Wikidata:WikiProject NZThesisProject/Data model and exemplars

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Data schema and exemplar items


The data schema is detailed in three tables showing the properties we use on the thesis item, the author item and the advisor item.

Schema for a thesis item


Label: the title of the thesis (shortened to 249 characters if necessary with an ellipse to show it has been shortened)

Alias: if the title contained a spelling or keying mistake, put the incorrect one(s) here, or can also use for alternative titles

Description: "Year thesis type by Author at Institution" e.g. 1998 doctoral thesis by Jane Smith at the University of Otago"

Use qualifier P1932 "Object named as" on the author/author name string statement to show how the name was represented in the original metadata from the repository (which may be different to the name on the front of the digitised thesis)

Note that on Wikidata a thesis is entered as a work level item (rather than an edition) which means that if there are multiple copies of a thesis in different university libraries, there may be multiple values for some properties e.g. Handle ID or DOI. See Wikidata:WikiProject Books#Bibliographic properties for general differences between work level and edition level items on Wikidata.

Where an item is its own reference, a source is not needed for every statement (see Help:Sources#When to source a statement) but there should be some reference or identifier somewhere on the item that links to a place where the information can be checked (in most cases that is the metadata in an institution repository, but it may sometimes be a catalogue record instead).

If a property gets created for "embargoed until" we expect to add that to the schema for the thesis item, as a qualifier on P953 full work available at URL.

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)The value of hypnotism in the general practice of medicine <instance of> doctoral thesis-
titleP1476Monolingual textoriginal title and title: published name of a work, such as a newspaper article, a literary work, piece of music, a website, or a performance workIn what ways and to what extent is the global oil and gas industry able to deliver enduring empowerment outcomes for women in Asia-Pacific? : a case study exploring the employment and skills development of Timorese women on Timor Sea... <title> In what ways and to what extent is the global oil and gas industry able to deliver enduring empowerment outcomes for women in Asia-Pacific? : a case study exploring the employment and skills development of Timorese women on Timor Sea offshore facilities-
authorP50Itemauthor, writer and creator: main creator(s) of a written work (use on works, not humans); use P2093 (author name string) when Wikidata item is unknown or does not existThe value of hypnotism in the general practice of medicine <author> Percival Fenwick-
author name stringP2093Stringwriter and author name string: stores unspecified author or editor name for publications; use if Wikidata item for author (P50) or editor (P98) does not exist or is not known. Do not use both.Burial diagenesis of Northland allochthon rocks, Northland basin, North Island, New Zealand <author name string> Naseem Aadil-
main subjectP921Itemtopic, matter and subject: primary topic of a work (see also P180: depicts)The value of hypnotism in the general practice of medicine <main subject> hypnosisstatement is subject of
publisherP123Itempublisher and publisher: organization or person responsible for publishing books, periodicals, printed music, podcasts, games or softwareThe value of hypnotism in the general practice of medicine <publisher> OUR Archive-
dissertation submitted toP4101Itemthesis: institution to whom a thesis or dissertation is submittedThe value of hypnotism in the general practice of medicine <dissertation submitted to> University of Otago-
place of publicationP291Itemplace of publication and place of first publication: geographical place of publication of the edition (use 1st edition when referring to works)The impact of the Papua New Guinea Free Education Policy on the School Executive's Decision Making in the management of Class Size <place of publication> Hamilton-
country of originP495Itemcountry of origin: country of origin of this item (creative work, food, phrase, product, etc.)Designing wilderness as a phenomenological landscape: design-directed research within the context of the New Zealand conservation estate <country of origin> New Zealand-
language of work or nameP407Itemlanguage: language associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use "native language" (P103) and "languages spoken, written or signed" (P1412))Kāore te aroha... : Te Hua o te Wānanga <language of work or name> Māori-
publication dateP577Point in timepublication date: date or point in time when a work was first published or releasedKāore te aroha... : Te Hua o te Wānanga <publication date> 2000-
full work available at URLP953URLdigital library: URL of a web page containing the full body of this itemKāore te aroha... : Te Hua o te Wānanga <full work available at URL>
copyright statusP6216Itemcopyright status: copyright status for intellectual creations like works of art, publications, software, etc.Kāore te aroha... : Te Hua o te Wānanga <copyright status> copyrighted-
copyright holderP3931Itemcopyright holder and legal holder of rights for a creative work: person or organisation who holds the copyright of a work according to the Berne ConventionKāore te aroha... : Te Hua o te Wānanga <copyright holder> Taiarahia Black-
copyright licenseP275Itemlicense: license under which this copyrighted work is releasedInvestigation of variation in genes influencing fertility in New Zealand sheep <copyright license> Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International-
online access statusP6954Itemopen access and paywall: property or qualifier for an ID property indicating whether linked content is directly readable onlineBeyond consensus : social learning in urban planning <online access status> open access-
access restriction statusP7228Itemaccess restriction and access restriction status: status of any access restrictions on the object, collection, or materials. Indicates whether the material is available to the general public or not.What is the place of nature in the urban regeneration of central Christchurch? <access restriction status> fully restricted access-
on focus list of Wikimedia projectP5008ItemWikiProject focus list: property to indicate that an item is of particular interest for a Wikimedia project. This property does not add notability. Items should not be created with this property if they are not notable for Wikidata. See also P6104, P972, P2354.Decolonising Māori tourism : representation and identity <on focus list of Wikimedia project> NZThesisProject-
thesis committee memberP9161Itemthesis committee member and thesis committee member for: member of the committee for this thesis or dissertation; for any type of thesis (bachelor's, master's, doctoral, etc.). Qualify with "object has role" (P3831) to indicate chairFrom phylum to population: Environmental DNA for New Zealand biodiversity <thesis committee member> Gert-Jan Jeunen-
Handle IDP1184External identifierHandle System: Handle System identifier, which is a superset of the DOIA Whakapapa of Tradition : Iwirakau Carving 1830 to 1930 <Handle ID> 2292/19447-
DOIP356External identifierdigital object identifier: serial code used to uniquely identify digital objects like academic papers (use upper case letters only)Measuring Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) in a National School Property Portfolio <DOI> 10.26686/wgtn.14050715-

Schema for thesis author item


On P1026 academic thesis use qualifier P3831 Object has role (type of thesis)

On P69 educated at use qualifiers P512 academic degree & P582 end time

On P512 academic degree use qualifiers P585 point in time & P4101 dissertation submitted to (can also add P1026 academic thesis)

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
academic thesisP1026Itemthesis, dissertation, master's thesis, doctoral thesis, bachelor's thesis, licentiate thesis and doctoral thesis (sciences): thesis or dissertation written for a degreeTaiarahia Black <academic thesis> Kāore te aroha... : Te Hua o te Wānanga-
educated atP69Itemalma mater: educational institution attended by subjectSue Bradford <educated at> Auckland University of Technology-
academic degreeP512Itemacademic degree: academic degree that the person holdsBeatrice Tinsley <academic degree> Master of Science-
student ofP1066Itemteacher: person who has taught this personAtholl Anderson <student of> Foss Leachstudent
doctoral advisorP184Itemdoctoral advisor: person who supervised the doctorate or PhD thesis of the subjectFoss Leach <doctoral advisor> Charles Highamdoctoral student
on focus list of Wikimedia projectP5008ItemWikiProject focus list: property to indicate that an item is of particular interest for a Wikimedia project. This property does not add notability. Items should not be created with this property if they are not notable for Wikidata. See also P6104, P972, P2354.Patricia Bergquist <on focus list of Wikimedia project> NZThesisProject-

Schema for thesis advisor item

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
studentP802Itemstudent: notable student(s) of the subject individualCatherine Chidgey <student> Caleb Shepherdstudent of
doctoral studentP185Itemdoctoral student: doctoral student(s) of a professorMargaret Brimble <doctoral student> Daniel Furkertdoctoral advisor
on focus list of Wikimedia projectP5008ItemWikiProject focus list: property to indicate that an item is of particular interest for a Wikimedia project. This property does not add notability. Items should not be created with this property if they are not notable for Wikidata. See also P6104, P972, P2354.Lisa Matisoo-Smith <on focus list of Wikimedia project> NZThesisProject-