rarely (Q28962310) - If the statement is accepted to be true but it is admitted that it is hardly the case. (E.g. if a film is said to pass the Bechdel Test but two women only talk for a very short time about something else than a man.)
disputed (Q18912752) - If the statement is disputed. (This may be applied to media critics, but also to the comment section of the Bechdel Test Movie List, for example)
dubious (Q104378399) - If an evaluation is dubious. (I mostly introduced it for the case that one editor has doubts about the statement of another editor but there is no decision, yet. Especially with respect to the application of Feldman criteria I see a lot of potential to apply this qualifier right away (e.g. if an editor decides that there is rather no stereotyping of women but is rather unsure about one character.)).
There may be incomplete assessments with a clear result (e.g. if the minimum number of points is already scored with a subset of criteria or if it is impossible to reach the minimum number of points for the works). To make explicit that the assessment is incomplete the maximum number of points should be adjusted to the maximum number of points that could have been scored with the criteria selected.
2.2/3 ← The work fulfills the mandatory first criterion. Additionally this work fulfils the second criterion out of a set of criteria of which one has to be fulfilled.