Topic on User talk:MisterSynergy

Nomen ad hoc (talkcontribs)

Hi, MisterSynergy. First let me wish you a happy New Year!

Then, do you thing that the deleted item could you restored? I could add more authorities like ORCID* and IDs, and link it to Jean Lemaitre (Q33820736) with doctoral student (P185). Also, I would purge the item from all "personal" datas (as like as Twitter account), so it could be no matter for anyone.

*Btw, I believe that a bot is massively creating items for corresponding ORCID IDs not matched in Wikidata (I saw it several times lately). So I suppose that the item will be recreated one day or another.

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

Which item?

Nomen ad hoc (talkcontribs)

Oops... Wait a few minutes, so I could find it through my more than 7.500 creations...

Nomen ad hoc (talkcontribs)

Here it is: Q33820187.

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

Ah, that special case. (Back)links for easier navigation:

I am not aware of a systematic ORCID import, so I have no idea whether it will likely be created again in future (it would be great if you could point to this bot account).

Due to the special kind of request we had back then, I personally prefer to keep it like that for now—unless @Spinster confirms that the subject would now be happy with an item. It is clear that at some point a person cannot be rated as “relatively unknown” any longer and an item is unavoidable, but here I cannot see that we have crossed this (virtual) line already. I’d even say that we are still pretty far away from it.

Besides this, I will also start a discussion on the matter at the project chat, without a reference to this case or topic. Spinster also tried that after the deletion of the item at Wikidata talk:Deletion policy#Deleting items about non-notable, living people, by their own request, but that is apparently a pretty remote place to discuss such problems.

Based on the input at the project chat, I will re-evaluate my position. So consider this as an On hold answer to your request.

Nomen ad hoc (talkcontribs)

Thank you! (I can't speak instead of the subject, but I really think the issue drawn from this item was mainly that it linked bibliographical datas and more "personal" (quote unquote) ones such as Twitter account.) I'll try to get in touch with the bot's trainer.

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

Short note: the WD:PC topic will not be ready today, but I will find time for it tomorrow early.

Spinster (talkcontribs)

I haven't been in touch anymore with the person involved in that deletion (we just occasionally met during a hackathon). Totally fine with taking this to Project Chat!

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)
Nomen ad hoc (talkcontribs)

Hello. It seems to me that the discussion showed that there is a no community consensus for deleting "borderline" items (and that we could instead blur/withdraw litigious claims), is it?

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

Difficult to say.

We still do not have a local policy which explicitly covers this situation, and I guess there will not be one in the foreseeable future. Whatever I do will be a decision on a by-case basis, so there will always be someone unhappy regardless of the solution. The discussion at WD:PC was meant to collect more opinions, and based on the input one can decide this case in either direction.

There is comprehensible objection against deletion of items that are in use—which was/would not the case here (thus a borderline case, which I tried to describe). I explicitly did not mention the possibility of individual claim removal, since there was no such request in this case as far as I know. I am also not aware which claims are considered “potentially controversial”, “private information”, or “litigous” here. There was just the request to delete the entire item.

So it still feels wrong for me to restore the item if the subject does not want to have it existing (assuming their opinion hasn’t changed since September), when Wikidata or Wikimedia actually do not make any use of it at all. I mean, what’s the value of having it?