Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge/Croatia

Europeana Art history challenge
15 April - 30 May, 2016
#Europeana280 / Art History Collections @ Europeana

View these, and other artworks, at the Europeana Art History Collection "280" page

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Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge
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Croatia's artworks edit

metadata edit

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { VALUES ?item { wd:Q22948543 wd:Q22953889 wd:Q22954041 wd:Q22976570 wd:Q22976609 wd:Q22670982 wd:Q22976619 wd:Q22671007 wd:Q22670970 wd:Q22976628 } }
Commons image Artist Date Type of artwork Collection Inventory number Location Artistic movement Artistic genre Main subject Also depicts Material used Europeana ID Iconclass code(s)
Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac
Federiko Benković 1715 painting Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters SG-3 Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters religious art Binding of Isaac Abraham
oil paint
Art (according to Marlboro) Boris Bućan 1973 painting Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art pop art fine art art
acrylic paint
In Honour of El Lissitzki Ivan Picelj 1956 painting Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art constructivism abstract art canvas
oil paint
Madame Récamier
Antoine-Jean Gros 1825 painting Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters SG-36 Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters portrait woman
Juliette Récamier
oil paint
Meander 2 Julije Knifer 1960 painting Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art 1088 Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art constructivism abstract art canvas
oil paint
On the hills - rainforest Ivan Rabuzin 1960 painting Croatian Museum of Naïve Art Croatian Museum of Naïve Art naïve art landscape art tree
old-growth forest
oil paint
Pafama Josip Seissel 1922 work of art Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art MSU 2106 Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art collaging paper
Red Loop Ivan Kožarić 1969 painting Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art abstract art loop gouache paint
Self-portrait (Marin Tartaglia) Marino Tartaglia 1917 painting Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art MSU 4302 Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art Expressionism self-portrait Marino Tartaglia Marino Tartaglia oil paint
White Background Edo Murtić 1959 painting Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art abstract expressionism abstract art canvas
oil paint
End of automatically generated list.

translation edit

Other countries' artworks in Croatia's languages edit

Croatian edit

Italian edit