Wikidata:WikiProject WLM/Mapping tables/pl (pl)

Step 1. Implicit values

Implicit data
required field name value Wikidata property comment
Y heritage status object on the Polish cultural heritage register (Q21438156) heritage designation (P1435)
Y country Poland (Q36) country (P17)
Y wikiproject pl.wikipedia used for getting wikidata items from wikilinks
Y is a(n) misc instance of (P31) There's no separate field that identifies monument type -- but it might be possible to extract some from the labels and use a lookup table. Need to identify most common elements in labels, like pałac, kościół etc.

Step 2. analyze and map specific data


Step 2.2. country-specific data – pl_(pl)

heritage field example values Wikidata property Conversion comment
id 4 - - not relevant
prov-iso PL-KP - - first-level unit (ignored)
powiat powiat aleksandrowski - second-level unit (ignored)
gmina gmina Aleksandrów Kujawski - third-level unit, used only if miejscowosc is empty
  • Aleksandrów Kujawski
  • Dworszowice Kościelne (300 metrów od kościoła)
  • Radom - [[Krychnowice]] (dec. [[Żakowice (Radom)|Żakowice]])
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
  • if wikicode, use first wikilink available to get city/village
  • if not – ??
placename, wikicode can happen
  • 623/A z 16.07.1991
  • 19/kl.IV-73/66/53 z 30.10.1953
  • 1266 z 19.12.1964; 194/L z 15.10.1997
  • A/70 z 7.05.1957 i z 19.11.1966
  • A-540/1-4 z 11.03.1957, 21.06.1967 i 16.06.1977
  • A/568 z 24.08.1957, z 29.12.1971 i z 21.11.1995
  • 329/A z 28.12.1993 (WUOZ - A/483)
Polish cultural heritage register number (P3424)
+ point in time (P585)
needs to be splitted, comments below
  • can be multiple values
  • every value can have multiple dates
  • nie
  • tak
  • 600868
Three options:
  • nie - this is an individual monument
  • tak - this is a group of monuments
  • integer - this is an individual monument included in a group with this id
nazwa klasztor ss. Służebniczek Niepokalanego Poczęcia NMP, 1890
  • remove wikicode
  • split by ,
  • check from last to first if looks like date (see below)
label in pl; possible to extract inception (P571)
adres ul. Wojska Polskiego 9 P969 (P969) or
located on street (P669)
+ house number (P670)
  • trim ul. prefix as redundant
  • pl. should be expanded to plac
  • al./Al. should be expanded to aleja
if contains wikicode, use located on street (P669) + house number (P670)
lat 0.0 coordinate location (P625)
lon 0.0 coordinate location (P625)
koordynaty - - always empty, use lat/lon
zdjecie Kaplica cmentarza paarafialnego.JPG image (P18) sometimes File:Nie istnieje.svg is used for non-existent monuments, do not import
commonscat Ukrainian War Cemetery in Aleksandrów Kujawski Commons category (P373)
source //
changed 2016-12-15 10:05:28
monument_article Ukraiński_Cmentarz_Wojskowy_w_Aleksandrowie_Kujawskim Polish wikipedia article
registrant_url 600884 internal id (ignored), but must be used to match complex of monuments

Additional notes

instance of (P31)

This one can be extracted from nazwa.

The list has been moved to a separate page. --Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) (talk) 11:58, 21 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]


I tried to cover number with regex, what I have so far. Yarl (talk) 21:29, 18 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]


This one is quite messy, because of plenty of reasons. What is now in wikilist is a copy from official list one-liner that consists of name, build date and reconstruction dates. Some of them were later edited by wikipedians (added wikilinks, God knows what else 😉). If there is a wikilink, there should be already a wikidata entry, so I suggest to skip them, and do them in the second round maybe?

Anyway, there are some patterns, that we can regex:

  • grobowiec rodziny Biniakowskich, 1898 – name, date
  • budynek koszar, ob. sąd i prokuratura, 1 poł. XIXX, currently Y, date
  • dwór, 1886, l. 90 XIX, 1920 – name, multiple dates
dates in nazwa

Some string that needs to be "translated" to wikidata

  • regex 😂
  • 1898 – year
  • 1886-1887 – year range
  • XIX w.nth century
  • (1|2) poł. XIX – first or second half of nth century (poł.połowa), may be ended with w. (w.wiek)
  • kon. XVIII w. – end of nth century (kon.koniec)
  • pocz. XVIII w. – start of nth century (pocz.początek)
  • ok. 1900 – about year n (ok.około)
  • po 1920 – after year n
  • XIX/XX
  • l. 90 XIX – 1890s (l.lata)
  • l. 20-30. XX w. – 1920s-1930s