Wikidata:Bot requests/Archive/2022/07

request to add reference (2021-07-04)

Request date: 4 July 2021, by: Data Gamer

Link to discussions justifying the request
Task description

Hello. In all items (56 items) that have position held (P39) -> member of the House of Representatives of Cyprus (Q19801674) with qualifier parliamentary term (P2937) -> 12th Cypriot Parliament (Q107003549)

I want to add the reference to above statement:

reference URL (P854) ->

title (P1476) -> Εκλογές 30ής Μαΐου 2021 (in Greek (el) Language)

retrieved (P813) -> 2021-07-04

archive URL (P1065) ->

archive URL (P1065) ->

archive date (P2960) -> 2021-07-04

language of work or name (P407) -> Greek (Q9129)

publisher (P123) -> House of Representatives (Q1112381)


Licence of data to import (if relevant)

Request process
I think that this discussion is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, don't hesitate to replace this template with your comment. Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 20:15, 3 July 2022 (UTC)

request to fix MS politician dates (2022-01-30)

Request date: 30 January 2022, by: Jura1

Link to discussions justifying the request
Task description
Request process
I think that this discussion is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, don't hesitate to replace this template with your comment. Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 11:31, 3 July 2022 (UTC)

Request to fix "politicienne allemande" (2022-03-04)

Request date: 4 March 2022, by: Jura1

Task description
  • [1] (3902 results) should either have "politicien allemand" or something better. Sample: Q47068365

@Jura1:   Done Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 17:52, 3 July 2022 (UTC)

Request process
I think that this discussion is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, don't hesitate to replace this template with your comment. Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 17:52, 3 July 2022 (UTC)

Request to correct description "ulice v Chotovinech" (2022-07-04)

Request date: 4 July 2022, by: ŠJů

Task description

Please find items with cs description "ulice v Chotovinech" and replace it with "ulice v Chotovinách". 51 item pages affected.


A grammar error, wrong form of locative case. See here and here for the correct flection which has no doublets. It is right that the general rules supposes the ending "-ech" for pluralia tantum ending with ‑ny, ‑by, ‑dy, ‑my, ‑ry, ‑vy, but this one name obviously falls not under this type (probably because it is a feminine plurale tantum and not a masculine plurale tantum, i.e. rather like "v horách" than like "v hradech"). Google findings of "v Chotovinách" / "v Chotovinech" are 13200 : 50 for the correct form.

(Btw., I recommend a systematic check of all other municipalities, because more mass grammatical errors of that type have already been found here). --ŠJů (talk) 00:52, 4 July 2022 (UTC) @Frettiebot, Frettie, Matěj Suchánek, Ben Skála:

Request process

Accepted by (Mike Peel (talk) 16:22, 9 July 2022 (UTC)) and under process
Task completed (16:22, 9 July 2022 (UTC))

@ŠJů: Done via Wikidata:Requests for permissions/Bot/Pi bot 15. I'm generally happy to run other batch corrections like this, but I can't check them myself. Thanks. Mike Peel (talk) 16:22, 9 July 2022 (UTC)
I think that this discussion is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, don't hesitate to replace this template with your comment. Mike Peel (talk) 16:22, 9 July 2022 (UTC)

Request to remove wrong references (2022-07-12)

Request date: 12 July 2022, by: Olea

Task description

I'm a past import task I've added a wrong reference in many elements. At this moment they are 113 elements with at least 4 wrong reference uses. I made this error because then I didn't really understand how OpenRefine element update works.

The wrong reference is:

   stated in (P248) Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (Q5917182)

The query to list the elements is

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
  ?item p:P31 _:b1.
  _:b1 (prov:wasDerivedFrom/pr:P248) wd:Q5917182.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "es". }
Try it!

Just need to remove the reference. The statements are still correct and, supposedly, all have correct references too. I don't know how complex could be to do as a bot task. The alternative, I guess, would be to remove all the particular statements with QuickStatements and recreate again.


Request process

@Olea: Task completed, can you please check that it's correct? See this editgroup.Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 19:00, 22 July 2022 (UTC)

@Vojtěch Dostál: Thank you very much :)
I've checked the query and the editgroup and found I made a mistake with the query or at least it wasn't as clear as it should be. The problem with the wrong reference not happens only in P31 but in some other properties.
I've made a new query looking into P3318, P625, P1435, P131 and P17 I'm not 100% sure but probably these are all the properties affected. Sorry inconvenience :-/ —Ismael Olea (talk) 10:11, 23 July 2022 (UTC)
  Done @Olea Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 20:19, 23 July 2022 (UTC)
I think that this discussion is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, don't hesitate to replace this template with your comment. Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 20:37, 8 August 2022 (UTC)

request to fix parliamentary group = caucus, != party (2021-05-12)

Request date: 12 May 2021, by: Jura1

Link to discussions justifying the request
Task description

@Jura1: Would you be so kind and provide me with a query to these, so that I know what value should be changed to what? How do I determine with a bot if it should be Senate Democratic Caucus (Q3117832) or Senate Republican Conference (Q3117916)? Thanks :) Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 20:36, 3 July 2022 (UTC)

Request process

Closing the section as the instructions were unclear.

I think that this discussion is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, don't hesitate to replace this template with your comment. Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 08:12, 24 September 2022 (UTC)

Proliferate external-IDs from qualifiers and references to main statement (2021-07-06)

Request date: 6 July 2021, by: Vladimir Alexiev

Link to discussions justifying the request
Task description

Take a prop like ORCID: Property_talk:P496 says that 22.7% of uses are as reference, and 0.1% as qualifier.

I bet that some of those uses are not reflected as main statement.

SELECT ?itemLabel ?wdt ?wdLabel ?id { # ?ref ?wdr ?statement {
  ?wd wikibase:propertyType wikibase:ExternalId; wikibase:directClaim ?wdt; wikibase:reference ?wdr.
  ?ref ?wdr ?id.
  ?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?ref.
  # ?item ?prop ?statement
  # filter not exists {?item ?wdt ?id}
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} limit 10
Try it!

Of course, sifting through all those external-IDs used as refs will be a huge task. WD times out even on a count query:

SELECT (count(*) as ?c) {
  ?wd wikibase:propertyType wikibase:ExternalId; wikibase:reference ?wdr.
  ?ref ?wdr ?id.
Try it!

@Vladimir Alexiev: I don't think this would be a sensible thing to do. I often reference claims with external IDs which do not belong to the subject itself. For example, statement "John has two sons, Fred and George" can be found in an entry of John but used as a reference in his son's items in their father (P22) section.Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 20:50, 2 July 2022 (UTC)

I personally agree, I also have used IDs not belonging to the person X to reference stataments in item X (mainly genalogical relations, but also "student of" and sometimes others). This could be a good (but huge) task for manual review, but cannot be performed massively. --Epìdosis 21:55, 2 July 2022 (UTC)
My example itself is of the kind you said: the qualifier is on an Article but applies to its Author.
If someone undertakes to work on such both, I'll undertake to curate reliable patterns where this proliferation can be applied -- Vladimir Alexiev (talk) 09:24, 5 July 2022 (UTC)
@Vladimir Alexiev Sorry for not replying earlier. I am still quite sceptical that this makes sense. What do you mean by "reliable patterns"? What kind of pattern will let the algorithm know that the ID applies to the subject of the item? Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 08:14, 24 September 2022 (UTC)
@Vojtěch Dostál Here are some that I think are reliable. The last 2 came from examining just the first result of "usages of property P496 as a reference", Eeva-Liisa Eskelinen (Q28321537) (but she does have ORCID)
  • If you have a paper with Author Qxx and reference/qualifier "ORCID yy" and Qxx is missing ORCID, then copy the ORCID as main claim on the person.
  • If ORCID is used as reference on any property that applies to a single person (not relation between persons) and the person has no ORCID, copy it as main claim. Examples of such props: "employer", "educated at", "birth", "occupation", field of work"
  • "reference URL" should be treated the same as "ORCID ..."

Vladimir Alexiev (talk) 17:09, 27 September 2022 (UTC)

@Vladimir Alexiev
  • First: only 20 cases where this might be possible.$U
  • Second: employer = 30 results ($Y), educated at = 18 results ($a), ... You can try the rest yourself...
  • Last: This could be done but the queries time out because the search for a string match is more demanding.
My biggest worry is that most of these are likely to be some errors or exceptions. Can you have a look at the queries above and assess the usefulness / error rate in the results? Thanks Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 16:19, 29 September 2022 (UTC)
ORCID is used as reference on "author" 1591 times
@Vojtěch Dostál: I agree with you, these discrepancies need to be investigated and resolved individually, not copied en masse :-(

Posted and pinged

Vladimir Alexiev (talk) 06:41, 11 October 2022 (UTC)

I think that this discussion is resolved and can be archived. If you disagree, don't hesitate to replace this template with your comment. Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 21:12, 1 February 2023 (UTC)