
This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Tools/Enhance user interface and the translation is 64% complete.

この一覧にあるスクリプトをインストールする前に、 User:So9q/ScriptInstaller.js をインストールすることにより、ソースページ上の「インストール」ボタンをクリックして簡単にスクリプトをインストールできるようにすることを強く推奨します。そのためには、これを自分のcommon.jsに追加してください:

mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:So9q/ScriptInstaller.js]]



Duplicate Item (Q108311191)
Adds a link to copy an item under the tools menu to the left. DarwIn made a fork that does not copy aliases: User:DarwIn/duplicate item.js and So9q improved it further with a working ok/cancel dialog to avoid accidental duplication: User:So9q/duplicate_item.js
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Magnus_Manske/duplicate_item.js]]
by Magnus_Manske (source)
DuplicateReferences (Q97500668)
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Bene* (source)
Temporarily intercepts all edit requests (including statement deletions) for items, properties and lexemes and prompts for edit summary, which will be appended to auto-generated one. Useful for providing an explanation for non-trivial edits.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lockal/EditSum.js]]
by Lockal (source)
Move (Q108311250)
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Bene* (source)
Move claims (Q110793966)
Move claims
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Matěj Suchánek (source)
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Tohaomg (source)


Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Efly/Gadget-CreateNewItem.js]]
by Efly (source)
This script provides a JavaScript function for other scripts to use that allows you to automatically add a statement manually through the interface. That way you don't need to refresh the page after making an API call instead to add a statement.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lectrician1/AddStatement.js]]
by Lectrician1 (source)
AltLabels (Q108311046)
If you're viewing an item for which there's no label in your current language this will insert the 3 most common labels across other languages below the input box. A simple click on one of them will approve & submit it for the current user language.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Joern/altLabels.js]]
by Joern (source)
autoEdit (Q21073497)
This script automatically adds all labels with the help of the interwiki links and adds descriptions from an editable list. To use it, click on Automatic addition in Tools.
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Jitrixis (source)
CC Lit Box (Q109012674)
Automately create class numbers for literary authors and works using the Colon Classification bibliographic scheme based on properties available into Wikidata items. No need to know Colon Classification.
by Bargioni and Carlobia
by Aude
Create New Entity
Create New Entity
Add a "create new item" link in the dropdown menu for when you want to add an item to a property, but the item does not exist. (phab:T107693). Also works for lexemes and features a popup to select languages.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:So9q/CreateNewEntity.js]]
by Efly and So9q (source)
retrieved (P813) プロパティを出典またはその他の場所に追加すると常に、このユーザースクリプトが入力欄を自動的に現在の日付であらかじめ埋めます。
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by TMg (source)
Draggable sitelinks (Q108311160)
Draggable sitelinks
Drag sitelinks onto claims to make "imported from" references.
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Inductiveload (source)
DragNDrop (Q108311175)
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Magnus Manske (source)
Find redirects for aliases (Q97500659)
Adds a "Find redirects" button in a submenu next to the "Watch" button that, when clicked, displays a list of Wikipedia redirects and allows the user to select some of them to add as aliases.
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Yair rand (source)
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:1Veertje/identifierInput.js]]
by 1Veertje (source)
Label Collector (Q108311207)
Label Collector

A script to semi-automatically import labels, descriptions and aliases for multiple languages based on the articles in Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. Suggests descriptions by extracting definitions from article introductions, aliases based on what's bolded in the article introduction, and labels from the article title, and provides a mask to compare existing values with the suggestions made and the article introductions, and to review and edit them all at once. When finished, optionally the next item with no label or description can be loaded automatically, allowing fast processing of many items. See this page for a more detailed documentation.

Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:YMS/labelcollect.js]]
by YMS (source)
LabelLister (Q87070602)
This script shows a list of all labels in all languages that are supported in the specific item. And edit label without having to change your main language. Abandoned as of October 2021.
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Jitrixis (source)
Merge (Q108311238)
Adds a "Merge it with ..." button in a submenu next to the "Watch" button. When clicked, it allows to merge items and automatically turn the merged item into a redirect.
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Ebrahim (source)
moreIdentifiers (Q106876944)
Allows you to add authority control IDs from VIAF (VIAF ID (P214)) with few edits. It is thought to be customizeable. Detailed instruction in User:Bargioni/moreIdentifiers
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Bargioni/moreIdentifiers.js]]
by Bargioni (source)
Fill in labels, descriptions and aliases of name items. See Wikidata:Namescript for more information.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Harmonia Amanda/namescript.js]]
by Lucas Werkmeister and Harmonia Amanda (source)
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:MichaelSchoenitzer/quickpresets.js]]
by MichaelSchoenitzer (source)
SlurpInterwiki (Q97500656)
This script imports automatically all interwiki-links from one Wikipedia article. The gadget then can be launched by clicking on the "Import interwiki" link in the toolbox. After that a dialog appears where a language for import can be selected.
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Tpt (source)
Tool to patrol and rollback unpatrolled recent changes on Wikidata, especially on mobile devices.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lucas_Werkmeister/SpeedPatrolling]]
by Lucas Werkmeister (source)
The Brown Tool

Adds a movable box to the right side of the page. There are some predefined property-items (man, woman, some occupations), which get activated by clicking on them. But the main feature is that the user can input property-item pairs for repeated use. First, there is a flexible storage system, which uses cookies. After the start there is only one row for a property (p) and one for a value (q). By clicking p+ and q+ you can add as many rows as you need. If you write in a property, an item, or a short text (label) this will be saved in the cookies. That means, after checking a property-item pair, which transfers the inputs to the Wikidata datasource, you can go to the next item and what you typed into the storage system is still there and can be used again. The newest version of this tool has further an input for item descriptions. The second option is a file in the Wikidata userspace. Each user has a separate wikipage in its own userspace where they could write in some property-item pairs, which uses the tool to fill an additional selection. The address is User:your username/data. Take as example User:Goldzahn/data. In this way data is stored until it is deleted, while the data stored in cookies last only as long as the browser is not closed.

Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Goldzahn/wikidata useful.js]]
by Goldzahn (source)
Allows you to add references to statements using external IDs as sources. Detailed instruction in User:Bargioni/UseAsRef.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Bargioni/UseAsRef.js]]
by Bargioni (source)
Adds a UI element in Wikidata that proposes statements to be inserted into Wikidata. The statements are currently extracted from Wikipedia by a machine-learning algorithm. Approved statements are added to Wikidata. This YouTube video briefly describes the tool.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Data-Complete-Gadget/WikidataComplete.js]]
by Data-Complete-Gadget (source)
Wikidata useful
Wikidata useful
Adds a box of quick "add statement" links to the right side of the page. Entity and phylogeny types, countries (location and citizenship). Also, tries to load and display a blurb from en or de Wikipedia.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Magnus Manske/wikidata_useful.js]]
by Magnus Manske (source)
Adds an arrow next to the main label (page title) which upon double click (a tap and a confirmation on touch devices) automatically makes the label's first letter lowercase for the current interface language. If there was already a matching alias it gets removed.
以下の行を自分の common.js に書いてください:
by Base
When adding a new property to an item, if the property is an external identifier, add a magnifier lens button to quickly search the current item in that external website. - Useful when creating an item with many external identifiers like a movie or a person.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load('//'); // [[User:Luca.favorido/linkypop.js]]
by Luca.favorido (source)
Add a "Create new Item" button above the input for when you want to add an Item to a property, but the Item does not exist. (phab:T107693).
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Zvpunry/CreateNewItem.js]]
by Zvpunry (source)


「典拠管理」プロパティを持つ項目に対して、対応するコードをオンライン典拠管理ツールへのリンクとして設定します。さらに、利用者が「編集」をクリックすれば、リンクは即座に消えます。 Barack Obama (Q76)で確かめてみてください!
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Ricordisamoa (source)
CDKDepict Gadget
CDKDepict Gadget

This gadget displays SMILES, CXSMILES, and SMARTS renderings for chemical compounds, and chemical compound classes, where the item contains statements for canonical SMILES (P233) and isomeric SMILES (P2017), CXSMILES (P10718), and SMARTS notation (P8533).

Check it out with acetic acid (Q47512) (SMILES) or PG-D-Ala (R1,R2) (Q46328873) (CXSMILES).

Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Egon Willighagen/cdkdepict gadget.js]]
by Egon Willighagen (source)
地図をOpenStreetMap relation ID (P402)geoshape (P3896)の文に追加します
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Teester/ClaimMaps.js]]
by Teester (source)
sRGB color hex triplet (P465) を使い、文に色見本を追加します。さらに色見本はcolor (P462)flower color (P2827)あるいはofficial color (P6364)、そしてsRGB color hex triplet (P465)を持つ文の項目にも表示されます。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Teester/DisplayColourSwatches.js]]
by Teester (source)
DMY dates
主張内の全ての日付を「dd 自分の言語の月名 yyyy」として表示します。「日付」オプションを「dmy」へ設定することが必要です。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Ricordisamoa/DMYdates.js]]
by Ricordisamoa (source)
This script shows embeds on external ID statements such as YouTube videos, Spotify playlists, Twitter tweets, Genius lyrics, and more!
This helps you validate the accuracy of external identifiers, provides an interface to explore further document the data present in embeds, and makes editing fun!
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lectrician1/embeds.js]]
by Lectrician1 (source)
この動画は、項目 Piz Lunghin (Q675985) で操作中のツールを示しています。
spherical panorama image (P4640)の文にPanoviewerツールからiframeを挿入します。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Jon Harald Søby/Panoviewer.js]]
by Jon Harald Søby and Nikki (source)
Sort values
このスクリプトは、software version identifier (P348)プロパティの値をソフトウェアバージョンのための古典的な順序に並べ替えます。他のプロパティを並べ替えたい場合には、作者に連絡をくださればスクリプトを一般化し、他のプロパティや他の並び替え(アルファベット順等)に対応させます。実例はUbuntu (Q381)を参照してください。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Seb35/sortValues.js]]
by Seb35 (source)
Units converter
by Bamyers99 (source)
ウィキスピーシーズの要素へのリンクをtaxon name (P225)で、そしてIUCN conservation status (P141)用の画像を提供します。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Ricordisamoa/Wikispecies.js]]
by Ricordisamoa (source)


Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Ricordisamoa/GeneaWiki.js]]
by Ricordisamoa (source)
Ordia link
既存の語彙素を視覚化および検索したり、新しい語彙素を作成するのに役立つツールである [] へのリンクを追加します。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:So9q/ordia-link.js]]
by So9q (source)
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Multichill (source)
Scholia link
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Fnielsen/scholia-link.js]]
by Fnielsen (source)


CheckShex (Q105044837)
項目が shex entitySchema と整合するかどうか(例:E10に対するhuman (Q5)))、また同時に entitySchema ページに入力欄を追加 (例:E10) することで、項目 (例:Douglas Adams (Q42))) を追加して確認できるようにする。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Teester/CheckShex.js]]
by Teester (source)
Classification.js (Q117857341)
項目が属するクラス(instance of (P31))、および/またはクラスの全ての親クラス(subclass of (P279))に関する情報。
  • クエリサービスのおかげで親クラスツリーを視覚化し、クラスとその親の1つの間のパスを見つけることができます。例えば、ウィキデータによるとすべてのナイフが抽象オブジェクトになってしまっている場合など、親クラスが間違っていると思われる場合に便利です。
  • 修正方法についてコミュニティと議論するために、誤った関係性をWikiProject Ontologyに報告するためのリンクを提供します。
  • 上位クラスツリーのループを検出します
  • クラスであるならば下位クラスが素なクラスの下位クラスであるか、インスタンスであるならばいくつかのクラスのインスタンスであるかを検出します。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:TomT0m/classification.js]]
Translate by TomT0m (source)
Constraint Summary
Constraint Summary
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Teester/ConstraintSummary.js]]
by Teester (source)
Consistency check
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:JonnyJD/consistency_check.js]]
by Magnus Manske分岐作成者JonnyJD (source)
Consistency check add
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Frettie/consistency check add.js]]
by Frettie (source)
EntityShape (Q105038291)
Allows you to check whether an item conforms to a shex entitySchema (e.g. E10 for a human (Q5) and displays whether each property and statement in an entity conforms to that entityschema. Only works for relatively straightforward schemas at the moment.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Teester/EntityShape.js]]
by Teester (source)
Metaclass check
This adds a warning next to instance of (P31) statements on classes if their values are not metaclasses.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lectrician1/metaclass-check.js]]
by Lectrician1 (source)
このスクリプトは、wikidata.orgの項目ページの上部にアラートと、潜在的な不一致に関して詳しく知るためのMismatch Finderツールへのリンクを表示します。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Guergana Tzatchkova (WMDE)/MismatchFinderWidget.js]]
by Guergana Tzatchkova (WMDE) (source)
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Vvekbv (source)
このスクリプトはRecoinからの派生で、不足している重要な識別子 (ID) の折り畳み可能な一覧を追加します。詳細はツールのページを参照してください。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Vvekbv/recoin_id.js]]
by Ls1g (source)
Counts the number of references that support a qualifier using supports qualifier (P10551).
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Nw520/QualiRef.js]]
by Nw520 (source)
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Ricordisamoa/WikidataTrust.js]]
by Ricordisamoa (source)
Conflicting Superclass Warnings

Inspired by User:Mateusz Konieczny/failing testcases, this warns editors when they select a value for instance of (P31) or subclass of (P279) that would change various "fundamental" superclasses (i.e. physical vs abstract, processes vs objects, fictional vs actual, etc.) for the item. It is in alpha -- it works (for edits, not additions (but I'll add that eventually)) but needs more examples of conflicting items and other feature improvements and bug fixes. Suggestions very welcomed!

Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:JesseW/conflicting_superclass_warnings.js]]
by JesseW (source)
Helps to set one value as preferred if two or more values with normal rank are present for one of the following properties: date of birth (P569), place of birth (P19), date of death (P570), place of death (P20) (see User:Bargioni/PrefRank).
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Bargioni/PrefRank.js]]
by Bargioni (source)


まだ削除されていない項目について、Wikidata:Requests for deletionsでのみ動作します。
  • 空のものを強調表示;
  • 空でないものについては、既存のサイトリンク数を表示;
  • 現在の削除依頼 RfD を完了としてタグ付けするリンクを表示(編集ボタンの隣)。
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Ricordisamoa (source)
Wikidata:Interwiki conflictsで言語間リンクの衝突を報告するためのツールです。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Bene*/iwconflict.js]]
by Bene* (source)
このスクリプトは、Wikidata:Requests for deletionで素早く削除依頼をするために、各項目のページ上部に小さなリンクを追加します。
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Bene* (source)
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Bene*/userwarn.js]]
by Bene* (source)
Script installer
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:So9q/ScriptInstaller.js]]
by So9q and Erutuon and Equazcion (source)


Ancestry viewer


ancestry_opts = {
   lang: 'en',  // display language falls back to en
   levels: 4,  // number of generations to show, minimum 2, maximum 6
   boxsize: 165,  // width of person cells
   truncate: 22  // truncate names longer than this
by Ch1902 (source)
Shows chronological music discography data on release group items and functions to automatically create new release groups and releases
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lectrician1/discographies3.js]]
by Lectrician1 (source)
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Arkanosis (source)

Enhances video-game related item pages:

Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Jean-Frédéric/ExLudo.js]]
by Jean-Frédéric (source)
Below each property a link titled "List entities with this property", and below each value a link titled "List entities with this claim".
For every claim, this tool adds a link below the property to a query listing entities that use this property, and additional links below each value to queries listing entities that have this property-value combination.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lagewi/properties.js]]
by Lagewi (source)
Qualifier constraint usage
Shows what properties this qualifier is a required and allowed qualifier on by the sitelinks
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lectrician1/qualifier-constraint-usage.js]]
by Lectrician1 (source)
related items
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Pasleim (source)


Commons Depicts
このスクリプトはサイドバーにへのリンクを追加し、ウィキメディア・コモンズ上でウィキデータ項目の題材 (depicts (P180)) を表示します。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Stevenliuyi/depicts.js]]
by Stevenliuyi (source)
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Bene* (source)
importScript( 'User:Bargioni/WikiBridge_conf.js' );
importScript( 'User:Bargioni/WikiBridge.js' );
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Bargioni/WikiBridge.js]]
by Bargioni (source)
taxon name (P225)をもつ各項目のtaxoboxを表示します。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Succu/taxobox.js]]
by Succu (source)


The bibliography. Below each reference a series of back links titled with a property number.
Adds a bibliography at the bottom of the page, based on references attached to claims of the item.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lagewi/bibliography.js]]
by Lagewi (source)
このスクリプトは、MusicBrainz release group ID (P436)またはMusicBrainz release ID (P5813)の文がある音楽アルバム項目のタイトルの横にカバーアートを示します。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lectrician1/musica.js]]
by Lectrician1 (source)
OpenStreetMapにおいて現在の項目でタグ付けされた地物を表示するマップを埋め込みます 。overpass turboによって稼働。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Mxn/overpass.js]]
by mxn (source)
The item Sylvie Deleurance (Q122350848) with a collapsible list titled "Other resources", containing links.
Adds a collapsed list of "Other resources" below the labels and above the claims, listing links collected from references of the item.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lagewi/references.js]]
by Lagewi (source)


いくつかのキーボードショートカット提供します:エンティティのラベルまたは説明の編集を開始するには、それぞれ L または D 、文、識別子、またはサイトリンクへスクロールするには、それぞれ SJ、または I 、新しい文の追加を開始するには、 A を押します。
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Ricordisamoa (source)
  • t キーまたは右下にある☰アイコンを押し、固定メニューをトグルさせると文にジャンプすることができるようになります。
  • ひとつのプロパティに多くの値が場合には、矢印を追加して最初または最後の値にジャンプすることができるようになります。
  • j および k キーで次または前の文にジャンプすることができます。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:MichaelSchoenitzer/updown.js]]
by MichaelSchoenitzer (source)


Compact items
Compact items
This stylesheet reduces the use of vertical space on the screen by compacting statements as much as possible and changing action links to just icons.
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Jon Harald Søby (source)
Filter watchlist languages
Filter watchlist languages
Filters your watchlist to show changes to labels, descriptions, and aliases that are only in the languages you specify.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lectrician1/filter-watchlist-languages.js]]
by Lectrician1 (source)
This script shows the labels of entities in your notifications so that you know what they are and are not just shown their IDs.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Zvpunry/WikibaseEcho.js]]
by User:Zvpunry and Lectrician1 (source)
Splits your watchlist into a column for entity changes and a column for all other changes.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lectrician1/SplitWatchlist.js]]
by Lectrician1 (source)


Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Yair rand/DiffLists.js]]
by Yair rand (source)
Adds a link to a diff page when clicked will open a new topic on the talk page that mentions the revision and the user.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lectrician1/Discuss.js]]
by Lectrician1 (source)
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Teester/HoverDiff.js]]
by Teester (source)
Improved search
Improved search
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by Bene* (source)
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
by NordNordWest (source)
ping all users involved in discussion
This script uses Template:Ping to ping all participants of a discussion. It is intended to be used for closing property proposal discussions, but it could be used for pretty much anything.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Tomodachi94/ping all users involved in discussion.js]]
by Tomodachi94 (source)
This adds a "Contributions" link next to "User page" and "Discussions" on user pages that is more convenient to click than using the tool sidebar.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lectrician1/UserContributionsHeaderLink.js]]
by Lectrician1 (source)


Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Ricordisamoa/InterwikiList.js]]
by Ricordisamoa (source)
Linkify descriptions
一部のエンティティ(特にプロパティ)は、説明で他のエンティティに言及しています。このスクリプトは、{{Q|...}}または{{P|...}}テンプレートでリンクされているかのようにレンダリングします。説明とWikidata usage instructions (P2559)文で動作します。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Jon Harald Søby/linkItemsInDescriptions.js]]
by Jon Harald Søby (source)
Main language first
Main language first
This script is a gadget. You can enable it in your preferences.
personal sort identifiersは、識別子を自分好みの順番に並べ替えることができるユーザースクリプトです。カスタマイズ可能なように作られています。既定の順序は P 番号の昇順ですが、自分用の順序を設定することができます(サンプルはこちら)。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Bargioni/personal_sort_identifiers.js]]
by Bargioni (source)
start time (P580)end time (P582)の両方のプロパティを持つ各ウィキデータエンティティに📆アイコンを追加するシンプルなスクリプト。アイコンをクリックすると、イベントであると仮定してiCalファイルがダウンロードされます。また、各日付プロパティにiCalを追加します。
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Shisma/wikidata2ical.js]]
by Shisma (source)
Allows to make Mix'n'match matches from Wikidata.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Magnus_Manske/mixnmatch_gadget.js]]
by Magnus_Manske (source)
Has property
Displays presence/absence of specific properties (configurable) after the Statements heading. Clicking a property name will jump to that properties section. For absent property, clicking property name will jump to the end of the page.
以下を自分の common.js に追加してください
by Bamyers99 (source)


Replaces "|" with "‧" when entering hyphenation (P5279) on lexeme forms.
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lucas Werkmeister/hyphenation-point.js]]
by Lucas Werkmeister (source)
Merriam Webster Iframe
Merriam Webstersオンライン辞書で現在の見出し語を検索し、結果をiframeに表示します。User:Jon Harald Søby/ordbokIframe.cssに基づく
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:So9q/merriam-webster.js]]
by So9q (source)
Please write the following line into your common.js:
mw.loader.load( '//' ); // [[User:Lectrician1/SenseForThisItem.js]]
by Lectrician1 (source)


Commons cat → Wikidata lookup
Commons cat → Wikidata lookup
ウィキデータに記事式の項目が登録され、Commons category (P373)プロパティで特定のコモンズのカテゴリページとの関連が指定された場合、当該のコモンズのカテゴリページに小さなボックスを追加します。
by TheDJ
Display the link to Wikiversity in the title of Wikipedia
Display the link to Wikiversity in the title of Wikipedia
// [[d:User:Karima Rafes/DisplayCodeWikidata.js]]
mw.loader.load("// Rafes/LinkUniversity.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript");
by Karima Rafes (source)
Display Wikidata Info on sister projects
// [[d:User:Yair rand/WikidataInfo.js]]
mw.loader.load("// rand/WikidataInfo.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript");
by Yair rand (source)
ExtraInterwiki (Q111666470)

Works on an article page on a wikipedia or another project. It finds items which are related to the topic of the page, but which have no article on the wiki. As your wiki does not have articles about that topic, you never will see language links to jump to them. This gadget is here to solve that issue.

The extra language links are found by looking the statement main value in the item of your article. Optionally if there are not too much of them, items with statements our article's topic is the main value are also added.

以下を自分の global.js(あるいは特定のプロジェクトの自分の common.js )に追加してください:
 // [[w:fr:Utilisateur:TomT0m/extraInterwiki.js]], more language links with no articles on the language

フランス語版ウィキペディアでのみ使うには、そちらで自分の common.js に以下を追加してください:

importScript('Utilisateur:TomT0m/extraInterwiki.js'); // [[Utilisateur:TomT0m/extraInterwiki.js]] des liens de langues supplémentaires pour les éléments qui n'ont pas d'article
by TomT0m

例えば、"主張を作成: Property:P31: Q494829"の代わりに、"主張を作成: instance of (P31): bus station (Q494829)"とします。 また、ウィキデータの編集が、リストされたページに対する項目ではなく、そのページ上で使用されている別の項目であった場合にも知らせます。例えば、

mw.loader.load("//"); // [[w:User:Evad37/WikidataWatchlistLabels.js]]


importScript('User:Evad37/WikidataWatchlistLabels.js'); // [[User:Evad37/WikidataWatchlistLabels]]
by Evad37


Entity Explosion (Q98398855)

Chrome browser extension that allows you to discover links and information about a topic you are browsing on other sites. Data live from Wikidata.

On-wiki documentation and discussion page: Wikidata:Entity Explosion

Examples from video demonstration:

by 99of9
Wikidata for Web (Q99894727)

Browser extension for Mozilla Firefox and Chromium (Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge) that displays Data from Wikidata on various websites and also allows extraction of data from these websites.

by Shisma
