Wikidata:Property proposal/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Schutzgebiete-ID

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern protected area ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Authority control

Descriptionidentifier for nature and landscape protected areas in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany), issued by the Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
RepresentsLandesamt für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie (Q1802062)
Data typeExternal identifier
Template parameterSchutzgebiet-MV-ID
DomainNaturschutzgebiet (Q759421), Landschaftsschutzgebiet (Q21503788) in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Q1196)
Example 1Borgwallsee und Pütter See (Q1246038) → N 311
Example 2Slater Moor (Q23719464) → L 096
Example 3Neuensiener und Selliner See: Westufer des Selliner Sees (Q1971184) → N 190a
Planned usenow
Number of IDs in sourceappr. 500
Expected completenessMarch 2019
See alsoBavarian protected area ID (P6230), WDPA ID (P809), Berlin protected area ID (P6280)


Eindeutige Zuordnung von offiziell ausgewiesenen Natur- oder Landschaftsschutzgebiete in umfangreichen Listen, Artikeln und Commons Kategorien.

Unique assignment of nature reserves and protected landscape areas used in lists, articles and commons categories.) Derzno (talk) 17:20, 30 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]


  •   QuestionUnter dem angegebenen Link finde ich keine Datenbank/Liste mit den IDs? Das einzige, was ich gefunden habe waren Infomationen zum Aufbau der Daten, die darauf schließen lassen, dass es IDs im gleichen Chema auch für die die anderen Schutzgebiete gibt. --GPSLeo (talk) 19:37, 30 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry dropped the wrong link. It's fixed now. --Derzno (talk) 05:25, 31 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  Support --GPSLeo (talk) 07:13, 31 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Pintoch good point and I don't know how to fix. We have a mixture e.g. of N 311, L 2a, L 20-1 and L 16a2 style. So possibly easier to open "wide range" of[A-Z]{1} with following 7 or 8 digit wild cards. --Derzno (talk) 09:36, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Derzno: yes, using a regular expression that accepts a broader range of values is the way to go. Your regular expression should accept all the valid values you are aware of. If you need help with regular expressions, let me know. Feel free to add back the |status=ready once you have fixed this, so that the property gets created. − Pintoch (talk) 11:19, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Pintoch, stupid question ;) how I have to have defining a wild card of 8 digits? --Derzno (talk) 11:25, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Derzno: I am not sure what you mean by wild card of 8 digits. If you want to accept any 8 digits, \d{8} will do (by digits I assume you mean characters 0, 1, 2, … , 9). − Pintoch (talk) 11:28, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Pintoch, I'm looking for a 8 digit string which could be numbers and non case sensitivitys letters. eg. "001a12B" or similar. --Derzno (talk) 11:34, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Then these are not digits :). The syntax for that is [0-9a-zA-Z]{8} (accept numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters and repeat 8 times). − Pintoch (talk) 11:39, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Pintoch Sorry for bother you again. I have no idea what by the hell these guys defined here with this strange kind of numbering. No I'd found "L 20-1". So is it possible to keep all digits free for all ASCII char? On top, not in all cases all digits are set, somtimes it'll be short like "L 7" only. --Derzno (talk) 14:15, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Derzno: if you can't find a common format for these examples, you can remove the regular expression altogether. No regular expression is better than a wrong one. − Pintoch (talk) 14:23, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Pintoch not sure if I got you, you mean to skip this request? If yes what can I use to add somehow this strange kind of numbering from the official side and where? --Derzno (talk) 14:30, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Derzno: When I say remove the regular expression I do not mean "reject this property proposal". I mean removing your regular expression from the property proposal template above. In other words, clear up the |allowed values= field in this property proposal. Do you need help with that? − Pintoch (talk) 14:34, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Pintoch, yes please. Give me a helping hand and update the property proposal above as an example for further requests. I need a free field of 8 digits. In my backlock I have similar new requests which looking like this one. I love the perfect German way of defining things from official point of view :) --Derzno (talk) 14:44, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Derzno: ok, so just edit this page (the one where our discussion is taking place). Use the search functionality of your web browser (CTRL-F) to find the text "| allowed values", and remove everything after the "=" sign on this line. Then, save your changes. This will remove the wrong regular expression from the property proposal. − Pintoch (talk) 15:07, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Pintoch done, and still wonder if this was all :) --Derzno (talk) 15:15, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

@ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2, Derzno, Deansfa, Blech, Pintoch, GPSLeo:   Done: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern protected area ID (P6478). − Pintoch (talk) 15:21, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]