Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge/Ireland

Europeana Art history challenge
15 April - 30 May, 2016
#Europeana280 / Art History Collections @ Europeana

View these, and other artworks, at the Europeana Art History Collection "280" page

Rebecca O'neill (Smirkybec)

Prizes & Events

Please sign your name, country, and keep a tally of your score on the participants page

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Details / Statistics
Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge
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Ireland's artworks




This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { VALUES ?item { wd:Q21727671 wd:Q21727723 wd:Q21743157 wd:Q21743163 wd:Q21743177 wd:Q21743180 wd:Q21743184 wd:Q21743189 wd:Q21727692 wd:Q21743202 } }
Commons image Artist Date Type of artwork Collection Inventory number Location Artistic movement Artistic genre Main subject Also depicts Material used Europeana ID Iconclass code(s)
We Are Not Afraid campaign, NYC subways Les Levine 1981 photograph Irish Museum of Modern Art Irish Museum of Modern Art photography
Berry Dress Alice Maher 1994 sculpture Irish Museum of Modern Art Irish Museum of Modern Art cotton
rose hip
Dust Storm (Manter, Kansas) John Gerrard 2008 work of art Irish Museum of Modern Art Irish Museum of Modern Art
East Coast Light I Sean Scully 1973 painting Crawford Art Gallery 128-P Crawford Art Gallery hard-edge painting abstract art canvas
acrylic paint
Four Element Composition
Mainie Harriet Jellett 1930 painting Irish Museum of Modern Art Irish Museum of Modern Art modernism composition gouache paint
Meditation Painting 28 Patrick Scott 2006 painting Irish Museum of Modern Art Irish Museum of Modern Art canvas
acrylic paint
Medusa Hughie O'Donoghue 2005-06 painting Crawford Art Gallery 2741-P Crawford Art Gallery marine art
abstract art
New Sexual Lifestyles Gerard Byrne 2003 installation artwork Irish Museum of Modern Art IMMA 1657 installation artwork
Saddle Dorothy Cross 1993 sculpture Irish Museum of Modern Art Irish Museum of Modern Art saddle
The Ha'Penny Bridge, Dublin
Samuel Frederick Brocas 1818 watercolor painting National Library of Ireland ET 1962 (TX) 6 National Library of Ireland cityscape
landscape painting
Ha'penny Bridge watercolor paint
End of automatically generated list.



Other countries' artworks in Ireland's languages




