Wikidata:Property proposal/XJustiz registration court ID

XJustiz registration court ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Authority control

DescriptionIdentifier for German registration courts
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainitems with instance of Registration court (Q2138576)
Example 1Local Court Altenburg (Q22691157) → Y1201
Example 2Local Court Amberg (Q480504) → D3101
Example 3Local Court Ansbach (Q480510) → D3201
Example 4Local Court Apolda (Q16054346) → Y1101
Planned useAdding the values to items which are instance of Local court (Germany) (Q480477) and Registration court (Q2138576)
Number of IDs in source202
Distinct-values constraintyes
Wikidata projectWikidata:WikiProject_Authority_control



XJustiz provides specifications for various standards used in Germany. XJustiz registration court ID is a code of German registration court used in Handelsregister, i.e., German trade register. Since Wikidata already has many German local courts, it would be good to add the values of XJustiz registration court IDs to them. By the way, these codes were used by OpenCorporates to form their identifiers for German company data. For example, has de/T3104V_HRB6000, where T3104V (XJustiz registration court ID) corresponds to Amtsgericht Ludwigshafen am Rhein (search for T3104V at

  Notified participants of WikiProject Authority control

  Notified participants of WikiProject Companies RShigapov (talk) 13:22, 13 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]


select ?x ?xLabel ?jurLabel ?ral {
  ?x wdt:P17 wd:Q183; p:P9487 ?stat.
  ?stat ps:P9487 ?ral
  optional {?stat pq:P1001 ?jur}
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "de,en". }
Try it!