Wikidata:Schema proposals/written work

Name written work

Schema for all items on Wikidata which are classified as some kind of "written work". The required properties should be very broad to make sure it matches the most important statements for a wide range of items.

NOTE: There is an existing schema for written work (E35), but we may need a more simple version for the general use suggested. See discussion below.

Associated item written work (Q47461344)
Parent schema EXXX
# Items with "instance of" = "written work"
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q47461344 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Try it!


Who Step Description Progress Instructions
Community 1 Create proposal page   Done
2 Community topic groups notification Try and involve as many people as possible in the discussion, especially those with specific knowledge about the subject area. A good place to start is posting messages to relevant Wiki Projects on Wikidata and Wikipedia with a request for feedback (make sure you include a link to this page). You can also post messages on Wikidata:Project chat for general feedback and help finding other editors with relevant subject knowledge.
3 Community discussion Add new topics as required to the Discussion section below. The aim is to reach a consensus on the correct structure for the proposed schema, and present this in the Proposed model section below.
4 Proposed schema ready Once the Proposed model section is complete, change the status at top of page to "Ready"
Technical 5 Create schema The new Wikidata Schema is created at this stage by a technical editor, using the proposed model on this page to define the structure. The status should be changed to "done", and "schema_id" added to the template so that a link is shown to the new schema
6 Add link to this proposal on talk page of new Wikidata Shema This ensures the proposal discussion can always be found easily, as all future discussion will take place on the talk page of the new Wikidata Schema page.
Community 7 Community topic groups notification Let users involved in the discussion know the new schema is ready.



Add discussion topics here as required when planning the Proposed model below. Please read the instructions in the Progress table above for involving as many people as possible in the discussion.

External schemas Written work (E35) - A very comprehensive schema, which also includes constraints on connected items (e.g. the publisher specified must have "instance of" = "publisher")
External databases

Does existing E35 schema cover all the use cases required?


The E35 schema for written work is extremely detailed. It includes constraints on connected items as well as the actual written work itself (e.g. the publisher, editions of the work, etc).

This is very useful, but it might be far too comprehensive for many use cases as a large number of items will "fail" when checked against the schema.

Do we need a new schema that is less detailed but easier to use? NavinoEvans (talk) 15:20, 29 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Is this schema too broad? Would several more specific schemas for different types of work be more useful?


Is the schema valid for written works from all parts of the world?


How many items does this apply to?


Technically it should apply to all "instance of" = "written work", including subclasses (e.g. "book", "report", "blog post" etc) which is around 48 Million items.

There are around 70,000 direct instances written work (see for these stats). NavinoEvans (talk) 15:20, 29 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Can we get a nice visualisation of the existing schema for comparison?


It's really hard for anyone who doesn't know the ShEx language to understand the existing E35 schema. We should create a visual version below for discussion.

The model from WikiProject Books has now been pasted in below. This appears to be what the existing E35 schema has used. NavinoEvans (talk) 14:53, 14 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Proposed model


The model below is taken from WikiProject Books, where they have agreed the properties to use based on discussions within the project.

Works should be instances of written work (Q47461344) or one of its subclasses.

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas <instance of> written work-
titleP1476Monolingual textoriginal title and title: published name of a work, such as a newspaper article, a literary work, piece of music, a website, or a performance workDiary of Anne Frank <title> Het Achterhuis-
subtitleP1680Monolingual textsubtitle: for works, when the title is followed by a subtitleDiary of Anne Frank <subtitle> Dagboekbrieven van 12 Juni 1942 – 1 Augustus 1944-
authorP50Itemauthor, writer and creator: main creator(s) of a written work (use on works, not humans); use P2093 (author name string) when Wikidata item is unknown or does not existHarry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone <author> J. K. Rowling-
possible creatorP1779Itemcreator: for a creative work with considerable uncertainty about the authorRampin Rider <possible creator> Rampin Master-
contributor to the creative work or subjectP767Itemcontributor, session musician and coauthor: person or organization that contributed to a subject: co-creator of a creative work or subjectDiscworld Noir <contributor to the creative work or subject> Terry Pratchettcontributed to creative work
editorP98Itemeditor: person who checks and corrects a work (such as a book, newspaper, academic journal, etc.) to comply with a rules of certain genre. Also applies to person who establishes the text of an ancient written work or manuscript.Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815–1950 <editor> Austrian Academy of Sciences-
language of work or nameP407Itemlanguage: language associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use "native language" (P103) and "languages spoken, written or signed" (P1412))Diary of Anne Frank <language of work or name> Dutch-
inceptionP571Point in timedate of establishment: time when an entity begins to exist; for date of official opening use P1619Tirant lo Blanc <inception> 1490-
movementP135Itemcultural movement: literary, artistic, scientific or philosophical movement or scene associated with this person or work. For political ideologies use P1142.Urbi et orbi <movement> Russian symbolism-
has edition or translationP747Itemversion, edition or translation, translated edition and source text: link to an edition of this itemBrockhaus Enzyklopädie <has edition or translation> Brockhaus Enzyklopädie (21 ed.)edition or translation of
form of creative workP7937Itemform of art, album type, musical form, type of musical work/composition and form of creative work: structure of a creative workThe Hours <form of creative work> novel-
genreP136Itemgenre and by genre: creative work's genre or an artist's field of work (P101). Use main subject (P921) to relate creative works to their topicThe Hours <genre> feminist novel-
main subjectP921Itemtopic, matter and subject: primary topic of a work (see also P180: depicts)The Party Journalist <main subject> radio propagandastatement is subject of
award receivedP166Itemaward, honorary citizenship, title of honor and decoration: award or recognition received by a person, organization or creative workThe Hours <award received> Pulitzer Prize for Fiction-
followsP155Itemfollows: immediately prior item in a series of which the subject is a part, preferably use as qualifier of P179 [if the subject has replaced the preceding item, e.g. political offices, use "replaces" (P1365)]A Feast for Crows <follows> A Storm of Swordsfollowed by
followed byP156Itemfollowed by: immediately following item in a series of which the subject is a part, preferably use as qualifier of P179 [if the subject has been replaced, e.g. political offices, use "replaced by" (P1366)]A Feast for Crows <followed by> A Dance with Dragonsfollows
part of the seriesP179Itemsequence, series of creative works, event sequence, book series, painting series and video game series: series which contains the subjectA Feast for Crows <part of the series> A Song of Ice and Fire-
based onP144Itembased on: the work(s) used as the basis for subject itemPride and Prejudice and Zombies <based on> Pride and Prejudicederivative work
inspired byP941Itemartistic inspiration: work, human, place or event which inspired this creative work or fictional entityThe Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino <inspired by> The Adventures of Pinocchio-
charactersP674Itemfictional character: characters which appear in this item (like plays, operas, operettas, books, comics, films, TV series, video games)The Three Musketeers <characters> Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'Artagnanpresent in work
narrative locationP840Itemnarrative location: the narrative of the work is set in this locationThe Fall of the King <narrative location> Himmerland-
imageP18Commons media fileillustration and image: image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image)Tirant lo Blanc <image> Tirante el Blanco 1511.jpg-
sourcing circumstancesP1480Itemsourcing circumstance: qualification of the truth or accuracy of a source: circa (Q5727902), near (Q21818619), presumably (Q18122778), etc.Godescalc Evangelistary <commissioned by> Charlemagne
<sourcing circumstances> presumably
Dewey Decimal ClassificationP1036External identifieruse with qualifier "edition (P747)" with item value "DDC 23" or create new item to represent the corresponding DDC editionThe Party Journalist <Dewey Decimal Classification> 791.44609431 [DDC22ger]-
Library of Congress ClassificationP1149External identifiersubject classification number used in the Library of Congress Classification system; does not include the shelflisting portion assigned to individual publicationsThe Party Journalist <Library of Congress Classification> PN1990.6.G3-
Chinese Library ClassificationP1189External identifieridentifier used for this class in the CLCThe Party Journalist <Chinese Library Classification> G229.517-
Universal Decimal ClassificationP1190External identifierlibrary classification of this topicThe Party Journalist <Universal Decimal Classification> 316.774:32-
OCLC work IDP5331External identifieridentifier for a work in OCLC Classify (as opposed to a particular bibliographic record describing a manifestation: for that see OCLC control number (P243))The Lucifer Effect <OCLC work ID> 2564937689-
Open Library IDP648External identifieridentifier for a work ("W"), edition ("M") or author ("A") for book data of the Internet ArchiveMister President <Open Library ID> OL938688W-
LibraryThing work IDP1085External identifierLibraryThing (LT) control numberThe Seven Messengers <LibraryThing work ID> 6068145-
Goodreads work IDP8383External identifierunique identifier for written works (Q47461344) on GoodreadsThe Mediocre Programmer <Goodreads work ID> 53487476-
Babelio work IDP3631External identifieridentifier for a book on the literature website BabelioThe Stranger <Babelio work ID> 3874-