Wikidata:WP EMEW/Monasteries/Properties/props


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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?prop ?propLink ?items ?stmts ?sample ?value ?valuesLink WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q44613 . ?item wdt:P17 wd:Q145 . OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P571 ?incept} . FILTER (!(bound(?incept) && (year(?incept) > 1700))) . } } AS %items WITH { SELECT ?prop (COUNT(DISTINCT ?item) AS ?items) (COUNT(DISTINCT ?stmt) AS ?stmts) (SAMPLE(?item) AS ?sample) (SAMPLE(?value) AS ?value) WHERE { INCLUDE %items . ?item ?p ?stmt . ?prop wikibase:claim ?p . ?prop wikibase:statementProperty ?ps . ?stmt ?ps ?value . MINUS {?prop wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q19847637} # Wikidata property representing a unique identifier MINUS {?prop wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q18614948} # Wikidata property for authority control } GROUP BY ?prop } AS %props WHERE { INCLUDE %props ?prop rdfs:label ?prop_label . FILTER(lang(?prop_label) = 'en') . BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?prop), 'P') AS ?propno) . BIND(CONCAT('[[:d:Property:P', ?propno, '|', STR(?prop_label), ']]') AS ?propLink) . BIND(IRI(CONCAT('' , ?propno)) AS ?item) . # dummy # BIND(CONCAT('{','{/get list{','{sub','st:!}','}','prop=P',STR(?propno),'}','}') AS ?listLink) . BIND(CONCAT('{','{/get values{','{sub','st:!}','}','prop=P',STR(?propno),'}','}') AS ?valuesLink) . } ORDER BY DESC(?items) DESC(?stmts)
items stmts property example value values
1287 1749 instance of Chithurst Buddhist Monastery vihara values
1287 1345 country Chithurst Buddhist Monastery United Kingdom values
1172 1232 coordinate location Chithurst Buddhist Monastery 51.0035/-0.8015 values
940 941 historic county Chithurst Buddhist Monastery Sussex values
925 1007 located in the administrative territorial entity Chithurst Buddhist Monastery Trotton with Chithurst values
644 808 heritage designation Balmerino Abbey scheduled monument values
630 639 dissolved, abolished or demolished date BlackFriars, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1536-01-01 values
534 587 image Chithurst Buddhist Monastery
491 499 inception Holyrood Abbey 1128-01-01 values
233 239 religious order Holyrood Abbey Augustinians values
136 152 official website Chithurst Buddhist Monastery values
128 129 location Holyrood Abbey Holyrood values
84 85 mother house Balmerino Abbey Melrose Abbey values
80 80 operator St Augustine's Abbey English Heritage values
78 85 owned by St Augustine's Abbey English Heritage values
73 155 has part(s) BlackFriars, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Blackfriars East Range values
71 71 religion or worldview St Augustine's Abbey Church of England values
42 44 architectural style St Augustine's Abbey Gothic architecture values
41 50 described by source St Augustine's Abbey Catholic Encyclopedia values
36 44 dedicated to Battle Abbey Martin of Tours values
29 33 has facility St Augustine's Abbey accessible toilet values
29 30 founded by Holyrood Abbey David I of Scotland values
26 26 part of St Augustine's Abbey Canterbury Cathedral, St Augustine's Abbey, and St Martin's Church values
26 26 diocese St Augustine's Abbey Diocese of Canterbury values
25 26 headquarters location Iona Nunnery Scotland values
21 21 category for people buried here St Augustine's Abbey Категория:Похороненные в аббатстве Святого Августина values
21 21 state of conservation St Augustine's Abbey demolished or destroyed values
20 21 elevation above sea level Denbigh Friary 51.2 values
19 20 image of design plans St Augustine's Abbey
18 18 maintained by Denbigh Friary Cadw values
14 14 image of interior Holyrood Abbey
10 10 topic's main category Newburgh Priory Category:Newburgh Priory values
10 10 aerial view St Augustine's Abbey
9 9 structure replaced by Otterton Priory Church of St Michael values
9 9 different from Norton Priory Norton Priory Museum and Gardens values
8 8 located in time zone St. Mary's Priory UTC±00:00 values
8 8 named after St Augustine's Abbey Augustine of Hippo values
8 8 located in/on physical feature Priory of Douglas Isle of Man values
8 8 replaced by Priory of the Holy Trinity, Ipswich Christchurch Park values
8 8 native label St Augustine's Abbey St Augustine's Abbey values
7 8 significant event Ankerwycke Priory archaeological excavation values
7 7 coat of arms image Sheen Priory
6 8 occupant The Priory Anthony Fraser values
6 7 partially coincident with Gresley Priory Parish Church of St Mary and Saint George values
6 6 architect Gisborough Priory Robert de Brus, 1st Lord of Annandale values
6 6 member of Ardchattan Priory Historic Houses Association values
6 6 Commons gallery St Bees Priory St Bees Priory values
6 6 winter view Greyfriars, Canterbury
6 6 located in protected area Inchmahome Priory Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park values
6 6 state of use St Augustine's Abbey permanently closed values
5 23 total revenue Worth Abbey 15133236 values
5 23 donations St Cecilia's Abbey, Ryde 28111 values
5 18 employees Worth Abbey 240 values
5 8 adjacent building Flanesford Priory Flanesford Priory Farmhouse values
5 5 pronunciation audio Llanfaes Friary
5 5 connects with Ardchattan Priory designed landscape at Ardchattan Priory values
5 5 image of entrance St Augustine's Abbey
4 5 described at URL Priory of St John and St Teulyddog values
4 4 office held by head of the organization Durham Priory Prior of Durham values
4 4 has part(s) of the class Mottisfont Abbey rose garden values
3 6 related image Dieulacres Abbey
3 4 followed by Cardigan Priory Cardigan Priory values
3 4 director of archaeological fieldwork Mount Grace Priory Laurence Keen values
3 3 made from material St Nicholas Priory Heavitree stone values
3 3 said to be the same as Sheen Priory Sheen Friary values
3 3 end time Oronsay Priory 1560-01-01 values
3 3 replaces Llanthony Secunda Llanthony Priory values
3 3 legal form Worth Abbey charitable organization values
3 3 area St Augustine's Abbey 8.42 values
3 3 Christian liturgical rite Buckfast Abbey Roman Rite values
2 6 World Heritage criteria Monkwearmouth-Jarrow Abbey World Heritage selection criterion (iii) values
2 2 commissioned by Holyrood Abbey David I of Scotland values
2 2 follows Minster in Thanet Priory Minster Abbey values
2 2 seal image Chertsey Abbey
2 2 located in or next to body of water Ardchattan Priory Loch Etive values
2 2 archives at Stanbrook Abbey University of Maryland Libraries values
2 2 schematic Dieulacres Abbey
2 2 panoramic view Iona Abbey
2 2 nighttime view Lanercost Priory
2 2 located in the present-day administrative territorial entity Marsh Barton Priory Exeter values
2 2 geoshape Tintern Abbey values
1 4 social media followers Fountains Abbey 11795 values
1 2 patron saint Balmerino Abbey Edward the Martyr values
1 2 official name Strata Florida Abbey Ystrad-fflur values
1 1 continent Titchfield Abbey Europe values
1 1 has use Tewkesbury Abbey structure of worship values
1 1 genre Greyfriars, London landscape painting values
1 1 creator Tewkesbury Abbey Alfred Capel-Cure values
1 1 locator map image Dieulacres Abbey
1 1 start time Greyfriars, London 1225-01-01 values
1 1 located on street Greyfriars, London King Edward Street values
1 1 parent organization Fountains Abbey Clairvaux Abbey values
1 1 notable work Crowland Abbey Guthlac Roll values
1 1 time of earliest written record Usk Castle 1138-01-01 values
1 1 facet of Gloucester Abbey Gloucester Cathedral values
1 1 floors above ground Whitefriars, Coventry 2 values
1 1 affiliation Totnes Trinitarian Priory Trinitarian Order values
1 1 category for people who died here Lacock Abbey Categoria:Morti nell'abbazia di Lacock values
1 1 structure replaces Whithorn Priory Candida Casa values
1 1 plaque image Torre Abbey
1 1 category of associated people Newburgh Priory Category:Newburgh Priory people values
1 1 date of official closure Ipswich Blackfriars 1538-01-01 values
1 1 category for maps Fountains Abbey Category:Maps of Fountains Abbey values
1 1 on focus list of Wikimedia project Valle Crucis Abbey Wicipics project values
1 1 directions Ardchattan Priory Ardchattan Priory is situated 5 miles (8km) east of North Connel, on the C25 Bonawe Road to Inveresragan. values
End of automatically generated list.