Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge/Luxembourg

Europeana Art history challenge
15 April - 30 May, 2016
#Europeana280 / Art History Collections @ Europeana

View these, and other artworks, at the Europeana Art History Collection "280" page


Prizes & Events

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Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge
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Luxembourg's artworks edit

metadata edit

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { VALUES ?item { wd:Q23011512 wd:Q23012030 wd:Q23011529 wd:Q23011544 wd:Q22284213 wd:Q22671308 wd:Q22284390 wd:Q22284289 wd:Q632114 wd:Q23051789 } }
Commons image Artist Date Type of artwork Collection Inventory number Location Artistic movement Artistic genre Main subject Also depicts Material used Europeana ID Iconclass code(s)
Calligraphical image Roger Manderscheid 1998 calligraphic work National Literature Centre National Literature Centre abstract art India ink
Choix des plus belles fleurs et de quelques branches des plus beaux fruits
Pierre-Joseph Redouté 1827 literary work botanical illustration flower
Codex Mariendalensis
1320 manuscript National Library of Luxembourg Ms 860 National Library of Luxembourg epic literature Yolanda of Vianden parchment
Composition E 10/58 Michel Stoffel 1958 painting National Museum of Archeology, History and Art National Museum of Archeology, History and Art abstract art oil paint
Giant Bible of Echternach
No/unknown value 10th century illuminated manuscript
version, edition or translation
National Library of Luxembourg Ms 264 National Library of Luxembourg
Halbzeit Michel Majerus 2002 painting Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art contemporary art acrylic paint
Head of a clown
Joseph Kutter 1937 painting National Museum of Archeology, History and Art National Museum of Archeology, History and Art portrait clown cardboard
oil paint
Le noyau rouge Joseph Probst 1963 painting National Museum of Archeology, History and Art National Museum of Archeology, History and Art oil paint
The Weir
Dominique Lang 1913 painting National Museum of Archeology, History and Art National Museum of Archeology, History and Art landscape art dam
oil paint
View of the city of Luxemburg from the Fetschenhof
Nicolas Liez 1870 painting National Museum of Archeology, History and Art National Museum of Archeology, History and Art landscape art oil paint
End of automatically generated list.

translation edit

Other countries' artworks in Luxembourg's languages edit

French edit

German edit