Q108338953 Module:zh/data/och-pron-ZS/傉 Wikimedia module Wikimedia module
Q108344416 Module:zh/data/och-pron-ZS/斡 Wikimedia module Wikimedia module
Q124211944 Module:xub-IPA Wikimedia module

academic journal article

item label description instance of subclass of
Q58684661 Books and Catalogues Received academic journal article
Q108401872 Book Review #1: Internet Gaming Law article in UNLV Gaming Research and Review Journal academic journal article

accommodation facility for dependent elderly people

item label description instance of subclass of
Q112922445 Ehpa La Mesange accommodation facility for dependent elderly people
Q112974832 EHPAD Le Cloitre accommodation facility for dependent elderly people
Q112996888 Résidence-Foyer La Ben Vengudo accommodation facility for dependent elderly people
Q112997178 Résidence Les Marais accommodation facility for dependent elderly people

administration municipale of France

item label description instance of subclass of
Q86697997 Ville de Besançon administration municipale of France
Q118837903 commune de Vignely administration municipale of France


item label description instance of subclass of
Q117016048 滬光;金都 advertising
Q117016517 榮金 advertising


item label description instance of subclass of
Q1889378 The Red Shoes 1993 studio album by Kate Bush album
Q1953362 Elvis in Concert 1977 live album by Elvis Presley album
Q3053852 Encouraging Words 1970 studio album by Billy Preston album
Q3966817 Spirit of the Moment – Live at the Village Vanguard live album album
Q4630618 20 bästa 1997 compilation album by Elisabeth Andreasson album
Q5220171 Danny Boy and Other Songs I Love to Sing 1962 studio album by Andy Williams album
Q5490718 Mitä sä mun sydämellä album by Hanna Karjalainen album
Q6815275 Memoirs of a Common Man album by Antiskeptic album
Q7203553 Playtime album by Buddy Rich album
Q9274587 Gorgeous Frankenstein album by Gorgeous Frankenstein album
Q11251588 Twins I & II album by Jaco Pastorius album
Q11960027 Bakerste benk 1978 studio album by Bjørn Eidsvåg album
Q11969829 Fra null til gull 2004 studio album by Jahn Teigen album
Q12010446 Weaver of Dreams 1980 studio album by Teddy Nelson album
Q12483761 Gembira Berkumpul album by Tasya album
Q16992233 Easy Street album by Eric Marienthal album
Q18639468 Ludi petak album by Miligram (band) album
Q19801185 Cherry Bomb 2015 studio album by Tyler, The Creator album
Q22086057 Super Heroes 1997 debut studio album by Daze album
Q25095914 Haywire album by Hopsin album
Q31081282 Volt album by Amund Maarud album
Q53778432 Seven Days studio album by Ron Boots album
Q85866758 Con una canción 2007 album by Carlos Peña album
Q109360716 MANIJU 2017 studio album by Motoharu Sano & The Coyote Band album
Q113626104 Diabolical (Destruction) album
Q113642518 What Planet Is This? 2006 live album by Sun Ra and His Space Arkestra album
Q116695429 Balaghah 2004 studio album by Syura album
Q118351616 Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. 3 – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 2023 compilation soundtrack album; various artists album
Q123702986 Laththi 2022 soundtrack album by Yuvan Shankar Raja album

ancient city

item label description instance of subclass of
Q7403795 Sale ancient Greek city ancient city
Q16331632 Tricoloni town in ancient Arcadia ancient city

archaeological artifact

item label description instance of subclass of
Q100327609 Bronze Double Button (Type 2), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.3614 YUAG 64656. Archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria archaeological artifact
Q100341884 Ring, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.1593 YUAG 86744. Archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria archaeological artifact
Q100347174 Nail, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.1942 YUAG 87712. Archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria archaeological artifact

archaeological site

item label description instance of subclass of
Q17640905 Medieval undercroft between West Street and Slipshoe Street, Reigate archaeological site in Reigate and Banstead, Surrey, England, UK archaeological site
Q64812193 Watchtower WP 4/37* part of a World Heritage site in Germany archaeological site
Q96749549 Tomba castellucciana archaeological site in Sortino, Italy archaeological site
Q98357866 Краста (Доброшане) archaeological site in Macedonia archaeological site
Q108268289 Tumuli - 2 - Moșana archaeological monument of national importance in Moldova archaeological site

architectural structure

item label description instance of subclass of
Q2333765 Statio Dominus Mundi architectural structure
Q17575383 Edinburgh, 5, 7 London Street architectural structure in City of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK architectural structure
Q17769851 Port Wemyss, 1, Mckinnon architectural structure in Argyll and Bute, Scotland, UK architectural structure
Q17834309 Pitlochry, 88-90 Atholl Road architectural structure in Perth and Kinross, Scotland, UK architectural structure
Q24232030 Pfarrhaus Schongau architectural structure
Q26552882 Lock House, Lock 34, At Sp 252 664 On Grand Union Canal architectural structure in Budbrooke, Warwick, Warwickshire, UK architectural structure
Q26670560 Mill House At William Blyth Ings Yard. architectural structure in Barton-upon-Humber, North Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire, UK architectural structure
Q27081819 St Pauls Rectory Tower Hamlets, Greater London, E1W architectural structure
Q29015309 Bluestone Store 1861-built warehouse building in downtown Auckland architectural structure
Q29785629 Former Hotel Central architectural structure
hotel building
Q29786074 Hôtel de l'Aigle architectural structure
Q29884288 Casa Rusca architectural structure
Q30011674 Volksschule Losheim architectural structure
primary school
primary "folk" school
Q77774308 Boundary Wall And Gate-Piers, Braebuster architectural structure in Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK architectural structure
Q115370230 Lange Straße 97 architectural structure
Q116032320 Rheingaustraße 86 architectural structure
Q116545609 Haus Schwalheimer Hauptstraße 59 architectural structure
Q116571018 Haus Ohlystraße 77 architectural structure
Q116591926 Haus Brückenstraße 5 architectural structure
Q116594105 Haus Weilburger Straße 20 architectural structure
Q116669455 Haus Hanauer Landstraße 56 architectural structure
Q116703101 Haus Orber Straße 34 architectural structure
Q116710327 Haus Holzhäuser Straße 11 architectural structure
Q122215452 Pump House, reservoir and boundary wall Grade II listed buildings in Wales architectural structure

art museum

item label description instance of subclass of
Q27485218 Museum Eugène Burnand museum in Moudon (Switzerland) art museum
memory institution
Q53706297 TarraWarra Museum of Art art museum in Victoria, Australia art museum


item label description instance of subclass of
Q194763 A Catholic Statement on Pluralism and Abortion article article
Q45374911 Erik Brate article
Q62614553 Für Mütter german article in Die Gartenlaube, 1876, no. 34 article
Q108736430 Settling Large Case Litigation: An Alternative Approach article
Q109999037 Notizie storiche sull'Asilo Civico “A. Gallizi” article by Giancarlo Gaggia published in Fano. Supplemento del Notiziario di informazione sui problemi cittadini article
Q113219113 七十年代政治史觀的藝術檢驗﹣﹣「日據時代臺灣美術運動史」改版序 article
Q113225235 二00一新世紀鄒恆德彩墨畫首展 article
Q116755130 華僑墾殖場規模大,首期準備開墾荒地萬畝,籌建人員赴海南選場址 article
Q116801282 廣州韶關等地,歸僑能手多,積極革新技術提高效率 article
Q116873017 歸僑鄭健志一家七口都是模範人物 article
Q117062542 南洋影院分兩陣線 院商赴港搜購新片 article

artificial satellite

item label description instance of subclass of
Q111471230 CSUNSAT 1 42715 artificial satellite
Q111498938 Gonets D1-2 23788 artificial satellite

aspect of history

item label description instance of subclass of
Q4556491 1890 in the United Kingdom UK-related events during the year of 1890 aspect of history
events in a specific year or time period
Q30739730 histoire de Fondettes aspect of history


item label description instance of subclass of
Q124448528 Сдружение на възрожденските градове association
Q125490932 Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association farming organization in Ohio, USA association

association football club

item label description instance of subclass of
Q10388002 União Desportiva da Zona Alta association football club
Q12745222 FK Busije association football club in Serbia association football club
Q16835947 Apia Youth football club association football club
Q112811645 Rossendale F.C. football club association football club

association football team season

item label description instance of subclass of
Q56323663 2018–19 A.C. Reggiana 1919 season season of football team association football team season
Q85845160 2020 Columbus Crew SC season season of football team association football team season
Q109687813 1931–32 Stade ruthénois season season of football team association football team season
Q125091907 2013–14 Alemannia Aachen season season of football team association football team season


item label description instance of subclass of
Q1522943 175633 Yaoan asteroid asteroid
Q5984799 (23236) 2000 WX100 asteroid asteroid
Q6749365 (34931) 6621 P-L asteroid asteroid
Q7471172 (37960) 1998 HP64 asteroid asteroid
Q8177226 (181665) 2008 AG32 asteroid asteroid
Q8323420 (161072) 2002 LQ28 asteroid asteroid
Q15031842 2008 KC21 asteroid asteroid
Q15161948 (50081) 2000 AL88 asteroid asteroid
Q15166004 (54038) 2000 GS110 asteroid asteroid
Q15175007 (62634) 2000 SL356 asteroid asteroid
Q15180823 (64887) 2001 YZ73 asteroid asteroid
Q19626427 (15928) 1997 WC3 asteroid asteroid
Q20478471 (16780) 1996 XT1 asteroid asteroid
Q28517867 (100467) 1996 TD19 asteroid asteroid
Q62814326 (41533) 2000 RV9 asteroid asteroid
Q63052292 (83901) 2001 US163 asteroid asteroid
Q63093992 (92202) 1999 XU247 asteroid asteroid
Q63097562 (98909) 2001 BR60 asteroid asteroid
Q63217951 (159203) 2005 UY336 asteroid asteroid
Q63234005 (144341) 2004 DS32 asteroid asteroid
Q63240566 (147574) 2004 FC67 asteroid asteroid
Q63268381 (141541) 2002 GL14 asteroid asteroid
Q63280044 (181617) 2006 WL141 asteroid asteroid
Q63288350 (204855) 2007 RT140 asteroid asteroid
Q63291955 (206012) 2002 PA133 asteroid asteroid
Q63311411 (217527) 2006 WS62 asteroid asteroid
Q63425372 (175811) 1999 RS193 asteroid asteroid

audio track

item label description instance of subclass of
Q91089049 Summer 2018 song by The Carters audio track
musical work/composition
Q101552434 55 Times 2020 audio track by 2 Chainz audio track

automobile model

item label description instance of subclass of
Q1509972 Lexus LX full-size luxury SUV automobile model sport utility vehicle
luxury vehicle
Q3333392 Peugeot ROA motor vehicle automobile model


item label description instance of subclass of
Q6172286 Jeannette K. Watson Fellowship internship grant award
Q15782336 Alfred Kubin Award award
Q94734323 Deutscher Fußball-Kulturpreis Award of the Deutsche Akademie für Fußball-Kultur award

award ceremony

item label description instance of subclass of
Q1414608 7th Filmfare Awards award ceremony for Hindi language films award ceremony
Q65927009 P.C. Hooft-prijs 2018 2018 edition of the P.C. Hooft-prijs award ceremony

badminton event

item label description instance of subclass of
Q27798865 2012 Latvian Badminton Championships – women's singles badminton championships badminton event
Q111185661 2003/2004 French Junior Badminton Championships – Mixed doubles badminton championships badminton event
Q113017027 2009 Helsinki Open Badminton Championships – Men's singles badminton championships badminton event
Q113153132 1968 Kent Badminton Championships – Women's doubles badminton championships badminton event
Q123102535 1951 Portsmouth and District Badminton Championships – Men's doubles badminton championships badminton event

baptismal font

item label description instance of subclass of
Q29228132 fonts baptismaux à Lasserre-de-Prouille baptismal font
Q29255938 fonts baptismaux à Rumont baptismal font


item label description instance of subclass of
Q26400436 Barn And Cart Shed Approximately 11 Metres South East Of Rashleigh Barton barn in Wembworthy, Mid Devon, Devon, UK barn
Q26519061 Barn Approximately 50 Metres North Of Greenway Farmhouse barn in Whitchurch, County of Herefordshire, UK barn

baseball team season

item label description instance of subclass of
Q4076956 2005 Baltimore Orioles season Major League Baseball season baseball team season
Q4577213 1976 Montreal Expos season Major League Baseball season baseball team season

item label description instance of subclass of
Q111837674 Long Rock Cove cove in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada bay
Q123740667 Hopi Bay bay in Estonia bay

bilateral relation

item label description instance of subclass of
Q55397739 Liechtenstein–Venezuela relations bilateral relations between Liechtenstein and Venezuela bilateral relation
Q105616271 Iran–Yugoslavia relations bilateral diplomatic relations bilateral relation

bilingual dictionary entry

item label description instance of subclass of
Q109055975 Q109055975 bilingual dictionary entry
Q109060760 Q109060760 bilingual dictionary entry

biographical article

item label description instance of subclass of
Q19044306 Mill, Henry (DNB00) entry in Dictionary of National Biography biographical article
Q19050150 Wadsworth, Thomas (DNB00) entry in Dictionary of National Biography biographical article
Q19073983 Tate, George (1805-1871) entry in Dictionary of National Biography biographical article
Q19079752 Bland, Tobias (DNB00) entry in Dictionary of National Biography biographical article
Q19094776 Leech, John (1817-1864) (DNB00) entry in Dictionary of National Biography biographical article
Q24016265 Forbes, John (NBD) entry in the Naval Biographical Dictionary biographical article
Q27599050 Thomas von Imbroich (ADB) entry in the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie biographical article
Q56041301 MacLaurin, Colin (1698–1746), mathematician and natural philosopher biographical article in the ODNB biographical article
Q90799173 Thun-Hohenstein, Karl Ferdinand Graf (BLKÖ) entry in the Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich (vol. 45, p. 31) biographical article
Q90887744 Wieland, Ludwig (BLKÖ) entry in the Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich (vol. 56, p. 18) biographical article
Q91783752 Higgins, Kevin Christopher entry in Thom's Irish Who's Who biographical article
Q96574471 Luck, Charles Thomas entry in Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 biographical article
Q98840187 Atkins, George entry in Men-at-the-Bar biographical article
Q106360734 Chapeau, William Posthumus entry in Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 biographical article
Q106723392 CUNNINGHAM, W. D. biographical article in Who's Who in the Far East (June) 1906-7 biographical article
Q107367765 Tsereng biographical article in Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period biographical article
Q108082312 Shepard, Thomas entry in Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 biographical article
Q108277333 Kent, (Sir) Charles Egleton (Bart.) entry in Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 biographical article
Q110166839 Palmer, (Sir) Charles Thomas (Bart.) entry in Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 biographical article
Q110232061 James, (Sir) Walter James (Bart.) entry in Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 biographical article
Q111644248 Hughes, Robert (7) entry in Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 biographical article
Q113030053 Mills, John Pritchard entry in Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 biographical article

biological process

item label description instance of subclass of
Q50289636 Anthrax lef cleaves target cell MAP2K4 (MEK4) An instance of the biological reaction in Homo sapiens with Reactome ID (R-HSA-5211391) biological process
Q50295109 Tyrosine is hydroxylated to dopa An instance of the biological reaction in Homo sapiens with Reactome ID (R-HSA-209823) biological process
Q50299856 Active ARF recruits coatomer to the Golgi An instance of the biological reaction in Homo sapiens with Reactome ID (R-HSA-6811412) biological process


item label description instance of subclass of
Q110145482 蘭陽溪、花蓮溪、秀姑巒溪流域、卑南溪及宜蘭縣、花蓮縣與臺東縣淹水潛勢圖更新計畫 book
Q113934280 The Syntax and Semantics of a Determiner System book book

book review

item label description instance of subclass of
Q59178690 British Iron Age Swords and Scabbards. By I M Stead. 296mm. Pp xvi + 287, 31 b&w ills, 106 line drawings. London: British Museum Press, 2006. ISBN 978-0-714123-23-3. £85 (hdbk).Iron Age and Roman Burials in Champagne. By I M Stead, J-L Flouest and V book review
Q109618863 The Tenochca Empire of Ancient Mexico: The Triple Alliance of Tenochtitlan, Tetzcoco, and Tlacopan. Pedro Carrasco. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1999. xviii + 542 pp., maps, tables, glossary, bibliography, index. $49.95 (cloth) book review
Q112805393 Salomé Zurinaga Fernández-Toríbio: España en la Campaña de Salvamento de la UNESCO en Nubia book review

book series

item label description instance of subclass of
Q5207155 Da'at Miqra biblical commentary series book series
Q65258073 大富豪同心 book series

branch post office

item label description instance of subclass of
Q69988117 Khaira Branch Post Office branch post office
Q70046266 Ekdala Branch Post Office branch post office
Q70099588 Osur Branch Post Office branch post office
Q70101286 P.Agraharam Branch Post Office branch post office
Q70197622 Rorawali Branch Post Office branch post office
Q70226927 Bori Branch Post Office branch post office
Q71355806 Lohata (East) Branch Post Office branch post office
Q71479240 Penumaka Branch Post Office branch post office
Q71535357 Perumthuruthy Branch Post Office branch post office in Thrissur district branch post office
Q71645660 Ratni Bazar Branch Post Office branch post office
Q71647673 Bajitpur Khiruti Branch Post Office branch post office
Q72955822 Hamzapur Branch Post Office branch post office
Q72979190 Kalijini Saraswani Branch Post Office branch post office


item label description instance of subclass of
Q54448563 Tazaemon Bridge bridge in Japan bridge
Q97279857 Marmore bridge highway arch bridge in Terni, Italy bridge
Q110641728 Pont de Colobrers bridge in Castellar del Vallès, Catalonia, Spain bridge
Q110643066 Pont de l'Autopista bridge in l'Aldea (Catalonia) bridge
Q116683473 Ponte sul Rio Foresto bridge in Sassello, Italy bridge


item label description instance of subclass of
Q2013600 Ochsenhauser Pfleghof building in Tannheim, Germany building
Q5156080 Compass Bank Building building in New Mexico, United States building
Q5818413 Banco Español de Crédito building Hotel in Madrid building
Q17798597 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 Albert Road building in Glasgow City, Scotland, UK building
Q18338283 Former Banco Central Hispano headquarters cultural property in Madrid, Spain building
Q20726515 Pharmacie Malard building
Q26317596 60, Jackson Road building in Bromley, Greater London, UK building
Q26401311 4, Castle Street building in Totnes, South Hams, Devon, UK building
Q26436024 4 And 6, Fisherman's Square building in Penzance, Cornwall, UK building
Q26498727 7, Fore Street building in Liskeard, Cornwall, UK building
Q26549495 11 And 13, Kirkgate building in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK building
Q26561294 6-20, Ashgate Road building in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK building
Q26606015 4-10, Burnwells building in Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK building
Q26669208 10, Edgar Street building in Worcester, Worcestershire, UK building
Q26997408 Casa de la Cultura, Villanueva de Perales building in Villanueva de Perales, Spain building
Q33532585 Chancellery of the Prime Minister building in Śródmieście, Poland building
Q52834546 Kurfürstenstraße 16 building in Bonn, Germany building
Q55622067 Manly Substation historic site in New South Wales, Australia building
Q81668500 Haus Beeck building in Geilenkirchen, Germany building
Q98588422 Moreenikatu 6 building in Tampere, Finland building
Q98594096 Notkotie 6 (1) building in Tampere, Finland building
Q104830309 Галоўпаштамт building in Belarus building
Q106830010 Refugium van de cisterziënzerabdij van Villers building in Mechelen, Belgium building
Q108260245 Casă de locuit architectural monument of national importance in Moldova building
Q108588118 Van Breestraat 14-18 building in Amsterdam, Netherlands building
Q122412830 Будинок, в якому мешкала українська поетеса Л.Українка building
Q125338612 Fântână cu roată building

bus stop

item label description instance of subclass of
Q72593154 El Campillo Industrialdea (1190) bus stop
Q72600023 Aldatsa (Hilerria) (4093) bus stop


item label description instance of subclass of
Q1496670 Gaznat Swiss energy company business
Q1892275 Wereldhave business
Q2207693 SRH Holding business
holding company
Q3488037 Société de transport urbain du Congo former mixed economy company created in 2004 to provide urban transport in the large cities of the Democratic Republic of Congo, business
Q3744070 Seppälä company business
Q5325275 Eagle Test Systems business
Q7301294 Reallusion animation software business
Q7500016 Shoe Zone footwear retailer in the United Kingdom and Ireland business
limited company
brick and mortar
Q11333158 Fuji Television Kids Entertainment business
Q30256394 EyeRx Research (United States) company in Norfolk, United States business
Q30269231 IVERIC bio company in New York, United States business
Q96139669 Herbafarma Slovak company business
Q105964629 NV Biscuit- en chocoladefabriek Victoria business
Q108283545 Schafferer Holzbau GmbH business
Q124409939 AGO business

cadastral municipality of Serbia

item label description instance of subclass of
Q125410647 Prisjan cadastral municipality of Serbia in the municipality of Pirot cadastral municipality of Serbia
Q125414413 Struganica cadastral municipality of Serbia in the municipality of Vranje-grad cadastral municipality of Serbia

calendar day of a given year

item label description instance of subclass of
Q117290292 25 Farvardin 1279 calendar day of a given year
25 Farvardin
Q117298602 23 Mordad 1300 calendar day of a given year
23 Mordad

calligraphic work

item label description instance of subclass of
Q117109462 莫是龙李流芳等18人手札 calligraphic work
Q117117834 祖亷等手札册 calligraphic work
Q117123499 清人书札集锦册 calligraphic work
Q117124776 清代名人手札册 calligraphic work
Q117166527 玄烨小楷稼说卷 calligraphic work

canton of France

item label description instance of subclass of
Q285169 canton of Asnières-sur-Seine-Sud canton of France (until March 2015) canton of France
Q88078724 canton d'Yvetot canton of France

carriage house

item label description instance of subclass of
Q17603091 Frisiastate, koetshuis carriage house
Q26384573 Cartshed At Lodge Farm To North Of Farmhouse carriage house in Hartley Wintney, Hart, Hampshire, UK carriage house


item label description instance of subclass of
Q15265236 Pamitinan Cave cave
Q120058561 Cova del Porrerano cave in Flix, Catalonia, Spain cave

cell line

item label description instance of subclass of
Q54606388 A15 cell line (Human melanoma) cell line
cancer cell line
Q54797096 BL-104 cell line cell line
cancer cell line
Q54826543 DA04591 cell line cell line
transformed cell line
Q54832819 ESi059-A cell line cell line
Induced pluripotent stem cell line
Q54871688 Grey cell line cell line
cancer cell line
Q54886220 HGDP00402 cell line cell line
transformed cell line
Q54891473 HPSI0913i-oapg_4 cell line cell line
Induced pluripotent stem cell line
Q54906741 MRN-1 cell line cell line
cancer cell line
Q54908705 ND00379 cell line cell line
transformed cell line
Q54931544 NZM020 cell line cell line
cancer cell line
Q54950695 RMS/8 cell line cell line
cancer cell line
Q102114747 PC-6/VCR29-9 cell line cell line
cancer cell line
Q107113535 CalH3 cell line cell line
cancer cell line
Q116048673 CBLC262.7 cell line cell line


item label description instance of subclass of
Q82243331 cemetery of Biziat cemetery located in Ain, in France cemetery
Q111549517 cimitero di Cavallino cemetery cemetery
Q117507229 Chapman Cemetery cemetery in Noble County, Ohio, United States cemetery
Q117513047 Pineview Cemetery cemetery in Broward County, Florida, United States cemetery
Q117517547 Bellview Baptist Church Cemetery cemetery in Escambia County, Florida, United States cemetery
Q117597033 Saint Mark Baptist Church Cemetery cemetery in Mecklenburg County, Virginia, United States cemetery
Q117612470 Pilkey Cemetery cemetery in Swain County, North Carolina, United States cemetery
Q117618820 Hughes Cemetery cemetery in Horry County, South Carolina, United States cemetery
Q117624397 Deer Creek Cemetery cemetery in Pocahontas County, West Virginia, United States cemetery
Q117670748 Pine Grove Cemetery cemetery in Culpeper County, Virginia, United States cemetery


item label description instance of subclass of
Q125770268 census in Jaworzynka in 1890 1890 census in Austria-Hungary census
Q125794175 Sčítání lidu v obci Branžež roku 1890 census
Q125803897 Sčítání lidu v obci Krásná Hora nad Vltavou roku 1890 census


item label description instance of subclass of
Q26633922 Peninsular Barracks Chapel And Schoolroom chapel in Winchester, Hampshire, UK chapel
Q26651511 Whitehall Methodist Chapel chapel in Hexhamshire, Northumberland, UK chapel
Q60343688 chapelle du couvent Notre-Dame-des-Grâces de Tullins chapel located in Isère, in France chapel
Q60384086 chapelle des Sœurs Trinitaires du Bar-sur-Loup chapel located in Alpes-Maritimes, in France chapel
Q94434569 Kaple v ulici U Kapličky v Dobřejovicích chapel
Q96983682 Cappella della Madonna della Neve chapel
Q105837614 Mariakapel chapel at the Beelaertsstraat in Grevenbicht-Papenhoven, Netherlands chapel
Q115192074 Capela de Nossa Senhora do Rosário chapel
cultural heritage
Q118642948 Cappella dell'Addolorata chapel
Q118792135 Cappella Romitorio della Pietà chapel


item label description instance of subclass of
Q80799906 Outlying Oases Area (conceptual/geographic) in Libya chapter
Q105452415 Osservazioni sul cosiddetto diritto amministrativo dell'economia chapter

church building

item label description instance of subclass of
Q759622 Cathedral of the Resurrection church in Katowice, Poland church building
Q1424271 St. Georgen church church building
Q1807099 Heiligkreuz auf Ritzlar church building in Klausen, South Tyrol church building
Q2321741 Church of St Michael am Zollfeld church building in Maria Saal, Austria church building
Q12316868 Hjardemål Church church building in Thisted Municipality, Denmark church building
Q18392630 St. Anthony of Padua Church church in Iloilo, Philippines church building
Catholic church building
Q28845867 kostel svatého Michaela church building in Krásný Studenec, Czech Republic church building
former church
Q30648772 Our Lady of Częstochowa church in Palczewo church building in Palczewo, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland church building
filial church
Q38386712 Église du Saint-Cœur-de-Marie de Trois-Fontaines-l'Abbaye church located in Marne, in France church building
Q38632291 Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Mesnil-Raoul church located in Seine-Maritime, in France church building
Q41396760 Kirche cultural heritage monument D-4-79-138-1 (0) in Nagel (Fichtelgebirge), Bavaria church building
Q49586722 Dorfkirche Mulda/Sa. church building in Mulda, Germany church building
Q55171532 chiesa di Santa Maria della Carità detta La Giorgia building in Naples, Italy church building
Q55382628 Q55382628 church building in Basel, Switzerland church building
Q72851526 San Bernardino da Siena Church church in the Italian municipality of Casalpusterlengo church building
Q85691633 Hussite church in Louny church building in Czech Republic church building
Q105241620 St. Marienkirche church building
Q107477268 Capella del Pla del Tor Historic building in el Pont de Suert (Catalonia) church building
Q107544029 Kapelle St. Rochus church building
Q120720489 chiesa della Madonna delle Grazie church building
Q120824754 chiesa parrocchiale di Santa Maria di Valleradice church building
Q121817488 chiesa San Rocco church building


item label description instance of subclass of
Q78657697 château de la Motte château
Q83712998 château de Bouville château

clinical trial

item label description instance of subclass of
Q61981086 Study the Safety and Efficacy of PTK 0796 in Patients With Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infection (CSSSI) clinical trial clinical trial
Q62110500 Safety and Pharmacokinetics of XL647 Administered Orally to Subjects With Solid Tumors clinical trial clinical trial
Q62813581 Evaluation of Factors Associated With Patient Satisfaction and Mood-State in Regional Anesthesia clinical trial clinical trial
Q62820404 Ready, Set, Goal: Motivation and Cognition in Stroke Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q63063036 BioImage Study: A Clinical Study of Burden of Atherosclerotic Disease in an At-Risk Population clinical trial clinical trial
Q63404230 Eat Healthy for Families clinical trial clinical trial
Q63576527 Multimodal Monitoring of Radiotherapy Response in Squamous Cell Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q63595443 Low Residue Diet During 3 Days vs 1 Day Prior Colonoscopy clinical trial clinical trial
Q63817067 Gene Transfer for Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa clinical trial clinical trial
Q64047680 Prevention of Colon Ischemia During Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Repair clinical trial clinical trial
Q64602599 A Treatment Regimen for Student Athletes With Mild to Moderate Acne Vulgaris clinical trial clinical trial
Q64639943 Dexmedetomidine's Cardiac and Cognitive Influence on Patients Undergoing Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64643522 The Impact on Ovarian Reserve After Single-port, Two-port, or Four-port Access Laparoscopic Ovarian Cyst Enucleation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660111 Study of the Causes of the Breakdown of Muscle Fibers in Hospitalized Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64664222 Postoperative or Salvage Radiotherapy (RT) for Node Negative Prostate Cancer Following Radical Prostatectomy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64681085 Cemented vs Non-cemented Semiendoprosthesis in the Treatment of Proximal Femoral Fractures clinical trial clinical trial
Q64796001 A Study of LY2963016 in Healthy Chinese Participants clinical trial clinical trial
Q64801621 (D)Elayed vs. (E)Arly (L)Aparoscopic (A)Ppendectom(Y) clinical trial clinical trial
Q65345853 Efficacy in Walked Distance of Indacaterol vs Tiotropium in Women With COPD Secondary to Biomass (EMERALD) clinical trial clinical trial
Q65347209 Clinical Impact of EUS Elastography Mean Strain Histograms (SH) and Contrast Peak-enhancement in Focal Pancreatic Masses and Lymph Nodes clinical trial clinical trial
Q65355546 Safety and Efficacy of KPI-121 in Subjects With Postsurgical Inflammation clinical trial clinical trial
Q65367944 Molecular Mechanism of POP Kidney Yin Deficiency Syndrome From the Interventional Effects of CLCF1 clinical trial clinical trial
Q65375578 Prediction of Severity of Liver Disease Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Patients With Suspected NAFLD by a 13C Octanoate Breath Test clinical trial clinical trial
Q65376289 Lenalidomide and Cetuximab in Treating Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q65376443 Exercise Training in Colorectal Cancer Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q65538761 A Study to Compare the Immune Response and Safety Elicited by Henogen's Adjuvanted Hepatitis B Vaccine Compared to Aventis Pasteur MSD's Hepatitis B Vaccine in Pre-Dialysis and Dialysis Patients Who Responded to Previous Hepatitis B Vaccination clinical trial clinical trial
Q65543529 Efficacy Study of Low-Dose Hydrocortisone Treatment for Fibromyalgia clinical trial clinical trial
Q66041312 Efficacy and Safety Study of GSK3772847 in Subjects With Moderately Severe Asthma clinical trial clinical trial
Q66066255 A Study to Assess the Pharmacokinetics (PK), Pharmacodynamics (PD) and Safety of 2-Week Treatment With Inhaled AZD7594 in Adolescents (12 to 17 Years) With Asthma clinical trial clinical trial
Q66072273 NATional TUnisian REgistry of Atrial Fibrillation clinical trial clinical trial
Q66073926 TPI Medication Comparison - Ketorolac, Lidocaine, or Dexamethasone clinical trial clinical trial
Q66080697 Computer-Assisted Hair Implantation Using ARTAS System VS Manual Implantation Technique Hair Restoration Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q66393291 Propylene Glycol-Free Melphalan Hydrochloride (Evomela) in AL Amyloidosis Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q66404715 Reconstruction of Jaw Bone Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells clinical trial clinical trial
Q67127239 Amantadine to Speed Awakening After Cardiac Arrest clinical trial clinical trial
Q74283188 Group Based Parent Training for Children With Autism and Disruptive Behaviors clinical trial clinical trial
Q86293387 Effects of Osteopathic Treatment With Cognitive Training on Low Back Pain clinical trial clinical trial
Q94726205 Heart Rhythm After Intravenous Methylprednisolone Administration clinical trial clinical trial
Q100788342 Detection of COVID-19 Decompensation clinical trial clinical trial


item label description instance of subclass of
Q63906071 David Talamantes's Administrative Files (NAID 95118269) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q64191105 Docket Books for the General Jurisdiction Case Files (NAID 7787308) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q64194354 Galley Proofs of the Navy Filing Manual (NAID 77821794) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q64394844 General Orders (NAID 5136194) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q64409111 Name Index to Uncompleted Military Petitions (NAID 5634035) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q64463236 Records Relating to River Improvements in Michigan (NAID 5752732) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q64475023 Index to Fraudulent Naturalizations (NAID 4730909) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66153602 Records Relating to the Construction of a Pilot Plant to Test Out Preliminary Techniques for the Mass Production of Cannon Tubes (NAID 7505483) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66158110 Budget History Files (NAID 7385072) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66171159 Examination Reports (NAID 6882703) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66188810 Special Orders Received (NAID 6171357) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66191936 General and Special Orders Issued (NAID 6094075) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66206934 Account Books (NAID 5686395) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66214128 Register of Men Examined at Camp Curtin, Pennsylvania (NAID 5557999) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66228284 Monthly Lists of Field Officers and Battalion Commanders (NAID 4712013) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66237302 Subject Index to General Correspondence and Formerly Security Classified General Correspondence (NAID 4486886) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66237810 Administrative Records Relating to Accounts (NAID 4483034) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66249728 Reports of Volunteers Mustered Into Service in Kansas and Nebraska Territory (NAID 2802314) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66260100 Employment Assistance Case Files (NAID 2573354) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66265686 Register of Records Received (NAID 2163527) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66267927 General Subject Files (NAID 20761454) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66269154 Records of Advisory Committees (NAID 20014379) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66276792 Orders Issued (NAID 1726504) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q66292986 Special Orders (NAID 1225947) series in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q67098221 1862 - Timoney, Edwd McB - File No. T7 (NAID 85624268) file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q67105587 1862 - Wool, John E - File No. M1743 (NAID 85599521) file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q107664662 13th US Colored Heavy Artillery: Curney, Charles (Age 23) file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q107703629 87th US Colored Infantry (New): Bowie, Joseph file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings (NAID 107196866) collection
Q107712557 88th US Colored Infantry (New), Misc: Thomas, Henry file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings (NAID 107226739) collection
Q107720084 2nd Regiment US Colored Light Artillery: Nelson, Norris (Age 16) file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q107733970 103rd US Colored Infantry: Baggs, Wallace file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings (NAID 113386775) collection
Q107778176 1st US Colored Heavy Artillery: Broyles, Jessie (Age 24) file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q107784089 3d US Colored Heavy Artillery: Bolden, John file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q107806762 67th US Colored Infantry: Boonarth, Charles file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings (NAID 170579919) collection
Q107816988 31st US Colored Infantry, Misc Cards: Davis, Henry file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q107874449 80th US Colored Infantry: Morgan, Caesar file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings (NAID 200489572) collection
Q107911677 46th US Colored Infantry: Ramsey, Stephen (Age 24) file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q107924584 79th US Colored Infantry (New): Davis, Elijah file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings (NAID 200746196) collection
Q107932689 18th US Colored Infantry: Jackson, Levi (Age 41) file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q107937533 17th US Colored Infantry: Toney, Richmond (Age 29) file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection
Q107963239 13th US Colored Infantry, Misc Service Cards: Hogg, Frank file unit in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings collection

concert tour

item label description instance of subclass of
Q558068 777 Tour 2012 concert tour by Rihanna concert tour
Q7402458 Saints of Los Angeles Tour concert tour
Q112345008 Nonante-Cinq Tour 2022 concert tour by Angèle concert tour


item label description instance of subclass of
Q26396552 The Cottage cottage in King's Walden, North Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, UK cottage
Q26619132 Millstream Cottage cottage in Weymouth and Portland, Dorset, UK cottage
Q26653137 Meadow Cottage cottage in Sheldwich, Swale, Kent, UK cottage


item label description instance of subclass of
Q19993167 Bassus 24 (Pauly-Wissowa) cross-reference in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE) cross-reference
Q24746935 МЭСБЕ / Багамское дерево encyclopedic article cross-reference


item label description instance of subclass of
Q11826118 Poziomka Regina cultivar
Q15980360 Prunus domestica ʽAnna Späth’ cultivar
Q110766737 Epilobium canum ʽOlbrich Silver’ cultivar of Epilobium canum cultivar

cultural heritage ensemble

item label description instance of subclass of
Q41163171 Rindermarkt 9 cultural heritage ensemble
Q41243923 Gasthof cultural heritage ensemble
Q41388562 Türstein cultural heritage ensemble
Q41409052 Bauernhof cultural heritage ensemble
Q41415078 Steintorbogen cultural heritage ensemble
Q49278268 Gartenstadtsiedlung Dorettenring cultural heritage ensemble
Q49393703 Ufermauern beidseitig entlang des Mühlgrabens, Teilstück Ufermauer der Wesenitz, mehrere Schöpfstellen und drei Steindeckerbrücken An der Wehrbrücke 1, 3, 4, 6, 7a, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13; Hauptstraße 72, 84; Weststraße 8a; Ziegelweg 1, 3 bridge in Germany cultural heritage ensemble
Q49446195 Wegestein Brand-Erbisdorf cultural heritage ensemble
Q49453657 Bahnbetriebswerk Leipzig-Plagwitz Kleinzschocher cultural heritage ensemble

cultural property

item label description instance of subclass of
Q5879177 محوطه خرابه لر Iranian national heritage site cultural property
Q42703682 معالم التراث الثقافية في جورجيا cultural heritage monument in Georgia cultural property
Q42834655 Khachkar Khachkar in Lusadzor, Vayots Dzor province, Armenia (2.2) cultural property
Q42886908 Խաչքար Khachkar in Pokr Vedi, Ararat province, Armenia (2.1.4) cultural property
Q42893340 Խաչքար Khachkar in Artsvanist, Gegharkunik province, Armenia (7.5.1) cultural property
Q43002696 Verin Karmiraghbyur 100 years memorial spring cultural heritage monument of Armenia cultural property
Q89660751 Խաչքար cultural property
Q89663664 Գյուղատեղի Ռոմելանց cultural property
former village
Q122514930 Ворончин-4, поселення одношарове доби енеоліту cultural property
Q122515608 Пам'ятка археології cultural property
Q122516952 Стоянка cultural property

dance production

item label description instance of subclass of
Q57502377 Dadakaka (2014-2015) performing arts production dance production
Q57506529 Babel(words) (2014-2015) performing arts production dance production

decree law

item label description instance of subclass of
Q105589308 Law-decree No. 82, of December 26, 1966 Brazilian law-decree decree law
Q105628897 Law-decree No. 3050, of February 13, 1941 Brazilian law-decree decree law

dictionary entry

item label description instance of subclass of
Q30191337 ТСД2 / Наразумничать dictionary entry
Q30199201 ТСД / Тензей dictionary entry
Q30201560 ТСД2 / Майер dictionary entry
Q30203567 ТСД2 / Выхныкать dictionary entry
Q30215124 ТСД2 / Вознаграждать dictionary entry
Q108956100 M. Arcta Słownik ilustrowany języka polskiego/Górnomyślny dictionary entry
Q108979927 M. Arcta Słownik ilustrowany języka polskiego/Wyblegotać dictionary entry
Q109068233 M. Arcta Słownik ilustrowany języka polskiego/Demokrata dictionary entry
Q109069434 M. Arcta Słownik ilustrowany języka polskiego/Kapać dictionary entry
Q109103654 M. Arcta Słownik ilustrowany języka polskiego/Trzygodzinny dictionary entry
Q109112304 M. Arcta Słownik ilustrowany języka polskiego/Świetlistość dictionary entry
Q109235220 M. Arcta Słownik ilustrowany języka polskiego/Przesiąkły dictionary entry
Q111558392 M. Arcta Słownik Staropolski/Uwlec dictionary entry
Q112615998 M. Arcta Słownik Staropolski/Bezpieczność dictionary entry

doctoral thesis

item label description instance of subclass of
Q59572995 A numerical model for shore-normal sediment size variation (with particular reference to the north coast of the Isle of Man) doctoral thesis by Diane Patricia Horn doctoral thesis
Q59575743 Baculovirus insecticides : development of long-term control strategies based on ecological criteria doctoral thesis by Katharine Ruth Wilson doctoral thesis
Q59578501 Towards a culture of peace : insight into the problems and processes of integrating segregated schools in Northern Ireland doctoral thesis by J. E. McGonigle doctoral thesis
Q60348819 Aspects of the phonology and agricultural terminology of the rural dialects of Surrey, Kent and Sussex doctoral thesis by David John North doctoral thesis

douar in Morocco

item label description instance of subclass of
Q28876377 الكمدات douar in Morocco douar in Morocco
Q28877032 اكادير douar in Morocco douar in Morocco
Q28879261 اورير douar in Morocco douar in Morocco
Q28879389 انامر douar in Morocco douar in Morocco
Q28893574 أمزاورو douar in Morocco douar in Morocco


item label description instance of subclass of
Q22042031 Spitting man drawing
Q22250394 Hommage aan Brusselmans drawing
Q22273585 Klassiek academiemodel drawing by James Ensor (Mu.ZEE SM000657) drawing
Q64535696 Bootjack drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 14221) drawing
Q64574710 Man with a Walking Stick, Seen in Profile [recto] drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 63001) drawing
Q64583832 Flat Iron Stand drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 27954) drawing
Q79932727 Eyes drawing by Lenore Tawney (American, 1907-2007) (1981.173) drawing
Q80034474 The Hillside Pasture drawing by William Sommer (American, 1867-1949) (1962.418) drawing
Q104249364 Portret van Abraham Kuyper drawing
Q106784611 Young Coolie with a Basket drawing by George Chinnery drawing
Q106810201 Ascending the East Cliff, Hastings drawing - Capt. Thomas Hastings drawing

educational facility

item label description instance of subclass of
Q125786766 collège Capitaine Charles Tafanier (Papaichton) de Papaïchton educational facility in Papaichton, France educational facility
Q125982674 école primaire privée Montessori'sGones de Lyon 4e Arrondissement educational facility in Lyon, France educational facility
Q125992397 institut médico pédagogique PREFONTAINE de Rivière-Pilote educational facility in Rivière-Pilote, France educational facility

electoral result

item label description instance of subclass of
Q105516128 Clariana de Cardener results in 2021 Catalan parliamentary election Municipal electoral results electoral result
Q116929711 élections législatives de 1877 dans l'Indre electoral result

elementary school in Japan

item label description instance of subclass of
Q17211410 八尾市立北山本小学校 primary school elementary school in Japan
Q85095505 鶴岡市立朝暘第六小学校 elementary school in Japan
Q113225158 甲斐市立玉幡小学校 elementary school in Japan

encyclopedia article

item label description instance of subclass of
Q19980639 Adaios 8 (Pauly-Wissowa) encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE) encyclopedia article
Q19986298 Ammeres 1 (Pauly-Wissowa) encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE) encyclopedia article
Q19995739 Eussoros (Pauly-Wissowa) encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE) encyclopedia article
Q20872837 Aristyllos 3 (Pauly-Wissowa) encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE) encyclopedia article
Q23850349 Aequo animo article in Otto's encyclopedia encyclopedia article
Q24335351 ЭСБЕ / Атена, Пьер-Луи encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q24354191 ЭСБЕ / Брус рамный encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q24360111 ЭСБЕ / Верх-Исетский завод encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q24409231 ЭСБЕ / Домкрат encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q24428776 ЭСБЕ / Калениченко, Иван Осипович encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q24434190 ЭСБЕ / Иолмский камень encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q24461115 ЭСБЕ / Ломница encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q24465033 ЭСБЕ / Нафанаил, игумен Киево-Михайловского монастыря encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q24468874 ЭСБЕ / Яновичи encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q24740402 МЭСБЕ / Чарыш encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q24820387 МЭСБЕ / Посполитая Речь encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q24983246 ЕЭБЕ / Данон, Иом-Тоб encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q25295759 БЭАН / Кериоф encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q25892999 РБС / Кожух, Родион encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q44712949 НЭС / Орлеанская партия encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q44720439 НЭС / Нитти, Франческо-Саверио encyclopedic article encyclopedia article
Q51386362 佛學大辭典/十王 encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q51411482 佛學大辭典/五莊嚴法 encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q51443763 佛學大辭典/先世資糧 encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q51463607 佛學大辭典/金剛鉤法 encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q84646444 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Richter, Eugen encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q84663054 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Berchem, Nicolaas encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q85915525 ГСС/Аятское озеро entry in Geographical statistical dictionary of the Russian Empire encyclopedia article
Q89548251 Michl und Michel (Schreibung) (BLKÖ) entry in the Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich (vol. 18, p. 222) encyclopedia article
Q98807586 ЭСГ/Рило-Даг entry in Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary encyclopedia article
Q103845000 Allen, William McPherson (1900-1985), chief officer of the Boeing Company encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q103845338 Ashe, Thomas Samuel (1812-1887), jurist and congressman encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q103849579 Young, Charles Augustus encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q103885256 Williams, Jonathan (1750-1815), merchant, lay scientist, and first superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q103895183 Almenralder, Frederick encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q103897175 Chelles, de family encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q103904551 Antonio da San Benedetto encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q103929254 Avont, Guillaume van encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q103944409 Bartels, Harrie encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q103971249 Blondeel, Lancelot encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q104019455 César, Jean encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q104081533 Franck, Michael encyclopedia article encyclopedia article
Q107497615 佛學大辭典/頻毘娑羅 encyclopedia article
Q107512392 佛學大辭典/釋外道小乘涅槃論 encyclopedia article
Q108944274 Encyklopedia staropolska/Benedyktynki encyclopedia article published in Encyklopedia staropolska encyclopedia article
Q110156990 Perikles 5a (Pauly-Wissowa) encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE) encyclopedia article
Q110433831 Licinius 131 (Pauly-Wissowa) encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE) encyclopedia article
Q111601564 Henčov article in Otto's encyclopedia encyclopedia article
Q113075543 Topographia Circuli Burgundici: Löven encyclopedia article published in Topographia Circuli Burgundici encyclopedia article
Q113094633 ADB:Ludwig II. encyclopedia article published in Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie encyclopedia article
Q113095634 ADB:Register/J encyclopedia article published in Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie encyclopedia article
Q115179279 MKL1888:Knownothings encyclopedia article
Q120358710 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Marshall encyclopedia article
Q123901820 The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Boston encyclopedia article
Q124006102 The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Turner, Fred encyclopedia article
Q124082179 Zedler:Mindel encyclopedia article
Q124389350 Zedler:Pfund de Trois encyclopedia article
Q125396382 Katanes (Pauly-Wissowa) encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE) encyclopedia article


item label description instance of subclass of
Q77383825 Լենինականի տեքստիլ գործարանը («Նոր Հայաստան» ալբոմից) engraving
Q110092449 Okehampton, Devonshire engraving - James T. Willmore (YCBA B1977.14.6922) engraving
Q110094810 Bee Cuckoo engraving by James Heath (YCBA B1977.14.8610) engraving

ethnic group by settlement in Macedonia

item label description instance of subclass of
Q99008272 Албанци во Поум ethnic group by settlement in Macedonia
Q99021263 Власи во Бозовце ethnic group by settlement in Macedonia
Q99024677 Власи во Осолница ethnic group by settlement in Macedonia

events in a specific year or time period

item label description instance of subclass of
Q11185648 1959 in volleyball volleyball-related events during the year of 1959 events in a specific year or time period
Q58112538 1795 in health and medicine health and medicine-related events of 1795 events in a specific year or time period
Q106687854 1984 in Zaire overview of Zaire-related events during the year of 1984 events in a specific year or time period

extended play

item label description instance of subclass of
Q13212276 Sniperlite extended play by J Dilla extended play
Q55874449 Summer Magic 2018 EP by Red Velvet extended play


item label description instance of subclass of
Q30265802 Pfizer-University of Granada-Junta de Andalucía Centre for Genomics and Oncological Research facility in Granada, Spain facility
Q30266700 Institute of Mathematics facility in Hanoi, Vietnam facility
Q97134302 centre d'incendie et de secours de Dunkerque facility
Q119322763 town hall of Pradières town hall located in Ariège department, France facility

family name

item label description instance of subclass of
Q4914573 Binyon family name family name
Q5347921 Eggleton family name family name
Q21513076 Abeel family name family name
family name named after given name
Q26000685 Kamibara Japanese family name (上原) family name
Q27168890 Kyūse Japanese family name (久世) family name
Q28332024 Luoma-aho family name family name
Q29570666 Noyes family name family name
Q36869565 Schlussel family name family name
Q36964965 Porretto family name family name
Q37243276 Ferola family name family name
Q37282949 Woodill family name family name
Q37468608 Lugtu family name family name
Q37503181 Jancik family name family name
Q37536134 Cardero family name family name
Q37569942 Rimando family name family name
Q37572618 Lebby family name family name
Q41773646 Grossi family name family name
Q48979402 Churcher family name family name
Q61396094 Orashein family name family name
Q66627792 Tricoteux family name family name
Q66823350 Pulie family name family name
Q67501902 Lallier-Frémicourt family name family name
Q68099320 Harilaid family name family name
Q75135326 Madách family name family name
Q76417587 Sganzini family name family name
Q78112971 Kaspřík family name family name
Q87184308 Meierdreeß family name family name
Q98924587 Merjay family name family name
Q100275703 Tarraborrelli family name family name
Q101034981 Barzoni family name family name
Q105954756 Lemstra family name family name
Q106248683 Béhélo family name family name
Q106352654 Roucole family name family name
Q106403899 Léb family name family name
Q107204372 Conțolencu family name family name
Q107223366 Brancovean family name family name
Q107237418 Mâșu family name family name
Q107445460 Rociu family name family name
Q110588349 Soerink family name family name
Q110787691 Sáenz de Santa María family name family name
Q112589637 Pypho family name family name
Q112600522 Sakolinsky family name family name
Q116264865 Schuckler family name family name
Q116859862 Wengertsmann family name family name
Q116861412 Malltezi family name family name
Q117075181 Smedjeback family name family name
Q117088834 Narganes family name family name
Q118092151 Głogiewicz family name family name
Q123553848 Munthali family name
Q124620449 Jańczewski family name family name
Q125376469 Vesisenaho family name family name
Q125379641 Krankka family name family name
Q125431937 Okyūdo Japanese family name (尾久土) family name
Q125555438 Kilańska family name family name


item label description instance of subclass of
Q17615853 Oudebildtdijk 93, Oudebildtzijl farm
Q91241992 ferme, Mérimée IA71001204 farm
Q107611222 Ramfall farm
Q123164160 ferme, le Tronchet farm


item label description instance of subclass of
Q17552245 Manor Farmhouse farmhouse in Loughton & Great Holm, Milton Keynes, England, UK farmhouse
Q26572304 West Farmhouse farmhouse in Fovant, Wiltshire, UK farmhouse

feminine family name

item label description instance of subclass of
Q105991426 Arnsteinová family name feminine family name
Q106111001 Kreitnerová family name feminine family name

file format

item label description instance of subclass of
Q105859841 Microsoft Visual Studio project template (Unicode) file format file format
Q113663059 Coordinate 3D 3D motion capture file format file format


item label description instance of subclass of
Q432582 Water for Elephants 2011 film by Francis Lawrence film
Q616842 Beavis and Butt-Head Do America 1996 animated film directed by Mike Judge film
Q1228723 Stukas 1941 film by Karl Ritter film
Q1308351 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 1935 film by Ramón Peón film
Q3015557 In My Skin 2002 film by Marina de Van film
Q4081075 Bezoemniy reys 1992 film film
Q4730359 Allahu Akbar 1977 film film
Q11566072 Gekitotsu! Wakadaishō 1976 film by Tsugunobu Kotani film
Q15148136 Durch Flammen zum Glück 1915 film film
Q18614139 El kaserón 1998 film film
Q18809152 Baa Nanna Preethisu 1992 film by Siddalingaiah film
Q21646668 Maalai Nerathu Mayakkam 2016 Tamil film directed by Gitanjali Selvaraghavan film
Q21647188 The Youth of the Devil 1921 film by Roberto Roberti film
Q22674127 Enter The Samurai 2016 documentary film directed by Brent Baisley film
Q25396444 Jupiter 1971 film film
Q27050711 Manga wo hamidashita otoko: Akatsuka Fujio 2016 film by Masanori Tominaga film
Q27057334 Mizu to kaze to ikimono to 2016 film by Michio Fujiwara film
Q85769918 Ippadikku En Kadhal film film
Q104895996 Gasherbrum Double - Jaroš a spol. na G film film
Q109312754 La Frontière film film
Q110639828 All Hallows' Eve 2 2015 American film film
Q113835310 Éclipse sur un ancien chemin vers Compostelle film film
Q118187296 Attack on Titan 2022 film directed by Noah Luke film
Q123304209 Bearings 1985 film by Sue Brooks film
Q123371959 Women And Education 1955 film produced by Ezra Mir film
Q123374244 Mind Your Back 1964 film produced by John Martin-Jones film
Q123463838 Child 31 film film
Q125548807 Bathroom Stalls & Parking Lots movie film

film festival edition

item label description instance of subclass of
Q30943439 2017年金馬國際影展 film festival edition film festival edition
Q97193827 2006 Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival film festival edition

fixed construction

item label description instance of subclass of
Q117755342 Puente del Camino de Santa María fixed construction
Q117770264 Pou de la Font Roja fixed construction


item label description instance of subclass of
Q66784037 Keller, Dietmar fonds
Q102126736 REPAP Czech, spol. s r. o., Brno fonds
Q123604949 Landesamt für Soforthilfe fonds of the State Archives of Bremen fonds
Q123605287 Lüneburg fonds of the State Archives of Bremen fonds
Q123613041 Gutsarchiv Stuckenborstel fonds of the Lower Saxony State Archivein fonds
Q123640854 SBE Hauptausschuss bei dem Stadtkreis Hamm NW 1101-BG. 28 fonds of the State Archives of North Rhine-Westphalia fonds
Q123642013 SBE Hauptausschuss Regierungsbezirk Münster NW 1039-T fonds of the State Archives of North Rhine-Westphalia fonds
Q123646109 Volkspolizei-Kreisamt Stendal fonds of the State Archives Sachsen-Anhalt fonds


item label description instance of subclass of
Q17380104 Casper Formation geologic formation in Wyoming, that preserves fossils formation
Q64420463 Grafton Formation stratigraphic layer in NSW, QLD, Australia formation
Q74905127 Virginian Ridge Formation formation

fossil taxon

item label description instance of subclass of
Q311284 Sinraptor genus of reptiles (fossil) fossil taxon
Q6432485 Korobovia fossil taxon
Q15053190 Prostrepsiceros genus of mammals fossil taxon
Q23840062 Epijuresanites genus of molluscs (fossil) fossil taxon
Q33135269 Mesojabloniidae family of insects fossil taxon
Q35091657 Paralaballinae subfamily of brachiopods (fossil) fossil taxon
Q39047022 Hippopotamus behemoth extinct species of hippopotamus fossil taxon
Q106300644 Patella tintina species of molluscs fossil taxon
Q113201877 Aulacera undulata fossil taxon fossil taxon


item label description instance of subclass of
Q18038580 DAPP1 protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens gene protein-coding gene
Q18041357 RNF43 protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens gene protein-coding gene
Q18046558 PGAP1 protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens gene protein-coding gene
Q18271571 AL022900 genetic element in the species Mus musculus gene
Q18297048 Haus4 protein-coding gene in the species Mus musculus gene protein-coding gene
Q18298154 Phldb3 protein-coding gene in the species Mus musculus gene protein-coding gene
Q18969162 PF3D7_1028800 gene protein-coding gene
Q20863945 Gm33935 non-coding RNA in the species Mus musculus gene
non-coding RNA
Q21629014 IS605 transposase TnpB HP0997 microbial gene found in Helicobacter pylori 26695 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q22240227 hydrolase LBA0196 microbial gene found in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q22266961 glutamine synthetase NMB0359 microbial gene found in Neisseria meningitidis MC58 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q22568640 SpoVR family protein YPO2145 microbial gene found in Yersinia pestis CO92 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q22573144 anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid kinase YPO2372 microbial gene found in Yersinia pestis CO92 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23026880 hypothetical protein LB_265 microbial gene found in Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai str. 56601 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23079635 hypothetical protein ECL_02685 microbial gene found in Enterobacter cloacae subsp. cloacae ATCC 13047 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23093842 lipid A biosynthesis (KDO)2-(lauroyl)-lipid IVA acyltransferase SF1865 microbial gene found in Shigella flexneri 2a str. 301 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23104532 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase BF3702 microbial gene found in Bacteroides fragilis YCH46 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23111954 flagellar basal body rod protein FlgG O3K_15170 microbial gene found in Escherichia coli O104:H4 str. 2011C-3493 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23133459 hypothetical protein VC2060 microbial gene found in Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23137622 major capsid protein ECs1634 microbial gene found in Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23146416 RNA polymerase factor sigma-28 ECUMN_2214 microbial gene found in Escherichia coli UMN026 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23157191 hypothetical protein VPA0515 microbial gene found in Vibrio parahaemolyticus RIMD 2210633 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23159831 IS1481 transposase XCC0128 microbial gene found in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris str. ATCC 33913 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23165374 TonB-dependent siderophore receptor SMa1747 microbial gene found in Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23190049 50S ribosomal protein L21 BAS4342 microbial gene found in Bacillus anthracis str. Sterne gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23203568 conjugative transposon protein CD630_05070 microbial gene found in Clostridioides difficile 630 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23204646 conjugative transposon protein CD630_33460 microbial gene found in Clostridioides difficile 630 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23206683 UGMP family protein CD630_01520 microbial gene found in Clostridioides difficile 630 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23211456 polysaccharide export protein lp_1317 microbial gene found in Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23231695 PTS system lactose-specific transporter subunit IIA spr1071 microbial gene found in Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23236322 hypothetical protein SPy_1985 microbial gene found in Streptococcus pyogenes M1 GAS gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23242247 50S ribosomal protein L20 BPSL1942 microbial gene found in Burkholderia pseudomallei K96243 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23244019 hypothetical protein NCgl2269 microbial gene found in Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23245124 hypothetical protein BPSL0332 microbial gene found in Burkholderia pseudomallei K96243 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23251865 pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase STM3725 microbial gene found in Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. LT2 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23269214 fructokinase gll0502 microbial gene found in Gloeobacter violaceus PCC 7421 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23275132 carnitinyl-CoA dehydratase MSMEG_5198 microbial gene found in Mycolicibacterium smegmatis MC2 155 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23281789 XRE family transcriptional regulator AMED_3718 microbial gene found in Amycolatopsis mediterranei U32 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23342682 protein of unknown function DUF3581 SO_4011 microbial gene found in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23371321 GnaT-family acetyltransferase BP0858 microbial gene found in Bordetella pertussis Tohama I gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23379883 hypothetical protein CA_C1939 microbial gene found in Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23384802 L-serine dehydratase subunit beta BT9727_3885 microbial gene found in [Bacillus thuringiensis] serovar konkukian str. 97-27 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23404626 Putative spermidine synthase FP0839 microbial gene found in Flavobacterium psychrophilum JIP02/86 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q23408963 bifunctional phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase/IMP cyclohydrolase CLC_2771 microbial gene found in Clostridium botulinum A str. Hall gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q24182212 bll0423 bll0423 microbial gene found in Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA 110 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q24403418 Uae19 genetic element in the species Rattus norvegicus gene
Q24410412 LOC103691988 gene of the species Rattus norvegicus gene non-coding RNA
Q24584334 LOC105480640 protein-coding gene in the species Macaca nemestrina gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q28985025 adenylyl-sulfate kinase Mesci_4952 microbial gene found in Mesorhizobium ciceri biovar biserrulae WSM1271 gene protein-coding gene
Q28990356 tRNA(5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate)-methyl transferase Taci_1589 microbial gene found in Thermanaerovibrio acidaminovorans DSM 6589 gene protein-coding gene
Q28999830 group 1 glycosyl transferase Dtur_0926 microbial gene found in Dictyoglomus turgidum DSM 6724 gene protein-coding gene
Q29659497 got-1.2 protein-coding gene in the species Caenorhabditis elegans gene
Q29710737 l(3)ry116 genetic element in the species Drosophila melanogaster gene
Q29711394 CG18262 protein-coding gene in the species Drosophila melanogaster gene
Q29751597 LOC101882093 protein-coding gene in the species Danio rerio gene
Q29758859 upk1a protein-coding gene in the species Danio rerio gene
Q29782657 selenoh protein-coding gene in the species Danio rerio gene
Q55158165 polysaccharide deacetylase BA_1836 microbial gene found in Bacillus anthracis str. Ames gene
Q56074751 hypothetical protein MXAN_RS06880 microbial gene found in Myxococcus xanthus DK 1622 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q56078576 nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase MXAN_RS23035 microbial gene found in Myxococcus xanthus DK 1622 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q56127229 hypothetical protein MXF1_RS0117555 microbial gene found in Myxococcus xanthus DZF1 gene gene
protein-coding gene
Q56469923 ras-related protein Rab-39B-like LOC107379385 Gene found in Nothobranchius furzeri gene
Q59862516 PocGH01_00091500 gene protein-coding gene
Q59907277 PBANKA_0308300 gene protein-coding gene
Q60002033 PGAL8A_00505500 gene protein-coding gene
Q61507896 An02g10290 gene protein-coding gene
Q61513572 An03g00810 gene protein-coding gene
Q61526583 LmjF.29.0730 gene protein-coding gene
Q61536792 LmjF.32.3220 gene protein-coding gene
Q61543376 An08g02910 gene protein-coding gene
Q61600807 Smp_138490 gene protein-coding gene
Q61618921 PY17X_1248700 gene protein-coding gene
Q61640189 Smp_204560 gene protein-coding gene
Q62134998 LmxM.08_29.1580 gene protein-coding gene
Q62162006 Tbg972.10.5520 gene protein-coding gene
Q62179600 TcIL3000_7_1860 gene protein-coding gene
Q62184962 TcIL3000_0_08540 gene protein-coding gene
Q62216877 TvY486_0703390 gene protein-coding gene
Q62231106 TcCLB.511525.20 gene protein-coding gene
Q62278726 EgrG_000901700 gene protein-coding gene
Q62301708 EmuJ_000972300 gene protein-coding gene
Q62303060 EgrG_000738300 gene protein-coding gene
Q62341950 HmN_002190900 gene
Q62354800 TsM_000508400 gene protein-coding gene
Q62417349 LbrM.03.0860 gene protein-coding gene
Q62417744 LbrM.05.0530 gene protein-coding gene
Q62435004 LdBPK_100070.1 gene protein-coding gene
Q62438149 LbrM.35.6610 gene protein-coding gene
Q62462896 POMP37 gene protein-coding gene
Q62638862 CNG02335 gene protein-coding gene
Q62655061 AN11711 gene protein-coding gene
Q62670798 AN0142 gene protein-coding gene
Q62693403 TRIREDRAFT_103695 gene protein-coding gene
Q62750254 CIMG_00524 gene protein-coding gene
Q62777287 CIMG_07458 gene protein-coding gene
Q62868098 BC1G_04905 gene protein-coding gene
Q62875987 CPSG_05711 gene protein-coding gene
Q62910536 FGSG_02330 gene protein-coding gene
Q62995422 MGG_17058 gene protein-coding gene
Q62996716 MGG_03491 gene protein-coding gene
Q63013755 FGSG_13480 gene protein-coding gene
Q63036990 not-10 gene ribosomal RNA
Q64431915 TGME49_251820 gene protein-coding gene
Q70284490 FGRAMPH1_01G01795 gene protein-coding gene
Q70324665 FGRAMPH1_01G11587 gene protein-coding gene
Q120047756 gene:PFLU_0184 Protein coding gene found in Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 gene

geographic region

item label description instance of subclass of
Q255634 Equatorial Africa ambiguous term for part of Africa near the equator geographic region
Q3972511 New Territories West Area of Hong Kong geographic region

given name

item label description instance of subclass of
Q65767859 Sondès given name
Q96479248 Yairo given name
Q97751189 Devann given name given name
Q116050750 Utti given name given name


item label description instance of subclass of
Q26312052 Granary Approximately 20 Metres South West Of Ford's Farmhouse granary in Ewelme, South Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire, UK granary
Q55594781 barn in Lyytikkälä farm barn in Mikkeli, Finland granary
Q112089031 Schaubmarov mlyn, sýpka granary


item label description instance of subclass of
Q30058459 Ljungby 45:2 grave
Q108518913 Harold Harrison's grave World War II, grave in Kolkata, India grave


item label description instance of subclass of
Q29173256 groupe d'objets à Averdon group
Q29280763 groupe d'objets à Argentré group
Q29295094 groupe d'objets à Hescamps group
Q29325817 groupe d'objets à Rians group

group of stereoisomers

item label description instance of subclass of
Q82898255 3-[3,3-Di(pyridazine-3-carbonyl)cyclohexyl]-N-methylalanyl-N-(2-amino-3-methylpentanoyl)-N-(1-oxo-3-phenylpropan-2-yl)prolinamide group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₄₀H₅₀N₈O₆ group of stereoisomers chemical compound
Q82898607 Ajugamarin E 3 group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₂₉H₄₂O₁₀ group of stereoisomers clerodane diterpenoid
Q104169705 Alternaphenol D group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₁₅H₁₂O₆ group of stereoisomers biogenic benzofuran
Q104170238 KFHAQDUENWYFDP-UHFFFAOYSA-N group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₄₄H₆₂O₁₄ group of stereoisomers chemical compound
Q104246296 (3aS,7aS)-N-(5-carbamimidamido-1-oxopentan-2-yl)-6-hydroxy-1-[(2S)-2-[(1-hydroxyoctylidene)amino]-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propanoyl]-octahydroindole-2-carboximidic acid group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₃₂H₅₀N₆O₆ group of stereoisomers chemical compound
Q104944252 (2Z)-2-ethylidene-3-oxo-3-{[3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)pent-4-en-1-yl]oxy}propyl (2E)-2-methylbut-2-enoate group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₂₄H₃₂O₇ group of stereoisomers chemical compound
Q105009306 5,7-Dihydroxy-3-[2-methyl-2-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)chromen-6-yl]chromen-4-one group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₂₅H₂₄O₅ group of stereoisomers 2,6-dimethyloctane monoterpenoid
3'C-substituted isoflavone
Q105033075 [[Q105033075|2-(hydroxymethyl)-6-[[3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-[1-(3-hydroxy-10,13-dimethyl-2,3,4,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16,17-dodecahydro-1H-cyclopenta[a]phenanthren-17-yl)ethoxy]oxan-2-yl]methoxy]oxane-3,4,5-triol]] group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₃₃H₅₄O₁₂ group of stereoisomers pregnane steroid
Q105134569 [8,9-dihydroxy-9-(hydroxymethyl)-3-methyl-6-methylidene-2-oxo-3a,4,5,6a,7,8,9a,9b-octahydro-3H-azuleno[4,5-b]furan-4-yl] 2-(hydroxymethyl)prop-2-enoate group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₁₉H₂₆O₈ group of stereoisomers guaiane sesquiterpenoid
Q105187344 4a,8-dihydroxy-3,5,8a-trimethyl-3a,4,5,6,7,8,9,9a-octahydro-3H-benzo[f][1]benzofuran-2-one group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₁₅H₂₄O₄ group of stereoisomers eudesmane sesquiterpenoid
Q105228612 [[Q105228612|2-[[3,4-Dihydroxy-4-(hydroxymethyl)oxolan-2-yl]oxymethyl]-6-(3,4-dimethoxyphenoxy)oxane-3,4,5-triol]] group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₁₉H₂₈O₁₂ group of stereoisomers chemical compound
Q105241915 2-[8-(acetyloxy)-4-hydroxy-8a-(hydroxymethyl)-5,6-dimethyl-hexahydro-2H-spiro[naphthalene-1,2'-oxiran]-5-yl]-1-(5-oxo-2H-furan-3-yl)ethyl 2-methylbutanoate group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₂₇H₄₀O₉ group of stereoisomers clerodane diterpenoid
Q105297331 3-ethylidene-2-(9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indol-1-ylmethyl)-2,4,6,7,12,12b-hexahydro-1H-indolo[2,3-a]quinolizine group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₂₉H₂₈N₄ group of stereoisomers beta-carboline alkaloid
indolo[2,3-a]quinolizine alkaloid
Q105344650 cyclo[Ala-Asp(Ph(2-NH2))-D-aThr-Pro-Gly-DL-aIle-Asn] group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₃₄H₄₉N₉O₁₀ group of stereoisomers biogenic cyclopeptide
Q110081076 1-[3-[5-Hydroperoxy-1,7-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)hept-1-en-3-yl]-2,4-dihydroxy-6-methoxyphenyl]-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₃₅H₃₄O₉ group of stereoisomers chemical compound
Q110169722 Columbamide H group of stereoisomers with the chemical formula C₂₃H₄₄ClNO₃ group of stereoisomers chemical compound
Q125614307 (5R,10S,13R,14R,17R)-17-[(2R)-5,7-dihydroxy-6-methoxy-6-methylheptan-2-yl]-4,4,10,13,14-pentamethyl-1,2,5,6,12,15,16,17-octahydrocyclopenta[a]phenanthrene-3,7,11-trione group of stereoisomers chemical compound


item label description instance of subclass of
Q4297878 Mikhàlevo human settlement in Vytegorsky District, Leningrad Oblast, Russia hamlet
Q4309698 Мышкино human settlement in Vesyegonsky District, Tver Oblast, Russia hamlet
Q4447147 Сухавілы human settlement in Khislavichsky District, Smolensk Oblast, Russia hamlet
administrative territorial entity of Russia
Q4466206 Turmanskoye human settlement in Voskresenskoe, Cherepovetsky District, Vologda Oblast, Russia hamlet
Q4537320 Якуши human settlement in Ostrovsky District, Pskov Oblast", Pskov Oblast, Russia hamlet
administrative territorial entity of Russia
Q18791960 Нехлустино human settlement in Gorodetsky District, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia hamlet
Q28527693 Залесная human settlement in Krasnokamsky district, Perm Krai, Russia hamlet

heritage site

item label description instance of subclass of
Q49474459 Denkmal für Johann Andreas Schubert Brauereistraße 39 (neben) heritage site
Q72996488 DUPLEX, 54 ATTFIELD STREET heritage place at 54 Attfield St Fremantle, Western Australia heritage site

historic district

item label description instance of subclass of
Q5055589 Cañon City Downtown Historic District historic district in Cañon City, Colorado historic district
Q56278116 Welcker's Resort Historic District historic district in Gibraltar, Wisconsin historic district

historic site

item label description instance of subclass of
Q27869081 Fortifikata Gradina e Sofalisë cultural heritage monument of Kosovo historic site
archaeological site
Q106436123 Братская могила советских воинов, погибших в борьбе с фашистскими захватчиками (Хаапалампи) mass grave, historic site, memorial in Haapalampi, Russia historic site
mass grave


item label description instance of subclass of
Q7488402 Shanghai Bobby American-bred Thoroughbred racehorse horse
Q8251165 Botafogo Argentinian racehorse horse
Q108296913 Flore du Plessis II horse


item label description instance of subclass of
Q15225792 Hotel Bringué building in El Serrat, Andorra hotel
Q19945119 La Trémoille Paris hotel in Paris, France hotel
Q111369143 The Jamaica Inn hotel in Launceston, United Kingdom hotel
Q111393704 Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel hotel in Los Angeles, United States hotel
Q111401102 Hotel Rubinstein hotel in Krakow, Poland hotel
Q111861575 Red Fox Hotel Dehradun hotel in Dehradun, India hotel
Q111998213 Sandal Otel hotel in Yomra, Turkey hotel
Q112003682 Dhulikhel Boutique Hotel hotel in Dhulikhel, Nepal hotel
Q115968740 Golden Tulip Glory Fine Hotel hotel in Tainan, Taiwan hotel


item label description instance of subclass of
Q5886756 منزل زنجيرتشي يزدي Iranian national heritage site house
Q15952252 Maison au 1, place Saint-Étienne à Strasbourg house in Strasbourg, France house
Q17810531 Edinburgh, 53 Inverleith Row house in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK house
Q22923139 Maison des Dîmes house in Voulx, France house
Q26439937 Wheelers House house in Thurrock, Essex, UK house
Q26622484 The Round House house in Finchingfield, Braintree, Essex, UK house
Q30048424 29 Market Square in Lądek-Zdrój house in Lądek-Zdrój, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland house
Q41250861 Cultural heritage D-4-76-146-60 in Küps cultural heritage monument D-4-76-146-60 (0) in Küps, Bavaria house
Q41254789 Wohn- und Geschäftshaus building in Passau, Lower Bavaria, Germany house
Q41267438 Bauernhaus building in Ruhpolding, Upper Bavaria, Germany house
Q41310019 Ehemaliges Bauernhaus building in Kelheim, Lower Bavaria, Germany house
Q41404956 Lange Gasse 29 (Sulzbach-Rosenberg) building in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Upper Palatinate, Germany house
Q49460937 Ehemaliges Forsthaus (mit Sonnenuhr) Försterweg 4 house in Börnichen, Germany house
Q49476584 Wohnhaus in Ecklage und in geschlossener Bebauung Zschopauer Straße 3 house in Marienberg, Germany house
Q49491480 Wohnhaus in geschlossener Bebauung Freiberger Straße 51 house in Frankenberg, Germany house
Q49589142 Ehemalige Mühle, später Gewerbebau und Wohnhaus Neue Hauptstraße 186 house in Brand-Erbisdorf, Germany house
Q56277972 Peter Peterson House historic house in Wisconsin, United States house
Q60347478 Hiša Vetrinjska 15 house
Q109771770 203 St. Patrick Street East house in Centre Wellington, Ontario, Canada house


item label description instance of subclass of
Q66746 Christiane Vulpius mistress and wife of Goethe human
Q98961 Eberhard von Gemmingen Radio executive human
Q102253 Johann von Dalberg Roman Catholic bishop human
Q117584 Amédée Grab Swiss priest and theologian (1930-2019) human
Q194571 David Zhu Chinese racing driver human
Q215931 Heinrich Christian Boie German writer (1744-1806) human
Q222693 Francis D'Arcy-Osborne, 7th Duke of Leeds British politician (1798-1859) human
Q234828 Julie Coin French tennis player human
Q235496 Petra Němcová Czech fashion model human
Q273262 Helen Schucman American clinical and research psychologist (1909–1981) human
Q275080 Émile Chassinat French egyptologist (1868-1948) human
Q459292 Onutė Narbutaitė Lithuanian composer human
Q537202 Edna Buchanan American writer human
Q572934 Godert van der Capellen Dutch colonial governor (1778-1848) human
Q574016 Carl Galle German middle distance runner human
Q590966 Anton Karl Wilhelm Gawalowski Austrian chemist human
Q784035 Kevin Thorn American professional wrestler human
Q808489 Barney Ross United States Marine human
Q817511 Benjamin Glazer screenwriter, producer, foley artist, and director of American films (1887-1956) human
Q965801 Paul Raymond English keyboardist/guitarist (1945-2019) human
Q973662 Julius Stobbe German architect (1879-1952) human
Q977062 François Guin French conductor and trumpeter human
Q979208 Mitsumasa Anno Japanese painter and picture book writer human
Q982867 Shuayb Prophet narrated in the Quran human
Q996577 Árpád Fasang Hungarian teacher human
Q1016515 Burkhard Wilhelm Seiler German physician human
Q1036437 Empress Xiaochengren Qing Dynasty empress human
Q1173657 David Barnouw Dutch historian of modern age human
Q1287932 Eduard Arzt Austrian physicist human
Q1363214 Erwin Läpple German association football player human
Q1391450 Günther Massenkeil German university teacher and non-fiction writer (1926-2014) human
Q1395529 Henry, Count of Montfort German count and bishop of the Roman Catholic Church human
Q1461966 Friedrich Schlutter German politician (1811-1888) human
Q1464328 László Wenckheim politician (1814-1879) human
Q1515170 Gert Cornelius Nel South African botanist (1885-1950) human
Q1577060 Meret Matter Swiss theatre director human
Q1580993 Hans Lautenschlager German politician (1919-2007) human
Q1698629 Reinhard Neuner Austrian biathlete human
Q1726726 Wolfgang von Salm (1514-1555) human
Q1801528 Paul Thorn American boxer human
Q1874948 Erik Haarh human
Q1906101 Marvin Nartey German handball player human
Q2035119 Firuz Kazemzadeh Russian-born American historian human
Q2036054 Roman Voynarovskyy Professional Ukrainian association footballer human
Q2095351 Lawrence Watt-Evans American writer human
Q2219074 Arjan Wilschut Dutch writer human
Q2374667 Kenji Tochio Japanese association football player human
Q2426401 Thomas Otter Austrian economist human
Q2448563 Cora Pearl English courtesan who became famous in the Second French Empire human
Q2675838 Javier Ortiz Estévez Spanish journalist (1948-2009) human
Q2734782 Robert Andersson Swedish water polo player (1886-1972) human
Q2792898 Wim Meijers Dutch football player human
Q2820053 Aaron Hart Canadian businessman (1724-1800) human
Q3089785 Frédéric Durand French bullfighter human
Q3107187 Giovanni Francesco Conti Italian poet and humanist human
Q3133501 Herbert Samuel Holt Canadian businessman (1856-1941) human
Q3141956 Hubert Charbonneau Canadian demographer and professor human
Q3156155 Riyadh Al-Azzawi kickboxer human
Q3162864 Jasmin Guénette Canadian political analyst human
Q3165408 Jean-François-Simon de Hercé French politician human
Q3266987 Luka Pibernik cyclist human
Q3301417 Maurice Simpkins American football player human
Q3302664 Yoshiyuki Morisaki Japanese association football player human
Q3306841 Meshwi d'Oukbara Jewish sect founded by Meshwi al-Ukbari human
Q3439598 Roger de Saint-Lary de Termes French noble (1562-1646) human
Q3482051 Shigeho Tanaka Japanese ichthyologist human
Q3532878 Touka Ramadan Koré Chadian military personnel human
Q3573233 Yungton Dorje Pel Tibetan religious figure human
Q3575304 Zesau French singer human
Q3604989 Adam Hrycaniuk Polish basketball player human
Q3701541 Daniel Aase Norwegian futsal player and association football player human
Q4088743 Georgy Bobrov Soviet cameraman and director, front-line cameraman of World War II (1905-1981) human
Q4093082 Richard Ashton Beaumont British diplomat and Arabist (1912-2009) human
Q4098581 Mikhail Bukin human
Q4166181 John C. Black United States Army Medal of Honor recipient (1839-1915) human
Q4305940 Vladimirs Muzaļevskis human
Q4442192 Andronik Stepovych human
Q4502478 Einar Örn Jónsson Olympic handball player human
Q4535234 Zinoviy Yuryev Soviet writer and journalist human
Q4766283 Ann Bressington Australian politician human
Q4769267 Annie Crummer New Zealand pop singer and songwriter human
Q4863573 Barrie Williams Welsh football coach human
Q4950025 Signe Giebelhausen Danish-Norwegian actress human
Q4965585 Brian Waters American football player, offensive lineman human
Q4990658 Karin Wistrand Swedish singer human
Q5084614 Charlie Brumfield racquetball player and attorney human
Q5084633 Charlie Butt American rowing coach human
Q5213555 Dan Gerberry American football player human
Q5232759 David D. Bogart American politician human
Q5394540 Martha Lucía Ramírez Cardona Colombian skater human
Q5413967 Gunnar Lihr first Finnish aircraft pilot human
Q5470515 Forrest Scogin American psychologist human
Q5538943 George Eldredge American actor (1898-1977) human
Q5542880 George Nicholls British politician (1864-1943) human
Q5605716 Carl Emanuel Cederström Swedish politician human
Q5621126 Gustav Geley French parapsychologist human
Q5644938 Hamilton Fish IV American politician human
Q5662840 Harold Wright American clarinetists human
Q5671379 Harry Olivieri American restaurateur human
Q5800417 David Valencia Colombian association football player human
Q5836695 Ernest Bong Vanuatuan footballer human
Q5854355 Jakob Elliot Swedish politician human
Q5931154 Eric Lagergren human
Q5956024 Hossein Tohi Iranian singer human
Q5957489 Houshyar Khayam Iranian composer and musician human
Q6066408 Patria Mirabal human
Q6093849 Mehmet Esen Turkish actor human
Q6143809 Seiya Nishida Japanese diplomat human
Q6259605 John Sullivan baseball catcher in the 1900s in the United States human
Q6304401 Judy Craymer actress human
Q6308507 Julie Salmon British tennis player human
Q6395313 Ketan Anand Bollywood film director human
Q6473847 Laila Biali Canadian musician human
Q6490859 Larry N. Jordan American publisher human
Q6649358 Little Buddy Doyle American Memphis blues musician human
Q6704681 Lupe Lara Olympic wrestler human
Q6722348 Mac Percival American football player human
Q6756082 Marcel Desjardins Canadian football player human
Q6788295 Matt Baggott British Chief Constable human
Q6844815 Miguel Sutil Brazilian pioneer human
Q6844964 Miguel Ángel de la Campa y Caraveda Cuban politician human
Q7030515 Nikos Tornaritis Cypriot politician human
Q7032362 Nigel Dorward Zimbabwean cricketer human
Q7174461 Peter H. Soderberg American businessman human
Q7283318 Rahat Kazmi Pakistani actor and director human
Q7297268 Ray Busler American football player (1914-1969) human
Q7397557 Sadanofuji Akihiro Sumo wrestler human
Q7427442 Saunders English cricketer human
Q7497301 Jolmurza Aymurzaev Soviet poet and writer (1910-1996) human
Q7626905 Stuart Neville Northern Irish writer human
Q7636612 Sultan Ahmed Indian film director human
Q7801772 Tihomir Novak footballer human
Q7803700 Tim Jackins American psychologist human
Q7822767 Tony Le-Nguyen Australian actor human
Q7943822 Rafał Sekel human
Q8017083 William Price Welsh physician, born 1800 human
Q9205222 李斌 (全国劳动模范) human
Q10310153 José Miziara Brazilian actor human
Q10311660 João José Batista Tubino Brazilian politician (1905-1982) human
Q10312391 João da Silva Correia Portuguese journalist human
Q10324353 曾元裕 human
Q10363445 Roberto Szaniecki human
Q10859124 Augustin Pánek Czech mathematician human
Q10860566 Katarzyna Adamowicz Polish chess player human
Q10947944 Wanyan Ji'an Son of Emperor Xizong of Jin human
Q11004140 Liam Botham English cricketer, and rugby union and rugby league footballer (born 1977) human
Q11069018 Zhang Ruoyan Qing dynasty politician human
Q11106216 林文壽 politician human
Q11220192 Juan Faerman Argentine comedian human
Q11330387 Hiro Tonai Japanese professional wrestler human
Q11364534 Masazumi Nakajima human
Q11397168 Takao Maekawa human
Q11468889 Toshinaga Yamamoto Japanese politician human
Q11515405 Soga Sukenobu Japanese samurai lord and gokenin human
Q11519743 Masataka Suematsu Japanese architect human
Q11520533 Masafumi Motozawa human
Q11522886 Yoshinori Murakami Japanese baseball player human
Q11568810 熊谷直清 (新庄熊谷氏) human
Q11596506 Hiroshi Inagaki politician human
Q11665785 Hiromoto Tobisawa Japanese music arranger and composer human
Q11716473 Jakub Karnowski human
Q11720138 Janusz Dębski human
Q11720857 Jarosław Jakimczyk human
Q11725626 Jerzy Widzyk Polish politician and deputy human
Q11769626 Marian Pokropek Polish ethnographer human
Q11779107 Michał Pilchowski human
Q11823761 Pompeiu Lazăr association football player human
Q11857090 Eino Hemmilä Finnish journalist (1902-1969) human
Q11957460 Allan Andreas Johansen Norwegian politician human
Q11995297 Per Sverre Rannem Norwegian politician human
Q12012543 Wilhelmus Cornelius Chimaer van Oudendorp Dutch painter (1822-1873), owner/creator of the album amicorum of Willem Chimaer van Oudendorp human
Q12023276 Jan Zemánek Czech Roman Catholic priest human
Q12027460 Ján Repaský Czechoslovak member of Czechoslovak parliament, general, slovak nation politician and soldier (1937-1998) human
Q12028320 Karel Kliment Czechoslovak politician (1897-1983) human
Q12215954 سعد سالم جمعة association football player human
Q12257946 Francisco Bueno Spanish boxer human
Q12261433 Kepa Altonaga Basque teacher, writer, biologist, zoologist human
Q12369069 Ludmilla Nurmand Estonian medical researcher human
Q12429190 जेम्स एंकर human
Q12508164 Ratih Purwasih Indonesian singer human
Q12647015 Adolfas Uža human
Q12677010 Vida Garalienė biophysicist human
Q12697971 Mohd Asri bin Ubaidullah human
Q12833826 Labes human
Q12836081 Asif Mammadov human
Q12841806 Mehman Piriyev actor human
Q12862475 ბაქარ გიგინეიშვილი human
Q13028106 Іосіф Бенцыянавіч Сіманоўскі human
Q13085120 Ćamil Silajdžić human
Q13378842 George Lutz man involved in the Amityville affair (1947-2009) human
Q13415752 P. C. Hammond botanist human
Q14127202 Emilio Escudero García Spanish politician human
Q14138525 Jaime García García Spanish politician human
Q15134809 Ann-Marlene Henning Danish television presenter human
Q15254003 Suphankanlaya Siamese princess human
Q15436733 Jose Puthenveettil human
Q15438584 Adolf Bonhöffer German librarian and theologian human
Q15586330 Maria Consiglia Addatis Italian nun, venerable human
Q15823353 Kenan Williams German songwriter human
Q15833527 Manfred Krendl Austrian politician human
Q15938025 Dai Chaopu Qing dynasty person CBDB = 360489 human
Q15966009 Михайлов, Владимир Алексеевич Soviet soldier human
Q15966668 Benoît Ladrière Belgian footballer human
Q15969442 Philippe Octave Amédée de Barral French politician (1791-1884) human
Q16054274 Alexander K. Davis American 19th Century politician human
Q16104716 Walton McLeod American politician human
Q16111841 Dominik Budrović human
Q16133413 כרימה בת עמאר human
Q16174664 해론 human
Q16192973 Henny Vegter Olympic sailor human
Q16194040 Jimmy Dykes American basketball player-coach human
Q16204765 Simon Booth English rugby league footballer human
Q16211822 Glenn Mitchell Australian sports commentator human
Q16215852 Kanaka Herath Sri Lankan politician human
Q16216629 Tor Egil Kreken Norwegian musician human
Q16222704 Alfred Dunet French painter of the School of Rouen human
Q16354128 Tālis Matīss Latvian musician human
Q16404002 Jüri Annusson Estonian politician and diplomat human
Q16405644 Hillar Aleksander Randalu Estonian legal scholar human
Q16439601 Tom Kree Luxembourgish painter human
Q16444009 Antanas Vizbaras Lithuanian conductor human
Q16447496 Ivan Litvinov human
Q16448080 Vasiliy Nikandrovitsj Nikandrov human
Q16553643 Cristian Márquez Ecuadorian association football player human
Q16650529 Magnus Unnonis human
Q16658605 Alexandros O. Kontostavlos human
Q16689614 Ivan Domaratsky Russian composer human
Q16730225 Michael Jayasekera Sri Lankan rugby union player human
Q16866318 George Franklin Gillette American politician human
Q16885207 Francis Paraison Haitian painter human
Q16904769 喇什色楞 human
Q16906987 袁晁 human
Q17060529 Oscar Renteria American viticulturalist and California winemaker human
Q17222490 Jūji Komai Japanese tax advisor and Certified Public Accountant (1895-1973) human
Q17225981 Denzaburō Nakamura human
Q17352193 Joseph Wilson Ghanian footballer human
Q17382927 Holger Petersen Dyggve Finnish translator human
Q17421481 Abiather J. Knowles Medal of Honor recipient (1830-1905) human
Q17431855 Михајло Андоновски human
Q17633323 Gregory Rigters Surinamese association football player and bicycle racer (1985-2017) human
Q18011453 Nagoya Motoyoshi human
Q18093486 Roel Slofstra Dutch singer human
Q18324520 Thomas Almond Ashby American surgeon, educator, author, politician (1848-1916) human
Q18543226 Zofia Tyszkiewicz human
Q18602529 Bill Carlsen American musician human
Q18634552 Любич-Романович, Василий Игнатьевич human
Q18736916 John George Jenkins British politician human
Q18917252 Phyllis Reiss [née Lucas] (1886–1961), garden designer human
Q19300659 Josep Rodríguez i Martra Spanish military personnel human
Q19569666 Gaspare da Padova Italian active 1466-1517 human
Q19587737 Judith Schuyf Dutch historian human
Q19615622 Rashit Zabirov geographer (1918-1980) human
Q19665834 Roy B. Kester American accounting scholar human
Q19667092 Tali Sharot Cognitive neuroscientist human
Q19787611 Georg Basner film director and non-fiction writer human
Q19807145 जेम्स शॅनन human
Q19835492 Birgite Gebhardt German singer human
Q19873320 Patricia A. Berglund researcher at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research human
Q19964927 Louis Walther human
Q19967695 Carl Hasch Austrian painter human
Q19975088 Alfredo Quaglino Italian photographer, journalist and race car driver human
Q20025772 Hoàng Dũng Vietnamese actor and director human
Q20479546 István Tőke Hungarian naturalist, teacher human
Q20558350 Faiq Bağırzadə human
Q20565025 Antons Seiksts Latvian politician human
Q20607832 Карим Иброҳимов human
Q20732626 Annie Foulkes editor of an anthology (1877 -1962) human
Q20871744 Paul Béranger French athletics competitor human
Q20897920 Skúli Guðmundsson Icelandic politician (1900-1969) human
Q20947264 Sŭng-bin Pak human
Q21017164 丘達道 politician human
Q21170745 Gustavo Meyer Mexican volleyball player human
Q21284583 Salman Baig Indian cricketer human
Q21337800 Pavel Říha researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3736-6749) human
Q21458631 Ernest Whatley human
Q21524068 Janina Fijałkowska Polish athletics competitor human
Q21574146 Gershom Jaques Van Brunt human
Q22069391 Rosa Donato human
Q22330654 João Garizo de Carmo Portuguese architect (1917-1974) human
Q22668144 Iryna Lebedzeva volleyball player human
Q23060242 Hans-Georg Vogel human
Q23712172 Marion Maria Ruisinger human
Q23948141 Alexandru Busuioc human
Q24450432 Khaled Shamarikh association football player human
Q24703523 Wolfgang Honegger politician human
Q25936122 Miriam Leah Droz American actress human
Q26218691 Marcel Péchin French architect human
Q26254476 Günter Lenssen human
Q26261088 Ludwig Marxer Liechtensteiner advocate and politician (1897-1962) human
Q26911877 Adam Livingston British Member of Parliament (died 1795) human
Q26986588 Shen Lianfeng badminton player human
Q27229551 Afra Fehr human
Q27431479 Lakhanee Sarang badminton player human
Q27927615 Wilhelm Maurer human
Q28026171 Jean-Baptiste François Étienne Charly French politician (1748-1813) human
Q28044715 Mira Hamermesh Polish-Jewish painter and documentary film-maker human
Q28063906 عبد الله عثمان association football player human
Q28122618 Azamat Nigmanov Russian actor human
Q28584619 Georg Reuling human
Q28648198 Lothar Hartmann human
Q28688910 Michisuke Yuzaki Japanese neuroscientist human
Q28714970 هدى بدران human
Q28978264 Mia O. Hoogenboom Australian cnidariologist human
Q29110336 Horst Leutheusser politician human
Q29520838 Johann Weynand Belgian politician human
Q29960336 Cosimo Betti Italian magistrate and poet human
Q30006707 Giacomo da Mantova human
Q30077672 Viktoras Meškauskas soviet and lithuanian racewalker human
Q30122848 Michael Carter American technology entrepreneur human
Q30323413 Keith Coble American academic human
Q30331329 Arne Åström human
Q30346234 Միխայիլ Իվանով-Ռադկևիչ human
Q30576368 Francisco Antonio Granadillo human
Q30610579 José Luis Banús Aguirre human
Q30934351 Leo Justi human
Q31338888 सूशील कुमार विद्यार्थी human
Q33138436 Valérie Léopoldi human
Q34379310 Heba Abdel Gawad Egyptian synchronized swimmer human
Q38322190 Edward A. Miao researcher human
Q38326597 Ditte Welner researcher human
Q39631906 Ryan Comes researcher human
Q41527053 Totyo Kolev human
Q41699346 Katsumi Teika Japanese judge human
Q42450790 Arturo Ortega researcher human
Q42713918 Rilus Doolittle American long-distance runner human
Q42892621 Lucheng Zhu researcher human
Q43038276 John Paul De Cecco American academic human
Q43542870 Ottilie Stibaner German chess player (1908-1972) human
Q44500689 Jules Lapierre French cross country skier human
Q45364355 Liu Shi Song dynasty person CBDB = 5215 human
Q45370056 Liu Xingfu Song dynasty person CBDB = 11008 human
Q45379905 Zhao Shuguan Song dynasty person CBDB = 14656 human
Q45387413 Wang Chong Song dynasty person CBDB = 17840 human
Q45427425 Peng Tingxun Qing dynasty person CBDB = 33924 human
Q45432227 Tian Zhirun Song dynasty person CBDB = 38993 human
Q45434726 He Song Yuan dynasty person CBDB = 42038 human
Q45455572 Wang Zhiguang Ming dynasty person CBDB = 209007 human
Q45458088 Wanyan Mangge Jin dynasty person CBDB = 118904 human
Q45462903 Li Yi Yuan dynasty person CBDB=102969 human
Q45466552 Liu Baoguo Qing dynasty person CBDB = 60642 human
Q45478011 Yang Yulou Ming dynasty person CBDB = 294220 human
Q45486441 Luo Zhong Tang dynasty person CBDB = 167216 human
Q45489615 Wang Ruizhan Ming dynasty person CBDB = 341881 human
Q45506674 Li Yancheng Ming dynasty person CBDB = 289612 human
Q45511705 Li Hao Tang dynasty person CBDB = 188611 human
Q45517732 Huang Yiqing Yuan dynasty person CBDB = 109143 human
Q45528114 Huang Yuzhu Qing dynasty person CBDB = 88108 human
Q45543770 Wang Rutai Qing dynasty person CBDB = 342733 human
Q45544106 Zuo Yanyi person, CBDB = 168547 human
Q45578038 Bao Mou Tang dynasty person CBDB = 338725 human
Q45592211 Jiang Kongheng Ming dynasty person CBDB = 317942 human
Q45599662 Kuang Chuxian Qing dynasty person CBDB = 78652 human
Q45608147 Qiao Shiju Ming dynasty person CBDB = 233081 human
Q45633594 Pan Yuanhe Ming dynasty person CBDB = 206368 human
Q45638373 Xu Cungong Ming dynasty person CBDB = 228698 human
Q45642502 Guo Jijing Ming dynasty person CBDB = 334921 human
Q45659435 Shang Yun Ming dynasty person CBDB = 234115 human
Q45686538 Song Zhenwan Qing dynasty person CBDB = 69989 human
Q45693794 Yuan Jinglu Qing dynasty person CBDB = 85890 human
Q45700733 Wang Ji Yuan dynasty person CBDB = 117918 human
Q46003471 Lorenzo Del Savio researcher human
Q46148597 Saravanan Thangamani human
Q47115869 Thomas Cripps botanist human
Q47144681 Alessandro Piras researcher human
Q47291681 Armin Weltner (1894-1992) human
Q48876964 Krishan Indian wrestler human
Q48955358 Флорес Арсила, Рубен Дарио human
Q49400356 Elizabeth A. Castner researcher human
Q49639285 Nilton Custodio Peruvian doctor human
Q50093867 Tony Neil Butler actor human
Q50115279 Eline Van Geert researcher human
Q50328994 Ludvig Fritzson Swedish association football player human
Q50679792 Javier Arturo Sanchez-Lopez researcher human
Q50961062 Ernesto Amato researcher human
Q51055758 Georg Türk human
Q51061752 Michael W. Lloyd researcher human
Q51166108 Thapana Boonnlar human
Q51253276 Victoria Vivians basketball player (1994-) human
Q51883298 Vandalmaro medieval noble (died 603/604) human
Q51907617 Gonzalo Velazquez researcher human
Q51940275 Luigi Bruno human
Q52216455 Joe Medlin American singer human
Q53096939 Sandro Svanidze Georgian rugby union player human
Q54104254 Foad Abd-Allah researcher human
Q54805466 Valeri Shimanov human
Q54889471 Wilhelm August Korff human
Q54972218 Tan Yee Kew Malaysian politician human
Q55088988 Arthur Heinrich Brock human
Q55108802 Колбін Дмитро Петрович human
Q55202542 Azərbaycan rəssamlarının siyahısı human
Q55216946 John Pendleton UK journalist, railway historian and author (1848-?1926) human
Q55224949 Federico Ageno Italian librarian and philologist (1885-1934) human
Q55390380 Lee Seung-bong South Korean wrestler human
Q55581426 Rakel Olsen Gram Norwegian swimmer human
Q55625589 Myriam Chimènes human
Q55683414 Wilhelm Opetz human
Q55691567 Robin Highley researcher human
Q55838442 Juan Antonio Bernabé y Herrero human
Q55845018 Johann Wilhelm Molineus human
Q55845728 George Polanyi human
Q55948435 Luciano Vandelli Italian jurist and writer (1946-2019) human
Q56009810 Fabio Mello Italian architect human
Q56255044 Efi Cubero poesia / poetry human
Q56256025 Wiktor Bielski Officer of the Polish Army human
Q56278284 Rasha Adly writer human
Q56340190 Daniel human
Q56350480 Augusto de Gregório Brazilian politician (1907-1993) human
Q56399705 Suadi Sulaiman human
Q56435049 Raquel L Costa researcher human
Q56570221 Saartje Corteyn Belgian fencer human
Q56599809 Guli Dashen human
Q56682474 Herman Van de Vijver human
Q56797310 Osamu Inanami researcher human
Q56816624 Rebekah Carney researcher human
Q56875387 Grace M. Wilkinson researcher human
Q56910246 Roshini Randeniya researcher human
Q56952392 Dharmendra Jhariya researcher human
Q57051417 Zhiliang Wang researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-2139-8495) human
Q57249994 Novin Nikbakhsh researcher human
Q57315686 Sergio Valbuena researcher human
Q57321179 Maria Serra researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-1559-250X) human
Q57500210 Beatrix of Rodez (1275-1342) human
Q57501007 Jelvestr Jardin human
Q57692844 Mamoru Yamamoto researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-4957-764X human
Q58055526 Filipa Calado researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-2906-7279 human
Q58207662 Constantin Andronache researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-5375-7056 human
Q58232649 Catherine Baud researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-0816-9092 human
Q58330899 Philippe Mortier researcher human
Q58339035 Pietro Cassaro researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-5139-9662 human
Q58476257 C. Oliver Kappe researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-2983-6007 human
Q58576177 Andrew W. Bowman American military officer human
Q59115096 John Bally American astrophysicist human
Q59149120 Hugo von Bismarck human
Q59247607 Kelly Mendes Luxembourgian female association football player human
Q59258288 Antoine Ressicaud human
Q59342028 Samuele Fanetti researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-5688-6272 human
Q59392503 Andrew Kerr researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-7666-9283 human
Q59525349 Lionel Weiss statistician human
Q59580097 Micah Nelson American actor, musician, composer human
Q59627343 Zohri Bibi politician in Pakistan human
Q59630328 Sue Rodwell Williams died:2010|; Williams, Sue Rodwell, 1922-....; Williams, Sue Rodwell, 1922-2010 human
Q59660508 Hollie Fouracre researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-1610-4720 human
Q59661374 Shuhei Higashibayashi researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-2957-461X human
Q59679826 Harold J Schreier researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-1377-3929 human
Q59685273 Kaushik M Desai researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-9355-4528 human
Q59693286 Antonios C Tsolis researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-7446-4412 human
Q60022415 Matthias Pelster researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5740-2420 human
Q60024065 Isabel Ruiz-Mora researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-0723-9850 human
Q60618108 Modesto Rolim Neto researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-7715-5508 human
Q60667223 Rob Kitchin British geographer human
Q60822110 Albin Seemann von Treuenwart human
Q60829207 Καισάριος Α΄ της Νεάπολης human
Q60831130 Friedrich Wiegand von Lengefeld human
Q60843182 Otto Lorenz von Abensperg und Traun (1638-1695) human
Q61058991 ਅਮਰਦੀਪ ਸਿੰਘ human
Q61096709 Oliver W Meldrum researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-3442-2151 human
Q61115924 Дзядик Михайло Йосипович human
Q61148737 Jelle Vekeman researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-6633-9283 human
Q61198290 Maria Emilia Dueñas researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-3411-4068 human
Q61659706 Kyeongjin Lee researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-3090-0742 human
Q61787513 Charles Frazer Australian-born English cricketer human
Q61829255 Christina Kalogeri researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-9187-0292 human
Q61935101 Sally Jane Thompson human
Q61990121 Rodolfo Francelino Aragão Neto Brazilian politician human
Q62029889 Josef Max born 1787; died 1873 human
Q62098585 Booky Oren human
Q62512644 Tania Remond human
Q63022145 Russell T. Wilson mathematics professor and an American football, basketball and baseball coach. human
Q63081501 Daniel Rybakken Norwegian designer human
Q63100623 Fabio Ostanello researcher human
Q63160121 Henry Dacre Madden (1876-1942) 1942 Obituary human
Q63252594 Jia Chen Hao botanist human
Q63352836 Owen A Hoekenga researcher human
Q63356209 Tony Merle researcher human
Q63385424 Barbara Hayley human
Q63655452 Alphonse Gaillard-Novy French notary human
Q63997302 C.S.Hanumanthappa Indian politician human
Q64000987 S. Jagadeeswaran Indian politician human
Q64021337 Fred Ward US-american photographer, motion picture producer, motion picture director and gemmologist human
Q64488287 Thomas A Hamilton researcher human
Q64597439 Clarence Pennier human
Q64856151 David Paul Moecher researcher human
Q65060685 Walter Wichmann German navy officer and WWII submarine commander human
Q65201819 Ярешко Володимир Григорович human
Q65235599 Juhani Haapasalo human
Q65333370 Дәүләтшин Рәшит Әхмәт улы human
Q65531340 Ute Brandt badminton player human
Q65554158 Alexandra Georgaki badminton player human
Q65567329 Robert Billore French politician human
Q65572585 Guy Chapuis French politician human
Q65593050 Martial Meydieu French politician human
Q65595203 Gérard Parent French politician human
Q65603445 Franck Thieblemont French politician human
Q65768628 Aljaž Velički Slovenian photographer human
Q65838253 Hua Feng person, CBDB ID = 420750 human
Q65838815 Lv Shi mother of Malian human
Q65844796 Jiang Jin person, CBDB ID = 422392 human
Q65856645 Jia Yinglong person, CBDB ID = 425271 human
Q65870075 Zheng Zhongwu person, CBDB ID = 428645 human
Q65885201 Zhou Shi wife of Huangzhen human
Q65893818 Gao Dailing person, CBDB ID = 434603 human
Q65908354 Xin Chaofu person, CBDB ID = 379214 human
Q65913881 Jiang Zirong person, CBDB ID = 411317 human
Q65915038 Lu Feng person, CBDB ID = 441582 human
Q65950293 Ray G. Knickerbocker instructor in metallurgy (1890-1965) human
Q66004414 Ana Mojica Colombian stage actress human
Q66615351 Robert Gazan French lawyer human
Q66817164 Audald de Conques human
Q67015064 Martha Tarbell human
Q67198352 Johan Willem Anne Bodenhausen university teacher (1922-2007) human
Q67198365 Egidius Gerardus Antonius Galama university teacher human
Q67544440 Amira Ayari Tunisian artistic gymnast human
Q70104507 G. Kaito Aye Indian politician human
Q71143623 Seid Korac Luxembourgish association football player human
Q71821945 Tomohiro Tanigawa Japanese long-distance runner human
Q73411938 George Iburg human
Q73825417 Louis Ernout French painter human
Q75246277 Conrad von Braunschweig Peerage person ID=7810 human
Q75251399 George John Seymour Repton Peerage person ID=12000 human
Q75259461 Elizabeth Manners Peerage person ID=18380 human
Q75265392 John Henry Wybergh Peerage person ID=22656 human
Q75285749 Isabella Catherine Trench (1850-1927) human
Q75326004 Christiane Gräfin zu Ortenburg (born 1975) human
Q75327789 Catherine Gordon (died 1869) human
Q75330638 Sir Robert Melville Peerage person ID=67950 human
Q75395456 N. von Stubenberg Peerage person ID=115530 human
Q75412444 Sarah Westlake Peerage person ID=125746 human
Q75465611 Anne Borrow Peerage person ID=159363 human
Q75466224 Theresa Octavia Macduff (1860-1945) human
Q75503770 Victor Mervyn Brooke (1893-1919) human
Q75550186 Olive Elizabeth Boyle (1881-1902) human
Q75551477 Thomas Rae Peerage person ID=208366 human
Q75572179 Caroline Ramsay Akers (1830-1910) human
Q75719829 William Moore Peerage person ID=301234 human
Q75723828 Jill Elaine Ford (born 1960) human
Q75745620 Paul Hoskyns (born 1945) human
Q75758465 Douglas P. Owen (born 1944) human
Q75772643 John Oliver Beedon van Langenberg Peerage person ID=326494 human
Q75821121 Christopher Norman Peerage person ID=347403 human
Q75873880 Morley Pendred Saunders Peerage person ID=371768 human
Q75892503 Anne Eyre Peerage person ID=385446 human
Q75927656 Mary Huntley Peerage person ID=408220 human
Q75929854 Reginald Rundell Neeld (died 1939) human
Q75934484 José Antonio Iznaga y Borrell (1790-1827) human
Q75936020 Sir Patrick Walker Peerage person ID=413876 human
Q75937632 Margaret Butler Peerage person ID=414957 human
Q75946938 Jeremy Charles Glyn (born 1969) human
Q75949202 Robert O'Dowd Peerage person ID=423414 human
Q75956377 Alexander Nicholls Gunn (1811-1871) human
Q75977669 Harry Augstus Barthorp Peerage person ID=443818 human
Q75993676 Thomas Studdert Peerage person ID=454568 human
Q76058909 Queenie Constance Ardern Peerage person ID=501650 human
Q76070096 Sian Amelia Ramsden (born 1986) human
Q76120015 Sir John Wedderburn of Blackness, 3rd Bt. (1700-1723) human
Q76127810 Julie Woollet Peerage person ID=550320 human
Q76144489 Carolina Frederika d'Aumerie (1837-1895) human
Q76152025 William Metcalfe Peerage person ID=566625 human
Q76154688 Diana Dorothy Elizabeth Gurney Peerage person ID=568369 human
Q76162930 Edward Seale (1842-1881) human
Q76178940 Sir Ernest Hay Stonhouse, 12th/15th Bt. (1855-1937) human
Q76212509 E D Stone Peerage person ID=608340 human
Q76216105 John Michael Smith (born 1952) human
Q76219178 Caroline Ann Glyn (born 1941) human
Q76222926 Thomas Younger Peerage person ID=616453 human
Q76252026 Elizabeth Williams (born 1811) human
Q76282021 Oswald Syme (1878-1967) human
Q76307105 Nicholas Michael Frederick Fuller Peerage person ID=677141 human
Q76313081 Antonio Vere-Stead Peerage person ID=681074 human
Q76352923 Serena Virginia Hemery Peerage person ID=707519 human
Q76369410 Gladys Hermione Chester Master Peerage person ID=716432 human
Q76509602 Stephen Whyte Independent candidate in the 2019 United Kingdom General Election human
Q77514930 David Maldonado actor human
Q77516308 Elsa Beata Makeléer wife of Major Marten Christensson human
Q77971189 Gideon von Numers Swedish military personnel human
Q78070786 Gottlieb Scheidegg (1756-1837) human
Q78772895 Julián Barón Spanish photographer human
Q79626195 Nicolas Arandia 1575-08-10 human
Q79637332 Martin Jose Gorostidi Garmendia 1823-02-18 human
Q80066452 Ben Bader researcher human
Q80095751 Márcio L Grossi researcher human
Q80788414 Caterina Lambiase researcher human
Q80974620 Poh Chin Lai researcher human
Q81173252 Gilbert d'Haen Belgian photographer (1932-2019) human
Q81465379 Sara Bosi researcher human
Q82112452 Luca Collebrusco researcher human
Q82257062 Patrik Rytterström researcher human
Q82420484 Leone Giordano researcher human
Q83699368 Stylianos Yiatros researcher human
Q83772667 Maurizio Feola researcher human
Q83960434 Minoru Inaba researcher human
Q84565972 Jean Munganga Congolese footballer human
Q84738513 H.K. Vyas Indian politician human
Q84790430 Gülsen Tel researcher human
Q85103905 Christophe Vorlet human
Q85418991 Ludovico Calandrelli human
Q85640842 Siu Ling Wong researcher human
Q85682069 Yvan Azéma human
Q86020260 Christina Goudeli researcher human
Q86257502 Nair Temis Olguin researcher human
Q86478677 Yi Liang researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-0269-0255) human
Q86742339 Tensen Ogyu Japanese painter human
Q86920659 Holger Horz human
Q87235399 Paulina Jecz researcher human
Q87325481 Koichiro Ienaga researcher human
Q87725069 Catriona S Czyrnyj researcher human
Q87767333 Renata F Martins researcher human
Q87833707 Lorenzo Spagnuolo researcher human
Q87895900 Hong Wei researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3616-0386) human
Q87926387 H Matsuura researcher human
Q87964227 Sangeeta Sharma researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-3305-186X) human
Q88063864 Yuko Yoto researcher human
Q88154893 Katharine Batt researcher human
Q88285913 Serdar Celik researcher human
Q88326829 Marjorie Visser researcher human
Q88370584 Kaylyn S McCoy researcher human
Q88374113 Gerardo Schamis human
Q88432593 Gabriel Rovere researcher human
Q88671173 Janne Beelen researcher human
Q88845492 Wojciech Pusz botanist human
Q88962845 Carolyn Lauckner researcher human
Q89127355 James A Cooper researcher human
Q89189076 Сергей Павлович Кульчицкий human
Q89247554 Kathryn G Workman researcher human
Q89253678 Canfeng Hua researcher human
Q89291191 Vertelli British-Australian tightrope walker and stage magician human
Q89378887 Giuseppina Caretti researcher human
Q89383434 Gabriele Zuchtriegel researcher human
Q89574185 Vishwajeet Singh researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3230-416X) human
Q89645544 Nuša Krivec researcher human
Q89867923 Gustavo Kenzo Miyashita researcher human
Q90000786 Sanford M Dawsey researcher human
Q90021757 Brian R Miranda researcher human
Q90044625 Ishani Das researcher human
Q90117723 Takashi Kamiyama researcher human
Q90153720 Xiaodi Su researcher human
Q90310475 Anastasia Nickerson researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-3652-6541) human
Q90312364 Marie Schumann 1841-1929 human
Q90394024 Xuanrong Sun researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-5414-9300) human
Q90677378 Bernard S. Epstein M.D. (1908-1978) human
Q90859185 Maria Angélica Oliveira Marinho researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9050-6897) human
Q90902576 Danielle Aubert American graphic designer human
Q90905598 Olaniyi Onayemi researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-7668-8126) human
Q90917250 Young Hoon Jeong researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-0403-3726) human
Q90953058 Wei Dai researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6027-6063) human
Q91020811 Ji-Hye Ahn researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-2360-3691) human
Q91088067 Jiawei Sun researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4983-624X) human
Q91094692 Chuji Wang researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-6781-4779) human
Q91204925 Parth M Patel researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-3198-1916) human
Q91332166 Adhirath Sikand researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5226-8274) human
Q91446410 Joan E Dodgson researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-2019-0561) human
Q91516023 Andreas Ehn researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3716-8822) human
Q91564205 Sang-Kyu Lee researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3367-5229) human
Q91567311 Patrick Carkettill Minister of the Church of Scotland human
Q91629788 Anisur Rahman researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5203-8188) human
Q91631714 Min Cheol Park researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-0448-4148) human
Q91737051 Peng Wang researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3743-4086) human
Q91748381 Tofigh Mobaderi researcher human
Q92021057 Hlologelo Malatji researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-0093-0879) human
Q92034996 Marceli Rocha Leite researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6795-8948) human
Q92149803 Chen Qian researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-7932-7414) human
Q92454014 Nadeeshani Fernando researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-7925-8877) human
Q92637255 Dragoș Dăbuleanu researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-9307-8127) human
Q92646812 Olivier Leroy researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6307-8644) human
Q92662424 Belinda Rivera-Lebron researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-7842-671X) human
Q92681071 Jonas Van Ham researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6968-8590) human
Q92835834 Yancun Wang researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6532-6402) human
Q92857553 Lucía Sanchís researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-8211-3356) human
Q92909206 Sailendra Thapa researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-3156-5656) human
Q92985552 Andrea Ciammola researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-8684-165X) human
Q93035763 Ki Hyun Park researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-1041-6352) human
Q93120480 Marcus Gratidius relative of Gaius Marius and Cicero human
Q93244076 Panaghiotis Ar. Yfantis human
Q93431621 Nicolás Pons human
Q94025970 Haidong D Lu researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-1739-9508) human
Q94254874 Maurice Rauch composer human
Q94428238 Andrzej Szmilichowski human
Q94453952 Emily Arlook American actor human
Q94603618 Frank Mooren researcher human
Q94618319 Vạn Hùng Nguyẽ̂n human
Q94752088 Charlotte Hausdorff human
Q94755214 Hermann Zittardus human
Q94755454 Wilhelm Pochhammer human
Q94791764 Hermann Esser German engineer and Grand Ducal Building Director of Baden (1840-1898) human
Q94901569 Rudolf Lüttich human
Q94915086 Louis Thomas botanist (1784-1823) human
Q94918479 Lichao Zhang researcher ORCID 0000-0003-1811-7568 human
Q94976277 Khaim Presman Victim of the Holocaust human
Q95176189 Jaroslav Urbánek human
Q95183076 Ctibor Fiala human
Q95193445 Anna Belger human
Q95203387 Jocelyn Holland human
Q95204806 Katharina Mihm human
Q95216274 Luis Huber human
Q95219819 Matevž Malovrh human
Q95244881 Vladimír Ludva human
Q95246052 Otto Haus human
Q95269883 Christian Springer German film producer human
Q95272990 Joseph Dussmann human
Q95279228 Anton Pretl human
Q95327899 Rutger van den Speet human
Q95381381 Jana Dreiseitlová human
Q95459584 Marek Netuka human
Q95465552 Pavel Dvořák Czech writer and poet (1946-2009) human
Q95585423 Arthur F. Hussander American architect, Chicago (1865-1943) human
Q95684668 Dorothea Peter human
Q95699001 Eugenie Schadow human
Q95728963 Helga Gross human
Q95745347 Laura Mara human
Q95763933 J. Ebner human
Q95765284 Ferdinand Hax human
Q95766144 Vincent Suttner human
Q95766774 Mirko Friebel human
Q95784998 Einar A. Melax human
Q95800816 Roman Sintchuk human
Q95814279 Kurt Hatmann human
Q95879822 Maivlodod Farosatshoev human
Q95884217 John Joseph Christiana Jr. master electrician (1939-2020) human
Q95893871 Sergio Gurrola human
Q95921300 Maria Grazia Bongiorni researcher human
Q95933806 Seán B Lyne researcher human
Q95947773 Emily Severance researcher human
Q95969378 Jun-Hee Park researcher human
Q95982759 Murat Anıl Mercan economist human
Q96019064 Rakesh Kumar researcher ORCID 0000-0002-6892-5080 human
Q96066321 Ying Liu researcher ORCID 0000-0001-5070-3829 human
Q96106062 Jonas Elmwall researcher human
Q96203229 Meghan O'Leary researcher human
Q96209927 Josiah Cooke (1643-1731) human
Q96216555 Amy Hallock - 1808 human
Q96217258 Shaquille Ali-Yebuah British actor human
Q96219886 Thomas Pasquier researcher human
Q97058286 梁琛榮 human
Q97071469 Christine Anne Boldt 1940s - human
Q97193219 Ananda Priantara human
Q97230408 Dace Skadiņa human
Q97603333 Walter Sidney Feldman American artist human
Q97668286 Anne Jacobs German association football player human
Q97669061 María García Troya Spanish association football player human
Q97686003 Abbas Bhuiya researcher human
Q97738806 Siwen Miao Chinese association football player human
Q97940858 Gösta Siljeholm Swedish physicist human
Q97949625 C. Lionel Marcus American artist human
Q98016979 Benjamin Sumner Welles 23 Dec 1823 Boston, MA - 11 Mar 1904 New York City human
Q98374321 Daniel Joseph Cyr particle physicist at University of Wisconsin human
Q98471557 Elisa B Prestes researcher human
Q98500742 Bu-Miin Huang researcher human
Q98555956 WAJ Case UK election candidate human
Q98735299 寺下薫 human
Q98765628 李林 human
Q98786024 Elizabeth Ann Beaulieu American academic human
Q98908066 Julius Sauer technician and mining engineer human
Q99111600 Rolf Lindquist human
Q99460028 JULIEN Goulay human
Q99517331 四至本博 human
Q99555040 Nemanja Ivkovic researcher human
Q99564459 Nawar Diar Bakerly researcher human
Q99586777 Jonathan Sullam human
Q99638301 A V Fedorov researcher human
Q99694676 Roger Corveleyn photographer human
Q100446930 Margaret Winslow 15 Jul 1640/16 Jul 1640 Marshfield - human
Q100696177 Paul O. Lewis phycologist human
Q100772051 Salem Cook college basketball player (1949–1949) Arkansas human
Q100780285 Nick DiNardi college basketball player (2017–2018) Loyola (IL) human
Q100794704 Royce Gaye college basketball player (2008–2008) Morehead State human
Q100904872 Duane Prichett college basketball player (1990–1990) Lamar human
Q100960105 Antoine Filion researcher human
Q101242983 Carl Séguin researcher and professor at Université Laval human
Q101243538 Chelsea Johnson American track and field athlete human
Q101519932 Gabriel Foser Liechtensteiner association football player human
Q102057779 Monika Podkowińska researcher human
Q102124148 Fernando Puerta Ph.D. human
Q102124699 Hattie Shand Australian field hockey player human
Q102140639 Birgit Galemann Ph.D. University of Notre Dame 1994 human
Q102156937 Marshall Flynn Ruchte Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison 1953 human
Q102194094 Eric Thomas Sawyer Ph.D. McGill University 1977 human
Q102200347 Larry Earl Sherwood Ph.D. University of Missouri - Kansas City 1971 human
Q102212695 Harald Frankenberger Ph.D. Universität Kaiserslautern 1998 human
Q102213422 Beibei Chen researcher ORCID 0000-0001-8120-8476 human
Q102216299 Gull Afshan Zaidi researcher human
Q102219262 Eric P. Klassen Ph.D. Cornell University 1987 human
Q102245078 Lech Bartłomiejczyk Polish mathematician human
Q102253417 Takako Matoba Hickey Ph.D. Cornell University 1998 human
Q102262863 Carl A. Waldspurger Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1995 human
Q102273550 David Jonathan Pinchbeck Ph.D. University of Connecticut 1996 human
Q102308963 Aleksandr Yakovlevich Gadionenko Ph.D. Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 1966 human
Q102312950 Johan Christian Schröder Dutch mathematician (1788-1858) human
Q102315913 Ibrahim Unal Ph.D. State University of New York at Stony Brook 2007 human
Q102317089 Christian Bès Ph.D. human
Q102338433 Petr Lisonek Dr. techn. Johannes Kepler Universität Linz 1994 human
Q102391254 Kimberly Siegmund Ph.D. University of Washington 1995 human
Q102393156 Michel Giles human
Q102397024 Vincent Acary Ph.D. Université de la Méditerranée 2001 human
Q102436234 Zsolt Lángi Ph.D. University of Calgary 2008 human
Q102442771 Anurag Kumar Ph.D. Cornell University 1982 human
Q102445169 Pierre Tarrago Ph.D. Universität des Saarlandes and Université Paris-Est 2015 human
Q102603334 Mauricio Bravo Ph.D. Universidad de Santiago de Chile 2014 human
Q102728433 Daniel Popovici Ph.D. West University of Timisoara 2006 human
Q102935464 Jesús Medina Viloria Ph.D. Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado 2017 human
Q103035289 Egmont Kulosa human
Q103294598 Supbhawong Vichaphund Ph.D. University of Virginia 2012 human
Q103473482 Rebeca Saccochi Ph.D. University of Illinois at Chicago 2020 human
Q103493348 Ida Mikolasch music teacher and writer with Hungarian citizenship human
Q103800857 Mengyu Han researcher human
Q104173611 Robert Ward British Methodist missionary in New Zealand (1816-1876) human
Q104207441 Šmaja Abisch Adler holocaust victim, b. 1918-02-07 human
Q104301191 G. F. Roo human
Q104409394 Karoline Breier holocaust victim, b. 1901-03-26 human
Q104417817 David Munro Minister of the Church of Scotland human
Q104422396 Helmuth Brunner holocaust victim, b. 1921-12-16 human
Q104446108 Oskar Deutsch holocaust victim, b. 1890-12-16 human
Q104513413 Hugo Gj Damstra researcher human
Q104731885 Michal Girsa human
Q104806895 Julie Jacob holocaust victim, b. 1860-01-04 human
Q104883071 Angela Lemppenau-Krüger German lawyer, judge and court president human
Q105091411 Mohit Khatik freedom fighter human
Q105258265 Ian Rogers QC 2014 human
Q105355666 Paul Philipp Klein holocaust victim, b. 1872-08-11 human
Q105362549 Else Levy holocaust victim, b. 1892-02-13 human
Q105454310 Otto Neuberger holocaust victim, b. 1886-11-17 human
Q105460280 Meta Ullmann holocaust victim, b. 1867-10-27 human
Q105505090 Siegfried Steiner holocaust victim, b. 1859-10-20 human
Q105505669 Elsa Strass holocaust victim, b. 1883-10-07 human
Q105564527 Marie Mendlová holocaust victim, b. 1876-03-06 human
Q105638749 Kamila Wienerová holocaust victim, b. 1880-06-29 human
Q105657488 Zorach Szkolnik holocaust victim, b. 1937 human
Q105721785 Evdokia Efthyvoulou Cypriot association football player human
Q105723443 Yanne Camille Lopes Fonseca Brazilian association football player human
Q105943285 Cirila Bambič human
Q106231327 Barbara Yancy American politician (1934–1996) human
Q106235487 Nicolas Oehmen N. Oehmen human
Q106435551 Greg Murray human
Q106519588 Mahmoud Al-Khalidi Palestinian politician human
Q106548546 Václav Plocar official of finance ministry in Prague, Czechia (1871-??) human
Q106657484 Milena Frydrychová human
Q106704569 Eleanor/Elen Mostyn human
Q106776263 Con Blomberg human
Q106782900 John Berry Australian artist human
Q106788093 Srigomiamar human
Q106820560 Milan Hirschberger Holocaust victim, b. 1922-10-24 human
Q106908172 Anna Światopełk-Mirska human
Q106941166 Evita Ramirez French tennis player human
Q106986876 Chester Franklin Sanger politician in Massachusetts, US (1858-1891) human
Q107034583 Ida Kupelwieser Austrian painter (1870-1927) human
Q107110470 Carlos Abafa human
Q107123716 James W. Fox politician in Massachusetts, US (b. 1849) human
Q107171616 Stephen Hay Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Regulation, NHS Improvement, 2016–19 human
Q107177820 陽月貞春大姉 human
Q107231768 Wilhelm Otto German artist, 1789-1810 human
Q107361589 Christine Geneviève Mitoire French woman human
Q107363653 Peter Noodt human
Q107415699 བལ་པོ་ལོ་ཙཱ་བ་མ་ཧཱ་པ་ལ། human
Q107774732 Sithle Cosplayers human
Q107800301 Ernazar Akmataliev kyrgyzstani wrestler human
Q107994309 August von Nandelstadh human
Q107995793 Halo Collins graduate of Te Kura Toi Whakaari o Aotearoa: New Zealand Drama School in 2011 human
Q108053763 Creig Federico football player (born 1963) human
Q108115255 David John Dickson British Royal Navy officer, commander in 1827 (1790-?) human
Q108295707 Mary Timney Scottish murderer human
Q108451902 Emma Cunliffe Canadian legal scholar human
Q108608162 Petronela Moroșanu researcher human
Q108617346 Nora Ruef Austrian pharmacist human
Q108656435 Gorting (?) human
Q108680680 Emma Orr human
Q108799017 Lucy Holl human
Q108818106 Gustaf Leonard Sparrman human
Q108853680 Hristo Kaftandzhiev Bulgarian revolutionary human
Q108875131 Wilhelm von Randenborgh German lawyer; Oberkriegsverwaltungsrat human
Q108899332 Stanislav Bočan person who died on the Czechoslovak Iron Curtain human
Q109011080 Marie Carrete human
Q109338963 Пасічник Віктор Анатолійович human
Q109449140 Muassis Andang Perdana Indonesian politician (born 1973 in Semarang) human
Q109470032 Meenakshi Periwal Indian businessperson (born 1970, child of Rajendra Singh Lodha) human
Q109561678 Sheila Monteith Jamaican career diplomat human
Q109693272 Jakpar Indonesian political candidate human
Q109721395 H.A. Bakar Ismail Indonesian political candidate human
Q109724067 Machrus Ali Mahdali Indonesian political candidate human
Q109780554 Maryse Boyer person identified in the Museu da Pessoa collection human
Q109788249 Otto Dahlberg human
Q109791636 Maria Cristina Moreira Lima Carvalho person identified in the Museu da Pessoa collection human
Q109812924 Pierre Grisel human
Q109859750 Yuru Wu human
Q109938475 Casper van Bentum human
Q109988984 Françoise Dauliat French Righteous Among the Nations human
Q110002630 Adolphe Ridart French Righteous Among the Nations human
Q110034088 Marius Oskam Dutch Righteous Among the Nations human
Q110181861 Lewis Flegeltaub Australian Jewish businessman and freemason human
Q110270056 Christoffel van Doorne human
Q110275575 Adele Winter researcher human
Q110306667 Jack L. Walker political scientist human
Q110405410 Li Tiantian teacher human
Q110422967 Bona Villa di Villastellone human
Q110724573 Franz Ackermann human
Q110832981 Eugenie Mora writer human
Q111088063 Gantogtokh Gantuya Mongolian footballer human
Q111221712 The Niqabi Diaries British podcaster and blogger human
Q111268249 Kikéola Roach Lawyer, Academic, Advocate human
Q111301150 Jan Filewicz human
Q111318409 Willis E. Putnam American politician human
Q111322433 Herbert R. Costain American politician human
Q111339997 Artūras Jonikaitis human
Q111362736 Marco Molendini human
Q111453193 Michał Kuściński human
Q111456716 Cicely Culpeper 1610 - 6 Jan 1650 Hollingborn human
Q111743493 Lucas Rodríguez Argentine comedian and presenter human
Q111907873 Anna Maria von Berwang - 1613 human
Q111977904 Alois Hodek human
Q111984775 Vojtěch Kučera human
Q112023329 김경아 human
Q112030071 Cheryl Cohen Effron American real estate developer and board member, Treasurer, The Brookings Institution human
Q112258751 Howard Buchwald American painter human
Q112373316 Holger Ludwig human
Q112383955 Leonard E. Swischuk human
Q112393517 Helen M. Ingram 1937- human
Q112416963 Gregor Daschmann human
Q112420059 Zbigniew Trzaskowski human
Q112427653 Victor Parsons human
Q112443391 Andrej Ivanovič Sal'nikov human
Q112457081 Ayşegül Toker human
Q112462245 Steve Chilton british cartographer human
Q112474008 Monika Horáková human
Q112477016 Nick O'Donohoe human
Q112493476 Una Cunningham human
Q112500306 Miranda J. Banks human
Q112506679 J. Ganguly human
Q112527990 Milenko Ratković human
Q112548040 William O. Roberts human
Q112561037 Margit Wille human
Q112565001 Jakub Trajter human
Q112668288 Petr Koutecký human
Q112961957 T. W. Allen Welsh co-operator (1864–1943) human
Q113443525 Terrance Drew Saint Kitts and Nevis politician human
Q113489837 장은주 human
Q113490095 Jeon Ui-san South Korean baseball player (2000-) human
Q113558600 Marie de Coucy, Dame de Droisy 1350 - human
Q113633303 Samir Tabar Entrepreneur human
Q113636439 Ivo Reitmayer Czech translator human
Q113683054 Terrence J. McDonald American historian human
Q113728035 Marcelino Flórez Miguel human
Q113733028 David Kloos human
Q113780282 Johannes Bold human
Q113803473 Mary Ellen Meredith human
Q113844827 Astrida Neimanis Australian writer and cultural theorist human
Q113846030 John Kurichianil human
Q114299003 Olga Dečman Dobrnjič researcher human
Q114330433 Dimitrije Aranđelović researcher human
Q114333951 Angelika Danielsson researcher human
Q114350202 Juan Vizcaíno mexican visual artist human
Q114373181 Rainer Wolber researcher human
Q114412697 Peter F Troke researcher human
Q114413060 Erin Hertlein researcher human
Q114419634 Omar A Ibrahimi researcher human
Q114424778 Lisa Mailänder researcher human
Q114435463 Paula M Wye researcher human
Q114438017 Domitilla Di Thiene researcher human
Q114528534 Valdemar Priebe researcher human
Q114737742 Toshihiko Hirano researcher human
Q114866510 Natan Sperafico human
Q115135177 Line Christiansen Norwegian archer human
Q115250842 Romuald Wrzyszczyński human
Q115513342 Verena Pöll researcher human
Q115520193 Charles Schouwenburg researcher human
Q115527405 Ernst Wilhelm Wrede human
Q115554590 Hasan M. Hoxha human
Q115649444 Malgorzata Formalewicz researcher human
Q115735995 Youssef Al Ulyan Vice-President, Information Technology - Saudi Aramco human
Q115738603 Krishna Kumar Choudhary Indian politician human
Q115788572 Lucie Gledhill jewelry designer human
Q115822880 Jules Lemaître human
Q115845514 Georgius de Bats human
Q115847833 Michaël Verreydt human
Q115852027 Clovis Delalleau human
Q115961788 Metin Yurtbasi human
Q116006672 Henri de Genève 1273 human
Q116037019 Jiří Cetl human
Q116044325 Brian Lawson American politician and attorney human
Q116108213 William Whitlock human
Q116136369 Joan|Jane Molyneux human
Q116207841 Igor Ivaneyev soviet athlete human
Q116443551 Marcela Fota Romanian singer human
Q116452295 Patricia Cummings Miss Minnesota 1944 human
Q116472920 Nelle Xermenia Owens Miss South Carolina 1942 human
Q116480916 Joe Davis rugby league footballer human
Q116530259 Kathryn Pines Miss New Hampshire USA 1965 human
Q116602452 Masahiro Hayashi Emacs contributor human
Q116711785 Cossi Jean Ganglo Beninese university teacher and node manager of GBIF-Benin human
Q116794111 František Hruška human
Q116960654 Óvári Elemér human
Q117084822 Ryan Tudhope American visual effects supervisor human
Q117250214 Herbert A. May, Jr. (1919-1969) human
Q117260617 Jerzy Ciarkowski Polish researcher, chemist human
Q117270036 Kalliopi Trachana researcher human
Q117277313 Salad Hilowle human
Q117356235 Carlos de Oliveira Correia Portuguese sculptor human
Q117568551 Amanda Benson museology student human
Q117746015 Czesław Olejnik human
Q117768126 Кивгила, Николай Григорьевич human
Q117860891 Lö Lee human
Q117863105 Pino Serpi human
Q118108108 Hengky Tranku Chinese-Indonesian entrepreneur (Bapamco Group) human
Q118132033 Siew Hoon Leong human
Q118182223 Rafaella Russo cyclist human
Q118926114 תבור, עמיהוד human
Q119044390 Alexis Frantz human
Q119551142 Jazlynd Rollins college basketball player (2014–2018) Jacksonville; Rutgers human
Q119553059 Allison Mitchell college basketball player (2012–2016) Cleveland State human
Q119559881 Katelynn Clement college basketball player (2007–2008) Yale human
Q119560863 Michelle Brunker college basketball player (2008–2012) Louisiana human
Q120277948 Клочек, Ксения Ивановна human
Q120279419 Чугунов, Фёдор Иванович human
Q120281228 Серов, Василий Александрович human
Q120333083 Petrus Ludovicus Dessein priest and teacher human
Q120334868 Jennie Moscowitz American actress human
Q120402758 Narisawa Michitada human
Q120524221 José María Almada human
Q120580366 Terézia Krčméryová human
Q120597433 Mirka Hypén human
Q120600193 Jan Kavan human
Q120609116 Karel Slánský human
Q120611990 Petra Veselá human
Q120718276 Joan Aguado i Masdeu human
Q121033196 Florian Dèbes human
Q121079387 Peter Sellars human
Q121334089 Udalrich VII von Bregenz human
Q122294824 Sergiy Maidukov human
Q122417630 Andrew Huebscher cinematographer human
Q122538138 Deivi Barrios Colombian footballer (born 2004) human
Q123211926 Amirah Abdullah Muhammad Al-Akkad A Palestinian martyr (female), a victim of the Israeli aggression against Gaza (Swords of Iron). She was martyred during the Israeli airstrike in October 2023. human
Q123214438 Aisha Amer Kamal Rashwan A Palestinian martyr (female child), a victim of the Israeli aggression against Gaza (Swords of Iron). She was martyred during the Israeli airstrike in October 2023. human
Q123407388 George Long badminton player human
Q123510958 Steinar Sigurdsson Icelandic architect human
Q123616146 Eva Emilova Bulgarian rhythmic gymnast human
Q123631737 Sonexay Phanhthaxay human
Q123716553 Muhammad Yahya Indonesian politician (born 1964 in Sinjai) human
Q123874314 Umran Indonesian politician (born 1959 in Oku) human
Q123888876 Lisnawati Indonesian politician (born 1984 in Kotabaru) human
Q123915991 Vera Ellen George human
Q124257505 Louise Lamarre human
Q124257752 Sylvain Lavigne human
Q126127165 Choi Yun-huy human
Q126164863 Lokhani Gulam Akhmad Khan human
Q126178606 محمد عبد الحميد الحمد human
Q126221446 Yavuz Selim Taşer association football player human
Q124282609 Gernot Mörig human
Q124474864 Courtney Clarke human
Q124540528 Mufti Abdul Wahab Chachar human
Q124544745 Kyra Meulenberg human
Q124636934 Fulvia Degl'Innocenti human
Q124641145 Kateřina Kolářová human
Q124724967 Natallâ Antonaŭna Šamko human
Q124801086 Claudia Eckert engineering educator human
Q124904456 Thomas Joseph McCann American firefighter of FDNY (1955-2001), first responder and victim of the September 11 attacks human
Q124937351 Joseph Dufour Swiss architect human
Q125148672 ਬਲਦੇਵ ਸਿੰਘ ਖਹਿਰਾ human
Q125195721 Kafilat Araoye Nigerian banker and business executive human
Q125202145 Nataliya Kiseleva (1890-1965) employee of the Russian National Library human
Q125230558 Montserrat Martín-Sánchez researcher human
Q125317908 Vincenzo di Napoli human
Q125320017 Daniel Adane Endalew researcher human
Q125349847 John Ayuk researcher human
Q125424109 Tracy Stuardi successful doctoral candidate at the University of York human
Q125523331 William Noon American politician from Maine human
Q125548780 Philippe Moyen human
Q125624482 Atikarn Phrukphicharn badminton player human
Q125691540 Ivan Shakhanskii (1906-1972) Soviet state security officer human
Q125838524 Javier Campo González human
Q125846440 Hannah Schubert human

human settlement

item label description instance of subclass of
Q941436 Makundapur human settlement human settlement
Q5067404 Chah Deraz, South Khorasan village in South Khorasan, Iran human settlement
Q6521055 Lembah Jaya human settlement in Malaysia human settlement
Q10790607 Mallenahalli, Tumkur human settlement in India human settlement
Q10795187 Muganapura, Kunigal human settlement in India human settlement
Q13078123 သူပုန်ရွာ human settlement in Myanmar human settlement
Q13079394 အလယ်ချောင်းရွာဟောင်းရွာ human settlement in Myanmar human settlement
Q16445969 Bliūdsukiai human settlement
Q16534993 Cascade human settlement
Q18406107 Гришенка human settlement
Q19705988 Купаран human settlement
Q19715803 ပျားတဲရွာ၊ ပျားတဲ human settlement in Myanmar human settlement
Q20407388 الشقة human settlement
Q20588965 La Laguna human settlement
Q31740046 Die Hoewes human settlement
Q48893784 Emssofine human settlement
Q49913383 Don Quico human settlement
Q49913710 Doña Librada human settlement
Q49915780 El Aguacate (El Aserradero) human settlement
Q49937528 Segoviano human settlement
Q49946469 Jacalón human settlement
Q50030334 El Puente human settlement
Q61251860 Dionisio Tirado [Rancho] human settlement
Q61400656 Соболи 2 human settlement
Q97246964 নওগাঁর মাটির প্রাসাদ human settlement
Q118411177 Nueva York human settlement

ice hockey team

item label description instance of subclass of
Q917155 Sherbrooke Castors ice hockey team in Sherbrooke, Quebec ice hockey team
Q3351662 Boston Olympics ice hockey team in Boston, Massachusetts ice hockey team

individual motion

item label description instance of subclass of
Q97720570 Ung Företagsamhet på gymnasiet motion by Ida Drougge 2018 individual motion
Q97770248 Barnrättssäker och jämställd mantalsskrivning motion by Rickard Nordin 2014 individual motion
Q97775975 Barnomsorg för jämställdhet, kunskap och arbete motion by Hannah Bergstedt 2013 individual motion
Q97787444 med anledning av prop. 2011/12:108 Specialist i allmänmedicin en yrkeskvalifikation för läkare i allmänpraktik motion by Per Ramhorn 2012 individual motion
Q97952708 Trafiksäkerhet på motorvägar motion by Björn von der Esch 2001 individual motion
Q98747429 Bostaden - en social rättighet motion by Carina Ohlsson et al. 2019 individual motion


item label description instance of subclass of
Q97952797 Official gazette of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia no 13/1969 issue of the Official gazette of Macedonia issue
Q97958095 Official gazette of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia no 42/1956 issue of the Official gazette of Yugoslavia issue
Q109135207 The London Gazette 12501 issue
Q109157044 The London Gazette 29175 issue
Q109189726 The London Gazette 42434 issue
Q109195398 The London Gazette 45044 issue
Q109198776 The London Gazette 47348 issue
Q109221844 The London Gazette 62493 issue

item of collection or exhibition

item label description instance of subclass of
Q67084176 O'Bryan, Robert - November 13, 1899 (NAID 7581979) item in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings item of collection or exhibition
Q67405132 NAME, AGE, OCCUPATION (NAID 100286) item in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings item of collection or exhibition
Q67516490 PEKING CHINESE INTERNATIONAL SERVICE IN ENGLISH. POW MESSAGES; CPL. HAROLD WEBB AND SGT. EARL DANTZLER (NAID 103696) item in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings item of collection or exhibition
Q67525297 NEW YORK NEW YORK #335: GUESTS: MELBA MOORE, NUSOOM, JAMES VAGENVOORD, GINAMARIA HILDAGO (NAID 106097) item in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings item of collection or exhibition
Q67590939 THE WORLD TODAY (NAID 115250) item in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings item of collection or exhibition
Q67592824 WORLD NEWS TODAY (NAID 115717) item in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings item of collection or exhibition
Q67607277 SECRETARY OF LABOR MAURICE TOBIN (NAID 119415) item in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings item of collection or exhibition
Q67617485 THE WORLD STRUGGLE FOR OIL (NAID 12421) item in the National Archives and Records Administration's holdings item of collection or exhibition
Q116272878 Body with garment, pleating body, pleating at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET, 21.9.452) item of collection or exhibition

kampung of Papua

item label description instance of subclass of
Q17998474 Awaso village in Waropen Regency, Papua, Indonesia kampung of Papua
Q26239345 Humbe Awai village in Yapen Islands Regency, Papua, Indonesia kampung of Papua


item label description instance of subclass of
Q52784697 Gualtieri Sicamino' kindergarten in Gualtieri Sicaminò, Messina, Sicily, Italy kindergarten
Q52904945 Cetraro-San Filippo-Infanzia kindergarten in Cetraro, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy kindergarten
Q52973649 Scuola Materna Privata L'Arcobaleno kindergarten in Limatola, Province Benevento, Campania, Italy kindergarten


item label description instance of subclass of
Q122401728 Курган kurgan
Q122409964 Курган № 2 kurgan
Q122410766 Курган kurgan

labor union

item label description instance of subclass of
Q18509167 Norsk Lokomotivmannsforbund Norwegian federation of railway worker unions labor union
Q29561370 Maine State Employees Association public sector union in Maine labor union
Q96111616 Syndicated Union of Botnia Uruguay Employees labor union


item label description instance of subclass of
Q10576075 Malmensjöarna lake in Sweden lake
Q18134627 Ilagöl lake in Uppvidinge Municipality, Sweden lake
Q18189903 Trehörningarna lake in Norrköping Municipality, Sweden lake
Q24232564 Kumeļezers lake in Ineši Parish, Latvia lake
Q50956975 Sixième Lac lake in Biencourt, Quebec, Canada lake
Q60563536 Ensimmäinen-Väihi lake or pond in Jämsä, Finland lake
lake or pond
Q111729391 Blausee Lake in Salzburg, Austria lake
Q114467198 Lac au Cheval lake in Hébertville, Quebec, Canada lake
Q116371262 Tòchīk Lake lake in Yukon, Canada lake
Q119129632 Jezioro Długie lake

lake or pond

item label description instance of subclass of
Q106550969 Talvilampi lake or pond in Sodankylä, Finland lake or pond
Q108625170 Hirvilampi lake or pond in Oulu, Finland lake or pond
Q108633666 Juurikkalampi lake or pond in Lestijärvi, Finland lake or pond

literary character

item label description instance of subclass of
Q7049124 האביר זיק literary character
fictional human
Q11677884 Yellow Wind Demon Journey to the West character literary character

literary work

item label description instance of subclass of
Q786908 The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear 1999 fantasy novel by Walter Moers literary work
Q1142424 Crystal Yorkshire literary work literary work
Q1324849 Von den Bewohnern der Gestirne literary work
Q2853215 Antigone play literary work
Q5970994 Las corsarias play literary work
Q7728182 The Crossing novel by Winston Churchill literary work
Q7737279 The Good Soldiers book by David Finkel literary work
Q7763664 The Shape Shifter book by Tony Hillerman literary work
Q12977218 குருபரம்பராப் பிரபாவம் literary work
Q16488755 Almanack Piauhyense literary work
Q18873689 菩薩蠻(夏景回文) literary work
Q28419161 Alternate Empires science fiction short story anthology literary work
Q54322751 Les infiniment Petits literary work
Q65296837 Selected Poems literary work
Q68080951 Dell'arte dei giardini inglesi (Italian) Ercole Silva literary work
Q111738384 Wilhelms Meisters Wanderjahre. Das nussbraune Mädchen narration by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe literary work
Q114761828 Critical Injuries 2002 novel by Joan Barfoot literary work
Q116789352 Bioi literary work
Q122149405 Madame Zia literary work by Jennifer Tremblay literary work
Q123982413 The Significance of Sinclair Lewis 1924 essay by Stuart Sherman literary work


item label description instance of subclass of
Q25661159 Kaiparoro locality in New Zealand locality
Q55294609 Inning locality in Melk District locality
Q115945140 Roxana locality in Alberta, Canada locality
Q115962322 Gramberg locality in Grieskirchen District locality

locality of Mexico

item label description instance of subclass of
Q49917134 El Algodonal locality of Mexico
Q49930605 El Pila locality of Mexico
Q49961895 Rivera de la Progreso locality of Mexico
Q49967577 Media Luna locality of Mexico
Q61259650 Matlaquiáhuitl locality of Mexico
Q61275420 El Real Viejo locality of Mexico
Q61277342 San José de los Delgado locality of Mexico
Q61283335 Carlos Pérez Díaz locality of Mexico
Q61289620 Banthí (Familia Navarrete) [Rancho] locality of Mexico
Q61289650 Ciprés locality of Mexico
Q61291297 La Carambada locality of Mexico
Q61296948 Carmen Cuen locality of Mexico
Q61297143 La Tapona locality of Mexico

lüshi with lines of five characters

item label description instance of subclass of
Q18895289 扈從登封途中作 poem by Song Zhiwen lüshi with lines of five characters
literary work
Q18902665 A Farewell to Li Duan poem by Lu Lun lüshi with lines of five characters
literary work


item label description instance of subclass of
Q12730011 Historia Romanian magazine magazine
Q71442178 Blätter aus der Markgrafschaft magazine
Q98182010 Sjoloum Wereingoes Dutch magazine magazine


item label description instance of subclass of
Q124868439 BnF. Département des Manuscrits. Français 1426 manuscript
Q124874545 BnF. Département des Manuscrits. Touraine Anjou 19 manuscript
Q124874800 BnF. Département des Manuscrits. Lorraine 367 manuscript
Q125647605 BnF. Département des Manuscrits. Latin 16934-16935 manuscript
Q125669572 BnF. Département des Manuscrits. Rothschild 1632 manuscript


item label description instance of subclass of
Q20900988 Cal Magí de les Alzines building in Òdena, Anoia, Catalonia masia
Q105968418 Cal Saperes building in Pacs del Penedès, Alt Penedès, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain masia
Q106531722 Cal Carreter masia in Sant Mateu de Bages, Bages, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain masia
Q107061739 els Vinyets masia in La Vall d'en Bas, Garrotxa, Girona, Catalonia, Spain masia
Q107564821 Cal Donzell building in Artesa de Segre, Noguera, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain masia
Q109352139 Mas del Manà del Sort building in Llardecans, Segrià, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain masia

mass grave

item label description instance of subclass of
Q52728516 Mass grave: Coll d'eres mass grave
Q110018051 Mass grave: Fosa en el cementerio de Ubrique Spanish Civil War common grave mass grave
Q110018450 Mass grave: Fosa 1 Cementerio Spanish Civil War common grave mass grave
Q122282198 Mass grave of 17 Soviet soldiers in Ivankiv mass grave

master's thesis

item label description instance of subclass of
Q107075438 The Silent Killer in the Boardroom master's thesis of Paul Benjamin Schmidt master's thesis
written work
Q112835879 A simple wool marketing simulation model 1969 master's thesis by Sidney Ian Durbin at Massey University master's thesis
Q112884171 New Zealand politicians’ use of social media applications: A political social capital perspective 2010 master's thesis by Bonnie O'Neill at Unitec Institute of Technology master's thesis
Q112887607 Fabrication of 3-dimensional Si, Si-Ti or Ti photonic crystals by the direct metallothermic reduction of oxide precursors; A feasibility study 2011 master's thesis by Christopher Purdon at University of Auckland master's thesis
Q112950706 China’s Port Development in Southeast Asia under the Belt and Road Initiative: A Project Evaluation Report and Policy Recommendations 2019 master's thesis by Thanh Cong Vu at University of Auckland master's thesis


item label description instance of subclass of
Q60350800 Znamenje Štučev križ, Činžat memorial
Q111454207 Monument of the fallen of Monte Bottigli monument in memory of the 11 boys shot in Maiano Lavacchio memorial

military unit

item label description instance of subclass of
Q5943041 Hungarian volunteers in the Winter War military unit
Q117273360 Akal Sena military unit
Q125635172 Battleship Squadron 1 military unit

ministry act

item label description instance of subclass of
Q105990802 Verordnung des Justizministeriums, wirksam für alle Kronländer, mit Ausnahme der Militärgränze, über die Befreiung der Advocaten und Notare von der Verbindlichkeit, sich als Gerichtszeuge im Strafverfahren verwenden zu lassen ministry act
Q106001492 Verordnung des Gesammtministeriums, womit im Einvernehmen mit der königlich ungarischen Regierung der Vollzug der im Schlussprotokolle zum Handels- und Schiffahrtsvertrage mit Italien vom 7. Dec. 1888 ministry act


item label description instance of subclass of
Q12138465 Пам'ятник героям Чорнобиля (Сєвєродонецьк) monument in Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine monument
Q26481758 Baynham Monument In Churchyard, About 9 Metres South Of Tower, Church Of St Michael And All Angels monument in Mitcheldean, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, UK monument
Q45319882 Ubirajara monument in São Paulo, Brazil monument
Q121494741 Source of the Nile (marker) Source of life for many great civilizations. The Nile is the longest river in Africa. The source was sighted 1861 by Speke. monument


item label description instance of subclass of
Q97967795 Tillfälliga serveringstillstånd motion by Nikos Papadopoulos et al. 1999 motion
Q98002320 med anledning av prop. 1989/90:129 Ett utvidgat knivförbud m.m. motion by Ingbritt Irhammar m.fl. 1990 motion
Q98013743 Sekretess vid boklån motion by Claes Roxbergh 1989 motion
Q98026405 Miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar för affärscentra motion by Carl Frick 1989 motion
Q98026908 Värnpliktstjänstgörings meritvärde motion by Lennart Brunander 1987 motion
Q98028685 Persontransportstöd för egenföretagares tjänsteresor motion by Martin Olsson 1990 motion
Q98033493 Förskollärar- och fritidspedagogutbildningens lokalisering motion by LARS AHLMARK 1985 motion
Q98036346 Underrätternas sammansättning m. m. (prop. 1982/83:126) motion by JAN-ERIC VIRGIN 1983 motion
Q98044842 om ökad skogsteknikerutbildning motion by ROLAND BRÄNNSTRÖM 1976 motion


item label description instance of subclass of
Q2402137 Telfer Weißen mountain in Italy mountain
Q11953425 Turó Gros mountain in Montseny, Catalonia mountain
Q18005994 Puig de la Font mountain
Sarrato (orografía)
Q21696917 Դաշօլուգ Գափուսու mountain

movie theater

item label description instance of subclass of
Q18466744 Cine-Teatro São Luiz Movie theater in Fortaleza, Brazil movie theater
theatre building
Q37940217 Eldorado Cinema former cinema in Charleroi, Belgium movie theater
Q42311146 Acres Drive-In former drive-in movie theater in Phoenix, Arizona, United States movie theater
destroyed building or structure
drive-in theater
Q61859670 cinéma le club movie theater in Dampierre-en-Burly, France movie theater

multi-story urban building

item label description instance of subclass of
Q22953542 multi-storey urban building, corner of Rue Victor Hugo and Rue Diderot historic multi-storey urban building in Beaucaire (Gard, France) multi-story urban building
Q22964588 immeuble, 1 place de la Libération multi-story urban building
Q22997505 Immeuble, 45 avenue Franklin-Roosevelt multi-story urban building

municipal election

item label description instance of subclass of
Q111545111 1990 Dutch municipal elections in Stadskanaal Dutch municipal election municipal election
Q112629212 2022 Algoma District municipal elections municipal election


item label description instance of subclass of
Q907818 Bremer Rundfunkmuseum museum museum
Q3329651 Museum voor Spontane Kunst museum
Q20401746 متحف بيت الضويحي للتراث museum
Q55199182 House-Museum of Huseyn Arif museum
Q113369915 Stamford Brewery Museum museum in Stamford, England, UK museum

music track with vocals

item label description instance of subclass of
Q110246567 I Can't Sleep Without You vocal track by Golden Earring; 1992 live recording music track with vocals
Q115780435 Man From Mars vocal track by Marianne Trudel & Karen Young; 2018 studio recording; cover version music track with vocals

music track without lyrics

item label description instance of subclass of
Q66352755 AMPUTATED MARSHMALLOW music track from the 2015 video game Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion music track without lyrics
Q66807006 Noble Race instrumental recording by Kevin MacLeod music track without lyrics

musical group

item label description instance of subclass of
Q871299 Dorn band musical group
Q6822597 Metal Duck musical group
Q7773221 The Waiting American alternative pop rock band musical group
Q28373220 Borbee’s Jass Orchestra US musical group musical group
Q124662782 Kringspiertyfus musical group

musical work/composition

item label description instance of subclass of
Q579499 Sonatina (Bartók) piano sonata musical work/composition
Q5967122 I'm on My Way song written and composed by Craig Reid and Charlie Reid, originally recorded by The Proclaimers in 1988 musical work/composition
Q18711348 Bāng lí tsá kui song performed by Chi Lu-Hsia musical work/composition
Q51845626 Rip It Up song by Adolescents musical work/composition
Q92790081 চুপ করো দূরে যাও musical work/composition
Q98687853 Back Home Blues jazz blues composed by Charlie Parker musical work/composition
Q105605634 (Glad I'm) Not a Kennedy 1987 single by Shona Laing musical work/composition
Q114665065 Ankhiyon Se Gal Kar Gayi musical work/composition
Q115977491 Eterna història sardana by Aurora Vizentini i Finet musical work/composition
Q115984759 El sardanista poeta sardana by Emili Juanals i Roqué musical work/composition
Q115985991 Cap al cim sardana by Francesc Juanola i Reixach musical work/composition
Q115991875 Sant Oleguer festiu sardana by Josep Auferil i Costa musical work/composition
Q115995852 Anhels sardana by Julian Barrenechea Garcia musical work/composition
Q116013794 La petita Dagmawit sardana by Maria Mercè Navarro i Galindo musical work/composition
Q116022766 La campaneta de la glorieta sardana by Tomàs Gil i Membrado musical work/composition
Q124438020 I Don’t Believe a Word original song written, composed, and performed by Motörhead musical work/composition

narrative motif

item label description instance of subclass of
Q115844632 magic ashes produce food narrative motif documented in Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature narrative motif
folklore motif
Q117210478 island of glass in otherworld narrative motif documented in Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature narrative motif
folklore motif
Q117481866 human being devoured daily narrative motif documented in Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature narrative motif
folklore motif
Q120803419 build shelter for the whole year narrative motif documented in Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature narrative motif
folklore motif
Q120828700 air-castle: basket of eggs to be sold narrative motif documented in Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature narrative motif
folklore motif

national school

item label description instance of subclass of
Q12705555 Sekolah Kebangsaan Manek Urai Baru national school
Q20463755 Sekolah Kebangsaan Kebu Baru national school

natural monument in Germany

item label description instance of subclass of
Q57996859 Pflanzenstandort Hinterer Aidenberg Natural monument in Weissach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany natural monument in Germany
Q105071058 Naturdenkmal Stieleiche am Kriegerdenkmal in Leibchel natural monument in Germany
remarkable tree
Q117475265 Triebischhänge am li.Triebischufer natural monument in Germany

nature reserve

item label description instance of subclass of
Q10688520 Södergarn nature reserve in Stockholm, Sweden nature reserve
Q108114307 Halasbukjølen protected area in Norway nature reserve


item label description instance of subclass of
Q3604754 Acradina neighborhood of Syracuse, Italy neighborhood
Q16530866 Bacalan district of Bordeaux (France) neighborhood


item label description instance of subclass of
Q12377596 Tööliste Leht newspaper newspaper
Q55668340 Anton Community Newspapers newspaper published in Mineola newspaper

non-coding RNA

item label description instance of subclass of
Q20777560 LOC101928081 non-coding RNA in the species Homo sapiens non-coding RNA
non-coding RNA
Q24417726 LOC103692261 non-coding RNA in the species Rattus norvegicus non-coding RNA
non-coding RNA
Q24593754 LOC105498873 non-coding RNA in the species Macaca nemestrina non-coding RNA
non-coding RNA
Q24603961 LOC105463583 non-coding RNA in the species Macaca nemestrina non-coding RNA
non-coding RNA
Q24612274 LOC105486558 non-coding RNA in the species Macaca nemestrina non-coding RNA
non-coding RNA
Q111615399 LOC124902038 non-coding RNA in the species Homo sapiens non-coding RNA

operatic character

item label description instance of subclass of
Q55023561 Oberst Corticelli operatic character in the opera Gasparone operatic character
fictional human
Q55047234 Arthur operatic character in the opera Robert Bruce operatic character
fictional human


item label description instance of subclass of
Q9853777 Conselho Técnico Corporativo do Comércio e da Indústria organization organization
Q12407206 זהב"י organization
Q17749832 Ballerup Idrætsby organization
sports venue
Q30285853 Black Oaks Center for Sustainable Renewable Living organization in Chicago, United States organization
Q98145217 Centre for Urban Mobility research centre of the African Urban Institute focusing on urban mobility in Africa organization
Q104930936 centre communal d'action sociale de Garnerans organization
Q104952911 centre communal d'action sociale de Montréal-la-Cluse organization
Q111442924 سازمان تعزیرات حکومتی organization
Q112202538 Union Fromagère Jeune Montagne organization
Q115154774 Japan Welding Engineering Society organization
Q119165076 Royal Irish Institution Former cultural institution in Dublin, Ireland organization
Q120764064 Battery Norway Norwegian battery collaboration platform organization
Q125710700 Creacuisine.Net organization


item label description instance of subclass of
Q4006167 Man Smoking a Pipe painting by Paul Cézanne painting
Q5108662 Christ Child with a Walking Frame painting by Hieronymus Bosch painting
Q17781762 Cornelia Backer painting by anonymous painting
Q17858258 Behangsel met Hollands landschap, behorend bij de zaal van de Nieuwe Doelenstraat 22 painting by Jurriaan toegeschreven aan aan Andriessen painting
Q18599497 Portrait of a Member of the Alardes Family painting by Jacob Claesz van Utrecht painting
Q20260148 Still Life painting by Eugène Carrière painting
Q20391440 A Beach painting by Johannes Lingelbach painting
Q20422127 View from my first Room at Italiensvej 10 1.t.v painting by Richard Mortensen painting
Q20443753 The Warburton Ranges, Victoria painting by Penleigh Boyd painting
Q20491236 The Sea, Maine painting by John Marin painting
Q20796427 Self-Portrait painting by Lauri Parikka painting
Q20878967 Félix Fénéon Vetu de Son Grand Manteau painting by Maximillien Luce painting
Q20900874 Sunrise in a Wood painting by Jacob van Ruisdael painting
Q24303808 Innocent X with a prelate painting by Pietro Martire Neri painting
Q26953884 Bloemstilleven met zonnebloemen painting by Otto Eerelman painting
Q27832596 Suprematism painting by Olga Rozanova (1916, in Ukraine) painting
Q27882368 Aim High painting by Stella Corkery painting
Q28042560 Three Bathers painting by Joseph Glasco painting
Q28102886 Fahne 28.1.85 painting by Armando painting
Q29119125 Procession des consuls d'Agen à la Vierge miraculeuse de bon encontre painting
Q29897041 Abstraktion (wie Baum im felsigem Gestein) painting by Emanuel Fohn painting
Q29913978 Still Life painting by Frans Snyders painting
Q30085378 Ohne Titel painting by Ulla Maibaum painting
Q30096401 Baumlandschaft mit Hütte painting by Cornelis Gerritsz. Decker (BStGS 5139) painting
Q37659448 Südstrand bei Skagen painting by Peder Severin Krøyer painting
Q46991266 Oliver Cromwell painting by English School painting
Q49200192 Was macht er nun? (West) painting by Jörg Immendorf painting
Q50319489 Yang-Yen Revisited painting by William T. Wiley painting
Q50319619 Untitled painting by Stanley William Hayter (SFMOMA 63.14) painting
Q50640845 Gurrwilliny Dhawu (Swamp Story) painting by Bobby Bununggurr painting
Q50761221 Lorrkon painting by Yirawala (NGA NGA 76.153.44) painting
Q51170307 Minca II. painting by Jaroslav Čech painting
Q51320576 Krajina s topoľom painting by Jozef Kollár painting
Q52195538 Still life with Jug and Lemon painting by possibly Simon Yorke IV painting
Q55402516 Vinter ved fjorden painting by Tore Gunnar Olsen painting
Q55411207 Outside the Fortification Walls at Montreuil painting by Frits Thaulow painting
Q59920489 Bebedores sentados a una mesa en el Café de Levante de Madrid painting by Leonardo Alenza y Nieto painting
Q62064027 Tobias e Afonso no parque artwork of Eliseu Visconti, an Italian-Brazilian painter and designer who was active between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries painting
Q68365691 A Merry Drinker painting by Frans Hals painting
Q77866848 Սևանգեսի շինարարների հաղթանակը painting by Hovhannes Zardaryan painting
Q79396884 Virgin and Child with the Young John the Baptist and Three Angels painting by Domenico Ghirlandaio painting
Q100355674 Three Gopalas painting by Jamini Roy painting
Q104150955 Polia na okraji lesa painting by Ernest Rákosi painting
Q105372062 Calligraphy painting by Barbara Campbell painting
Q106358284 The Shore at Hallands Väderö painting by Wilhelm von Gegerfelt painting
Q106497485 Lady Elizabeth Seymour-Conway painting by Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792) painting
Q106653773 Riddarhustorget painting by Martin Rudolf Heland painting
Q106665023 Okänd herre painting by Samuel Wilander (Nationalmuseum NMDs 1550) painting
Q111797729 Stilleben mit Tonkrug painting by Paul Dobers (1885 - 1959) painting
Q111799644 Blumenkohlstilleben painting by Ernst Wilhelm Nay (1902 - 1968) painting
Q112196428 Beauty with Pine and Plum painting by Qiu Ying painting
Q113585064 L'enterrament de Sant Llorenç painting
Q114719072 Visstilleven aan de waterkant met zicht op en rotskust painting by Jan van Kessel (I) painting
Q114805327 Duinlandschap painting by Laurens van Kuik painting
Q115784256 Le saut en longueur (2018.0012.19) painting by Simone Le Moigne painting
Q116285298 Feb 70 painting
Q116458901 宋人鹌鹑图页 painting
Q116466337 Schilderij, acryl, voorstellende Willem van Binsbergen te Tiel, vervaardigd door Silvester Peperkamp, ca. 2005 painting by Silvester Peperkamp painting
Q116555896 毛复光花卉人物册 painting
Q116617735 十竹斋画谱册 painting
Q116640813 清人晋祁北贾立镇清平乡水陆画轴 painting
hanging scroll
Q116912647 Christus als Man van Smarten painting free after Lucas van Leyden painting
Q118998315 Lord Tylney and His Family and Friends at Wanstead House, Essex painting by Joseph Frans Nollekens (1706–1748), Fairfax House painting
Q119033778 Reverend Richard Harris Barham (1788–1845) (author of 'Ingoldsby Legends') painting by unknown artist, Canterbury Museums and Galleries painting
Q119065483 Professor Adam Sedgwick (1785–1873) painting by Samuel Laurence (1812–1884), Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge painting
Q119117697 Horses in a Field painting by Jules Léon Montigny (1847–1899), Bradford Museums and Galleries painting
Q119122504 Lewes, East Sussex, from Chapel Hill painting by Edmund H. Niemann (1841–1910), Westfield House painting
Q119126355 Hastings, East Sussex, from the Sea painting by William Henry Borrow (1840–1905), Hastings Museum and Art Gallery painting
Q119141517 At the Cottage Door painting by Charles Haigh Wood (1856–1927), Atkinson Art Gallery Collection painting
Q119148605 Ploughing painting by James William Booth (1867–1953), Manchester Art Gallery painting
Q119193140 Garden at Antibes painting by Margaret Morris (1891–1980), The Fergusson Gallery (managed by Culture Perth and Kinross) painting
Q119212122 Couple in the Rain painting by Mary Adshead (1904–1995), Victoria Gallery & Museum painting
Q119294629 Nudes on the Beach painting by Moira E. Brown, Edinburgh College of Art (University of Edinburgh) (Edinburgh College of Art (University of Edinburgh) CCECR0020) painting
Q119300813 Gandria Brown painting by Paul Feiler (1918–2013), Jerwood Collection painting
Q119351779 Regent's Park painting by Adrian Berg (1929–2011), Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre painting
Q119396140 Oranges and Lemons I painting by Peter Sedgley (b.1930), Peter Scott Gallery painting
Q119441225 'Herbie' and His Winter Coat painting by William Eley (b.1938), Buxton Museum & Art Gallery painting
Q119496921 Dorothy Sidney (1617–1684), Countess of Sunderland painting by Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641) (after), Lamport Hall painting
Q119580912 Mixing the Cement painting by Colin David Tidbury (b.1946), Swanspool House painting
Q119718899 Portrait of a Seated Monocled General painting by Gerald Cedric Hudson (1894–1966), Royal Irish Fusiliers Museum painting
Q119764983 'David', an Unknown Man Sitting Barefoot on a Waterfront (said to be a Portuguese sailor) painting by John Minton (1917–1957), Balliol College, University of Oxford painting
Q119797188 Portrait of Soutine painting by Llewellyn Petley-Jones (1908–1986), National Museum Wales, National Museum Cardiff painting
Q119820116 Wastwater, Cumbria painting by Phyllis Cornelia Maud Smale (1897–1978), Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens painting
Q119877051 The Adoration of the Shepherds painting by unknown artist, Warrington Museum & Art Gallery painting
Q119891096 Figure Study painting by George Morton (1851–1904), Laing Art Gallery painting
Q121365972 Rivierlandschap met zeilschepen painting attributed to Adriaen van Diest painting
Q121548745 At the end of the day the lord pays all the labourers equally; those that worked all day object painting by Lambert Jacobsz painting
Q121551748 Wooded landscape with houses near a bridge painting attributed to Jan Fransz. Dammeroen painting
Q122680934 Marine à Quiberon painting by Maxime Maufra painting
Q123148186 Portrait de Félix Duban painting by Domenica Monvoisin painting
Q124129125 Porträt des Janusz Radziwiłł (1612–1655). painting by Daniel Schultz painting


item label description instance of subclass of
Q20033063 Parafia Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Ulesiu parish
Q32205781 Kihnu kihelkond parish
Q48198701 Sint-Jorisparochie te Antwerpen parish


item label description instance of subclass of
Q31860715 Brama do parku z ogrodzeniem park in Zagrzewo, Poland park
Q73777545 Park Čs. legií park in Ústí nad Orlicí, Czech Republic park


item label description instance of subclass of
Q79010071 Kontaktlinsaktuellt : organ för Svensk förening för kontaktlinsteknik Swedish periodical periodical
Q79014086 Fokus krog Swedish periodical periodical


item label description instance of subclass of
Q29268160 Rättvik 477 petroglyph
Q29961616 Tunaberg 429:2 petroglyph
Q108721100 Store Tolleknivholmane petroglyph


item label description instance of subclass of
Q21665975 Two women in national dress (Jenkins and Edwards) photograph by John Thomas photograph
Q47525304 Ladeira de Santo Amaro e Campos da Bella-Vista, 1887 picture from Álbum Comparativo da Cidade de São Paulo, by Militão A. de Azevedo photograph
Q64145264 Industriebauten (5) photograph in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 142912) photograph
Q64155878 Sharon, Hampden Neighborhood, Baltimore, Maryland photograph in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 172610) photograph
Q79875561 Non-commissioned officers leap from top of wall during move over obstacle course at an advanced infantry training school, Jordan photograph by Eddie Adams (American, 1933-2004) (2018.640) photograph

photovoltaic power station

item label description instance of subclass of
Q116721314 Barnhill Road Solar, LLC power station with capacity >1MW in Pasquotank County, North Carolina photovoltaic power station
Q116725430 Wonderful Lost Hills power station with capacity >1MW in Kern County, California photovoltaic power station


item label description instance of subclass of
Q80074695 The Zwinger, Dresden photograph by Fredrik Marsh (American, b. 1957) (2010.318) plaque
Q80082730 A Trophy of War photograph by Dmitri Baltermants (Russian, 1912-1990) (2014.564) plaque


item label description instance of subclass of
Q18847688 早夏 poem written by Qian Qi poem
literary work
Q18918907 આજ સફલ થઈ આંખડી poem by Swami Premananda poem
Q19032779 She slept beneath a tree — poem by Emily Dickinson poem
Q19100342 The Sun retired to a cloud poem by Emily Dickinson poem
Q19156793 Ещё одно забывчивое слово poem by Afanasy Fet poem
Q19207692 Frau Hofrat Stieler 1898 poem written by Rainer Maria Rilke poem
Q19415062 أتاني وأهْلي بالجزيرة ِ مِنْ مِنًى poem written by Al-Akhtal al-Taghlibi poem
Q19437405 أيا مَنْ حَمّلَ الذّرّ poem written by Abu Nuwas poem
Q19449151 إنَّ عهداً لو تعلمانِ ذميما poem written by Abu Tammam poem
Q19452691 للدمع فوق خدودي أي تخديد poem poem
Q19458187 بالحولِ نلتَ ونالَ النَّاسُ بالحيلِ poem poem
Q19484651 ملازمة الأوطان عجز وذلة poem poem
Q19523803 A Chimarrita poem written by anonymous poem
Q47276266 酬夢得以予五月長齋延僧徒絕賓友見戲十韻 poem written by Bai Juyi poem
literary work


item label description instance of subclass of
Q4312015 Надпись на стене больницы poetry
Q19125997 Virelai poem by Igor Severyanin poetry
Q19140285 Вечер poetry
Q19220631 Современная песня poetry

political party

item label description instance of subclass of
Q2212488 Democratic Party political party in Curaçao political party
Q2495179 United Democratic Party political party in Gambia political party


item label description instance of subclass of
Q1472951 Governor-General of Jamaica representative of the monarch in Jamaica (1962-) position
Q47191469 président de l'université de Grenoble position président d'université
Q65182681 Mayor of Borey position mayor of a place in France
Q65369988 Mayor of Montlay-en-Auxois position mayor of a place in France
Q65461810 Mayor of Tillou position mayor of a place in France
Q65464796 Mayor of Yvoire position mayor of a place in France
Q65475737 conseiller municipal de Benon position municipal councillor
Q65520352 conseiller municipal de Saint-Léopardin-d'Augy position municipal councillor
Q65527294 conseiller municipal de Solutré-Pouilly position municipal councillor
Q65532258 conseiller municipal de Vaudrecourt position municipal councillor
Q65660065 Mayor of Bremanger position mayor of a place in Norway
Q86534690 conseiller municipal de Brie-sous-Chalais position municipal councillor
Q113323341 Administrator der Diözese Lübeck position administrator

post office

item label description instance of subclass of
Q26632347 The Post Office post office in Brockhampton, County of Herefordshire, UK post office
Q118155007 pošta Karlovy Vary 9 Post office in Czechia post office
delivery mail


item label description instance of subclass of
Q4374503 Посёлок детского дома Молодая гвардия human settlement in Vnukovskoye Settlement, Novomoskovsky Administrative Okrug, Moscow, Russia posyolok
Q21336339 Затростянье human settlement in Pogarsky District, Bryansk Oblast, Russia posyolok

primary school

item label description instance of subclass of
Q21057636 광려초등학교 primary school primary school
Q52787059 Scuola primaria Margherita Hack di Pontedera primary school in Italy primary school
Q64828901 MIS Al Muchtarya primary school in Tanjung Morawa, Indonesia primary school
private school
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Q74550327 Shyamsundarchak Raghude. Primary School primary school
urban school
co-educational school
Q75087332 Jelia Para Shib Durga Primary Sch primary school
urban school
co-educational school
Q89786848 Degebergaskolan primary school
Q116397005 Builder Comprehensive Primary School primary school in Nasarawa State, Nigeria primary school
Q126111004 Benowa State School government primary school in Benowa, QLD, Australia primary school

primary school in France

item label description instance of subclass of
Q119631138 école élémentaire d'Aubéguimont primary school in France
Q119733929 école maternelle Bousquet primary school in France
Q119896022 école primaire de Sainte-Marguerite-d'Elle primary school in France
Q119903747 école primaire Suzanne Sens primary school in France

prime number

item label description instance of subclass of
Q96812232 32823·2^15356 + 1 prime number prime number
Q96840000 2190·3163# + 1 prime number prime number
Q96852963 1744·2503# + 1 prime number prime number
Q96855471 411409·2^3322 + 1 prime number prime number
Q96879381 Phi(3, - 4170901176300^4096) prime number prime number
Q96924829 1409846532195·2^1290000 - 1 prime number prime number


item label description instance of subclass of
Q22077451 De Veldslag van Nordlingen print
Q74046844 Twist Now print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 63365) print
Q76454727 Staten Island Ferry print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 146441) print
Q79973869 Zenana print by Karl Hofer (German, 1878-1955) (1994.39) print
Q80019133 La Vie de Jeune Homme print by Paul Gavarni (French, 1804-1866) (1942.944) print
Q80055679 The Power of Love, or, Worship of Luna print by Hieronymous Hopfer (German) (1925.39) print
Q104032891 Untitled print by David Walsh 1996.167 print
Q124385490 Portrait of humanist Rodolphus Agricola 1682, print, engraving process print

private school

item label description instance of subclass of
Q123431328 SMK Karya Sembawa vocational school in Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia private school
vocational school
Q123433688 SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3 vocational school in Tangerang City, Banten, Indonesia private school
vocational school
Q123442508 MAS Ibnu Sina madrasah aliyah in Sleman Regency, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia private school
madrasah aliyah
Q125042053 SMP Al-Hasby junior high school in Jember Regency, East Java, Indonesia private school
Sekolah Menengah Pertama
Q125047029 SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Bandar Lampung junior high school in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung, Indonesia private school
Sekolah Menengah Pertama
Q125234756 MTs Al Ma'shum madrasah tsanawiyah in Asahan Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia private school
Madrasah Tsanawiyah

protected area

item label description instance of subclass of
Q65079762 Kalvarienberg protected area
Q108076718 Saint Leger Hameau protected area in France protected area
Q108092962 Rosswang Dry Grassland/Pasture of National Importance in Zermatt, canton of Valais, Switzerland protected area
Q108192235 Myllyneva-kokkoahon Luonnonsuojelualue protected area in Finland (YSA206367) protected area


item label description instance of subclass of
Q14916221 Paired box 6 mammalian protein found in Mus musculus protein protein
Q21107077 EZH inhibitory protein mammalian protein found in Homo sapiens protein
Q21121059 Olfactory receptor family 5 subfamily AC member 2 mammalian protein found in Homo sapiens protein
Q21125170 Septin 10 mammalian protein found in Homo sapiens protein
Q21143924 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 23 human protein (annotated by UniProtKB/TrEMBL C9JQN5) protein
Q21169543 Type II secretion system protein G CTL0832 microbial protein found in Chlamydia trachomatis 434/Bu protein protein
Q21482113 BLOC-1 related complex subunit 6 mammalian protein found in Homo sapiens protein
Q21632937 CDP-diacylglycerol--glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase HP1016 microbial protein found in Helicobacter pylori 26695 protein
Q21762341 Cbb3-type cytochrome C oxidase subunit I PA4133 microbial protein found in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 protein
Q21985039 Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 8 mammalian protein found in Mus musculus protein
Q21985389 Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 3 mammalian protein found in Mus musculus protein
Q21988735 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B6 mammalian protein found in Mus musculus protein
Q22989137 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase PA3627 microbial protein found in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 protein protein
Q23425184 Hypothetical protein YE1773 microbial protein found in Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica 8081 protein
Q23434779 Hypothetical protein VCA0733 microbial protein found in Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961 protein
Q23448043 Alpha/beta hydrolase CBU_1769 microbial protein found in Coxiella burnetii RSA 493 protein protein
Q23457261 DNA repair and recombination protein BT_0721 microbial protein found in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron VPI-5482 protein
Q23460781 Hypothetical protein FN1381 microbial protein found in Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. nucleatum ATCC 25586 protein protein
Q23499182 Hypothetical protein EF0899 microbial protein found in Enterococcus faecalis V583 protein protein
Q23515270 5'-3' helicase associated to SSB; exonuclease V BSU_27480 microbial protein found in Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168 protein protein
Q23519190 Hypothetical protein BT9727_0764 microbial protein found in [Bacillus thuringiensis] serovar konkukian str. 97-27 protein protein
Q23543152 Diguanylate cyclase BMA3066 microbial protein found in Burkholderia mallei ATCC 23344 protein
Q23599679 Ferrochelatase HemH SO_2019 microbial protein found in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 protein protein
Q23602479 Probable zinc/iron permease FP0727 microbial protein found in Flavobacterium psychrophilum JIP02/86 protein
Q23623042 DNA repair protein RecO BL0100 microbial protein found in Bifidobacterium longum NCC2705 protein protein
Q24097273 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase XCC1698 microbial protein found in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris str. ATCC 33913 protein protein
Q24097586 GumD protein XCC2452 microbial protein found in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris str. ATCC 33913 protein
Q24126579 Chaperone SurA BP3330 microbial protein found in Bordetella pertussis Tohama I protein protein
Q24130879 Hypothetical protein EAE_06280 microbial protein found in Klebsiella aerogenes KCTC 2190 protein protein
Q24137267 TRNA-guanine transglycosylase b0406 microbial protein found in Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 protein protein
Q24139675 Catabolic threonine dehydratase b3117 microbial protein found in Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 protein protein
Q24140083 Uncharacterized protein YpfJ b2475 microbial protein found in Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 protein protein
Q27482682 Hypothetical protein YPO3386 microbial protein found in Yersinia pestis CO92 protein
protein obsoleted in UniProtKB, SwissProt, TrEMBL
Q27738996 acetyltransferase Pat Mb1025 microbial protein found in Mycobacterium bovis AF2122/97 protein
Q27743845 ABC transporter ATP-binding protein MSMEG_3124 microbial protein found in Mycobacterium smegmatis str. MC2 155 protein
Q27760145 (Na+) MSC_0324 microbial protein found in Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC str. PG1 protein
Q28011209 Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase Atu2123 microbial protein found in Agrobacterium fabrum str. C58 protein protein
Q28557289 ELKS/RAB6-interacting/CAST family member 1 mammalian protein found in Rattus norvegicus protein
Q29799918 Hypothetical protein CELE_Y47G6A.26 protein found in Caenorhabditis elegans protein
Q29826457 Spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase 1b Protein found in Danio rerio protein
Q29835096 Axin interactor, dorsalization associated Protein found in Danio rerio protein
Q30516680 PTS system ascorbate-specific transporter subunit IIC LSEI_0326 microbial protein found in Lactobacillus paracasei ATCC 334 protein
Q30553196 Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase Bfae_23190 microbial protein found in Brachybacterium faecium DSM 4810 protein protein
Q48997788 Potassium channel toxin alpha-KTx 15.4 scorpion toxin protein
Q50613657 Putative transcriptional regulator, TetR family MAB_4776c microbial protein found in Mycobacterium abscessus protein
protein obsoleted in UniProtKB, SwissProt, TrEMBL
Q56107641 MFS transporter MXAN_RS17835 microbial protein found in Myxococcus xanthus DK 1622 protein
Q56136262 Preprotein translocase subunit YajC MXF1_RS0117000 microbial protein found in Myxococcus xanthus DZF1 protein
Q56265415 NAD-dependent malic enzyme BA_0579 microbial protein found in Bacillus anthracis str. Ames protein
Q59522162 vacuolar sorting protein Vps55 (predicted) product encoded by the vps55 gene in the species Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972 h- protein
Q59739880 VIR protein protein found in Plasmodium vivax P01, encoded by PVP01_0736900 protein protein
Q59906036 CCR4 domain-containing protein 3, putative protein found in Plasmodium berghei, encoded by CCR4-3 protein protein
Q59920618 conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function protein found in Plasmodium berghei, encoded by PBANKA_1329000 protein protein
Q61595658 Putative guanine nucleotide exchange factor protein found in Aspergillus niger subsp. CBS 513.88, encoded by geaA protein protein
Q62134816 acyltransferase, putative protein found in Leishmania mexicana, encoded by LmxM.08_29.2410 protein protein
Q62169960 hypothetical protein, conserved protein found in Trypanosoma congolense, encoded by TcIL3000_10_1910 protein protein
Q62192046 hypothetical protein, conserved (fragment) parasital protein found in Trypanosoma cruzi, encoded by TcCLB.509451.24 protein protein
Q62202288 expression site-associated gene 4 (ESAG4) protein, putative protein found in Trypanosoma congolense, encoded by TcIL3000_0_58990 protein protein
Q62209281 hypothetical protein protein found in Trypanosoma vivax, encoded by TvY486_0303100 protein protein
Q62255290 mucin TcMUCII, putative parasital protein found in Trypanosoma cruzi, encoded by TcCLB.510359.660 protein protein
Q62333689 HmN_000616300.1 protein
protein obsoleted in UniProtKB, SwissProt, TrEMBL
Q62338985 HmN_000769500.1 protein
protein obsoleted in UniProtKB, SwissProt, TrEMBL
Q62364205 TsM_000103300.1 protein found in Taenia solium, encoded by TsM_000103300 protein protein
Q62366637 TsM_000376300.1 protein found in Taenia solium, encoded by TsM_000376300 protein protein
Q62371664 TsM_000063600.1 protein found in Taenia solium, encoded by TsM_000063600 protein protein
Q62376584 TsM_001080600.1 protein found in Taenia solium, encoded by TsM_001080600 protein protein
Q62380760 TsM_001239100.1 protein found in Taenia solium, encoded by TsM_001239100 protein protein
Q62417626 casein kinase I, putative protein found in Leishmania braziliensis MHOM/BR/75/M2904, encoded by LbrM.04.1230 protein protein
Q62419919 hypothetical protein, conserved protein found in Leishmania braziliensis MHOM/BR/75/M2904, encoded by LbrM.13.0230 protein protein
Q62465742 ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase, putative protein found in Leishmania infantum JPCM5, encoded by LinJ.33.1660 protein protein
Q62655015 Has domain(s) with predicted oxidoreductase activity, oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor activity and role in oxidation-reduction process protein found in Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4, encoded by AN3573 protein protein
Q62732676 HCAG_06441-t26_1 fungal protein found in Histoplasma capsulatum NAm1, encoded by HCAG_06441 protein protein
Q62812579 CPSG_00884-t26_1 fungal protein found in Coccidioides posadasii str. Silveira, encoded by CPSG_00884 protein protein
Q62861641 CPSG_04435-t26_1 fungal protein found in Coccidioides posadasii str. Silveira, encoded by CPSG_04435 protein protein
Q62939438 BC1T_11794 protein protein
Q62941888 MGL_0195-t26_1 protein protein
Q62946133 hypothetical protein protein protein
Q62967774 hypothetical protein protein protein
Q62995252 sorting nexin-4 protein protein
Q63011035 FGSG_09149-t26_1 fungal protein found in Fusarium graminearum PH-1, encoded by FGSG_09149 protein protein
Q68292474 Trypanosome variant surface glycoprotein (A-type), putative protein protein
Q68296524 Trypanosomal VSG domain/Trypanosome variant surface glycoprotein C-terminal domain containing protein, putative protein protein
Q68311498 Trypanosomal VSG domain/Trypanosome variant surface glycoprotein C-terminal domain containing protein, putative protein protein
Q68407226 Hsp70 protein/MreB/Mbl protein/FGGY family of carbohydrate kinases, C-terminal domain containing protein, putative protein protein
Q70343625 dna replication complex gins psf2 protein protein
Q87949114 related to MSS51 protein protein
Q120009847 Arabinose import ATP-binding protein AraG (EC PFLU_2373 Microbial protein found in Pseudomonas fluorescens strain SBW25 protein

protein complex

item label description instance of subclass of
Q50264129 ALDOB tetramer [cytosol] An instance of macromolecular complex in Homo sapiens with Reactome ID (R-HSA-70340) protein complex
Q50274912 Arf1-GDP [Golgi membrane] An instance of macromolecular complex in Homo sapiens with Reactome ID (R-HSA-199988) protein complex

protein domain

item label description instance of subclass of
Q24768049 Large T antigen, polyomavirus, C-terminal InterPro Domain protein domain
Q24778305 Formiminotransferase, N-terminal subdomain InterPro Domain protein domain

protein family

item label description instance of subclass of
Q24722063 S locus-related glycoprotein 1 binding pollen coat protein InterPro Family protein family protein
Q24723477 K+ transporting P-type ATPase, F subunit InterPro Family protein family
family of subunits of protein complexes
K+-transporting ATPase
Q81490583 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit gamma, fungal InterPro protein family protein family protein


item label description instance of subclass of
Q18030540 PIGCP1 pseudogene in the species Homo sapiens pseudogene
Q18062603 RPL15P5 pseudogene in the species Homo sapiens pseudogene
Q18310932 Tpt1-ps1 pseudogene in the species Mus musculus pseudogene
Q24627642 LOC105493798 pseudogene in the species Macaca nemestrina pseudogene
Q61924569 Tb927.9.810 pseudogene pseudogene

item label description instance of subclass of
Q61863209 Blayd's Bar pub in Leeds, West Yorkshire pub
Q80581911 Next Door pub in Wrexham, Wales pub

public election

item label description instance of subclass of
Q7185113 2010 Philippine House of Representatives elections in Bicol Region public election
Q107478324 2005. gada Rēzeknes domes atkārtotas vēlēšanas public election

public library

item label description instance of subclass of
Q45369542 Ripponden Library public library in Calderdale public library
Q61899878 Nagasakishitegumachikukominkantoshoshitsu library in Nagasaki Ken, Japan public library
Q85805285 Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Cilleros library in Spain public library
main library
Q105104424 Yorkville Library public library in Toronto, Canada public library
architectural structure

public office

item label description instance of subclass of
Q14850722 Secretary General of National Assembly chief of the National Assembly Secretariat of South Korea public office
Q106220944 municipal executive of Wester-Koggenland public office alderman
Q107612089 Minister of Tourism Sri Lankan Cabinet position public office minister


item label description instance of subclass of
Q26367052 VARSAT2D: finite-element analysis of variably saturated two-dimensional flow information circular published in 1994 publication
Q51384735 Douglas fir pitch moth Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1915. publication
Q51457296 Collectanea botanica (Barcelona) [...] Vol. X Barcinone : Instituto Botánico de Barcelona (Cycosa. -- Llull, 51 -- Barcelona) 1976 publication
Q51467047 Early references to Hawaiian entomology Honolulu, Hawaii, The Museum, 1923. publication
Q51471121 The "Excelsior" poultry book Library of Congress publication
Q51479564 Fragariculture; Library of Congress publication
Q51491450 How to raise poultry for profit Library of Congress publication
Q51524157 Rapid ecological assessment of selected state lands in southcentral Montana for plant species of special concern Helena, MT: Montana Natural Heritage Program, [1993] publication
Q112050269 Sorrows of the Forbidden City FMP-111852 FMP-111852 publication
Q117309747 À ta santé la vie ! Tome 2 Café crème et whisky publication
version, edition or translation
Q124961094 La Saint-Valentin publication
version, edition or translation


item label description instance of subclass of
Q5959554 Shanghai Translation Publishing House publisher
Q104183187 מרתף האות publisher
Q125428420 Blackmar & Bro. publisher of sheet music publisher

railway line

item label description instance of subclass of
Q7569005 South Yorkshire Railway Roger Wilde railway line
Q108171445 Bad Wildungen, Gl1 - W1 railway line railway line in Germany railway line

railway station

item label description instance of subclass of
Q2393942 Courrière railway station railway station in Belgium railway station
Q5360779 Sadowara Station railway station in Miyazaki, Miyazaki prefecture, Japan railway station
station located on surface
Q7497128 Shin-Suizenji Station railway station and tram station in Kumamoto, Kumamoto prefecture, Japan railway station
tram stop
elevated station
Q9163939 halte Baczyna railway station in Lubusz Voivodeship, Poland railway station
Q17026636 郭河站 railway station in Anhui, People's Republic of China railway station
Q25197242 Central Park station railway station in Colorado, the United States of America railway station
bus station
station located on surface
Q25445037 Близнюки railway station in Ukraine railway station
Q63416478 Dersdorf railway station in Bornheim, Germany railway station
Q111453979 Обгонный пункт №46 railway station in Nazyvayevsky District, Russia railway station

record label

item label description instance of subclass of
Q64810559 Preachers Cath Records record label record label
record company
Q65763181 Bragagild Danish record label record label

recurring sporting event

item label description instance of subclass of
Q841738 Daytona 500 auto race held annually in Daytona, Florida, United States recurring sporting event NASCAR Cup race
Q24886113 2015 British Athletics Championships international athletics championship event recurring sporting event
athletics meeting
British Athletics Championships

reference work entry

item label description instance of subclass of
Q19423531 Coro reference work entry
Q19485429 Pseudoperíptero reference work entry

remarkable tree

item label description instance of subclass of
Q10294038 Žilkův dub memorable tree in Hodonín District, Czech Republic remarkable tree
Q26779250 Zbraslavské lípy a javory group of memorable trees in Karlovy Vary District, Czech Republic remarkable tree
Q93992163 Jilm vaz v Kolovratech remarkable tree


item label description instance of subclass of
Q98410306 Nationell sfi-bonus report in the Riksdag 2010-05-10 report
Q98418284 Socialförsäkringsutskottets betänkande i anledning av motioner om jämställdhet oavsett civilstånd inom folkpensioneringen report in the Riksdag 1971-12-31 report
Q113638957 Weekly List 11/20/20 report of National Register of Historic Places actions report
Weekly List
Q119471825 The immigration debate in Australia: World War I and its impact Report published by Parliamentary Library (Australia) on 2016-06-29. report
Q119479447 Report on government services 2012: Indigenous compendium Report published by Productivity Commission on 2012-04-23. report

research project

item label description instance of subclass of
Q116071467 Struktur und Funktion der Ionenpore in spannungsgesteuerten Chloridkanälen research project
Q116094847 Theoretische Studien zu strukturellen und elektronischen Eigenschaften von konjugierten Polymeren in externen Feldern research project

residential building

item label description instance of subclass of
Q37947521 Wohnhaus building in Leobersdorf, Austria residential building
Q98057917 Vivienda 0009 residential building


item label description instance of subclass of
Q4276875 Кесе Жигалова river in Russia river
Q4279331 Malyshevka river in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia river
Q6760814 Яй-Ю river in Russia river
Q7254001 Psarka river in Poland river
Q11975939 Hovinbekken river in Norway river
Q13580586 Meledic River river in Romania river
Q15196474 Bandi River river in India river
Q30967893 Мирча river in Ukraine river
Q95613850 Berrengoerrota river in the Basque Country river
Q113583934 Afon Cletwr river in north Ceredigion river
Q115075996 Sungai Seriwan river
Q115076527 Sungai Penapuan river
Q115084154 Sungai Manuang river


item label description instance of subclass of
Q6368115 Norwegian County Road 5860 road
Q11403599 Hokkaido Prefectural Road Route 83 road in Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan road
Q56247934 M-611 highway in Madrid, Spain road
Q89568695 Nandan Bagan street Nandan Bagan street is a street in Kolkata. road
Q110810898 Montana Secondary Highway 572 secondary state highway in Park County, Montana, United States road

rural council of Ukraine

item label description instance of subclass of
Q17095194 Comuna Vîhiv rural council of Ukraine
Q17095429 Comuna Ostapî rural council of Ukraine
former administrative territorial entity
Q19810498 Comuna Onîkieve rural council of Ukraine

rural school

item label description instance of subclass of
Q67491458 Golgram R.B.B.M.H.H.S. U.Primary School rural school
higher secondary school
co-educational school
Q75937399 Jhagrapathar Jr. High School rural school
upper primary school
co-educational school
Q80334052 Orgram P B P SSK rural school
primary school
co-educational school
Q112696081 EMEIEF Orci Batalha school in Presidente Kennedy, Espírito Santo, Brazil rural school

rural settlement in Russia

item label description instance of subclass of
Q4317971 Net'yinskoe Rural Settlement rural settlement in Bryansky District, Bryansk Oblast, Russia rural settlement in Russia
Q4459538 Токарёвское сельское поселение human settlement in Gagarinsky District, Smolensk Oblast, Smolensk Oblast, Russia rural settlement in Russia
Q19836494 Тарханское сельское поселение human settlement in Batyrevsky District, Chuvash Republic, Russia rural settlement in Russia
Q21193337 Наследницкое сельское поселение human settlement in Bredinsky District, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia rural settlement in Russia


item label description instance of subclass of
Q24925325 Hind Inter College, Sambhal school in India school
Q41918561 Jenaplanschule Rostock school in Rostock, Germany school
Q47649246 Alte Schule Cultural heritage monument in Sinn (Hessen), Hesse, Germany school
Q106346587 High School Nayden Gerov school in Bulgaria school

school building

item label description instance of subclass of
Q38026366 Volksschule building in Tobaj, Austria school building
Q122263627 gmach szkoły powszechnej, Otwocka 3, Warszawa school building

scientific journal

item label description instance of subclass of
Q15745530 Connection Science journal scientific journal
open-access journal
Q15751161 Critical Studies in Education journal scientific journal
Q21385653 Formosan Entomologist scientific journal scientific journal
Q27714012 Medical journal of Zambia journal scientific journal
medical journal
Q90253568 Phanerogamarum Monographiae scientific journal
written work
Q96704448 Current Urban Studies US scientific journal scientific journal
Q96723815 Revista Juris Poiesis scientific journal


item label description instance of subclass of
Q3502612 Fundamentalism sculpture sculpture
Q9584283 Adam de Notre-Dame sculpture
Q17601220 Bergrede, Heilig Landstichting sculpture
Q27571850 L'enterrament de Judas artwork by Rafael Atché, Barcelona, 1854-1923 (cap a 1894) sculpture
Q56696181 Wall Painting sculpture by Emanuel Sela (Blaustein) sculpture
Q84721448 Hand modelled terracotta head sculpture

sepulchral chapel

item label description instance of subclass of
Q112319998 Grave of Courgy-Voys sepulchral chapel located in Paris, in France sepulchral chapel
Q112329911 Grave of Joly Lainé sepulchral chapel located in Paris, in France sepulchral chapel

settlement in Galicia, Spain

item label description instance of subclass of
Q20544077 Oca de Arriba settlement in Galicia, Spain
Q113516217 O Campo settlement in Galicia, Spain
municipality seat
Q123854308 Montouto settlement in Galicia, Spain


item label description instance of subclass of
Q7866883 USRC Manhattan ship
Q7873904 USS Saxis 1917 US patrol vessel ship
Q83592312 Nordersand ship built in 2004 ship
Q85986169 Pacific Pride fishing vessel built in 2008 ship
Q105769281 Cosco Valencia ship built in 2013 ship
Q111307621 Adelaide Packet shipwreck (Sailing vessel) wrecked in 1857 in New Zealand, Australia ship
Q122711785 Anafi ship built in 1974 ship


item label description instance of subclass of
Q3156460 Izayuke Wakataka Gundan 2007 2007 single by AAA single
Q3613343 Altra vita 2011 song by J-Ax single
Q4018664 We Go! 2011 single by Hiroshi Kitadani single
Q5092287 Cherry Blossom Clinic single by The Move single
Q7092557 One Day 2007 single by Opshop single
Q11230055 Life Ms.Ooja song single
Q11301998 ココロノコンパス 2005 single by Noriyuki Makihara single
Q18421022 All I Want for Christmas Is You 2008 single by Sanna Nielsen single
Q21586920 好きで好きで好きすぎて 2015 single by chay single
Q24866366 荒涼たる新世界/PLANET / THE HELL 2016 single single
Q28684140 [DEATHTOPIA] 2016 single by Glay single
Q30597852 Light Up the Dark single by Taylor Henderson single
Q39069858 Questions 2017 single by Chris Brown single
Q44257931 What If 2016 single by Tokio Hotel single

special library

item label description instance of subclass of
Q113319445 Biblioteca della Fondazione Biscozzi Rimbaud special library in Italy special library
private library
Q113610671 Biblioteca della Camera di Commercio di Alessandria-Asti. Sede Centrale Alessandria special library in Italy special library
biblioteca di un ente pubblico italiano

sporting event

item label description instance of subclass of
Q55600576 1934 World Table Tennis Championships – mixed doubles sporting event
Q55637869 women's sabre at the 2018 World Fencing Championships sporting event
Q61893497 2019 World Championships in Athletics – men's 1500 metres race at athletics meeting sporting event
Q85305177 2019 KNSB Dutch Single Distance Championships – Women's 1500 m sporting event KNSB Dutch Single Distance Championships for women
Q118558229 2018 Moroccan Athletics Championships – men's 100 metres race at athletics meeting sporting event

sports club

item label description instance of subclass of
Q1946196 Kaatsvereniging "De Earrebarre" sports club
Q6451159 Kyle GAA gaelic games club in County Laois, Ireland sports club
Q27869646 Brno Ravens LC sports club
Q122948416 TSV 1908 Gars/Inn Bavarian sports club sports club

sports season

item label description instance of subclass of
Q610894 1997 FIFA World Youth Championship 11th FIFA U-20 World Cup sports season
Q1889046 1945–46 NHL season National Hockey League season sports season
Q3923352 Promozione Liguria 1971-1972 sports season
Q4043799 2011 Match World Cup sports season
Q4573945 1970 CFL season sports league season sports season
Q4613627 2009 Côte d'Ivoire Premier Division football league season sports season
Q4625245 2012 Copa de España de Futsal football tournament season sports season
Q20312447 2014 2. deild karla 49th season of third-tier football in Iceland sports season
Q21606876 championnat de Tunisie masculin de volley-ball 1976-1977 volleyball competition sports season
Q28726485 Trofeul Carpați 45 sports season
Q52151031 Tipsport Superliga 2017/18 sports season
Q60860883 Supercoppa bulgara 2018 sports season
Q73800079 Dameserien 2016 sports season
Q74120803 1960 Waterford Senior Hurling Championship annual hurling competition season sports season
Q95974604 Europa Cup (korfbal) 1985 sports season

sports venue

item label description instance of subclass of
Q7244386 Prince of Wales Ground sports venue in the UK sports venue
Q120164714 ensemble sportif de Marnay sports venue
Q120177176 terrain des Chilènes sports venue
Q120209748 poney-club de Coatelan sports venue
Q120226013 Prairie squash sports venue
Q120228460 terrain de pétanque de Saint-Mars-du-Désert sports venue
Q120248059 salle du Vieux Moulin d'Espaubourg sports venue
Q120310455 centre socio-culturel Arc-En-Ciel sports venue
Q120310932 Alpes découverte sports venue
Q120313971 complexe sportif des Avanchers-Valmorel sports venue
Q120317047 falaise du rocher Qui Repond sports venue
Q120320315 étang Beau Soleil sports venue


item label description instance of subclass of
Q66435520 Rond point Hubert Maga square
Q106502841 Place Lénine square in Champigny-sur-Marne, France square
Q113448145 place Pierre Curie square in Tremblay-en-France, France square
Q116030613 Largo martiri delle foibe square


item label description instance of subclass of
Q85406900 UCAC2 17873950 star in the constellation Canis Major star
infrared source
Q92996980 [SME2009] 3045 star in the constellation Sagittarius star

state school

item label description instance of subclass of
Q123386723 SMA Negeri 1 Mojo high school in Kediri Regency, East Java, Indonesia state school
Sekolah Menengah Atas
Q123391397 SMA Negeri 1 Bengkulu Utara high school in North Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu, Indonesia state school
Sekolah Menengah Atas
Q123395817 SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari vocational school in Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo, Indonesia state school
vocational school
Q123832208 SD Negeri 1 Neki primary school in Way Kanan Regency, Lampung, Indonesia state school
sekolah dasar
Q124104697 SD Negeri 060951 Medan primary school in Medan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia state school
sekolah dasar
Q124114763 SD Negeri Kiuutenu primary school in South Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia state school
sekolah dasar
Q124224075 SD Negeri Ngadirejo 5 primary school in Kediri City, East Java, Indonesia state school
primary school
Q124231892 SD Negeri Bendungan primary school in Purworejo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia state school
primary school


item label description instance of subclass of
Q29114603 2 statues à Lautenbach statue statue
Q29197850 saint Brice statue in Champlitte, France statue
Q29237134 Saint Médard statue
Q79303916 Seddon Statue statue in Hokitika, New Zealand statue
historic site


item label description instance of subclass of
Q105660805 Law No. 5171 of October 21, 1966 Brazilian law statute
Q105691036 Law No. 13008 of June 26, 2014 Brazilian law statute

statutory rules of Northern Ireland

item label description instance of subclass of
Q99986903 The Road Races (Craigantlet Hill Climb) Order (Northern Ireland) 2018 Northern Ireland Statutory Rule 2018 No. 83 statutory rules of Northern Ireland
Q100079181 The Livestock Marketing Commission (Levy) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1976 Northern Ireland Statutory Rule 1976 No. 325 statutory rules of Northern Ireland
Q100101597 The Emergency Provisions (Compensation) (Amendment No. 2) Rules (Northern Ireland) 1990 Northern Ireland Statutory Rule 1990 No. 441 statutory rules of Northern Ireland


item label description instance of subclass of
Q582448 SS Königin Luise Barbarossa-class ocean liner built in 1896 steamship
passenger vessel
Q7869634 USS General Lyon US warship in US Civil War steamship

stone setting

item label description instance of subclass of
Q29418087 Södra Vi 13:2 stone setting in Småland, Sweden stone setting
Q29849781 Österhaninge 414:2 stone setting in Haninge Municipality, Stockholm County, Sweden stone setting


item label description instance of subclass of
Q1521801 Rütger-von-Scheven-Straße street street
Q3450372 rue Voltaire street in Paris, France street
Q3450896 rue de Montevideo street in Paris, France street
Q3451767 rue des Cottages street in Paris, France street
Q4108945 Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya Street street in Moscow, Russia street
Q4474285 Ulyanova Street street in Nizhegorodsky City District, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia street
Q11972640 Grim torv street in Kristiansand, Norway street
Q17451862 Trollebergsvägen street
Q18940402 Arkschelphof street in Den Haag, the Netherlands street
Q18940721 Asberg street in Veldhoven, the Netherlands street
Q18944657 Begijnhofstraat street in Oisterwijk, the Netherlands street
Q18954549 Zijvend street in Middelie, the Netherlands street
Q18985126 Crocuspad street in Denekamp, the Netherlands street
Q19015450 Dorrestein street in Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel, the Netherlands street
Q19059240 Eekschillerweg street in Arnhem, the Netherlands street
Q19254343 Hondenbergseweg street in Wapenveld, the Netherlands street
Q19271191 Irenestraat street in Boxmeer, the Netherlands street
Q19314753 Kroosdijk street in Harreveld, the Netherlands street
Q19342050 Meeuwenweg street in Lelystad, the Netherlands street
Q19347128 Moerbeek street in 't Veld, the Netherlands street
Q19347762 Molendellen street in Nistelrode, the Netherlands street
Q19429626 Priamsingel street in Capelle aan den IJssel, the Netherlands street
Q19478969 Rondgang street in Hoek van Holland, the Netherlands street
Q19575441 Uilstraat street in Kerkrade, the Netherlands street
Q20681331 rue Edme-Mariotte street in Nantes, France street
Q44749809 Úvoz street in Nový Bor, Czech Republic street
Q44797269 Průběžná street in Jílové, Czech Republic street
Q45109376 Letní street in Orlová, Czech Republic street
Q45133334 U studánky street in Velké Přítočno, Czech Republic street
Q45316288 Rostislavova street in Ostrava, Czech Republic street
Q46224582 Habrová street in Most, Czech Republic street
Q46249028 Lesní street in Záboří nad Labem, Czech Republic street
Q50383143 Шомыртлы улица street in Aviatözeleş City District, Qazan, Tatarstan street
Q85091849 Rue François Hellinckx - François Hellinckxstraat street in Koekelberg, Belgium street
Q95222639 Rue Roger Lenoir street
Q99738448 Lindenstraße street in Leipzig, Germany street
Q99739203 Schlesierstraße street in Leipzig, Germany street
Q100090287 Findstellenweg street in the city district of Misburg-Nord in Hanover, Germany street
Q100551345 Philosophenweg street in Jena, Thuringia, Germany street
Q100600098 Hofbüttnersgäßchen street in Hildburghausen, Thuringia, Germany street
Q100703733 Ouluer Straße street in Halle (Saale), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany street
Q100716724 Brünneleweg street in Goslar, Lower Saxony, Germany street
Q100717181 Kurt-Schumacher-Allee street in Goslar, Lower Saxony, Germany street
Q100790518 Astrid-Lindgren-Straße street in Neu-Ulm, Bavaria, Germany street
Q100888212 Malterhausen Siedlung street in Niedergörsdorf, Brandenburg, Germany street
Q101550147 Teschendorfer Weg street in Heiligengrabe, Brandenburg, Germany street
Q101561374 Tulpenweg street in Zossen, Brandenburg, Germany street
Q101570597 Grüne Trift street in Mittenwalde, Brandenburg, Germany street
Q101987248 Obersteigerweg street in Thale, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany street
Q102011477 Trnavaer Straße street in Sangerhausen, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany street
Q104031273 Bornüber street in Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Thuringia, Germany street
Q104163660 Dehmelstraße street in Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany street
Q104588714 An den Brunnenwiesen street in Barth, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany street
Q110806294 rue Cino Del Duca street in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France street
Q111348838 Am Landschaftspark Gatow street in Spandau district, Berlin, Germany street
Q111349353 Basiliusweg street in Reinickendorf district, Berlin, Germany street
Q111995281 Viktara Turava Street, Minsk street street
Q115631103 Stolzenberg street in Posterstein, Thuringia, Germany street
Q116227324 rue Léonard Mafrand street in Châtillon, dans les Hauts-de-Seine street
Q116872400 Sidorenko Street, Melitopol street in Melitopol, Ukraine street
Q120494002 rue du Plein Midi street of Athis-Mons, in France street
Q120831624 Friedensstraße street in Manheim, Kerpen, NRW, Germany street
Q120834741 Mennonitenstraße street in Emmerich am Rhein, NRW, Germany street

sub post office

item label description instance of subclass of
Q69546730 Maheema Sub Post Office sub post office
Q69689560 Padne Sub Post Office sub post office in Kasaragod district sub post office
Q69706891 Balianta Sub Post Office sub post office
Q69721687 Brahmadesam Sub Post Office (Tirunelveli) sub post office


item label description instance of subclass of
Q72099369 SuperDome 875 MHz/HyperPlex supercomputer
Q73459136 SuperDome 750 MHz/HyperPlex supercomputer


item label description instance of subclass of
Q156007 Treponema pallidum species of bacterium taxon
Q287584 Brochis genus of fishes in the Armored catfish family (Callichthyidae) taxon
Q526850 Psammorygma rutilans species of arachnid taxon
Q948907 Eurois occulta species of insect taxon
Q958749 Cosmocampus darrosanus species of fish taxon
Q1179990 Muscicapoidea superfamily of birds taxon
Q1858833 Clathria spongigartina species of sponge taxon
Q1914543 Nepogomphus genus of insects taxon
Q1935745 Paphiopedilum armeniacum species of plant taxon
Q2006253 Xanthesma blanda taxon, (Smith, 1879) species of colletidae taxon
Q2016157 Coniophora genus of fungi taxon
Q2124364 Notiophygus intermixtus species of insect taxon
Q2133036 Decacotyle octona species of worm taxon
Q2183858 Aleiodes citriscutum species of insect taxon
Q2198230 Odiellus duriusculus species of arachnid taxon
Q2222821 Hylaeus foveatus species of insect taxon
Q2224193 Podosilis afghana species of insect taxon
Q2290249 Citheronia brissotii species of insect taxon
Q2298237 Solanum annuum species of plant taxon
Q2316305 Monopetalotaxis genus of insects taxon
Q2321925 Limnoria reniculus species of crustacean taxon
Q2375075 Symplectoscyphus anae species of cnidarian taxon
Q2495817 Monognathus rajui species of fish taxon
Q2502221 Atractosomus illinitus species of insect taxon
Q2528611 Menella reticuloides species of cnidarian taxon
Q2563382 Oxytrigona daemoniaca species of insect taxon
Q2671701 Ganoxanthus quadrimaculatus species of insect taxon
Q2687609 Litochila carbonaria species of insect taxon
Q2699680 Guibemantis bicalcaratus species of amphibian taxon
Q2707167 Micaria galilaea species of arachnid taxon
Q2785303 Maiorerus randoi species of arachnid taxon
Q2795034 Hypognatha cacau species of arachnid taxon
Q2845359 Ananteris dorae species of arachnid taxon
Q2864898 Hexatoma (Eriocera) orbiculata species of insect taxon
Q2951067 Metereca paradoxa species of arachnid taxon
Q2963475 Taraxella sumatrana species of arachnid taxon
Q3045200 Crassomicrodus oaxaquensis species of insect taxon
Q3074907 Cupedora broughami species of mollusc taxon
Q3160580 Diachasma fulgidum species of insect taxon
Q3304937 Melanoseps pygmaeus species of reptile taxon
Q3362025 Pandinus percivali species of arachnid taxon
Q3519175 Tetraopes genus of insects taxon
Q3719433 Solenopsis brevicornis species of insect taxon
Q3792384 Delectopecten zacae species of mollusc taxon
Q3823441 Plagiorhynchus russelli species of worm taxon
Q3854816 Ianiropsis breviremis species of crustacean taxon
Q3897062 Dacnusa lonicerella species of insect taxon
Q4171257 Parasmittina macginitiei species of bryozoan taxon
Q4284625 Hibana futilis species of arachnid taxon
Q4510962 Pseudomma schollaertensis species of crustacean taxon
Q4511666 Eucopia genus of crustaceans taxon
Q4790059 Arhopala horsfieldi species of insect taxon
Q4843950 Aptostichus mikeradtkei species of arachnid taxon
Q4847826 Allorhogas gallicola species of insect taxon
Q5022391 Calliostoma katherina species of mollusc taxon
Q5039037 Carenochyrus titanus species of insect taxon
Q5063795 Ceratophacidium genus of fungi taxon
Q5388380 Erigeron algidus species of plant taxon
Q5402509 Macrozamia communis species of plant taxon
Q5803079 Amblypharyngodon atkinsonii species of fish taxon
Q5990766 Malthinus rubricollis species of insect taxon
Q6513448 Newportia lasia species of arthropods taxon
Q7077951 Odontodiaptomus genus of crustaceans taxon
Q7607376 Stempfferia carcina species of insect taxon
Q9022915 Lissotes cornutus species of beetles taxon
Q10317166 Lencymmoea genus of plants taxon
Q10360315 Rhaptonema genus of plants taxon
Q10409113 Amphitetranychus viennensis species of arthropod taxon
Q10412866 Anoscopus flavostriatus species of insect taxon
Q10421886 Atracis himalayana species of insect taxon
Q10430369 Biza castanea species of insect taxon
Q10442043 Capnia alternata species of insect taxon
Q10443992 Catonia pumilla species of insect taxon
Q10492187 Eustictus genus of insects taxon
Q10501893 Gaertneriomyces genus of fungi taxon
Q10521042 Hemicardiacus saundersi species of insect taxon
Q10580017 Meiocampa arizonica species of arthropods taxon
Q10595547 Nectria setofusarii species of fungus taxon
Q10607655 Oecleus snowi species of insect taxon
Q10610718 Ophiostoma ranaculosum species of fungus taxon
Q10623033 Penicillium proteolyticum species of fungus taxon
Q10627213 Phialophora hyalina species of fungus taxon
Q10648277 Rabela tabebuiae species of insect taxon
Q10668506 Sinopodisma tsinlingensis species of insect taxon
Q10668817 Sirodothis populi species of fungus taxon
Q10677469 Stalolidia dissolutus species of insect taxon
Q10709034 Diaspis subregularis species of insect taxon
Q10711654 Uvaroviella cavea species of insect taxon
Q10722195 Xenovarta ankusha species of insect taxon
Q10724446 Zelus exsanguis species of insect taxon
Q10766000 Hastula impage species of mollusc taxon
Q10770248 Hypaenistis genus of insects taxon
Q10808614 Probopyrus iriomotensis species of crustacean taxon
Q10819936 Sintoria cyanea species of insect taxon
Q12216413 Scorzonera papposa species of plant taxon
Q13257530 Aletia angustipennis species of insect taxon
Q13371410 Isorropodon smithii species of mollusc taxon
Q13395422 Aristopus ugandanus species of insect taxon
Q13395626 Aristotelia rhoisella species of insect taxon
Q13434997 Bardaxima belua species of insect taxon
Q13442161 Borkhausenia callioptis species of insect taxon
Q13479384 Paraxena esquamata species of insect taxon
Q13508223 Cylindera macilenta species of insect taxon
Q13511328 Poliodestra glaucippe species of insect taxon
Q13535855 Nearcha curtaria species of insect taxon
Q13559870 Naxidia maculata species of insect taxon
Q13595590 Doridicola praelongipes species of crustacean taxon
Q13603543 Einhornia moskvikvendi species of bryozoan taxon
Q13643840 Glyphipterix schultzella species of insect taxon
Q13643889 Glyphocrangon caecescens species of crustacean taxon
Q13645379 Gonimbrasia perscitus species of insect taxon
Q13806111 Macroplectra cinnamomea species of insect taxon
Q13855970 Helina celsa species of insect taxon
Q13904664 Notonyx sagittifer species of crustacean taxon
Q13906307 Nylanderia helleri species of insect taxon
Q13975336 Hilara congregaria species of insect taxon
Q13988698 Pagurus samoensis species of crustacean taxon
Q14071933 Bradysia leptoptera species of insect taxon
Q14080249 Perigona hirtella species of insect taxon
Q14125933 Puliciphora occidentalis species of insect taxon
Q14248194 Quadrus deyrollei species of insect taxon
Q14409235 Noeeta strigilata species of insect taxon
Q14463822 Phradis gibbus species of insect taxon
Q14500380 Trapania scurra species of mollusc taxon
Q14505089 Trichoptilus animosus species of insect taxon
Q14507029 Antipalpus wieneckii species of insect taxon
Q14514468 Platycheirus kashmiricus species of insect taxon
Q14525266 Hercostomus jingpingensis species of insect taxon
Q14582297 Pristiphora tenuiserra species of insect taxon
Q14593395 Phortica flavithorax species of insect taxon
Q14617934 Norellisoma ivanae species of insect taxon
Q14661144 Parapsilocephala genus of insects taxon
Q14664910 Safaria genus of insects taxon
Q14666458 Trichocera auripennis species of insect taxon
Q14666779 Agapophytus borealis species of insect taxon
Q14675112 Penthetria takeuchii species of insect taxon
Q14699597 Platurocypta immaculata species of insect taxon
Q14700384 Mycomyiella diseta species of insect taxon
Q14731046 Rhodopina perakensis species of beetle taxon
Q14733467 Polygastropteryx bicoloripes species of insect taxon
Q14751453 Telenomus albatorius species of insect taxon
Q14799408 Pseudhammus discoideus species of beetle taxon
Q14837287 Colobothea cassandra species of beetle taxon
Q14883178 Onthophagus sidama species of insect taxon
Q14884239 Hololepta polita species of insect taxon
Q14891575 Scarabaeus platynotus species of insect taxon
Q14891842 Apotolamprus pseudomanomboensis species of insect taxon
Q14910684 Ectinohoplia tibialis species of insect taxon
Q15030994 Mammillaria cornifera species of plant taxon
Q15327205 Aulandra beccarii species of plant taxon
Q15327501 Hemigenia brachyphylla species of plant taxon
Q15370139 Clematis wattii species of plant taxon
Q15398130 Dischidia fruticulosa species of plant taxon
Q15464676 Stichorkis reflexa species of plant taxon
Q15486842 Stictocardia macalusoi species of plant taxon
Q15500313 Octomeria wawrae species of plant taxon
Q15505615 Dignathia gracilis species of plant taxon
Q15511784 Tripogon ekmanii species of plant taxon
Q15528724 Serjania eucardia species of plant taxon
Q15533886 Diplotropis strigulosa species of plant taxon
Q15534067 Meibomia bioculata species of plant taxon
Q15546139 Campanula forsythii species of plant taxon
Q15551640 Brassaiopsis gigantea species of plant taxon
Q15569580 Eremogone acutisepala species of plant taxon
Q15574920 Eryngium buchtienii species of plant taxon
Q15579261 Polygala appressa species of plant taxon
Q15590257 Senecio alcicornis species of plant taxon
Q15592960 Mertensia platensis species of plant taxon
Q15593757 Baccharis humilis species of plant taxon
Q15659843 Manduca capsici species of insect taxon
Q15683210 Cleora suffusa species of insect taxon
Q15740193 Orthosia variegata species of insect taxon
Q15761631 Hypolimnas fasciata species of insect taxon
Q16759862 Trichaetoides chloroleuca species of insect taxon
Q16827698 Alycaeus genus of molluscs taxon
Q16986045 Murine norovirus species of virus taxon
Q17117738 Doryopteris decora species of plant taxon
Q17196529 Elaphoglossum bradeanum species of plant taxon
Q17199659 Andreaea angustifolia species of plant taxon
Q17237433 Oncostemum racemiferum species of plant taxon
Q17241173 Parathesis oerstediana species of plant taxon
Q17241679 Lecomtedoxa plumosa species of plant taxon
Q17247711 Titanopsis schwantesii species of plant taxon
Q17249966 Rubus undabundus species of plant taxon
Q17252237 Saurauia emarginata species of plant taxon
Q17253607 Kedhalia flaviflora species of plant taxon
Q17397840 Argyreia hirsuta species of plant taxon
Q17399284 Lepistemonopsis volkensii species of plant taxon
Q17401079 Solanum ursinum species of plant taxon
Q17565405 Erythrospermum zeylanicum species of plant taxon
Q17617772 Miletus gardineri species of insect taxon
Q17623975 Casinycteris campomaanensis species of mammal taxon
Q18076308 Galium blinii species of plant taxon
Q18350965 Deferribacter desulfuricans species of bacterium taxon
Q18520554 Ophioxenos genus of worms taxon
Q18586436 Pilarta genus of crustaceans taxon
Q19597212 Eudonia wolongensis species of insect taxon
Q19597495 Hileithia densalis species of insect taxon
Q20046516 Biomphalaria camerunensis species of mollusc taxon
Q20735966 Jubilariidae family of worms taxon
Q20902486 Tlacuatzin canescens gaumeri subspecies of mammal taxon
Q20906349 Chiroderma salvini scopaeum subspecies of mammal taxon
Q21214847 Hoberlandtiana genus of insects taxon
Q21221611 Artematopodinae subfamily of insects taxon
Q21236421 Andropogon glaucopsis species of plant taxon
Q21237114 Archisotoma brucei species of insect taxon
Q21246627 Casignetella pseudolongicornella species of insect taxon
Q21299028 Ooencyrtus likinis species of insect taxon
Q21310579 Tillicera paula species of insect taxon
Q21314334 Pedionis dinghuensis species of insect taxon
Q21325326 Orthocentrus flavifrons species of insect taxon
Q21355632 Goniotorna synastra synastra taxon
Q21357507 Enispe cycnus verbanus taxon
Q21369708 Centaurea × aurata species of plant taxon
Q21379794 Puccinia epilobii var. hypodites taxon
Q23755925 Hormosina spiculifera species of protist taxon
Q24809403 Halorubrum virus HRPV-2 taxon
Q25096165 Stenoma hesmarcha species of moth taxon
Q27438400 Lacimicrobium genus of Gammaproteobacteria taxon
Q27440333 Orsunius latexciscus species of insect taxon
Q27512990 Moraea doleritica species of plant taxon
Q27624819 Psaltriparus minimus melanurus subspecies of bird taxon
Q28744787 Sesapa inscripta species of insect taxon
Q28819771 Galium lucidum subsp. corrudifolium subspecies of plant taxon
Q29582641 Culex pipiens pallens subspecies of insect taxon
Q31738559 Limonium depauperatum species of plant taxon
Q33190333 Dimyacea superfamily of molluscs taxon
Q38400099 Ruellia alternata species of plant taxon
Q38425694 Melodorum oldhamii species of plant taxon
Q39011982 Diastema rhodotrichum species of plant taxon
Q39385819 Oncidium chrysops species of plant taxon
Q40653966 Cymochorea castro species of bird taxon
Q41000716 Hirundo christyi species of bird taxon
Q44730500 Heligmasoma genus of myriapods taxon
Q46182667 Rhopaloheriades taxon
Q48999074 Miamiensis avidus species of protozoan taxon
Q49535688 Epicaerus tenuis species of beetles taxon
Q49598740 Ononis repens antiquorum subspecies of plant taxon
Q50387519 Bagous mingrelicus species of beetles taxon
Q50391251 Sphenoptera circe species of beetles taxon
Q50625458 Mimela junii rugosula taxon
Q50835755 Bambusa apus species of plant taxon
Q50839707 Dactylis glaucescens species of plant taxon
Q54960805 Belotus abdominalis species of insect taxon
Q58377190 Angaria proviliacensis species of molluscs taxon
Q59414647 Clivina brunnipennis species of beetles taxon
Q61473156 Astropecten armatus erinaceus taxon
Q61609568 Burchanidrilus genus of annelids in the order Haplotaxida taxon
Q61696755 Pleurotomella compacta species of mollusc taxon
Q61697017 Abra chuni species of mollusc taxon
Q61700874 Aegeofusinus angeli species of mollusc taxon
Q63344961 Amaura genus of Lepidoptera taxon
Q65931971 Breynia androgyna species of plant in the family Phylanthaceae taxon
Q66117158 Hibiscus huegelii var. quinquevulnera taxon
Q67123939 Helix dejecta species of molluscs taxon
Q67346878 Calothrix aberrans taxon
Q69526945 Cosmarium advolatum taxon
Q69868736 Bendigovirus genus of viruses taxon
Q80822679 Pseudocercospora polysciatis-pinnatae taxon
Q81740651 Myrcia excoriata taxon
Q81938412 Geranium incanum var. incanum taxon
Q83540971 Dendrolaelaps luxtoni species of mite taxon
Q90586462 Primulina wuae taxon
Q90603103 Smythea poomae taxon
Q94338173 Pedicularis ser. Acmodontae taxon
Q94357357 Epidendrum dialychilum subsp. peruvianum taxon
Q94427067 Haworthia reinwardtii var. greenii taxon
Q102128078 Gamelia tatamica species of Lepidoptera taxon
Q104096533 Chrysosporium pannorum taxon
Q104247867 Tritrichomonadidae taxon
Q105442635 Chlamydomonas amoena species of green algae taxon
Q105666858 Nitella gracilis var. bipartita taxon
Q105761320 Tricoma longicauda species of nematodes taxon
Q105870556 Nais tenuidentis species of annelids taxon
Q105947383 Caberea guntheri taxon
Q105981183 Cyamium imitans species of molluscs taxon
Q106098662 Torotaia gilliana species of molluscs taxon
Q106270840 Euconulus polygyratus species of molluscs taxon
Q106282886 Buliminus zarudnyi species of molluscs taxon
Q106306715 Photinula paradoxa species of molluscs taxon
Q106319525 Cerithium nodulosum erythraeonense taxon
Q106407848 Stethojulis axillaris species of fish taxon
Q106429798 Cottunculus costaecanariae species of fish taxon
Q106541111 Eusattus convexus species of insects taxon
Q106892828 Haworthia picturata var. pusilla taxon
Q107065385 Daphnia nuda species of crustaceans taxon
Q107070273 Monoculus pediculus species of crustaceans taxon
Q107323615 Austroberyx gerrardi species of fish taxon
Q107452038 Renius genus of insects taxon
Q107477930 Aleuria lloydiana taxon
Q107483055 Amphisphaeria rehmii taxon
Q107504745 Atractobolus fragariastri taxon
Q107509441 Bacidia polysita taxon
Q107565910 Chloridium chlamydosporum taxon
Q107585623 Coniophora petersii species of fungi in the genus Coniophora taxon
Q107688493 Fusicoccum advenum taxon
Q107693554 Genea bihymeniata taxon
Q107709600 Graphis suzanae species of lichen taxon
Q107735886 Helvella minima taxon
Q108059407 Microthelia cerasorum taxon
Q108072413 Monilaria luckhoffii taxon
Q108082760 Ijimalophus reflexus species of sponges taxon
Q108158338 Pestalotia batatas taxon
Q108165925 Peziza braunii taxon
Q108181729 Pholiota capistrata species of fungi in the genus Pholiota taxon
Q108182463 Pholiota fulviconica species of fungi in the genus Pholiota taxon
Q108269142 Podosporium sparsum taxon
Q108292396 Pseudocercospora glomerata taxon
Q108330480 Rosellinia merrillii taxon
Q108364116 Nepenthosyrphus meijerei species of fly taxon
Q108444019 Tricholomopsis flavissima species of fungi in the genus Tricholomopsis taxon
Q108445102 Trichopeziza pomicolor taxon
Q108595479 Coprinus nycthemerus var. patouillardii taxon
Q108602735 Geastrum bryantii var. minor taxon
Q108622142 Lecanora subfusca var. ferax taxon
Q108717851 Sticta urvillei var. flavicans taxon
Q108731274 Tricholoma sejunctum var. subdulce taxon
Q108731600 Trichophyton gourvilii var. gourvilii taxon
Q108740339 Verticillium sphaerosporum var. bispora taxon
Q108828660 Lygaeus alboornatus species of true bug taxon
Q109596650 Hieracium abnorme taxon
Q109809611 Ixeris chinensis var. graminifolia variety of plant taxon
Q109928671 Ervum pallidum taxon
Q110068412 Mentha ×pedroi taxon
Q110072467 Rabdosia amethystoides taxon perennial plant
Q110117188 Mollia stellaris taxon
Q110376047 Oxydectes dichotoma taxon
Q110492558 Cryptantha echinoides taxon
Q110544224 Lycianthes heteroclita var. gracilis taxon
Q110555038 Androsace glabrata taxon
Q110713776 Calystegia fulcrata subsp. tomentella taxon
Q110851986 Tillandsia macrocnemis taxon
Q110917945 Gentiana flavida taxon
Q111022822 Polygala brachistachyos taxon
Q111140845 Sicyocarya mauiensis taxon
Q111208356 Deflandreaceae taxon
Q111333359 Quercus dumosa subsp. macdonaldii taxon
Q112725550 Sclerocris chalcoxantha taxon, (Meyrick, 1889) species of oecophoridae taxon
Q112915874 Salcedia bembereka species of insect taxon
Q116158798 Pbunavirus PS44 taxon
Q116263236 Fageia moschata taxon
Q117735361 Ostioloides taxon taxon
Q118455413 Orthoflavivirus cowboneense taxon
Q118490083 Cyrea dora species of beetles taxon
Q118532715 Psyllobora parenthesis species of beetles taxon
Q119478208 Acmaeodera gianassoi taxon
Q122774164 Belonuchus castaneus species of insect taxon
Q124276946 Sepedophilus capensis species of insect taxon
Q124346593 Hydrobiomorpha straeleni species of insect taxon
Q124489577 Bostrichus exiguus species of insect taxon
Q124490906 Carponinus definitus species of insect taxon
Q124531955 Hipporrhinus nycthemerus species of insect taxon
Q124549147 Leprosomus schönherri species of insect taxon
Q124698553 Telaugia assimilis species of insect taxon
Q124725511 Urodon nigrofemoratus species of insect taxon

technical standard

item label description instance of subclass of
Q106654958 Perceptual Quantizer transfer function for HDR displays (High Dynamic Range) technical standard
transfer function
electro-optical transfer function
transfer functions in imaging
Q124637566 General Device Type Format File format for describing theatrical equipment technical standard

television program

item label description instance of subclass of
Q3213707 La Vie qui bat television series television program
Q5888553 Home Movies: The Great Canadian Film Caper Canadian television program television program
Q10420970 Astronauterna (dokusåpa) television program
Q18336638 おーい!ひろいき村 television program
Q20829733 Boom! television program
game show

television series

item label description instance of subclass of
Q4155650 Две судьбы television series television series
Q6005732 Imortal television series television series
Q6072792 Pero sigo siendo El Rey television series television series
Q7441870 Season 25: Oprah Behind The Scenes television series television series
Q16083802 Вили television series television series
Q60607357 Fitness Diaries German television series television series

television series episode

item label description instance of subclass of
Q2981287 Bad Reputation episode of Glee (S1 E17) television series episode
Q10337687 Nothing To Talk About episode of Private Practice (S2 E3) television series episode
Q14336477 Sick episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit television series episode
Q59181867 Broken Dreams episode of Hawaii Five-0 (S5 E10) television series episode
Q63256363 Die Fleisch-Frage: Mit hübschen Siegeln gegen schlechtes Gewissen? episode of German talk show Hart aber fair television series episode
Q101412725 FYEO episode of Eye Candy (S1 E9) television series episode
Q102383830 Snow Job episode of Even Stevens (S03 E17) television series episode
Q110037240 Jonah Hill/The Shins episode of Saturday Night Live (S37 E17) television series episode
Q111152617 Hal Coaches episode of Malcolm in the Middle television series episode
Q114464603 Long Ride Home episode of The Virginian (S8 E1) television series episode
Q114475853 Norm vs. Youth (Part 2) episode of The Norm Show (S3 E8) television series episode
Q114476101 The Sharpest Edge episode of Medical Center (S1 E8) television series episode
Q114506416 Carne Guisada and Enchiladas episode of Cook's Country (S14 E4) television series episode
Q114514047 The Man from Spain episode of Zorro (S2 E27) television series episode
Q114522574 The Looooove Boat: Part 2 episode of Growing Pains (S4 E22) television series episode
Q114535854 Dreidels and Betrayals episode of Shahs of Sunset (S6 E5) television series episode
Q126078138 Horsey Twinkle Toes episode of Peppa Pig (S4 E4) television series episode
Q125451101 Mollyball / Visit Qyah episode of Molly of Denali (S1 E15) television series episode

television series season

item label description instance of subclass of
Q25208734 Big Brother 9 season of the Albanian television series television series season
Q102408687 Coupling, season 1 season 1 of Coupling television series season
Q114138040 Professor T., season 2 television series season
Q114447406 Promised Land, season 3 television series season

tennis event

item label description instance of subclass of
Q3654904 Masters de Canadá 1984 (individual femenino) tennis event
Q3856057 Miami Open 1978 - Doppio tennis event

thatched cottage

item label description instance of subclass of
Q26430350 Kynance Cottage cottage in Bolnhurst and Keysoe, Bedford, Bedfordshire, UK thatched cottage
Q26542532 Thistle Cottage thatched cottage in Morchard Bishop, Mid Devon, Devon, UK thatched cottage

time of day

item label description instance of subclass of
Q95010211 01:19:37 point of time time of day
Q95011459 01:40:09 point of time time of day
Q95053474 10:48:47 point of time time of day
Q95057851 11:44:25 point of time time of day
Q95076883 15:03:27 point of time time of day
Q95096586 17:56:03 point of time time of day
Q95102147 18:42:23 point of time time of day
Q95110397 19:48:28 point of time time of day
Q95131978 22:28:41 point of time time of day
Q95132248 22:30:55 point of time time of day


item label description instance of subclass of
Q104264680 Ballyroe (Grace) townland in Rathealy, County Kilkenny, Ireland townland
Q104279916 Talbotstown townland in Killinick, County Wexford, Ireland townland
Q104324134 Toghergar townland in Castleffrench, County Galway, Ireland townland
Q104349287 Drumnacroil townland in Ballintra, County Donegal, Ireland townland

train service

item label description instance of subclass of
Q17161880 K192/193、K194/191次列车 train service in China train service
Q123255924 K12 train service in France train service

tram stop

item label description instance of subclass of
Q19875961 Central Station light rail station in Houston, Texas tram stop
Q112825237 Tennyson St/Waverley Rd (Malvern East) tram stop in Melbourne, Australia tram stop
Q124399879 27 Grudnia tram stop in Poznań tram stop

triangulation station

item label description instance of subclass of
Q115502492 Cuatro Puntas triangulation station in Las Tres Villas, Spain triangulation station
Q115506872 Murias triangulation station in Villanueva de Oscos, Spain triangulation station
Q115509040 Roques de Ucanca GPS triangulation station in Adeje, Spain triangulation station


item label description instance of subclass of
Q17453679 Drie Grafheuvels tumulus
Q29364926 Breared 83:7 tumulus
Q29439005 Annerstad 225:3 tumulus
Q29791050 Sorunda 739:1 tumulus
Q30117982 Lørslev ancient monument in Morsø Municipality (20402) tumulus
Q30119785 Tvillinghøje ancient monument in Vesthimmerland Municipality (24278) tumulus
Q30130535 Trindelbjerg ancient monument in Norddjurs Municipality (47128) tumulus

type of chemical entity

item label description instance of subclass of
Q2813821 2-methylbutyryl-CoA chemical compound type of chemical entity (S)-2-methylbutanoyl-CoA
Q26841324 1-methyl-4-(1-methylpyridin-1-ium-4-yl)pyridin-1-ium chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q27094869 1-Deoxy-1-Methoxycarbamido-Beta-D-Gluco-2-Heptulopyranosonamide chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q27164757 N-(4-bromo-2-pyridinyl)-4-[(1-methyl-2-oxo-4-quinolinyl)oxy]butanamide chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q27175388 N-[(5S,6S,9S)-5-methoxy-3,6,9-trimethyl-2-oxo-11-oxa-3,8-diazabicyclo[10.4.0]hexadeca-1(12),13,15-trien-14-yl]-1,3-benzothiazole-2-carboxamide chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q27194636 N-[(2R,3R)-2-[(dimethylamino)methyl]-5-[(2S)-1-hydroxypropan-2-yl]-3-methyl-6-oxo-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,5-benzoxazocin-10-yl]methanesulfonamide chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q27253504 D-araboflavin tetraacetate chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q27265024 hetolin chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q27271081 (-)-4-terpineol chemical compound type of chemical entity menthane monoterpenoids
Q27272188 kopsine chemical compound type of chemical entity methyl (12R,13S,16R,18S)-18-hydroxy-17-oxo-5,14-diazaheptacyclo[,13.04,12.04,18.06,11.012,16]docosa-6,8,10-triene-5-carboxylate
Q27272266 25-hydroxy-7-dehydrocholesterol chemical compound type of chemical entity cholestane steroid
Q27286180 1- cyano-4-(dimethylamino)pyridinium tetrafluoroborate chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q27466978 2-amino-6-(2-phenylethyl)pyrimidin-4(3H)-one chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q61643025 Ammonium trivanadium octaoxide chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q72439391 alpha-(Aminomethyl)cyclopentaneacetic acid ethyl ester chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q72451236 3-(2-Bromoacetyl)benzonitrile chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q72464525 2,5-Dibromo-3-methylfuran chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q72473733 Ethyl 4-(4-chloro-1-oxobutyl)-alpha,alpha-dimethylbenzeneacetate chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q76100852 [[Q76100852|(2S,3S)-2-[[(2S)-2-[[(2S)-2-[[(2S)-2-acetamido-3-[4-(carboxymethyl)phenyl]propanoyl]amino]-4-carboxybutanoyl]amino]-4-carboxybutanoyl]amino]-3-methylpentanoic acid]] chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q76389289 8-[(E)-2-(2,3-dimethoxyphenyl)ethenyl]-7-methyl-1,3-dipropylpurine-2,6-dione chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q76393638 [[Q76393638|6-amino-7-(furan-2-ylmethyl)-2-oxo-N-[[(2S)-oxolan-2-yl]methyl]-1,9-diaza-7-azoniatricyclo[,8]tetradeca-3,5,7,9,11,13-hexaene-5-carboxamide]] chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q76614341 N-[(E)-(4-bromophenyl)methylideneamino]-5-(5-methylfuran-2-yl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q76621484 [[Q76621484|[4-[(E)-[[4-[(4-chlorophenyl)methoxy]benzoyl]hydrazinylidene]methyl]phenyl] 3-bromobenzoate]] chemical compound type of chemical entity depside
Q76809852 10-Hydroxy-2,8-decadiene-4,6-diyneoic acid methyl ester chemical compound type of chemical entity fatty alcohol
biogenic acyclic ester
Q76929044 TG(22:0/18:3(6Z,9Z,12Z)/20:4(8Z,11Z,14Z,17Z)) chemical compound type of chemical entity 1-stearoyl 2-acylglycerolipid
Q82026041 2-{[4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl](hydroxy)methyl}naphthalene-1,4-dione chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82031774 8-methoxyphenanthro[3,4-d][1,3]dioxole chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82042049 3-phenylpyrrolo[2,1-a]isoquinoline chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82052086 3-[Hydroxy(diphenyl)methyl]-1-methyl-4-phenylazetidin-2-one chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82081806 Methyl phenylmethanesulfonate chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82083985 N-(1-benzamidoethyl)benzamide chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82114443 3-Chloro-2,6-dimethylpyridine chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82123511 10H-phenothiazine, 3-bromo-10-methyl- chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82137756 2-Ethyl-3-methyl-quinoline-4-carboxylic acid chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82160245 [[Q82160245|1-[[2-[5-[(4-chlorophenyl)sulfanylmethyl]tetrazol-2-yl]acetyl]amino]-3-[2-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]thiourea]] chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82166852 11E-374S chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82207564 [[Q82207564|4-[[2-(2,4-dimethylphenoxy)acetyl]carbamothioylamino]benzoic acid]] chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82218254 2-(3,5-dichloro-4-hydroxyphenyl)imino-N-(3-ethoxyphenyl)-3-methyl-4-oxo-1,3-thiazinane-6-carboxamide chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82239732 Boc-D-Phe-ONp chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82243840 NSC332434 chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82259524 5-Amino-6,7-dichloro-2,3-dimethoxyquinoxaline chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82287078 Benzene-d5 chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82312096 Phosphine oxide, diphenyl(1-phenyl-1,2-propadienyl)- chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82347341 Bicyclo[7.3.1]trideca-1(13),9,11-triene chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82356658 1-Cyclopropyl-2-(phenylsulfanyl)benzene chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82356947 4-Amino-2,3-dimethylbenzene-1-sulfonic acid chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82359905 1,1,1,3-Tetrachlorooctane chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82378011 3-(6-Fluoro-1-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-yl)propanoic acid chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82421780 Ethyl (ethylsulfanyl)(fluoro)acetate chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82425879 7-Bromo-2-benzofuran-1(3H)-one chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82456250 3,7,8-Trimethyl-1-(2-oxopropyl)-3,7-dihydro-1H-purine-2,6-dione chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82465212 (8-Methylnaphthalen-1-yl)methanol chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82469854 16-Methyl-1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxa-16-azacyclooctadecane-14,18-dione chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82471478 2-Cyclopentyl-1,4-diphenylnaphthalene chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82491482 5-Bromo-2,3-dihydro-1,4-benzodioxine chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82528065 Methyl 3-[(chlorosulfonyl)methyl]benzoate chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82528341 3-Iodo-5,7-dimethyl-2H-indazole chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82555441 (2,3-Dichlorophenyl){2-[(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)methyl]phenyl}methanone chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82578413 2-Hydroxy-2-(pyridin-3-yl)cyclohexan-1-one chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82601960 5H-Dibenzo[b,f]azepine-5-(~13~C,~15~N)carboxamide chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82612991 2',4'-Dimethyl-5-(trifluoromethyl)[1,1'-biphenyl]-3-ol chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82619540 2',4'-Dichloro-6-fluoro[1,1'-biphenyl]-3-carboxylic acid chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82631650 N,N-Dimethyl-2-(piperazin-2-yl)acetamide chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82693806 (~13~C_14_)Tetradecanoic acid chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82700030 N-[2-(2-Methylpyridin-4-yl)phenyl]methanesulfonamide chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82704952 2-[4-(Oxan-2-ylidene)butoxy]oxane chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82705857 3,6-Diamino-10-benzylacridin-10-ium chloride chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82706178 2-Benzyl-5-methylindolo[1,2-b][2,7]naphthyridin-12(2H)-one chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82771434 1-[4-(Dibutylamino)phenyl]-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-hydroxyethan-1-one chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82801691 N-[2-(2-Hydrazinylidenepropanoyl)phenyl]-4-methylbenzene-1-sulfonamide chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82809281 4-Cyanophenyl 4-[(4-dodecylbenzoyl)oxy]-3-methylbenzoate chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82829832 [(9,9-Diethyl-9H-fluoren-2-yl)ethynyl](trimethyl)silane chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82840148 4-(4-Methylbenzene-1-sulfonyl)-3-nitrobenzoyl chloride chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82856241 DICYCLOPROPYLKETONE OXIME ANALOG #14 chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82869358 Diphenaleno[1,9-ab:1',9'-lm]triphenodioxazinetetrasulfonic acid, 8,19-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:4) chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82905203 4-{[3-Hydroxy-19-norpregna-1(10),2,4-trien-20-yn-17-yl]oxy}-4-oxobutanoic acid chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82912274 1-Methyl-4-pentylbenzene chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82914465 2,5-Bis[(piperidin-1-yl)methyl]-1lambda~4~-thiolan-1-one--hydrogen chloride (1/2) chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82921453 N,N'-(Dimethylsilanediyl)bis(N-methylacetamide) chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82951325 2,9,9-Trimethyl-2,3,4,4a,9,9a-hexahydro-1H-indeno[2,1-c]pyridine--hydrogen chloride (1/1) chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82954801 Hexane-1,3,6-triamine chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82973313 2-{[(Butylsulfanyl)(methyl)phosphoryl]oxy}ethyl butanoate chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82974410 7-Hydroxy-2-methyl-3-phenyl-8-[(piperidin-1-yl)methyl]-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one--hydrogen chloride (1/1) chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82990913 Methyl 9-oxo-9H-thioxanthene-1-carboxylate chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q82993120 8-Bromo-6,7-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q83000978 1-{6-Chloro-2-[1-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethenyl]-3,4-dimethylphenoxy}-3-[(propan-2-yl)amino]propan-2-ol chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q83001121 N-(4-Ethoxyphenyl)-4-(1-ethylbenzo[cd]indol-2(1H)-ylidene)-N-methylcyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-iminium methyl sulfate chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q83027952 Hydroxyl-d chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q83110940 Regroton chemical compound type of chemical entity yohimbinoid alkaloid
Q90494184 3-Azetidineacetonitrile, 1-[(1-methylcyclopropyl)sulfonyl]-3-[4-(7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]- chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q90494385 3-Azetidine-2,2,4,4-d4-acetonitrile, 1-(ethyl-1,1,2,2,2-d5-sulfonyl)-3-[4-(7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]- chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q90516159 2,7,10,12-Tetraazatridecanoic acid, 12-methyl-9-(1-methylethyl)-13-[2-(1-methylethyl)-4-thiazolyl]-8,11-dioxo-3,6-bis(phenylmethyl)-, 1-methylethyl ester, (3R,6R,9S)- chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q90520233 2-Pyrazinecarboxamide, 4-[5-O-(dichlorophosphinyl)-β-D-ribofuranosyl]-6-fluoro-3,4-dihydro-3-oxo- chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q90542196 2226552-37-8 chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q90552743 Cholan-24-oic acid, 2-fluoro-3,7-dihydroxy-6-oxo-, methyl ester, (2β,3α,5α,7α)- chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q90552950 Oleanan-28-oic acid, 3,12-dihydroxy-, (3β,12α)- chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q104950633 3,7,11-Trimethyldodeca-2,6,10-trienyl 3-methylbutanoate chemical compound type of chemical entity biogenic acyclic ester
farnesane sesquiterpenoid
Q105024565 (2R,2aR,4aS,6S,7aR,7bR)-3,6-bis(hydroxymethyl)-6,7b-dimethyl-1H,2H,2aH,4aH,5H,7H,7aH-cyclobuta[e]inden-2-yl 2,4-dihydroxy-6-methylbenzoate chemical compound type of chemical entity [3,6-bis(hydroxymethyl)-6,7b-dimethyl-2,2a,4a,5,7,7a-hexahydro-1H-cyclobuta[e]inden-2-yl] 2,4-dihydroxy-6-methylbenzoate
Q105036124 [(1S,2S,3R,5S,7S,9S,10R,11R,12S,13S,14R,15R,16S,17S,22S,23S,24R,25R)-3,10,14-triacetyloxy-22,25-dihydroxy-11,15,17,22,23-pentamethyl-4,21-dioxo-8,20-dioxaheptacyclo[,12.05,11.07,9.016,24.019,23]pentacos-18-en-13-yl] acetate chemical compound type of chemical entity (3,10,14-Triacetyloxy-22,25-dihydroxy-11,15,17,22,23-pentamethyl-4,21-dioxo-8,20-dioxaheptacyclo[,12.05,11.07,9.016,24.019,23]pentacos-18-en-13-yl) acetate
Q105125294 Spirosupinanonediol chemical compound type of chemical entity 2',6'-Dihydroxy-3a,3'a,5a,7',7',9a-hexamethyl-3-propan-2-ylspiro[1,2,3,4,5,8,9,9b-octahydrocyclopenta[a]naphthalene-7,3'-1,2,4,5,6,7a-hexahydroindene]-6-one
Q105191428 [(2S,3S,4R,5R,6S)-4,5-diacetyloxy-6-[5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxochromen-3-yl]oxy-2-methyloxan-3-yl] acetate chemical compound type of chemical entity flavone
Q105202240 [[Q105202240|(3R)-N-[(5S)-6-hydroxy-5-[[(3R)-3-isocyanobutanoyl]amino]hexyl]-3-isocyanobutanamide]] chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q105223726 (2R,4aR,5S,8aS)-5-[2-[(1S,2R,4aS,6R,8aR)-6-hydroxy-2,5,5,8a-tetramethyl-1,2,3,4,4a,6,7,8-octahydronaphthalen-1-yl]ethyl]-1,1,4a,6-tetramethyl-2,3,4,5,8,8a-hexahydronaphthalen-2-ol chemical compound type of chemical entity 5-[2-(6-Hydroxy-2,5,5,8a-tetramethyl-1,2,3,4,4a,6,7,8-octahydronaphthalen-1-yl)ethyl]-1,1,4a,6-tetramethyl-2,3,4,5,8,8a-hexahydronaphthalen-2-ol
Q105227067 Tricholumin A chemical compound type of chemical entity 3,12-Dihydroxy-10-[3-(1-hydroxy-2,3-dimethylbutyl)-2-methylcyclopentyl]-6,10-dimethyl-15-oxatricyclo[,6]pentadec-13-ene-7,11-dione
Q105253746 SIGXVQKHJRGSMJ-OTZAXCGASA-N chemical compound type of chemical entity Methyl 3-(4-acetyloxy-3-ethyl-4-methylpent-2-enoyl)oxy-15,16-dihydroxy-9,13-dimethyl-4,12-dioxo-11-[3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxan-2-yl]oxy-5,18-dioxapentacyclo[,6.02,17.08,13]nonadec-10-ene-17-carboxylate
Q105280706 1-(3,5-Dihydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-3-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one chemical compound type of chemical entity chalcone
Q105345416 (6E,8E,14E)-hexadeca-6,8,14-trien-10,12-diyn-1-ol chemical compound type of chemical entity fatty alcohol
Q105349506 [[Q105349506|(2R,3R,4R,5S,6R)-2-[[(1S,4aR,5S,7aS)-7-(hydroxymethyl)-1-[(2S,3R,4S,5S,6R)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxan-2-yl]oxy-1,4a,5,7a-tetrahydrocyclopenta[c]pyran-5-yl]oxy]-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxane-3,4,5-triol]] chemical compound type of chemical entity [[Q105349507|2-(Hydroxymethyl)-6-[[7-(hydroxymethyl)-1-[3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxan-2-yl]oxy-1,4a,5,7a-tetrahydrocyclopenta[c]pyran-5-yl]oxy]oxane-3,4,5-triol]]
Q107955328 8-bromo-3,6-dichloroimidazo[1,2-a]pyrazine chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q110179335 [[Q110179335|3-[[(1R,4aR,7R,10aS)-7-ethenyl-1,4a,7-trimethyl-3,4,5,6,8,9,10,10a-octahydro-2H-phenanthren-1-yl]oxy]-3-oxopropanoic acid]] chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q120248019 N-((26-O-beta-D-glucuronopyranosyl)-11,16-dioxo-2S-methoxy-5Z-hexacosenoyl)-dopamine chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound
Q120326541 N-(2R-hydroxy-3E-octadecenoyl)-1-beta-D-galactosyl-9-methyl-sphing-4E,8E-dienine chemical compound type of chemical entity (E)-2-hydroxy-N-[(4E,8E)-3-hydroxy-9-methyl-1-[(2R,3R,4S,5S,6R)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxan-2-yl]oxyoctadeca-4,8-dien-2-yl]octadec-3-enamide
Q120330656 Fucalpha1-2Galbeta1-3GalNAcbeta1-3Galalpha1-3Galbeta1-4Glcbeta-Cer(d18:1/26:1(17Z)) chemical compound type of chemical entity chemical compound

version, edition or translation

item label description instance of subclass of
Q19053641 Morella 1839 version version, edition or translation
Q19176212 Julia Alpinula version, edition or translation
Q28349123 雞肋 version, edition or translation
Q33112605 Nanoparticles in biology and medicine : methods and protocols version, edition or translation
Q52209129 Mr. Show: What Happened?! The Complete Story and Episode Guide 2002 book by Naomi Odenkirk version, edition or translation
Q55195132 জীবন সঙ্গীত poem written by Hemchandra Bandyopadhay version, edition or translation
Q56046799 Who's Who in America 2008 62nd edition of Who's Who in America version, edition or translation
Q56660555 A community and its university : Glamorgan 1913-2003 book; published in 2003 version, edition or translation
Q56817394 Eifionydd : a study in landownership from the medieval period to the present day book; published in 1973 version, edition or translation
Q59488985 Paleozoic stratigraphy and resources of the Michigan Basin version, edition or translation
Q62644445 El Sol Desnudo Spanish edition of "The Naked Sun" by Isaac Asimov version, edition or translation
Q67430787 Le Cimetière de Loyasse version, edition or translation
Q70318756 Adroddiad meithrin ar : Cylch Meithrin Porth : arolygu darpariaeth addysgol ar gyfer plant cyn oedran addysg orfodol : dyddiad yr arolygiad : 26 a 27 Ionawr 2009 edition; published in 2009 version, edition or translation
Q80292184 Sveriges medverkan i FN:s familjeår slutbetänkande. Bil. 3. Reconciling work and family life : [a challenge for Europe?] part of Official Reports of the Swedish Government version, edition or translation
Q83445833 The Wild Irish Girl creative work by Lady Morgan (Boston: Published by Joseph Greenleaf, no. 49, Cornhill. 1808. Oliver and Munroe, printers., 1808) version, edition or translation
Q96095235 La Désobéissance civile anonymous French translation of Thoreau's essay version, edition or translation
Q106379442 Anne Nanon La mère du Chevalier de Saint George enfin retrouvée ! version, edition or translation
Q109336805 Школска икона у нашем селу version, edition or translation
first edition
Q112231927 Dictionary of linguistic terms version, edition or translation
Q116496873 হৃদয়-আসন version, edition or translation
Q120703470 Whiteout version, edition or translation
Q121920104 Na rozhraní let book edition published in 1964 version, edition or translation
Q121926419 O vývoji předledviny (pronephros) a vývodu Wolffova u ssavců book edition published in 1904 version, edition or translation
Q121958843 Použití dotykového zařízení v jazykovědných oborech na základních a středních školách book edition published in 2015 version, edition or translation
Q121998092 Ueber Formelbücher zunächst in Bezug auf böhmische Geschichte: nebst Beilagen: ein Quellenbeitrag zur Geschichte Böhmens und der Nachtbarländer im XIII, XIV und XV Jahrhundert book edition published in 1842–1847 version, edition or translation
Q122004542 Ještě žiju: autobiografie book edition published in 2017 version, edition or translation
Q122012896 Mýty a předsudky o zvířatech: je pravda, co se o nich říká? book edition published in 2017 version, edition or translation
Q122015606 Vývoj nákladového hodnocení apretace odlitků (VII. etapa): projekt XVIII: sborník přednášek book edition published in 2018 version, edition or translation
Q122039946 Nádherný Orinoko book edition published in 1913 version, edition or translation
Q122044999 Torefikovaná sláma a seno jako upravená organická hmota a půdní aditivum: certifikovaná metodika book edition published in 2019 version, edition or translation
Q122076874 Všechno je lež book edition published in 2020 version, edition or translation
Q122081387 Zahořanský hon book edition published in 1945 version, edition or translation
Q122086721 Alpy: 200 dní pronásledování světla book edition published in 2020 version, edition or translation
Q122118410 Šest tudorovských královen. Anna Klevská book edition published in 2022 version, edition or translation
Q122119189 Návrat do svého těla po těhotenství a porodu: souhrn všeho, co bychom měly vědět book edition published in 2022 version, edition or translation
Q122120934 I velké holky pláčou book edition published in 2022 version, edition or translation
Q122785115 Dictionary of the Hindee language 1829, M. T. Adam version, edition or translation
Q123261496 Neurotribes 2019 Greek translation edition of Neurotribes version, edition or translation
Q124500291 କଥାନି book published in 2006 version, edition or translation
Q124664659 Elementi di biblioteconomia version, edition or translation
Q125145565 Memorias de un maldito 1999 edition of written work by Jorge Verstrynge Rojas version, edition or translation
Q125556054 Carméndula 2000 edition of written work by Ángela Reyes version, edition or translation
Q125861861 Los huesos olvidados 2014 edition of written work by Antonio Rivero Taravillo version, edition or translation
Q125961832 De niña a mujer 2004 edition of written work by Hernán Migoya version, edition or translation

video game

item label description instance of subclass of
Q4701173 Akira Psycho Ball 2002 video game video game
Q39016225 Lethis: Path of Progress 2015 video game video game
Q111542497 Freeze Tag Fun Pack #1 1999 video game video game
Q113568482 HyperShot 2021 video game video game
Q122311915 Crux: The Great Outdoors 2023 video game video game
Q122351875 Flailure 2020 video game video game
Q122365801 Beat Me! - Puppetonia Tournament 2020 video game video game
Q123404567 Don't blame you 2022 video game video game
Q124074370 Steamroll 2016 video game video game

video game expansion pack

item label description instance of subclass of
Q116183742 Tiger Tank 59 Ⅰ Air Strike MP098 2021 expansion pack video game expansion pack
Q116202126 Starry Moon Island 2 Tank Advance MP05 2021 expansion pack video game expansion pack


item label description instance of subclass of
Q110947766 Vila Šoupa čp.1045 villa in Prague, Czech Republic villa
Q112139154 Villa Pirola villa in Gorgonzola, Italy villa


item label description instance of subclass of
Q3394243 Polimlje village in Bosnia and Herzegovina village
Q3547606 Uba village in Old Royal Capital Cetinje, Montenegro village
Q4478643 Ustye human settlement in Pitishevskoye Rural Settlement, Alikovsky District, Chuvash Republic, Russia village
administrative territorial entity of Russia
Q4746557 Amir Hoseyn village in Iran village
Q4900248 Beyt-e Matlib village in Iran village
Q5863430 Tang-e Khush Tuf Shirin village in Iran village
Q12655021 Gavėniškis village in Lithuania village
Q16468216 Pagrabuosčiai village in Lithuania village
Q16479153 Žvalgaičiai village in Lithuania village
Q31467882 Muromskij human settlement in Russia village
Q31681475 Kotsjigino human settlement in Russia village
Q56305059 Maldoua village
Q64908347 Leimaniški village
Q109511892 Malele village in Republic of the Congo village

village in Belarus

item label description instance of subclass of
Q4190903 Zialiony Moch village in Belarus village in Belarus
Q13029433 Ivanaŭcy village in Belarus village in Belarus

village in India

item label description instance of subclass of
Q2770046 રમાણા (તા. ધનસુરા) village in Gujarat state, India village in India
Q2770556 રામપુર (વાસણા) village in Gujarat state, India village in India
Q12420216 कुर्रुभांठखरसीया मण्डल village in Chhattisgarh, India village in India
Q12437110 परमानंदपुर गाँव, हंडिया (इलाहाबाद) village in Uttar Pradesh, India village in India
Q12447713 मैट-उ०मौ०-१, सतपुली तहसील village in Uttarakhand, India village in India
Q12448553 Rangapuram village in Reddigudem mandal, NTR district, Andhra Pradesh, India village in India
Q13004984 Bheemavaram village in Koyyuru mandal, Alluri Sitharama Raju district, Andhra Pradesh, India village in India
Q13154774 Manbodhtanda village in India village in India
Q15690388 Illapalle village in Biccavolu mandal, East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, India village in India
Q15703230 తుమ్మలూర్ human settlement in Maheshwaram, Ranga Reddy district, Telangana, India village in India
Q17071310 Majri human settlement in India village in India
Q25571042 నాగన్నపాలెం(మద్దిపాడు) village in Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh, India village in India
Q60422861 Sidpur village in India
Q60425218 Shukdebpur human settlement in Dubrajpur community development block, Suri Sadar subdivision, Birbhum district, India village in India
Q60653860 Rasik Chak village in India
Q60755667 Muchibere village in India
Q60760391 Kismat Ramanandapur village in India village in India
Q60760463 Noagaon village in India
Q60782949 Baichri village in India
Q92539353 Chikkasanjevegowdanapalya village in Koratagere tehsil, Tumakuru district village in India

village in Indonesia

item label description instance of subclass of
Q12501960 Pagaran Dolok Pinarik village in Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia village in Indonesia
fourth-level administrative division in Indonesia
Q12507888 Rancamulya village in Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia village in Indonesia
Q24702763 Dodop Mikasa village in East Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi, Indonesia village in Indonesia

village of Poland

item label description instance of subclass of
Q5318463 Dybów-Górki village in Masovian, Poland village of Poland
Q6420475 Klemensowo village in Greater Poland, Poland village of Poland
Q9345724 Stepno village in West Pomeranian, Poland village of Poland

village of Ukraine

item label description instance of subclass of
Q4059531 Iakimovichi village in Romny Raion, Sumy Oblast, Ukraine village of Ukraine
Q4100580 Bukhuni village in Shyshaky Raion, Poltava Oblast, Ukraine village of Ukraine
Q4341377 Pavlenkove village in Lebedyn Hromada, Sumy Raion, Sumy Oblast, Ukraine village of Ukraine
Q4455195 Teofilivka village in Velyki Hayi Amalgamated Hromada, Ternopil Raion, Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine village of Ukraine

village of Yemen

item label description instance of subclass of
Q20413429 حبيل المفرق village in Abyan Governorate, Yemen village of Yemen
Q20416144 بين القرون village in Hajjah Governorate, Yemen village of Yemen


item label description instance of subclass of
Q85485593 宋史·卷391 volume
Q85724052 周禮注疏·卷40 volume
Q85780928 明史·卷238 volume
Q86065201 太平廣記·卷第395 volume
Q86200852 太平廣記·卷036 volume
Q86400831 弇州四部稿·卷024 volume
Q86466987 文選注·卷29 volume
Q97937344 欒城集·卷20 volume
Q97937517 六臣註文選·卷41 volume


item label description instance of subclass of
Q101125679 Kareepra electoral ward in Kottarakkara block panchayat, Kerala, India ward
Q101197893 Pullipparamb electoral ward in Chelembra Grama panchayat, Kerala, India ward
Q101581176 Canal electoral ward in Aluva Municipality, Kerala, India ward

wayside cross

item label description instance of subclass of
Q49402452 Swjaty křiž zapadnje Baćonja wayside cross
Q78782465 Kříž na rozcestí v Přestavlkách wayside cross
Q111994492 kříž v poli severně od Moravských Budějovic wayside cross

wayside shrine

item label description instance of subclass of
Q41337438 Bildstock cultural heritage monument D-6-72-139-55 (0) in Oberthulba, Bavaria wayside shrine
column shrine
Q110199205 8. Station des Kreuzwegs in Stiefern wayside shrine

weather station

item label description instance of subclass of
Q3971770 stazione meteorologica di Mazzin weather station
Q61003945 Bonavista Meteorological Service of Canada's station for Bonavista (MSC ID: 8400601), Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada weather station
Q123622915 BRIDGEWATER weather station in State of South Australia, Australia from 1861 weather station
Q123625394 LINDA DOWNS weather station in Queensland, Australia from 1969 to 2006 weather station
Q123630063 TIA (HIGHRENT) weather station in New South Wales, Australia from 1961 weather station


item label description instance of subclass of
Q11230315 livedoor Blog website
Q65238500 Ask a Librarian free online reference service of the Finnish libraries website
online service

work of art

item label description instance of subclass of
Q76366678 View of Leith Races on Saturday 26 July 1800 work of art
etching print
Q77558296 Նելսոն Ստեփանյանի դիմաքանդակը work of art

written work

item label description instance of subclass of
Q3227068 Lord of the Barnyard: Killing the Fatted Calf and Arming the Aware in the Corn Belt book by Tristan Egolf written work
Q4839036 Back Novel written by British writer Henry Green written work
Q76531865 Pontarddulais Comprehensive School, Caecerrig Road, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4 8PD : a summary report for parents on the inspection under Section 10 of the School Inspections Act 1996 : school number : 670/4072 : date of inspection : 17-20 March 200 book (work) written work
Q76540460 Alcohol use and misuse : focus on the health of people in Wales book (work) written work
Q77173795 Notes on excavations made during the summers of 1894-5, at Barry Island and Ely Race Course : on lands the property of the Right Honourable Lord Windsor book (work) written work
Q77194637 Adroddiad ar adolygiad ynglŷn â : Mr G a'r gwasanaethau iechyd a ddarparwyd, yn dilyn lladdiad a gyflanwyd ym mis Mai 2009 book (work) written work
Q77197788 Caernarfon : a collection of pictures = casgliad o luniau book (work) written work
Q106489712 Scholia Vergilii Veronensia written work
Q109895710 Kur ir tāda egle-- written work
Q109896919 Rītagaisma written work
Q116251249 Automatic and manual control proceedings written work
Q117801121 Analyzing Free Jazz D. Mus. Arts by Lynette Westendorf, 1994 written work
doctoral thesis
Q117801208 Madame Chrysanthème: The Opera and Its Relationship to Madame Butterfly D. Mus. Arts by Chul Hyung Cho, 2003 written work
doctoral thesis
Q119498726 Vlaemsche Dichtoefeningen collection of poems from 1858 by Guido Gezelle written work
Q125127133 Mientras ellas duermen written work by Javier Marías written work
Q125568913 La Institución Libre de Enseñanza en Catalunya written work by Buenaventura Delgado written work


item label description instance of subclass of
Q86029215 Gujin Tushu Jicheng, category "Heaven", section "Astronomy and Mathematical Science", Volume 35 古今図書集成の巻
Q86029358 Gujin Tushu Jicheng, category "Heaven", section "Astronomy and Mathematical Science", Volume 15 古今図書集成の巻


item label description instance of subclass of
Q104934 fundamental interaction any of the physical interactions or forces: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear type of interaction physical phenomenon
Q139962 Molodohvardiiska coal mine mine mine
Q197613 17th Reserve Division (German Empire) division military division
Q292721 AG Märkische Kleinbahn voluntary association voluntary association
Q481539 Germany at the UEFA European Championship 2012 UEFA Euro 2012 Team
Germany at the UEFA European Football Championship
Q764195 Hôtel de Tallard hôtel particulier private mansion
Q820635 R-1 experimental flying boat prototype aircraft model
Q886548 Cingambul district in Majalengka Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia district of Indonesia
Q923078 Medgyessy cabinet government of Hungary from 2002 to 2004 Government of Hungary
Q940250 Madison Township township of Missouri township of Missouri
Q1043504 Carmarthen and Cardigan Railway transport company transport company
Q1044086 Carnival Sunrise Cruise ship built in 1999 cruise ship
Q1254197 Drachen Fire amusement ride steel roller coaster
Q1450328 Franziskanerkloster Halle monastery
religious community
Q1538411 St. Johannes und Martin winged altarpiece
Q2025961 water polo at the 2008 Summer Olympics – qualification qualification event
Q2053562 Muhtasib islamic Supervisor of bazaars, trade and inspector of public places profession Islamic honorifics
Q2075956 culture of Wales pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with Wales and its people culture of an area culture of the United Kingdom
Q2170839 Bridge Leidsevaartlaan 3 bridge in Netherlands double-beam drawbridge
Q2194845 Convoy HX-65A convoy
Q2210785 Nicholas UK historical motorcycle manufacturer historical motorcycle manufacturer
Q2282489 Siebtes Buch Sozialgesetzbuch Social Code
Q2333345 Korsnäs locality in Uppsala municipality, Sweden minor locality in Sweden
Q2382233 Sürthgens Mossel legendary figure legendary figure
Q2396045 Tatort: Unsterblich schön 2010 television film directed by Filippos Tsitos television film
Q2466673 Challenge of the Super Friends American animated television series animated television series
Q2522479 Wapishana people Indigenous people of Brazil Indigenous people
ethnic group
Q2602616 Citroenkomkommer plant variety
Q2842454 Mitsubishi TRV6 trademark
Q3050957 Elidar district in Afar Region, Ethiopia district of Ethiopia
Q3267424 Gort fictional character in ''The Day the Earth Stood Still'' fictional robot
film character
Q3393266 Gross axle weight rating rating
Q3406614 orthodox tea tea processing
Q3523149 Ooty Radio Telescope radio telescope near Ooty, India radio telescope
cylindrical parabolic reflector
Q3545246 Turkey women's national handball team national handball team women's national handball team
Q3589750 Western Australia cricket team cricket team in Australia cricket team
Q3751954 frankamenite inosilicate mineral mineral species inosilicate
Q3799434 Coupe intercontinentale de futsal 2008 Intercontinental Futsal Cup
Q3806254 1995 Indonesia Open tennis tournament edition Jakarta Open
tennis tournament edition
Q3811268 Jungle Book 1990 animated short film animated short film
Q3867694 Archaeological Museum of Lamezia Terme archaeological museum archaeological museum
Italian national museum
Museum des italienischen Kulturministeriums
Q3873060 National Board Review Award ai migliori film stranieri film award category
Q3874305 Battle of Jao Modo 1696 battle battle
Q3958122 Servizio sanitario della Toscana health system
Q3996679 Tour della Nazionale di rugby a 15 delle Figi 1972 sports tour
Q4047012 Pixilang programming language designed for cross-platform graphics and sound applications programming language
Q4335960 Order of the Saur Revolution order of chivalry
Q4442084 Степногорский поселковый совет (Васильевский район) settlement council in Ukraine
Q4617381 2010 Grand National horse race held in 2010 Grand National
Q4808582 Assault causing bodily harm legal concept
Q4870633 Battle of Cangting Battle between warlords Yuan Shao and Cao Cao (201) conflict
Q5033164 Canolfan Tryweryn white water sports venue near Bala in North Wales artificial whitewater
Q5034721 1903 Cape Colony parliamentary election legislative election
Q5094492 Chew Valley valley in Greater Manchester, England, UK valley
Q5100869 Chinese people in Cameroon ethnic group
Q5201778 Czech Republic men's national under-18 ice hockey team youth sports team national ice hockey team
Q5368500 Elypsia Records Belgium record label independent record label
Q5421567 Exportation Rule of replacement in propositional logic theorem
rule of inference
Q5647512 Handley Page Transport 1919-1924 airline in the United Kingdom airline
Q5667979 Sharaf sixteenth month of the Bahá'í calendar, usually corresponding to December and January of the Gregorian calendar calendar month month of the Bahá'í calendar
Q5691147 solar eclipse of December 8, 809 BC solar eclipse
partial solar eclipse
Q5781216 قنات گلارچه سفلی جام، تربت جام qanat
Q5964349 Héroes Inmortales 2012 Lucha Libre AAA World Wide event event
Q6036736 N-620 national road in Spain
Q6124099 Jainism in the United States Jainism of an area Jainism
religion in the United States
Q6126586 SR Leader class Prototype dual cab steam locomotive locomotive class
tank locomotive
Q6336907 KRNE-FM radio station (91.5 FM) licensed to Merriman, Nebraska, United States radio station
Q6469497 Ladies Irish Open professional golf tournament golf tournament
Q6589401 Olu’bo language language
modern language
Q7238027 Hong Lok Street thoroughfare
Q7304762 Red Queen's race fictional event from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass fictional occurrence
fictional competition
Q7331049 Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Bridge bridge in United States of America railway bridge
Q7334374 Rimae Aristarchus series of rilles on the Moon rille
Q7406052 Saltburn Pier pier in Saltburn, Marske and New Marske, Redcar and Cleveland, England, UK pier
Q7421146 Saptan place in Sud-Ouest Region, Burkina Faso village of Burkina Faso
Q7482558 YouTube Space Lab international science competition science fair
Q7511392 Sierra La Esmeralda Mountain range in northern Sonora, Mexico mountain range
Q7890560 1870 United States House of Representatives elections in South Carolina United States House of Representatives election
Q7961831 Wales national under-18 rugby union team rugby team national sports team
Q8032555 Wooddale human settlement in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada unincorporated area
Q8043359 Xbox controller controller for Microsoft's Xbox console game controller gamepad
Q8341645 McMinn-Horne House Registered Historic Place in Dade, Florida historic house
Q9275893 Hraniční meandry Odry protected area in Czech Republic natural monument in the Czech Republic
protected area
Q9875269 Copa Bandeirantes association football competition
Q10341782 Orquestra do Theatro São Pedro orchestra
Q10649792 Rasbo hundred historic geographic subdivison in Sweden hundred in Sweden
Q10673254 Sollefteå tingsrätt district court
Q11294725 Feather Museum corporate museum
Q11303232 Comfo Mall Uchinada shopping center
Q11352666 一心院 Buddhist temple
Q11359772 Ueda City Museum city museum
Q11362502 Fist of the North Star television anime anime television series
Q11365046 Nakabusa 4 hydro power station hydroelectric power station
Q11452408 宝塚朝鮮初級学校 Chōsen gakkō
Q11549501 水間峠 mountain pass
Q11605321 Port of Mombetsu port
major port
Q11752999 Lasek Bytkowski forest in Siemianowice Śląskie forest
recreation area
Q11897543 Tiilinummi quarter
Q11903216 Ähtärin Varikko arsenal
Q11908031 flag of La Febró municipal flag
Q11913087 Castell de Rosanes del Peiret cultural property in Martorell, Spain castle
historic building
Q11983734 Lennox Lewis vs. Evander Holyfield 1999 boxing match boxing match
Q12102122 Dorohychivka Rocks geological natural monument in Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine geological monument
Q12186609 الحكومة السورية Council of Ministers of Syria
Q12292498 Family tree of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa family tree article family tree
Q12703242 Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (C) Hock Lam Chinese national type school
Q12752027 Golden turkey actor's award for Lifetime Achievement theatre award
Q12941908 Limkheda Taluka Taluka in Dahod district, Gujarat, India Taluka of Gujarat
Q13537654 Sokolec national nature reserve in Slovakia national nature reserve
protected area
Q14699799 Mijaca settlement in the Town of Vrgorac, Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia settlement in Croatia
Q14907922 protein C inhibitor-coagulation factor Xa complex A heterodimeric protein complex that contains protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) and coagulation factor Xa (F10); formation of the complex inhibits the serine protease activity of coagulation factor Xa. cellular component serine protease inhibitor complex
Q15641106 Gromada Hadra gromada of Poland
Q15715857 Band-e Amir Rural District rural district in Fars, Iran rural district of Iran
Q15755515 Danish Yearbook of Philosophy journal academic journal
Q15931855 Huashi Mosque mosque in China mosque
Q16056835 112th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps military unit armoured regiment
Q16101167 휘경운수 bus company
Q16144485 第1回ジャパンボウル Japan Bowl
Q16419808 Arngils male given name male given name
Q16478832 Žeimių herbas coat of arms
Q16589519 persone di nome Tom Wikimedia list of persons
Q16681549 Térence des ducs - Arsenal Ms664 illuminated manuscript
Q16962665 Dr. E.P. McGehee Infirmary first aid room
Q16967494 Dungu-Uye Airport airport in the Democratic Republic of Congo airport
Q17030116 Russellville School District School district in Arkansas, United States school district
Q17038833 Wipeout fictional character in Marvel Comics mutant
Q17090284 Midlands–North-West constituency of the European Parliament constituency of the European Parliament
Q17204042 Elandsgracht 43A, Amsterdam building with clock gable
Q17228692 Shiizu Castle Japanese castle
Q17291060 parsonage parsonage in Amsterdam clergy house
Q17354225 Verbringungsgesetz Federal Act (Germany)
Q17354716 52e régiment territorial d'infanterie Territorial Infantry Regiment
Q17607323 Kazemat GLB10 bij Mosselpad casemate
Q17646792 Three round barrows SW of Loose Plantation round barrow in Alciston, Wealden, England, UK round barrow
Q18089043 The Lost Temple amusement ride
Q18324065 n-TGgcc10 transfer RNA in the species Mus musculus transfer RNA
transfer RNA
Q18364405 Rejo Basuki village in West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan, Indonesia kampung of East Kalimantan Province
Q18537027 Biserici de lemn din Bistrița Năsăud wooden church
Q18555709 Sea-Piece and Stormy Sky painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner watercolor painting
Q18662419 Trinet enterprise
Q18676700 Deedie and Rusty Rose American philanthropists duo
Q18816749 OrangeBot web crawler
Q18894499 大理院統字第1393號解釋 中國大理院解釋
Q19146686 Das Bernauische Bier German folklore
Q19229427 Указ Президента РФ от 28.10.1992 № 1309 Executive Order of the President of Russia
Q19367873 Albareda Cultural Centre building in Barcelona Province, Spain cultural center
Q19373976 Helberghytta building in Tinn, Eastern Norway tourist cabin
Q19399146 Åretta ungdomsskole school in Lillehammer, Norway lower secondary school
state school
Q19833051 Sita Baree archaeological site in Rajim, India water well
Q19881315 2015 Omaha Beef season Raihan Chowdhury American football team season
Q19964626 Amtsgericht Landstuhl local court in Landstuhl, Germany Local court (Germany)
Q20032245 Akademia Rycerska w Kołobrzegu hall
military academy
Q20058858 Academia de Letras e Artes de Paranapuã academy
Q20085713 Bibury Court Grade I listed country house and former hotel in Bibury, Cotswold, United Kingdom country house hotel
Q20197731 Henriëtta female given name female given name
Q20201225 King Arthur and Two Attendants (from the Nine Heroes Tapestries) anonymous tapestry tapestry
Q20439078 SiliVaccine anti virus program software
Q20453404 Saladillo Argentinean aerodrome aerodrome
Q20476106 Lastaviki chutar
former settlement
Q20516710 Keskin village in Pervari, Siirt, Turkey village in Turkey
Q20716370 list of awards and nominations received by Roger Sanchez Wikimedia list article Wikimedia music-related list
Q21207071 2014–15 VC Stuttgart season volleyball team season
Q21675545 ParserSectionCreate MediaWiki hook
Q21731164 Community of Stavrochori Lasithiou local administration unit of Ierapetra Municipality, Greece municipal/local community
commune of Greece
Q21741364 Battle of Fukuda Bay 1565 naval battle between the Portuguese and Japanese naval battle
Q21830931 WikiProject Transcendental Meditation Wikimedia subject-area collaboration WikiProject
Q22093237 $wgEnableAutoRotation MediaWiki configuration setting
Q22257023 Condorcet lithograph
Q22803899 log_search table MediaWiki database table
Q22924831 Croix Saint-Yves à Boqueho monumental cross located in Côtes-d'Armor, in France monumental cross
Q23041881 Doux Véret cider apple
Q23309229 Sinorhizobium fredii NGR234 bacterial strain strain
Q23927272 ambassador of East Germany to Spain 1973-1990 ambassador to Spain
ambassador of East Germany
Q25063970 Sweden national beach soccer team men's national beach soccer team representing Sweden national beach soccer team
Q25112848 Liability concerns for the agrability professional formal presentation published in 2003 lecture
Q25168642 Zenos Cars private company limited by shares
Q25399542 Kansas City Steers 1962-1963 basketball team season
Q25922646 Boruto media franchise media franchise
Q25932902 Reduction of PAH exposure and effects in auto mechanic trainees: impact of a simple intervention evaluated by carcinogen biological monitoring abstract published in 2002 abstract
Q26187585 Mediagroep EVA local broadcaster in the Netherlands
Q26320825 Stone Bleaching Baths Grade II listed stone baths in Broadbottom, Tameside, Greater Manchester, SK14 dyeworks
Q26378957 NIOSH Testimony on Bloodborne Pathogens by E. L. Baker, September 12, 1989 testimony published in 1989 testimony
Q26441002 Premises occupied by Bagshaws Estate Agents at SK 2184 6857 Grade II listed building in Bakewell, Derbyshire Dales, Derbyshire, DE45 shop
Q26562962 67 and 69, Westgate Grade II listed building in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK nightclub
Q27146479 Greenland national badminton team national badminton team national badminton team
Q28057201 Sibema brand
Q28057221 hypotension following bladder drainage symptom bladder disease
Q28101423 Apollo 10 Command and Service Module Command and Service Module used during Apollo 10 Apollo Command and Service Module
Q28372248 Gotlands runinskrifter 291 runic inscription
Q28675864 Białostoczek osiedle
Q28905496 جانتن fraction
Q28926981 Balwyn Police Station police station in Boroondara City, Victoria, Australia police station
Q29020602 East Terrace electrical substation in Australia electrical substation
Q29121450 2 fauteuils style Louis XV, style Régence à Morlanne fauteuil
Q29132653 retable à Habloville reredos
Q29199096 chaire à prêcher à Beaumotte-Aubertans pulpit
Q29246682 lambris de revêtement à Ahun dado
Q29248625 série de 4 chandeliers à Darnac candlestick
Q29260495 Frötjärnsbergets fäbodar mountain pasture
Q29274368 cloche à Belle-et-Houllefort bell
Q29309966 2 étoles de clerc à Saint-Chaffrey stole
Q29326029 Vierge à l'Enfant group of sculptures
Q29418565 Gamleby 32:1 cairn
Q30020262 SV Werder Bremen versus VfL Bochum 2007–08 Fußball-Bundesliga Association football game in 2007–08 Fußball-Bundesliga between SV Werder Bremen and VfL Bochum association football club match
Q30062816 Podcienie 7 kamienica
Q30248196 Helsingør ancient monument in Helsingør Municipality (201646) ancient monument
Q30262506 Integrative Physics and Physiology of Fruit and Forest Trees facility in Clermont-Ferrand, France laboratory
Q30289080 Swami Vivekanand College of Pharmacy education organization in Namakkal, India educational institution
Q30625766 Harrisonburg Methodist Church Protestant church building
Q30908648 Placówka Straży Celnej „Muszyna” picket
Q31274633 Muraka Ditch ditch in Estonia ditch
Q31356002 பஞ்சப்பள்ளி கங்காதேவர் கோயில் temple in Tamil Nadu, India Hindu temple
Q31787949 SMK Nurul Huda Panumbangan vocational school in Ciamis Regency, West Java, Indonesia educational organization
private school
vocational school
Q31800602 596年 Wikimedia permanent duplicate item
Q33109203 Cambodian Wiktionary edition of the free dictionary Wiktionary language edition
Q33143584 Zespół architektoniczno-urbanistyczny architectural heritage monument
Q37786343 Bürgerhaus building in Rattenberg, Austria mansion
Q37971348 Teichhäuser (Bad Liebenwerda) human settlement in Germany dwelling place
Q41334282 Prozessionsaltar cultural heritage monument D-6-72-114-233 (0) in Bad Kissingen, Bavaria altar
Q41366024 Steinkreuze in Großweismannsdorf stone cross in Germany conciliation cross
Q42189329 Elements of Republicanism creative work
Q43013768 Givry premier cru Les Grands Prétans blanc First Growth
white wine
Q45314305 CHL1 interactions An instance of the biological pathway in Homo sapiens with Reactome ID (R-HSA-447041) biological pathway
Q47463877 Glasblazersveld territory
Q47467351 RFC 3810: Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 (MLDv2) for IPv6 request for comments publication Request for Comments
Q47482856 Тузловский район former administrative territorial entity
Q49498001 Mietshaus mit Laden (ehem. Marktdrogerie), in geschlossener Bebauung sowie Treppenhaus des Hinterhauses mit Oberlicht Markt 4 revenue house
Q50347060 Semblanzas: III sonnet by Manuel del Palacio sonnet
Q50401047 Rastow railway station railway station Bahnhof (station)
Q50572794 상주시제1선거구 FLACS Council Constituency of North Gyeongsang Province
Q51137669 Socialist Group political group of the European Parliament (1958 - 1993) political group of the European Parliament
Q51402532 John F. Croom & Bro., Magnolia, North Carolina U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library edition of commercial catalogue
Q55051419 Cashel Palace Hotel (gate lodge) gate lodge in County Tipperary, Ireland gatehouse
Q55112842 Chiesa di San Lorenzo building in Parma, Italy oratory
architectural element
Q55151501 LOC112426210 small nuclear RNA in the species Macaca nemestrina small nuclear RNA
Q55166845 castello real property
Q55213758 Planta do Terreno Occupado Por Jose Antonio da Guerra Sitio no Bairro dos Pinheiros Municipio da Capital floor plan
Q55359382 Museo Navale museum in Italy specialised museum
history museum
museum of a public entity
Q55435023 Sagar Vidhan Sabha constituency constituency of the Karnataka legislative assembly in India constituency of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly
Q55588486 Albion River Railroad railway company
Q55636688 1868 United States presidential election in Tennessee election in Tennessee United States presidential election in Tennessee
Q55637343 Wallace Block commercial building and town hall in Saline, Michigan commercial building
town hall
Q56202902 Wikipedia:Skarbnica Wikipedii/Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego/Mrog Wikimedia project page Wikimedia project page
Q56283415 Dr B C Roy Institute of Medical Science & Research Medical School in Kharagpur, West Bengal medical school
Q56388553 Semen Gresik limited company
Q56648472 Městská památková zóna Brumov – dělnická kolonie urban monument zone
Q57338191 Chariclus son of Chiron in Greek mythology mythological Greek character
Q57449153 Mefistofeles (1971/1972) Opera production performed by the Royal Ballet of Flanders operatic production
Q59375941 ASTM F2866 ASTM standard
Q59719486 Dalkey Hill electoral district in Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown, Ireland district electoral division
Q59819231 Onuimo constituency of the Imo state house of assembly constituency of the Imo state house of assembly
Q59819539 Ajeromi/Ifelodun Ii constituency of the Lagos state house of assembly constituency of the Lagos state house of assembly
Q60375630 Frielingen human settlement in Germany rural settlement
Q60463798 Završka Vas former settlement in Slovenia former settlement
Q60785168 2018 PBA Governors' Cup finals final
Q60926206 Naichanpur-i gram panchayat Gram panchayat
Q60988973 2018 European Figure Skating Championships - men's singles free skating segment of a figure skating competition free skating
Q61397962 Kõnnu Bog bog in Estonia bog
Q61438553 Nimaisarai Sub-centre building in India health sub-centre
Q61452135 Nazirpur Block Primary Health Centre building in India Block Primary Health Centre
Q61706647 1447-1448 one-year-period period of about one year starting in 1447 and ending in 1448 one-year-period overlapping two calendar years
Q61755744 Calça item from the Santos Dumont Collection at Museu Paulista - 1 trousers
Q62014146 0871/10 dam in Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil dam
dam with volume capacity of less than 3 hm³
dam with height less than 10 meters
Q62118695 1984 Prueba Villafranca de Ordizia Prueba Villafranca de Ordizia
Q62377488 pathogen_TSM_contig_02413 chromosome
Q63890547 Captain Phoebus musical character in the musical Miss Esmeralda fictional human
musical theatre character
Q64089332 Spkcmm Gups Madayikonam School in Thrissur district upper primary school
Q64211535 Malakoff Hill hill in Campaspe Shire, Victoria, Australia hill
Q64550446 Tm Madrasa Alps School in kozhikode district lower primary school
aided school
Q64587285 Koisuru Harinezumi manga series comics
Q64687354 Matthew 17:25 verse of the Bible verse of the Bible
Q64822786 Natter Jack punk band from Indonesia punk band
Q64848245 The Manga Dolmen and The Viera Dolmen part of a World Heritage site in Spain group of structures or buildings
Q65041891 Renault 12R 1930s French piston aircraft engine aircraft engine
Q65051638 East Kapolei station Honolulu Rail Transit station metro station
Q65094217 Naistenlahti Lapinraunio
Q65184079 Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Missing articles by occupation/Table Tennis Listeria redlist concerned with table tennis Listeria redlist
Wikimedia project page
Q65513608 1991 Schleswig-Holstein Badminton Championships badminton championships Schleswig-Holstein Badminton Championships
Q65530682 Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme Database Taxon ID unique identifier of a taxon listed in the Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme Database unique identifier
Q66168531 Badocks Wood E-ACT Academy school in Bristol, UK academy school
primary school
Q66314538 Villa Ronchi hunting lodge
Q66426161 sopa seca meal
Q66498745 Reinvent the Wheel 2140th strip of the webcomic xkcd comic strip
Q66693578 Hainstetten locality and cadastral municipality in Amstetten District cadastral municipality of Austria
Q66730109 tyrkfejl Danish word; humorous intentional misspelling of "trykfejl", meaning unintentional typo word
slang term
Q66792098 Karnataka Bank Limited Nagpur-manish Nagar branch Bank in India Karnataka Bank Limited branch
Q67039457 GBPS Mehrab Shahi Government Boys' Primary School
Q67082265 The Park Primary School school in South Gloucestershire, UK community school
primary school
Q67150872 Raval de la Font Populated place in Vilamaniscle (Alt Empordà) núcleo de población
Q68160311 CeCe Peniston compilation albums discography compilation albums discography Wikimedia compilation albums discography
Q68816754 Wamphray Scottish parish in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, UK Scottish civil parish
Q69103366 May 29, 1649 date in Gregorian calendar May 29
calendar day of a given year
Q69105906 September 15, 1653 date in Gregorian calendar September 15
calendar day of a given year
Q69109099 December 25, 1658 date in Gregorian calendar December 25
calendar day of a given year
Q69111047 April 18, 1662 date in Gregorian calendar April 18
calendar day of a given year
Q69189267 September 5, 1786 date in Gregorian calendar September 5
calendar day of a given year
Q69239473 July 19, 1875 date in Gregorian calendar July 19
calendar day of a given year
Q69241136 September 16, 1878 date in Gregorian calendar September 16
calendar day of a given year
Q69253319 July 24, 1901 date in Gregorian calendar July 24
calendar day of a given year
Q69254649 February 16, 1904 date in Gregorian calendar February 16
calendar day of a given year
Q69260785 September 24, 1915 date in Gregorian calendar September 24
calendar day of a given year
Q69285997 January 18, 1963 date in Gregorian calendar January 18
calendar day of a given year
Q69344139 April 3, 2092 date in Gregorian calendar April 3
calendar day of a given year
Q69495559 Grant County Public Library public library system in West Virginia, USA library network
Q69959721 New Buffalo Township Public Library public library in New Buffalo, Michigan, USA main library
public library
Q71468194 skateboarding video game video game genre video game genre sports video game
Q72194839 Pawtuxet Valley Preservation and Historical Society, Rhode Island historical society in Rhode Island, United States historical society
nonprofit organization
Q72833521 Bluff 2014 non-fiction book by Bår Stenvik non-fiction work
Q73525486 Andhra Bank Rajupalem branch Bank in India Andhra Bank branch
Q73604393 Central Bank Of India Mahesh Nagar A Cantt branch Bank in India Central Bank of India branch
Q73842982 Indian Overseas Bank, Poolambadi branch Bank in India Indian Overseas Bank branch
Q73869342 Syndicate Bank, Murdeshwar branch branch of Syndicate Bank Syndicate Bank branch
Q73887637 Oriental Bank Of Commerce, Amritsar-civil Lines branch Branch of Oriental Bank of Commerce Oriental Bank of Commerce branch
Q75260187 Nimrod MR1 1968 maritime patrol aircraft model by Hawker Siddeley aircraft model Nimrod
Q75775133 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Spain Creative Commons license
free license
open license
Q75806221 Pragathi Krishna Gramin Bank, Holehonnur branch branch of Pragathi Krishna Gramin Bank Pragathi Krishna Gramin Bank branch
Q75941287 KHD DG 1500 CCM rolling stock class
Q76533806 Ceramic panel of Saint Dominic ceramic panel in Montserrat religious ceramic panel
Q77778240 War Memorial, Crianlarich architectural structure in Stirling, Scotland, UK war memorial
Q77842572 HVC 343.4+32.0 astronomical object
Q77864456 Gendarmerie - Brigade de La-Grand-Combe unité de gendarmerie Gendarmerie barracks
Q79478999 Rouault Prints 1942 Exhibition at SFMOMA (then the San Francisco Museum of Art) art exhibition
Q79491753 Headdress garment by unknown artist (1919.848) clothing
Q80120518 UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Human Development academic institution
Q81096657 2020 Vuelta a España, stage 15 stage of the Vuelta a España hilly stage
Q81167883 Ditta Luigi Gaeti di Gaeti Giorgio & C. snc (numero REA 3738 Bs), Brescia (BS) archival institution in Italy archive
Q84362637 Isvaradeva Temple temple
Q84840817 Polling station no 1733 (Macedonia) polling station in Macedonia polling place
Q85083193 Кубок венесуэльской федерации велоспорта 2008 Copa Federacion Venezolana de Ciclismo
Q85760789 ferric derisomaltose medication medication
Q85792173 Parakuyo people subethnic group of Tanazania people
Q85851514 Newhall House Hotel Fire Fire in Wisconsin, United States structure fire
Q86070190 Gujin Tushu Jicheng, category "Heaven", section "Seasons and Festivals"‎‎‎‎ Classics of "Ancient and Modern Books Collection"
Q86252345 Varenne bicycle-sharing station of Vélib’ Métropole network bicycle-sharing station
Q86960245 Cover of Artforum series of painting by Gretchen Andrew painting series
Q87878577 aqueduct Cornelio parts of the roman's aqueduct in Termini Imerese aqueduct
former place
Q88804873 Churchyard gates, gate piers and approximately 3 metres of flanking walls approximately 10 metres to west of west tower of Church of St Andrew structures in Wroxeter, Shropshire, UK gate
churchyard wall
Q88885593 Okayu Nekomata Japanese virtual YouTuber fictional humanoid
Q89061401 Biblioteca Pública Municipal Francineide dos Santos Sousa library
public library
Q89193509 Gerestaskolan åk F-6 administrative school unit in Härnösand municipality school unit
Q89194460 kemanche Kemanche (spike fiddle), ? Persian kamancheh
Q90155544 ex-voto : Reconnaissance à sainte Philomène ex-voto
Q90472407 Bačko jezero lake in Slovenia intermittent lake
karst lake
Q90806159 lutrin lectern
Q91099754 Stammtafel der Grafen von Stürgkh (BLKÖ) genealogical table in the Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich (vol. 40, p. 173) genealogical table
Q92182379 Sumourya Degree College, Kurnool college affiliated to the Rayalaseema University college
Q92905736 Syndicat intercommunal des coteaux de Frégimont - Galapian - Saint-Salvy Syndicat intercommunal
Q92944183 Syndicat mixte du train rouge - Train touristique du Pays Cathare et du Fenouillèdes Syndicat Mixte
Q93498879 Warnow Valley Bridge highway bridge near Rostock, Germany highway bridge
bridge over valley
Q93685772 南島原市立深江小学校諏訪分校 school annex
elementary school in Japan
Q94426160 England, Northamptonshire, Non-Conformist Records - FamilySearch Historical Records digitized collection
Q94594974 Centro De Salud San Agustin community health center
Q96596284 欽定古今圖書集成·明倫彙編·官常典·三恪部 Department of "Ancient and Modern Book Collection"
Q96619074 "Safety Matters" —Bringing Work Safety and Health to the Classroom NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2015 blog post
Q97096831 Ash-mound and Artifacts mound
archaeological artifact
Q97485099 Pozo San Francisco de Paula irrigation pump building in Alaquàs, Spain irrigation pumping station
Q97603723 Conjunto de Alcorques-banco de los Jardines del Genil street furniture
Q97639830 Baño Bar Giralda hammam
Q97771388 Utgiftsområde 25 Allmänna bidrag till kommuner motion by Anna Kinberg Batra et al.. 2014 multi-party motion
Q97851227 Fortsatt svenskt deltagande i den internationella säkerhetsstyrkan i Afghanistan motion by Peter Rådberg et al. 2007 committee group motion
Q98120992 Reglerna om finansiering av kärnavfallshanteringen proposition in the Riksdag 2017 bill
Q98141867 Friedhofsmauer cultural heritage monument D-5-76-122-12 (3) in Greding, Bavaria churchyard wall
Q98531980 Redovisning enligt internationella redovisningsstandarder committee directives from 2002 committee directives
Q99533722 Monet - Lorna and Robert Rosenberg Gallery (Gallery 252) exhibition space
Q100098819 Function of DUX4 in skeletal muscle and non-muscle tissues EU Funded (H2020) Research Project research grant
research project
Q100139229 The Rural Development Contracts (Rural Priorities) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2009 Scotland Statutory Instrument 2009 No. 233 Scottish statutory instrument
Q100164577 Trustee Savings Banks Act 1985 Public General Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom Public General Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Q100241850 Kuhlowitz church church building in Bad Belzig, Brandenburg, Germany parish church
Q100485997 The Electoral Law (Local Bye-Elections (Postponement)) Order (Northern Ireland) 1970 Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders 1970 No. 347 Statutory Rules and Orders
Q101015099 Bemidji State University Department of Nursing nursing school nursing school
Q104055286 Transport Bz Holocaust train journey
Q104211562 Wienecke Ice Tongue ice tongue of the Abbot Ice Shelf, Ellsworth Land, Antarctica ice tongue
Q104214439 City as an Artist’s Subjective Artist's books project
Q104391432 Grayshott Parish Council UK local authority for the parish of Grayshott parish council
Q104428257 CITA Santehnika legal entity in Latvia legal person
Q104669526 Pinnola village or neigbourhood in Hollola, Finland village or neighbourhood
Q104724259 Levant : Electric power industry folder of the 20th Century Press Archives PM20 country/subject folder
Q104880427 The Truth About Wives 1923 silent film silent film
Q104989891 Premier Health NHS Trust UK public sector healthcare provider NHS trust
Q105038839 Grande Cheese Grocery chain in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada company
Q105075419 The Rules of Robert Grosseteste Reconsidered: The Lady as Estate and Household Manager in Thirteenth-Century England academic chapter
Q105611545 Edinburgh Pride pride event in Edinburgh, Scotland pride parade
annual event
Q105620769 New Salem, Georgia unincorporated community in Georgia, United States administrative territorial entity
Q105779836 Plain Furness Manor former manorial estate in Dalton in Furness, Lancashire manor estate
Q106003854 Kundmachung des Eisenbahnministeriums, betreffend die Concessionierung einer mit elektrischer Kraft zu betreibenden schmalspurigen Kleinbahn in Czernowitz Kundmachung des Ministeriums
Q106041714 Yoker Junction railway junction in Govan, Glasgow City, Scotland, UK junction
Q106061150 casa Berti building in Bologna (BO) historic building
Q106131057 Zákon o veterinární péči a o změně souvisejících zákonů (veterinární zákon) act of parliament
Q106569969 Pigeon Bush Scenic Reserve reserve in New Zealand Scenic Reserve
Q106615236 Sheikh Russel National Gastroliver Institute & Hospital hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh hospital
Q106807175 Casco antiguo de Rabé de las Calzadas old town
Q107176555 Cardeñosa family name toponymic surname
family name
Q107481638 Territorial Army ground force of the Ethiopian Empire army
Q107550693 human fetal adrenal chromaffin cell cell type in Homo sapiens cell type human chromaffin cell of the adrenal gland
Q107603867 SCF(COI1) ubiquitin ligase complex, variant CUL1-RBX1B-ASK6 macromolecular complex found in Arabidopsis thaliana class of protein-containing complexes protein-containing complex
SCF ubiquitin ligase complex
Q107863419 Ministry of State for Diaspora Albanian ministry ministry
Q108038634 Guoqiong si Tibetan Buddhist monastery
Q108131335 Centre Priv. Ed. Infantil Ciudad Infantil San Jorge private center for children's education in Alacant private educational institution
Q108223072 Milan tram route 33 tram route in Milan, Italy tram service
Q108547035 Kunūz movie poster film poster
Q108603021 Gerichtsamt Oelsnitz Gerichtsamt
Q108706902 Bjørnestad søndre rock art in Sarpsborg, Østfold, Norway rock art
Q108823718 Archonship of Demetrius, 309/08 BCE Athenian year Athenian archon year
Q108826726 Gabriel Metsu catalogue raisonné, 1833 catalogue raisonné by John Smith catalogue raisonné
Q108830146 Sydney International Exhibition, 1879-80, Victorian Court Victorian Court at the exhibition held at the Garden Palace, Sydney for the Sydney International Exhibition, 1879-80 exhibition
Q109273677 Hangul syllable Hangul syllable
Unicode character
KS X 1002 character
KPS 9566 character
Q109366661 Uhol_92 theatre institution in Slovakia theatre company
Q109388565 unité urbaine de Crottet - Pont-de-Veyle urban unit
Q109469055 von Feuerbach family name affixed family name
Q109476926 Gislinge Sognekommune parish municipality of Denmark
Q109689429 embassy of Qatar in Greece embassy
Q109939840 A View of the Piazza of St. John de Lateran, of the Cardinals College, and of the Holy Stairs in the City of Rome etching by anonymous artist or maker etching print
Q110153989 2018 Magic Weekend 2018 instance of rugby league's Magic Weekend Magic Weekend
Q110254582 Farnham Castle Measure 1961 Church of England measure Church of England measure
Q110598668 Rouet public transport stop
Q110686307 Apollo and Daphne - William Williams pencil drawing by William Williams pencil drawing
Q110707465 omhelzing door de dood 1983 work of art by Marianne van der Heijden etching technique
Q111234515 abbot of Santa Maria de Ripoll ecclesiastical occupation abbot
Q111473417 Bunker dodgeball sport Dodgeball
Q111827014 Hyderabad Medal medallion
Q111932018 "Inscription D47 from Palmyrene Gate, Dura-Europos" "Graffito from the South Wall of Passage." graffiti
cultural property
Q111951351 Great Mill Disaster flour dust explosion in a Minneapolis mill in 1878 disaster
dust explosion
Q112054021 Old Peace River Bridge road bridge
Q112070294 Western Pond artificial pond
Q112142498 Molino della Foppa mill
Q112676735 Qingdao Vocational College of Aeronautical Science and Technology education institute in Qingdao, Shandong, China higher education institution
Q112703051 Pardes Hanna Military Cemetery military cemetery
Q112733068 Taylor Meadow meadow in New Brunswick, Canada meadow
Q112811662 Bellingham Gillnetters minor League Baseball team baseball team
Q112830217 Bungendore Australian rugby league football club rugby league team
Q112914572 2022 Sibiu Cycling Tour cycling race Sibiu Cycling Tour 2.1
Q113234266 HIT Movies division
Q113454773 allée des Martyrs Hongrois alley in Livry-Gargan, France avenue
Q113474817 近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告 bulletin, memoirs
Q113552631 Espaço cultural Calamari cultural heritage of the city of São Paulo cultural institution
Q113993653 Pontefract to Ferrybridge Curve section of railway line in the UK ELR railway line section
Q114622924 Municipal Library Předboj municipal library
Q114813254 BioSentinel ISS Control Experiment International Space Station experiment International Space Station experiment
Q114831923 Menge/Funktionenmenge/Unteralgebra/Trennung/Wertevorgabe/Fakt/Beweis/Aufgabe mathematical proof exercise
Q114933348 Endlicher Erweiterungskörper/Q/In C/Aufgabe exercise
Q115174312 Kennedy Bay human settlement in Ontario, Canada compact rural community
Q115196848 Team Corratec America club cycling team club cycling team
Q115301630 GD Studio Golden Dreams Studio is a platform where mainly the sector of film and music will be exercised. There will be original creations and the channel will definitely look forward to leave a perpetual mark on the field of entertainment. film studio
Q115408847 Queen Zixi of Ix, Part 2 Dec. 1904 serialized fiction serialized fiction
Q115423389 Yef Kaibam island in Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Province, Indonesia island
Q115672051 Limmerstraße 74, Hannover Listed building in Hannover-Linden Nord, Germany multifamily residential
Q115692268 Norway House 17D-6 First Nation reserve in Manitoba, Canada Indian reservation of Canada
Q115708405 Fanny shipwreck, 5.70 km from West Kirby shipwreck
Q115795050 Whitlam Park no. 2 pitch
Q116065741 Analyse des Mechanismus der p70s6k Aktivierung scholarship
research project
Q116093633 X-ray diffraction experiments on ultrafast photochemical reactions in solid state and solution with regard to biological applications priority program
research project
Q116107523 Die Rolle der Mikroglia bei postläsionalen Veränderungen in Schichten anterograder axonaler Läsion (B16) Collaborative Research Centre
research project
Q116243668 Headrest headrest at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET, 19.3.152) headrest
Q116274993 Ewer with Floral Scroll ewer at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET, 47.85.2) ewer
Q116299150 Grand Prix Samarkand Ladies single-day road race 1.2
Q116311484 The Annunciate Virgin (one of a pair) panel at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET, 07.287.12) panel
Q116367646 Vittoria 1905 play play
Q116370845 Cup Plate cup plate at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET, 45.100.124) Cup plate
Q116401293 Armrest upholstery panel at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET, 35.145.25c) upholstery
Q116414700 Wedjat eye amulet amulet, Wedjat eye at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET, 33.1.53) amulet
Q116434484 Spacer (?) spacer (?) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET, 16.7.24) spacer
Q116444571 Soup Ladle ladle at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET, 2016.533.14) ladle
Q116694400 Somers gin distillery and winetrader in Belgium distillery
Q116696700 Tower power station with capacity >1MW in Cheboygan County, Michigan oil-fired power station
gas turbine power station
Q116743943 Helsinki Finnish Methodist Church Methodist congregation in Helsinki, Finland church congregation
Q116810086 Нагара-Мару cargo ship
passenger vessel
Q116901480 road III/18038 third class road in Plzeň-jih District third-class road
Q116924374 Östliche Wörthenlacke soda lake
Q116985183 209-211 James Street South terrace of houses in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada terrace of houses
Q117071671 Hercules fishing vessel built in 1987 fishing vessel
Q117102587 Colorado Star chemical/oil tanker built in 2010 tanker
Q117533370 Épée à languette (D2004.0004.6) object stored in the Brittany Museum épée à languette
Q117707879 Saint Laurence Agnolo Brozino's mural painting at the Certosa del Galluzzo wall painting
Q117752695 Monnaie, Gros de Jean V (949.4636) object stored in the Brittany Museum coin
Q117965785 1924 Giro d'Italia, stage 12 round
Q118163212 Pont Henry Blast Furnace building in Llangyndeyrn, Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK blast furnace
Q118177587 Big Momma film series film series
Q119382597 My Best Friend female idol group
Q120043741 Hawaii Society of Medical Technologists research society scientific society
Q120721455 Thunderstone fictional town from Dungeons & Dragons fictional town
Q120837443 San Jose City Council District 8 electoral district in San Jose, California, United States San Jose City Council district
Q121337800 Wind Burn stream in Northumberland, England, UK, tributary of River Rede stream
Q121831378 Thesaurus:豪傑 Wiktionary thesaurus page
Q122195428 zespół podworski w Radzimowicach palace complex
Q122229178 ITF Warmbad-Villach tennis tournament
Q122368438 Nuraghe Paula Cungiada o Dolda nuraghe
Q122555382 A-5044 Aeromarine 40F of the United States Navy Aeromarine 40F
Q122583626 IFAS Hamburg engineering activities and related technical consultancy
Q122683706 Haberdashers' Aske's Federation Trust UK multi academy trust multi academy trust
Q123736014 Frank Mundus, 82, Dies; Inspired ‘Jaws’ The New York Times article (September 16, 2008) obituary
Q124055272 Uggiate con Ronago Italian comune commune of Italy
Q124086625 Sons of the Covenant: A Tale of Anglo-Jewry Gordon, Samuel 1900 novel
Q126125187 Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Agam regional department of Indonesia
Q126221309 Mattetreppe public stairway in Bern, Switzerland stairs
Q59120 Legions of Marshal Józef Piłsudski Bridge vistula River overpass, Płock, Poland road–rail bridge
steel bridge
Q124321799 Elizabeth, New Jersey City Hall town hall
Q124445894 Small BAseline Subset technique in remote sensing technique
Q124469248 Der Franzos im Ybrig. Komödie performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1995-1996 performing arts production
Q124557626 LDHU3_09.1800 Leishmania donovani protein-coding gene protein-coding gene
Q124884066 Fire lookout tower Schleiz (1975) fire lookout tower
Q124994380 4th interval in 53 TET 4/53 step within 53 Tone Equal Temperament microinterval
Q125028068 Seiiki universe narrative universe of the Seiiki visual novel trilogy by feng and Sentai Project fictional universe
Q125220377 Fries, Elias Magnus; Lagger, Franz Joseph: Hieracia europaea exsiccata [no. 1 - no. 161] series with exsiccata ID in IndExs, database providing bibliographic information on exsiccatae and exsiccata-like series Exsiccata
Q125280303 King v. University of Saskatchewan case from the Supreme Court of Canada decision of the Supreme Court of Canada
Q125334194 Versteigerung der Sammlung Schönborn-Wiesentheit 1865 (Montmorillon) German auction auction
Q125335126 五街子坝水库 reservoir
Q125338399 A Zona Periurbana de Salvador scholarly work
Q125367542 Жилой дом (Ильинский Погост) building in Heßstraße 72, Russia architectural landmark
Q125497492 حكومة عبد الله اليافي الأولى Cabinet of Lebanon
Q125601313 Views of the World Festival film festival
Q125679070 Regiokantoor Natuurmonumenten office building at Levensstrijdweg 1, Zierikzee, the Netherlands office building
Q125690253 Walsall Security Printers printer
Q125802386 East Troy urban area urban area in Wisconsin urban area
Q125942297 Norvan Falls Trail hiking trail
End of automatically generated list.