Wikidata:WikiProject University of Maryland Libraries/Punk zines and venues

This is a workspace and does not yet represent a finished product.

Properties for punk zines


The Wikidata properties listed here are meant to aid in the creation and editing of Wikidata items for punk zines in the University of Maryland Libraries' Special Collections in Performing Arts, whether the zine was a long-running title or only existed for an issue or two. This data model draws from practices for describing journals and literary works on Wikidata (punk zines are a sub-sub-sub class of the literary work genre, as the value is currently established), adding a few unique considerations with many thanks to the zine librarians interest group's resources on zine cataloging and the Zine Librarians Code of Ethics.

When creating Wikidata items for zines and their related contributors, please keep in mind the contributors' right to privacy, and err on the side of providing less information if a creator is known to want a separation between their zine activities and their legal identity, or if there is any doubt. The recommended properties below include options for author, creator, and contributor if the author/creator/contributor in question has a Wikidata item, and author name string if they do not have a Wikidata item. Consider creating a Wikidata item for the person if appropriate. If an author was regularly known by a pseudonym and their legal name is not known, consider creating a Wikidata item for that pseudonymous identity (this is in accordance with both Wikidata and NACO practices).

It may be difficult to distinguish between creative roles associated with a zine, and some properties may not be relevant to all zines. Creator, author, contributor, publisher, and distributor are all options for Wikidata properties (see below); if you are unsure what role a person associated with the zine played, use contributor. One person or entity may have played multiple roles, and therefore their Wikidata item may be used as a value for multiple properties (e.g., both creator and distributor).

Core properties


Every item should include these properties.

Property Expected value Usage Note
Label String Most commonly used form of the name.
Description String Short free-text description of the zine (can be fairly generic if specific information is not readily available). This should be a phrase rather than a sentence - start in lowercase and do not end in a period.
archives at (P485) Item The institution that holds an entity's archives; for this project, will always be University of Maryland Libraries (Q7895690); also include reference URL (P854) with the collection finding aid's permalink. The following optional qualifiers can also be used: collection (P195) for the specific collection; inventory number (P217), the collection ID, e.g., 0195-SCPA (can also add series and box number if deemed important; subject named as (P1810), if the form of the name used in Label differs from the form of the name used in the finding aid.
instance of (P31) Item Controlled term that describes what an item is. Should always be Punk zine (Q7260412); may additionally use zine (Q549638) and/or fanzine (Q181298).
full work available at URL (P953) URL URL for a digitized version. Always include if the item hs been digitized; use the permalinks provided on the UMD Digital Collections site. For each digitized issue of a title, provide a separate statement with the permalink and qualifiers for issue (P433) and publication date (P577). If multiple issues of a zine are available at a single link, provide that link, with the following optional qualifiers if readily available: start time (P580), date of first digitized issue available at link; end time (P582), date of last digitized issue available at link.

Use these properties if they are relevant and the information is easily available. Feel free to use other properties not listed here if they are more suited to the information you have.

Property Expected value Usage Note
Also known as String Alternative names the zine may be known by.
different from (P1889) Item Use to distinguish a zine from another publication or entity with the same name, if needed.
creator (P170) Item Name of the person responsible for creating the zine's content, or coordinating other contributors. If one person is known to have written all content, or contributed only written content to a particular zine (as opposed to graphics, layout, etc.), use author (P50) instead
creator (P170) Item Name of a person who contributed written content to a zine. For a person who contributed non-text content (graphics, layout, etc.), use creator (P170) or contributor to the creative work or subject (P767); if the person's contributions are unclear or unknown, use contributor to the creative work or subject (P767).
author name string (P2093) String Use if an author/creator/contributor does not have a Wikidata item. Use also if an author/creator/contributor used a temporary pseudonym.
distributed by (P750) Item Name of a person or group responsible for distributing a zine, whether or not they were also its creators.
publisher (P123) Item Use if a contributor was known to take on the role of publisher of a zine, or if a creator worked with an external entity to publish the zine.
start time (P580) Time Date the zine was first published or distributed.
end time (P582) Time Date the zine stopped being published or distributed.
publication interval (P2896) Item Use if a zine published at regular intervals.
place of publication (P291) Item Use if one or more places of publication are associated with the zine.
main subject (P921) Item Use for the zine's main subject, particularly if the zine was focused on a particular band, scene, subculture, social movement, etc.
copyright status (P6216) Item Include if the zine's copyright status is known (public domain (Q19652), copyrighted (Q50423863), etc.)
VIAF ID (P214), Library of Congress authority ID (P244) External identifier It is unlikely that many of the zines will have been established in the LC authority file, but for more prominent titles it may be worth searching the LCNAF or VIAF.

Properties for event venues


The Wikidata properties listed here are meant to aid in the creation and editing of Wikidata items for event venues chiefly associated with the Washington DC punk scene, working from fliers in the University of Maryland Libraries' Special Collections in Performing Arts and other sources as available. These venues may be long-running, well-known establishments with Wikipedia articles of their own (for instance, The Bayou (Q7715942) or The Cellar Door (Q7721848)), or shorter-lived efforts with several address changes which are now attested to mainly in contemporaneous flyers. Even if the venue is short-lived, consider its presence in archival materials to be sufficient justification to establish it as a Wikidata item. Under the Wikidata notability policy, such instances would fit item 2 ("instance of a clearly identifiable conceptual entity"), and in some cases may also fit item 3 ("fulfills a structural need").

Core properties


Every item should include these properties.

Property Expected value Usage Note
Label String Most commonly used form of the name.
Description String Short free-text description of the venue (can be fairly generic if specific information is not readily available). This should be a phrase rather than a sentence - start in lowercase and do not end in a period.
instance of (P31) Item Controlled term that describes what an item is. Should always be event venue (Q18674739); may additionally use other terms as appropriate such as music venue (Q8719053) or nightclub (Q622425)
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) URL Location of the venue (will often be Washington, D.C. (Q61), although a more specific neighborhood location may be provided if the venue was commonly associated with that neighborhood, such as Georgetown (Q1468648) or Mount Pleasant (Q1950651)).

Use these properties if they are relevant and the information is easily available. Feel free to use other properties not listed here if they are more suited to the information you have.

Property Expected value Usage Note
Also known as String Alternative names or nicknames the venue may be known by.
different from (P1889) Item Use to distinguish a venue from another venue or other entity with the same name, if needed.
street address (P6375) String Provide the street address of the venue if known. If the dates that the venue occupied that address are known, include start time (P580) and end time (P582) as qualifiers. If a flier only includes cross streets, enter those instead (e.g., "7th & E St NW").
coordinate location (P625) Geographic coordinates Provide the geographic coordinates for the street address. If the dates that the venue occupied that address are known, include start time (P580) and end time (P582) as qualifiers. You can find the coordinates for an address in Google Maps by right-clicking on a location, and then left-clicking the coordinates in the menu that appears; in Open Street Map, the coordinates are readily available in the left-hand panel of information about an address.
country (P17) String Provide the country that the venue was located in (probably United States of America (Q30)).
inception (P571) Time Date the venue first came into existence (may be different from date of official opening (P1619)).
date of official opening (P1619) Time If the venue had an official opening and the date for it is known, provide it (may be different from inception (P571)).
dissolved, abolished or demolished date (P576) Item Date the venue ceased to exist (may be the dissolution of the corporate entity, or the physical destruction of the building). See also date of official closure (P3999).
date of official closure (P3999) Item If the venue had an official closing date or event and the date is known, provide it. See also dissolved, abolished or demolished date (P576).
significant person (P3342) Item Use for any people regularly associated with the venue, such as manager, audio engineer, emcee, resident performer (do not use for anyone who played a show there). Specify role with the qualifier object of statement has role (P3831). [Unfortunately, this property can only be used with people, not bands, at this time.]
owned by (P127) Item Provide the owner if they are known and have a Wikidata item; qualify with start time (P580) and end time (P582) if appropriate.
significant event (P793) Item Use if a specific event happened at the venue (for instance, a major benefit concert) and the event has a Wikidata item.
maximum capacity (P1083) Quantity If the venue's maximum capacity is known, provide it. (May qualify with point in time (P585) if the only source is a single event flyer.)
MusicBrainz place ID (P1004) External identifier Use if available(?)
Bandsintown artist ID (P7195) External identifier Use if available(?) (assumes that venue is still in operation).
  • If the event venue is known to be the location of a well-known work's first performance, add a statement to the Wikidata item for that work using location of first performance (P4647) to connect it to the venue. (For instance, The Cellar Door is known to be the location where John Denver first performed Take Me Home, Country Roads (Q705473).) This will likely not come up very often, but this example is provided on the off chance that it does!