Wikidata:Property proposal/Museum of Gothenburg object ID

Museum of Gothenburg object ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Authority control

DescriptionIdentifier for an object in the Museum of Gothenburg
RepresentsMuseum of Gothenburg (Q3107846)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainartificial object (Q16686448)
Allowed values[1-9][0-9]*
Example 1Betlehemskyrkan (Q10429011) → value 1144849
Example 2100 utmärkta hus i Göteborg (Q59191799)1511061
Example 3Three Sisters (2013-2014) (Q57511249)782945
Example 4Gothenburg discothèque fire (Q5587844)1301208
Example 5General Art and Industrial Exposition of Stockholm (Q1505471)1653909
Example 6William Chalmers (Q1347373)153622
Example 7Baptismal font of Resteröd Church (Q19945414)33511
Example 8Östra Hamngatan (Q10728300)1382375
Example 9The Birth of Gothenburg: A Drama in Three Acts (Q108574702)980291
Number of IDs in sourceabout 3.5 million
Expected completenessalways incomplete (Q21873886)
Formatter URL$1
Applicable "stated in"-valuewebsite of the Museum of Gothenburg (Q112385305)



This property will be useful to get more information on items in the catalogue of the Museum of Gothenburg (Q3107846) /Vitplister (talk) 13:58, 28 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]


- Salgo60 (talk) 06:50, 29 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Isnt lesson learned that Swedish Open Cultural Heritage URI (P1260) has too many problems and a non functional helpdesk so we should avoid it. I think Abbe98 needs to kill his darling ;-)
  • lack of helpdesk were we easy can reports things and can track status and also see versions of
  • we got link rot with Swedish Open Cultural Heritage URI (P1260) and it took one year to get a fix link
  • lack of version management and see history --> its impossible to understand what happened with xxx that I reported problem with
  • with all the link rot example http code 410 --> you will come to a page with a http code and you cant error report on that page or get information were to error report - that is not user friendly or a good member of the Wikidata community - Swedish Open Cultural Heritage URI (P1260) is not alone --> Wikidata has built Wikidata:Mismatch_Finder to help dysfunctional organisations track errors and help users report errors ....
  • lack of traceability: we had problems with see link now it seems to be fixed but we cant see what changes has been done to kulturarvsdata --> P1260 its a middleman that add more problems and has no working helpdesk
  • I suggested a property Wikidata:Property_proposal/Evighetsrunor 2021 mar for the new RAÄ app Runor and we had the same discussion that P1260 is the solution
    • with a dedicated property we could easy build templates and link all articles to this new RAÄ app
    • status one year after with no property created we get 30 links that seems to be all direct links and no dedicated template --> better with templates and DRY so we easier can fix potential problems...
My conclusion: kulturarvsdata is a middle man no one care about and adds problems. When we use it it just adds problem as the support is not professional, slow, and impossible to track a helpdesk numbers status....
  • I   Strong support this proposal, a new RAÅ solution is planned but lesson learned is that RAÄ solutions are often delayed and they have problem deliver - Salgo60 (talk) 07:37, 30 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with much of you analysis althrough it applies to most third-party services. The problem however in this case isn't technical but policy. Orgs that take part in SOCH often have the policy that URIs are stable and other identifiers aren't. In this case it's also interesting that some types aren't in SOCH and there is likely a reason for that. So let's ask before we blindly commit. Abbe98 (talk) 09:28, 30 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Abbe98 Agree but that I feel it is not a Wikidata problem we can have both and let them "compete"... Wikidata is open and its "easy" to correct and fast to add... my week long "project" with Europeana took 2 years before I got a ticket number EFS-1261 that identify that they have a problem but no action is taken.... we need to find good members and right now I can see how Svenskt Porträttarkiv Swedish Portrait Archive ID (P4819) is fast moving and soon bigger than Digitaltmuseum ;-) I try to support them and find Swedish old Schools... see new project in GITHUB and "our" Wikidata:WikiProject_Sweden/Schools
  • nearly all archives has school info so its a good test to see if we can work together
  • the sad thing today 2021 is that Wikidata seems to be the best place to get a digital data set about Swedish PM people ---> ML projects dont say same as Riksarkivet, LIBRIS or any other archives they say same as Wikidata see link and ML needs good metadata!!!
    • when asking Digitalmuseum to link a Swedish PM person its so slow and people get nearly angry... see GITHUB issue
Wikidata should not be a part in a "policy war" we should support fast moving organisation if we will make a difference.... is my believe
- Salgo60 (talk) 12:08, 30 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
We have other examples when WD needed to move data to a new property because of "wrong" design
I feel we shouldnt stop and waiting on something that maybe never will happen and in this case we also have seen problem with Swedish Open Cultural Heritage URI (P1260) maybe the new property is easier to administrate... - Salgo60 (talk) 15:38, 30 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with @Salgo60 here. Unfortunately, K-samsök is not a good example of a well managed public API with a responsive and competent team behind it. Jobtechdev to take one example has a team that responds in minutes/hours to issues and encourage pull requests in Gitlab to all their code. K-samsök is light years behind when it comes to usability, reliability and user satisfaction. We should maybe consider requesting that be deleted to save ourselves from headaches and send a clear signal to the public sector in Sweden that the quality is below what we are willing to work with... So9q (talk) 12:42, 1 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Agree with So9q that we need to start explain for "owners" of e.g. Swedish Open Cultural Heritage URI (P1260) what best practise we see is needed to implement if we should work together... I did a try 2020 to write down a draft of best practises "One way to design a system to be a good external identifier for Wikidata" but I feel if not even Europeana can "understand" they have a mess link then I guess most culture institutions will have the same problems and I feel those organisations are not learning organisations they have no business pressure to deliver quality i.e. its more a waste of time... - Salgo60 (talk) 17:38, 6 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]