Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge/Poland

Europeana Art history challenge
15 April - 30 May, 2016
#Europeana280 / Art History Collections @ Europeana

View these, and other artworks, at the Europeana Art History Collection "280" page

Marta Malina Moraczewska & Natalia Szafran-Kozakowska (Magalia)

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The most active editor of Polish-language articles from the list will receive a small award from WMPL and the National Museum in Warsaw.

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Poland's artworks




This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { VALUES ?item { wd:Q22671354 wd:Q2636368 wd:Q9285794 wd:Q9173390 wd:Q23058053 wd:Q22939736 wd:Q22945245 wd:Q22939575 wd:Q8080468 wd:Q22674448 } }
Commons image Artist Date Type of artwork Collection Inventory number Location Artistic movement Artistic genre Main subject Also depicts Material used Europeana ID Iconclass code(s)
Battle of Grunwald
Jan Matejko 1878 painting National Museum in Warsaw MP 443
MP 443 MNW
National Museum in Warsaw battle painting Battle of Grunwald
Ulrich von Jungingen
Spear of St. Maurice
Zyndram of Maszkowice
Kuno von Lichtenstein
Konrad VII the White
Casimir V, Duke of Pomerania
Jakub Skarbek z Góry
Marcin of Wrocimowice
Marquard von Salzbach
Jan Žižka
Heinrich von Schwelborn
Zawisza the Black
Władysław II Jagiełło
Zbigniew Oleśnicki
Stanislaus of Szczepanów
Werner von Tettingen
Domarat Kobylański
Heinrich von Plauen
Jan Długosz z Niedzielska
Sigismund Korybut
Mikołaj Trąba
Siemowit IV
oil paint
Łaski's Statute
1505 publication National Museum in Kraków National Museum in Kraków parchment
Battle of Orsha
No/unknown value 1525
painting National Museum in Warsaw MP 2475 MWN National Museum in Warsaw battle painting Battle of Orsha Battle of Orsha
Konstanty Ostrogski
oak panel
Polish Hamlet. Portrait of Aleksander Wielopolski
Jacek Malczewski 1903 painting National Museum in Warsaw MP 369
MP 369 MNW
National Museum in Warsaw Young Poland
portrait woman
Prince Hamlet
oil paint
The Queuing Continues Andrzej Wróblewski 1956 painting National Museum in Warsaw MPW 1149
MPW 1149 MNW
National Museum in Warsaw figurative art waiting room
oil paint
God the father - Arise
Stanisław Wyspiański 1904 stained glass window
stained glass
Church of St. Francis of Assisi God the Father
creation myth
stained glass
Catalogue of the Archbishops of Gniezno
Jan Długosz
Stanisław Samostrzelnik
1531 illuminated manuscript National Library of Poland Rps BOZ 5 National Library of Poland parchment
Gaberbocchus some of the old favourites Franciszka Themerson 190s drawing series National Library of Poland Rps akc. 19523 National Library of Poland
Staging Point
No/unknown value 1941 drawing Jewish Historical Institute ARG 581 Ring I/277_1 Jewish Historical Institute figurative art child
Jewish people
Warsaw Ghetto
police officer
Apollo - the Copernican Solar System
Stanisław Wyspiański 1905 stained glass window
stained glass
Medical Society House Medical Society House stained glass Apollo
Solar System
End of automatically generated list.



Other countries' artworks in Polish


Overview of Europeana Art History Challenge progress in Polish. Total number of completed artworks for Polish: 57. The target number for articles/labels/descriptions is 296

Country Wikipedia






30 65 115 93
    Biblia Borsa d’Este iluminowany manuskrypt Biblii
    [Choix des plus belles fleurs et de quelques branches des plus beaux fruits] [book botanical illustrations by Pierre-Joseph Redouté]
    Portret rodzinny obraz France Kralja
    [The Destruction of Sodom And Gomorrah] obraz John Martina
    Katalog arcybiskupów gnieźnieńskich iluminowany manuskrypt autorstwa Jana Długosza
    [Early Evening Landscape] [painting by Alexander Brodszky]
    Sen obraz Corneliu Baba
    Trzeci maja 1808 obraz Francisco Goi
    Liber viaticus [manuscript commissioned by Johannes Noviforensis]
    [Coastal landscape (Fishermen going home)] obraz Eugen Dückera
    [Umar Defeats a Dragon] [Mughal era painting in MAK collection]
    Widok Toledo z planem obraz El Greca
    Pocałunek obraz Francesco Hayeza
    [The Danse Macabre] [painting by Bernhard Notke]
    Dada-Gazeta obraz Hannah Höcha
    [Erma River by the Town of Tran] obraz Nikola Petrova
    [A Young Artist (Ditlev Blunck) Examining a Sketch in a Mirror] obraz Wilhelm Bendza
    [Still Life with Sweets] [painting by Josefa de Óbidos]
    Ewangeliarz z Lindisfarne iluminowany manuskrypt
    Koncert aniołów obraz El Greca
    [Scenery of a Lithuanian Village] [painting by Pranas Domšaitis]
    Ostatnia droga Temeraire'a obraz J. M. W. Turnera
    Piekło [artwork by Eduard Wiiralt]
    [Landscape with a red cloud] [painting by Konrad Mägi]
    [Tuvstarr is still sitting there wistfully looking into the water] [watercolour by John Bauer]
    siodło obraz Dorothy Crossa
    [Evangeliary of Averbode] [12th century manuscript]
    [Christening in Tanum Church] [painting by Harriet Backer]
    Ucieczka do Egiptu obraz Nicolasa Poussina
    [All Through the Night] [painting by Antanas Žmuidzinavičius]
    [In Honour of El Lissitzki] [painting by Ivan Picelj]
    [Four Element Composition] [painting by Mainie Jellett]
    Finnmark, zima obraz Anna-Eva Bergmana
    [The White Apple Tree] [painting by Antanas Samuolis]
    [Bellringer of Caernarvon in costume of trade] [painting by John Cambrian Rowland]
    [Male Back With a Flag] [study by Michelangelo]
    [An Overshot Mill in Wales (Aberdulais)] [painting by James Ward]
    [Concentric Group] [painting by Oskar Schlemmer]
    [We Are Not Afraid campaign, NYC subways] [photograph by Les Levine]
    [The Planters] [painting by Adamantios Diamantis]
    [Berry Dress] [sculpture by Alice Maher]
    Relikwiarz świętego Maura [national monument of the Czech Republic]
    Shane Williams (portret) obraz David Griffithsa
    Bitwa pod Grunwaldem obraz Jana Matejki
    Portret doktora Richarda Price obraz Benjamina West
    Statut Łaskiego pierwsze wydanie drukiem zbioru najważniejszych praw Królestwa Polskiego
    Paraphrase E [painting by Ado Vabbe]
    [The Gauja Valley] [painting by Jūlijs Feders]
    [Boys drawing] [painting by Sofie Ribbing]
    [Gaberbocchus some of the old favourites] kolekcja pocztówek autorstwa Franciszki Themerson
    [An Italian Woman with Children by a Stream] [painting by Johann Köler]
    [Os galgos] [painting by Amadeo de Souza Cardoso]
    Zaślubiny Marii z Józefem obraz Rafaela
    [Portrait of the artist's father] [painting by Jožef Tominc]
    [Lacemaker (Portrait of Štefka Batič)] [painting by Veno Pilon]
    [Portrait of a violinist] [painting by Anne Vallayer-Coster]
    Medusa [painting by Hughie O'Donoghue]
    Godzinki Leonor de la Vega iluminowany manuskrypt
    La bibliothèque en feu [painting by Vieira da Silva]
    [Abstract painting] [painting by Victor Pasmore (National Museum of Fine Arts, Malta)]
    [Dolbadarn Castle] [painting by J. M. W. Turner in the National Library of Wales]
    [Karin by the shore] akwarela Carl Larssona
    [Soup Kitchen in Arroios] [engraving by Sequeira]
    [Red Loop] [painting by Ivan Kožarić]
    [Blue horse] [painting by Franz Marc]
    [The Art Gallery of Jan Gildemeester Jansz] [painting by Adriaan de Lelie]
    [Amalienborg Square, Copenhagen] [painting by Vilhelm Hammershøi]
    [Miss Catherine Jones of Colomendy, near Mold] [painting by Richard Wilson]
    Księżniczka z małpą obraz Jānisa Rozentālsa
    Ołtarz Gandawski poliptyk Huberta i Jana van Eycków
    [Great View of Prague] [engraving by Wenceslaus Hollar]
    [Art (according to Marlboro)] [painting by Boris Bućan]
    Madonna z Dzieciątkiem obraz Vasilisa Michaelidesa
    [Jean Wauquelin presenting his 'Chroniques de Hainaut' to Philip the Good] [miniature attributed to Rogier van der Weyden or his workshop]
    Schönberg rodzinny obraz Richard Gerstla
    [Sonata of the Stars] [painting series by Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis]
    [Man Entering a Room] [painting by Niklāvs Strunke]
    Pejzaż zimowy z łyżwiarzami obraz Hendricka Avercamp
    [Vase of flowers] [painting by Gwen John]
    [The Card Players II] [painting by Almanach]
    Autoportret [painting by Ján Kupecký]
    Autoportret w futrze autoportret Albrechta Dürera
    [Woman with the Artist] [painting by Vytautas Kasiulis]
    Ścięcie św. Jana Chrzciciela obraz Caravaggia
    [Selfportrait at 6th wedding anniversary] [painting by Paula Modersohn-Becker]
    [Pilgrimage to the Cedars of Lebanon] [painting by Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka]
    Skrzydło Kraski akwarela Albrechta Dürera
    [Stymphalian Birds] [painting by Christoforos Savva]
    Sidereus Nuncius [paper by Galileo]
    [Cat among roosters] [painting by Jacob Bogdani]
    [Portrait of a Girl] [painting by Marcel Janco]
    Portret dziewczyny w oknie obraz Rembrandta
    [Sodom and Gomorrah Burning] [illustration by Picu Pătruț]
    [Disputation at Peristerona] [painting by Georgiou Polyviou Georgios]
    [Le noyau rouge] [painting by Joseph Probst]
    Podniesienie krzyża tryptyk Petera Paula Rubensa
    Krajobraz [painting by Zlatyu Boyadziev]
    [Madame Récamier] [painting by Antoine-Jean Gros]
    Ofiara Abrahama obraz Bencovicza
    [The Good Fruit of the Earth] [painting by Loukia Nicolaidou]
    Model systemu słonecznego obraz Josepha Wright of Derby
    Matka Boża Trocka obraz Matki Bożej w kościele w Trokach
    [The Madonna Enthroned between St. Catherine and St. Elizabeth from Hungary] [A central panel of the triptych from Jánoviec (Master Martin)]
    St. Sebastian [Cubist pictute of Bohumil Kubišta (1912)]
    Miasto obraz August Strindberga
    Kompozycja obraz Stelios Votsisa
    [The Preaching of Saint Mark in Alexandria] [painting by Gentile and Giovanni Bellini]
    [Winter Night in the Mountains] [series of compositions by Harald Sohlberg]
    Gabrielle d'Estrées i jedna z jej sióstr obraz nieznanego malarza
    [De aetatibus mundi imagines] [sketchbook by Francisco de Holanda]
    [A nude woman doing her hair before a mirror] [painting by Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg]
    Madonna [painting by Edvard Munch]
    [Project for Sky-Writing (planche n°1)] [artwork by Robert Filliou]
    [Halbzeit] [painting by Michel Majerus]
    [Portrait of Sir John Williams] [painting by Christopher Williams]
    Skrzydła ołtarza z Roudník malowane skrzydła późnogotyckiego retabulum
    [St John the Baptist Wearing the Red Tabard of the Order of St John] [painting by Mattia Preti]
    [Death playing chess] [mural by Albertus Pictor]
    Autoportret [painting by Marin Tartaglia]
    Chrystus dźwigający krzyż obraz Hieronymusa Boscha
    [Kreeta Haapasalo Playing the Kantele in a Peasant Cottage] [painting by Robert Wilhelm Ekman]
    [Return from the Fields] [woodcut by Telemachos Kanthos]
    [Risen Christ] [painting by Guido Reni (National Museum of Fine Arts, Malta)]
    [Portrait of Mrs. Stefka Georgieva Otmarova] [painting by Aneta Hodina]
    [East Coast Light I] [painting by Sean Scully]
    [Flower-holder] [delft vase by De Grieksche A]
    Pocałunek obraz Gustawa Klimta
    Ogród artysty w Giverny obraz Claude Moneta
    [Front Elevation for a Monument to the Unknown Soldier] [watercolour by Antonio Sciortino]
    [White Background] [painting by Edo Murtić]
    [The Ironer] [painting by Rik Wouters]
    Spłoszony łabędź obraz Jana Asselijna
    [The Straw Hat] [painting by Nikos Lytras]
    Rybołówstwo obraz François Bouchera
    [The Visitation] [painting by Master MS]
    Wieża Babel obraz Pietera Bruegla starszego z Muzeum Historii Sztuki w Wiedniu
    Zbroja płytowa obraz Ragnhild Keysera
    [The Simpleton] [bust by Messerschmidt, one of the Character Heads]
    [Pagan Spring] malarstwo Stass Paraskosa
    Meander 2 malarstwo Julije Knifera
    [Four Gospels] [gospels written in cyrillic by Priest Dobreisho]
    Ukrzyżowanie Jezusa Chrystusa (malarstwo) obraz Andreas Paviasa
    Pornocrates akwarela Félicien Ropsa
    [Seated Lady] [painting by Valle Rosenberg]
    [Twofold movement] [artwork by Keserü Ilona]
    [Metropolis film poster] [Heinz Schulz-Neudamm poster for Fritz Lang's Metropolis]
    [Tahitian Women on the Beach] [painting by Paul Gauguin]
    [Young Gypsy Woman] [painting by Kārlis Hūns]
    [The Appearance of the Angel to St. Roch] [painting by Gaspar Dias]
    [The fountain of youth] [painting by Cranach the Elder]
    [Portrait of the poet Ilarie Voronca] [painting by Victor Brauner]
    Kompozycja XX obraz Hans Mattis-Teutscha
    [Valcavado Beatus] iluminowany manuskrypt
    Oblique obraz Victor Vasarely
    [Ride of the Kings (Joza Uprka)] [painting represents a public festival at Vlčnov in the Moravian Slovakia.]
    Umierający dandys [painting by Nils von Dardel]
    [Standing Madonna with child] [statuette of the Madonna, National Gallery of Slovenia]
    Ranny anioł obraz Hugo Simberga
    [Girl in a White Kimono] [1894 painting by George Hendrik Breitner (1857-1923)]
    Psałterz [17th Century Bulgarian psalter copied by daskal Philip]
    [Hearing the Homework] [painting by Yrjö Ollila]
    [Pompeiian table] [painting by Marij Pregelj]
    [Rhythms] [painting by Robert Delaunay (1934)]
    Wieczerza w Emmaus obraz Caravaggia
    [Portrait of Louis XIV] [painting by Hyacinthe Rigaud]
    Kompozycja E 10/58 obraz Michel Stoffela
    [The White and the Black] [painting by Aleksandra Beļcova]
    [Madonna with angel] [painting by Ľudovít Fulla]
    [The Red Tree] [painting by Piet Mondrian]
    [Studio with gloves] [painting by Shani Rhys James]
    Madonna kanonika van der Paele obraz Jana van Eycka
    [The Reception of Lord Byron at Missolonghi] [painting by Theodoros Vryzakis]
    Hortus semper virens [publication of botanical illustrations by Johann Simon von Kerner]
    [Landscape with Flowers] [painting by Zolo Palugyay]
    Kodeks Aleksandryjski z Sofii manuskrypt
    [Stetind in Fog] [painting by Peder Balke]
    [The Triumph of Flora] [painting by Gabrijel Stupica]
    Ostatnie spojrzenie na Anglię obraz Forda Madoxa Browna
    [Saint George on Horseback] [painting by Mattia Preti]
    [The Apotheosis of Athanasios Diakos] [painting by Konstantinos Parthenis]
    [Market in Banska Bystrica] [painting by Dominik Skutecký]
    [Ten Women of Stralsund] [drawing by Melchior Lorck]
    [Willows at Chiajna] [painting by Ştefan Luchian]
    [Camel (in Rhythmic Landscape with Trees)] [painting by Paul Klee]
    Codex Mariendalensis [manuscript on vellum containing an epic poem by Hermann of Veldenz]
    [The Maiden of the Grave. Triptych] [drawing by Kristjan Raud]
    [Nature studies] [collection of drawings owned by Rudolph II]
    [The Dirge in Psara] [painting by Nikiforos Lytras]
    [Solitude] [painting by Bazovský]
    [Inger on the Beach] [painting by Edvard Munch]
    [Portrait of Eliezer Alshekh] [painting by Kiril Tsonev]
    [View from the Artist's Window] [painting by Martinus Rørbye]
    [Persian Envoys before the King of Ethiopia] [painting by Franciszek Smuglewicz]
    [Bathing Boys] [painting by Johann Walter-Kurau]
    Judyta i Holofernes obraz Valentina de Boulogne
    [Girl in a Folk Costume] [painting by Jānis Tīdemanis]
    Lucyfer [painting by Franz von Stuck]
    [Lithuanian girl with Palm Sunday Fronds] [painting by Kanuty Rusiecki]
    [Night Travellers at a Cross] [painting by Ladislav Mednyánszky]
    Święty Hieronim obraz Caravaggia
    [To Boyfriend] [painting by Jozef Hanula]
    [Miscellany] [manuscript by priest Puncho]
    [Wooded Landscape with a Herdsman Seated] [painting by Thomas Gainsborough]
    [Berthe Morisot with a Bouquet of Violets] [painting by Édouard Manet, 1872]
    [On the hills - rainforest] [painting by Ivan Rabuzin]
    Wolność wiodąca lud na barykady obraz Eugène'a Delacroix
    Orgia obraz Williama Hogartha
    [Behold the Bridegroom Arriving] [painting by Nikolaos Gyzis]
    Słonecznik [painting by Ion Țuculescu]
    Autoportret [painting by Vilho Lampi]
    [Venny Soldan-Brofeldt, Artist] [painting by Hanna Pauli]
    [An amateur concert] [painting by Pinheiro]
    [At the French Windows. The Artist's Wife] [painting by L.A. Ring]
    Urizen stwarzający świat [painting and series of works by William Blake]
    Wóz z sianem obraz Johna Constable'a
    [The Grey Dance] [painting by Väinö Kunnas]
    Zapora wodna obraz Dominique Langa
    [Picture clock with Alster panorama] [mechanical artwork in Hamburg museum]
    Ołtarz z Trzeboni [14th-century painting by the Master of the Třeboň Altarpiece]
    [Out into the World] [painting by Maria Wiik]
    [Old Pine Trees] [painting by Lars Hertervig]
    Panny dworskie obraz Diego Velázqueza
    Saliera [sculpture by Benvenuto Cellini]
    Krzyk obraz Edvarda Muncha
    [The Sculptor Jens Adolf Jerichau, the Artist's Husband] [painting by Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann]
    [Giant Bible of Echternach] iluminowany manuskrypt
    Nowy Adam [painting by Sándor Bortnyik]
    Japonka obraz Bertalana Székely
    Nowa Ewa [painting by Sándor Bortnyik]
    [View of Mt Triglav from Bohinj] [painting by Anton Karinger]
    Odjazd na Cyterę obraz Jean-Antoine'a Watteau
    Ogród Luksemburski [painting by Albert Edelfelt]
    Sąd Ostateczny fresk Toma din Suceava
    Balon obraz Pál Szinyei Mersa
    [Apocalipsis of Lorvao] iluminowany manuskrypt
    [Farmhouse with a Stove] [painting by Karl Pärsimägi]
    Bóg Ojciec - Stań się witraż Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w kościele św. Franciszka z Asyżu w Krakowie
    Wesoły pijak obraz Fransa Halsa
    Wędrowiec [Painting by Hieronymus Bosch]
    Bitwa pod Orszą (obraz) obraz anonimowego malarza
    Madonna Sykstyńska obraz Rafaela
    Złożenie do grobu obraz El Greca
    [The New Settlers] [painting by Antanas Gudaitis]
    [Landscape from Tsarigrad] obraz Vladimir Dimitrova
    Pieta [painting by José de Ribera in Madrid]
    [Winter at the Sognefjord] [painting by J.C. Dahl]
    [View of Haarlem from the Northwest, with the Bleaching Fields in the Foreground] [painting by Jacob Isaacksz. van Ruisdael]
    Zima obraz Vilhelms Purvītisa
    [Last supper] [altarpiece by Vasco Fernandes]
    [Midsummer Night near Vejle Fjord] [painting by Harald Slott-Møller]
    [View of the city of Luxemburg from the Fetschenhof] [painting by Nicolas Liez]
    Altamira [cave with prehistoric paintings in Spain]
    [Funeral Composition] [painting by Yiannis Moralis]
    [The Artist's Mother Ane Hedvig Brøndum in the Blue Room] [painting by Anna Ancher]
    Uchodźcy obraz Jēkabsa Kazaksa
    [Madonna with Machine Gun] [painting by Kārlis Padegs]
    [Portrait of Goffredo Mameli] [drawing by Roberto Bompiani]
    ["Neon" Cafe (Night)] [painting by Yannis Tsarouchis]
    Dzwony [painting by Ilmari Aalto]
    [Head of a clown] [painting by Joseph Kutter]
    Ha'penny Bridge, Dublin akwarela Samuel Brocasa
    [Coming from the Mill] [painting by Laurence Stephen Lowry]
    [Portrait of Lady Roxanda] [mural by Dobromir]
    [Saint Anne with the Virgin and Child] [sculpture by Jan van Steffeswert]
    [Programmed Print - the Vertical Line Program] [graphic art by Oho (Marko Pogačnik)]
    Noored aednikud [painting by Malle Leis]
    [Road in Häme] [painting by Werner Holmberg]
    [Walk on the Beach] [painting by Joaquín Sorolla]
    [Mural paintings at the Chapel of Saint Casimir] [fresco series in Vilnius cathedral by Michelangelo Palloni]
    [The Greeks and the Trojans Fighting over the Body of Patroclus] [painting by Antoine Wiertz (Liège)]
    Hamlet polski. Portret Aleksandra Wielopolskiego obraz Jacka Malczewskiego
    [España ­Artística y Monumental] [collection of lithographs by Jenaro Pérez Villaamil]
    [Portrait of the Gem-Cutter Dionysius Miseroni and His Family] [painting by Karel Škréta]
    [Sleepwalker (Štyrský)] [painting of Jindřich Štyrský (period of postcubism/1925)]
    [A burial mound from ancient times by Raklev on Refsnæs] [painting by Johan Thomas Lundbye]
    Oko w jajku obraz Ülo Soostera
    [Girls Spinning at the Gate] [painting by Nicolae Grigorescu]
    [Return to the Village] [painting by Ioannis Kissonergis]
    Punkt etapowy rysunek podpisany nazwiskiem Rozenfeld
    [Death of Dragut] [painting by Giuseppe Calì]
    [Meditation Painting 28] [painting by Patrick Scott]
    Vertumnus [1590-1591 painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo]
    Cancioneiro de Ajuda [songbook written in the Galician-Portuguese language from the 13th century]
    [New Sexual Lifestyles] [video artwork by Gerard Byrne]
    Apollo (System Kopernika) projekt witraża autorstwa Stanisława Wyspiańskiego
    [Composition, Throne II] [painting by Andreas Chrysochos]
    [Ideal landscape with a young man killing a snake] [painting by Franc Kavčič]
    [Calligraphical image] [drawing by Roger Manderscheid]
    [Saint Vincent Panels] [polyptych of six panels by Nuno Gonçalves]
    Pafama [abstract composition by Josip Seissel]
    [The gathering] [painting by Kyffin Willims]
    Opłakiwanie zmarłego Chrystusa obraz Andrea Mantegna
    Kolejka trwa obraz Andrzeja Wróblewskiego
    [Charity of St Thomas of Villanova] [etching of marble sculpture by Melchiorre Cafa]
    Święty Juda Tadeusz obraz Mistrza Teodoryka
    [Dust Storm (Manter, Kansas)] [artwork by John Gerrard]