
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Ranking and the translation is 28% complete.
Peringkat (yang di dalam segi empat merah)

Peringkat memberikan sebuah mekanisme untuk mencatat berbagai nilai untuk sebuah pernyataan. Peringkat yang baku adalah peringkat "normal"; pasangan pernyataan-nilai mungkin dapat ditandai dengan peringkat "disukai" atau "usang".

Bagaimana tampak pernyataan yang punya peringkat?

  •   - pernyataan punya peringkat utama
  •   - pernyataan punya peringkat normal
  •   - pernyataan punya peringkat usang

Manfaat peringkat

Beberapa pernyataan biasanya memiliki nilai lebih dari satu macam. Contohnya, Barack Obama (Q76) punya dua anak (child (P40)), Malia Obama (Q15070044) dan Sasha Obama (Q15070048).

Pernyataan lainnya idealnya harus memiliki satu nilai, namun dapat memiliki nilai tambahan yang mungkin memberikan informasi historis, sudut pandang lain, atau hasil yang berbeda tergantung pada penggunaan metode pengukuran atau pendekatan ilmiah. Contohnya, butir Franklin School (Q100000001) 2196 memiliki nilai yang lebih dari satu untuk atribut population (P1082): satunya menunjukkan waktu sejak 2012 dan satu lagi untuk 2023.

Dalam contoh kedua, hanya nilai 2023 yang sesuai untuk mereka yang tertarik dengan jumlah murid di sekolah termutakhir. Sehingga peringkat digunakan untuk memberikan keleluasaan kepada pengguna untuk membedakan nilai-nilai dari sebuah pernyataan.

Catatan pada permintaan

Sekali diterapkan, permintaan akan membolehkan pengguna untuk melakukan pencarian yang telah ditentukan untuk butir-butir di Wikidata. Pencarian tersebut dapat membuat rumit dan bersusun-susun, yang berarti menemukan hasil berdasarkan dua atau lebih kondisi. Contoh permintaan Wikidata termasuk "semua hal dengan jumlah penduduk lebih dari 1.000.000 di sebuah kota" dan bahkan "setiap seniman wanita yang lahir di sebuah kota yang berpenduduk lebih dari 1.000.000 orang di Jepang."

Seperti yang Anda sadari, ini tidak selalu cocok untuk semua nilai sebuah pernyataan dikembalikan ketika melakukan sebuah permintaan. Sehingga peringkat mengizinkan pengguna Wikidata untuk memperbaiki hasil permintaan dengan memilih nilai apakah yang harus dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah pencarian.

Peringkat bukanlah...

Ranks should not be confused with references which are used to point to specific sources that back up the data provided in a statement. While a reference will ideally point to a reputable and established source of information, it's possible for a source to provide information that is incorrect or not as accurate as it could be. References merely state where a data value comes from; ranks indicate what data value is considered the most correct and, by extension, what values should be included in queries.

Ranks are not a way of asserting your view for a disputed value, but instead are used for communicating the consensus opinion for a statement. All disputes should be discussed on the item's discussion page. Edit warring over values is not acceptable.

There is however another way to state that a statement is disputed and by whom: the qualifier statement disputed by (P1310)  .


Because ranks are used to differentiate multiple values for the same property, if a statement only has one value, it will have the default normal rank—there is no point adding the preferred rank in this situation.

There can be any number of statements with each rank, i.e. more than one value can be assigned the preferred rank.

Normal rank

The normal rank is assigned to all statements by default. A normal rank provides no judgement or evaluation of a value's accuracy and currency and therefore should be considered neutral.

Normal ranks are typically used for statements that contain relevant information that is believed to be correct, but may be too extensive to be shown by default. They are also used for statements with multiple values when it does not make sense to indicate that one value is "more correct" than any other.

For templates (for e.g. info boxes) and queries (once they are implemented), per default normal ranked values will be used for a property in cases when the property has no preferred rank.


  • The item for Barack Obama has two values listed as children; both values should be given the normal rank because neither value is more "correct" than the other
  • The item for Hillary Clinton has multiple values listed for the property position held (P39) including attorney at law, U.S. Senator, U.S. Secretary of State, and First Lady; all positions held in the past should be given the normal rank

Preferred rank

The preferred rank is assigned to the most current statement or statements that best represent consensus (be it scientific consensus or the Wikidata community consensus).

Ideally, the preferred rank will be applied to sourced statements and/or statements with qualifiers which provide further details in support of the validity of their values, for example, through the use of qualifiers with the properties point in time (P585), determination method (P459), etc. It is often useful to indicate the reason for a preferred rank with a reason for preferred rank (P7452) qualifier.

For templates and queries, per default preferred statement(s) for a property will be used if they exist, otherwise normal statement(s) will be used.


  • An item of a city may feature a historic list of its mayors. The current mayor would receive the preferred rank.
  • There may be several ways to measure the length of a river resulting in different results depending on to the method used. In such cases, the result of the most commonly used or scientifically valid method should receive the preferred rank.
  • There may be several preferred ranks of an item. E.g. a software project with 2 or more current developers among other formerly active developers or contributors.

Deprecated rank

The deprecated rank is used for statements that are known to include errors (i.e. data produced by flawed measurement processes, inaccurate statements) or that represent outdated knowledge (i.e. information that was never correct, but was at some point thought to be). It is often useful to indicate the reason for a deprecation with a reason for deprecated rank (P2241) qualifier. This does not apply to correct historical information, such as previous values of a statement, as long as they represent accurate information for the indicated time period. Such statements should instead be annotated with the appropriate start time (P580)/end time (P582) qualifiers.

Marking erroneous statements as deprecated instead of simply deleting such statements has three benefits:

  1. it allows other users to know not to re-add the value to the item
  2. it provides a mechanism for representing the evolution of theories and ideas and thereby creates a richer context for understanding human knowledge
  3. it upholds and establishes the integrity of Wikidata as a secondary knowledge base (that collects and links to references), rather than a primary database of facts. Wikidata simply provides information according to specific sources; those sources may or may not reflect contemporary thought or scientific consensus

For templates and queries, deprecated statements will never be used unless that is specifically requested.


  • The Earth being the center of the cosmos once was subject of scientific discourse which can be backed by references. However, the geocentric model is now deprecated.

How to apply ranks

Ranks are added on an item page under the Statements section.

  1. To add a rank to a statement, click on the [edit] button
  2. Once in edit mode, the ranking mechanism will appear as small blue icon to the left of a statement's value (they appear as the same icons in grey when an item page is not being edited)
  3. Click on the icon and select either preferred rank, normal rank, or deprecated rank from the menu
  4. Check that the rank icon appears as it should:
      for a preferred rank;
      for a normal rank;
      for a deprecated rank
  5. Click on the [publish] button once done

How to visualize ranks


They are by default visualised with a small icon.

In addition, statements in preferred rank are shown in green and deprecated rank in red.

One can customise own colours to better distinguish deprecated and preferred ranks thanks to these (sample) codes to be added to your local common.css or global.css page. Of course, you can adapt the colours to your taste and visual abilities.

  • To put a background colour:
.wb-deprecated { background-color: #FFE0E0; } /* deprecated claims with red-ish background */ 
.wb-preferred { background-color: #E0FFE0; } /* preferred claims with green-ish background */
  • To put colorized icons:
/* Color non-default ranks */
.wikibase-rankselector-preferred {
    filter: grayscale(100%) brightness(70%) sepia(100%) hue-rotate(50deg) saturate(1000%);

.wikibase-rankselector-deprecated {
	filter: grayscale(100%) brightness(70%) sepia(100%) hue-rotate(-20deg) saturate(1000%)
.wikibase-rankselector {
	padding: 1em;
	margin: -1em;
.wikibase-snakview-typeselector {
	left: 21px;
.wikibase-statementview-mainsnak .wikibase-snakview .wikibase-snakview-value-container {
	margin-left: 25px;

How to query and filter among ranks

Wikidata Query Service stores two versions of a statement:

  1. One for "best" rank with the value. A statement with best rank is a statement with preferred rank, if there is none: a statement with normal rank.
  2. One for any rank with value, qualifiers and references.

Sample queries for Q16#P1082 (Canada's population):

  1. SELECT * { wd:Q16 wdt:P1082 ?value }  
  1. SELECT * { wd:Q16 p:P1082 ?st . ?st ps:P1082 ?value . ?st wikibase:rank ?rank . ?st pq:P585 ?date . }  

The first is equivalent to:

  • SELECT * { wd:Q16 p:P1082 ?st . ?st ps:P1082 ?value . ?st a wikibase:BestRank . ?st pq:P585 ?date . }  

To query for specific ranks for Q692#P569 (William Shakespeare's date of birth)

best rank: SELECT * { wd:Q692 wdt:P569 ?value }  

best rank: SELECT * { wd:Q692 p:P569 ?st . ?st ps:P569 ?value . ?st rdf:type wikibase:BestRank }  

you can substitute "rdf:type" with "a" if you prefer syntactic sugar, as they are identical.[1]

preferred rank: SELECT * { wd:Q692 p:P569 ?st . ?st ps:P569 ?value . ?st wikibase:rank wikibase:PreferredRank }  

normal rank: SELECT * { wd:Q692 p:P569 ?st . ?st ps:P569 ?value . ?st wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank }  

deprecated rank: SELECT * { wd:Q692 p:P569 ?st . ?st ps:P569 ?value . ?st wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank }  

not deprecated rank: SELECT * { wd:Q692 p:P569 ?st . ?st ps:P569 ?value . MINUS { ?st wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank } }  

not deprecated rank:

  VALUES ?ranks { wikibase:PreferredRank wikibase:NormalRank }
  wd:Q692 p:P569 ?st. ?st ps:P569 ?value.  ?st wikibase:rank ?ranks. 

For a technical explanation, see Wikibase/Indexing/RDF Dump Format#Statement types.

Lihat pula

Untuk halaman Bantuan terkait, lihat:

  • Help:Pernyataan, yang menjelaskan apa itu pernyataan dan aturan yang mereka ikuti
  • Help:Sumber, yang menjelaskan apa itu sumber dan aturan yang mereka ikuti
  • Help:Penjelas, yang menjelaskan apa itu penjelas dan aturan yang mereka ikuti
  • Help:Keusangan, yang menjelaskan alasan untuk menimpa dan menandai nilai yang salah
  • Help:Pengetahuan berkembang, yang menjelaskan bagaiaman peringkat digunakan untuk merepresentasikan data yang berubah seiring waktu dan nilai-nilai yang lama.

Untuk informasi tambahan dan petunjuk, lihat:

  • Warung kopi, untuk mendiskusikan semua dan setiap aspek Wikidata
  • Wikidata:Glossary, glosarium istilah yang digunakan dalam halaman ini dan halaman Bantuan lain
  • Help:FAQ, pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan dan jawaban oleh komunitas Wikidata
  • Help:Contents, portal Bantuan yang menyediakan seluruh dokumentasi yang tersedia untuk Wikidata


  1. SPARQL Query Language for RDF - 4.2.4 rdf:type