Wikidata:WikiProject elections

Welcome to WikiProject Elections




The Goal of this project is to set a standard for how items about elections should look like, and to identify the best way of connecting them to other items. The main purpose is to deal with democratic public elections on national and local levels, but we hope that we also should be able to use the ideas here in other circumstances.

Modelling Examples


Groups of Elections


In many countries, different types of elections often happen at essentially the same time: e.g. presidential and legislative elections. In most cases we should ensure that Wikidata has an item for each distinct election (i.e. no individual election item should have more than one office contested (P541) or ballots cast (P1868) value), as well as an item for the combination (using instance of (P31): group of elections (Q76853179)). These should be connected using part of (P361) and has part(s) (P527).

Care should be taken to ensure that the Wikipedia links are correct for these: some languages may have separate items, whilst others only a single page for the combination. (Note also that bots may have imported data at the wrong level of precision due to these sites link being out of sync, and such claims may need to be moved into the more specific item.)

Multi-round elections


When the election has more than one round, an item (instance of (P31): voting round (Q24097670)) must be created for each round.

Showcase items


(Please add some well-modelled items here)

Key properties


Before the election date


Before an election takes place, we should ensure that the following minimum properties are provided:

Property Comment
instance of (P31) type of election (e.g. presidential election (Q858439), gubernatorial election (Q15261477), mayoral election (Q15280243), legislative election (Q2618461)
office contested (P541) title of office which election will determine the next holder of
country (P17) the country in which the election takes place
applies to jurisdiction (P1001) administrative scope of the election (for national elections, will be the same as country (P17). State or local elections will be at a lower level.
point in time (P585) If an election spans a long period, start time (P580) and end time (P582) can be used, though it is also good to provide a point in time (P585) at month-, or even year-level precision as well.

These will allow elections to appear on upcoming election calendars.

It may also be possible to start populating the list of candidates (using candidate (P726)) before an election takes place.

After the election


Ideally we will want to include as full election results as possible. This usually means, at a minimum:

successful candidate (P991) persons (or in some cases parties) elected
ballots cast (P1868) total number of ballot(s) cast, including invalid or blank ballots (If known, total valid votes (P1697), number of spoilt votes (P5044), number of blank votes (P5045) can also be provided)
eligible voters (P1867) / electorate (P1831) Most elections will report at least one of these



Candidacies can be recorded via either a candidate (P726) statement on the election item, and/or a candidacy in election (P3602) statement on the person. For elections with large numbers of candidates, the latter is usually more preferable.

Common qualifiers on a candidacy include:

member of political party (P102) (for individuals; (independent politician (Q327591) if independent)
party chief representative (P210) (where the candidate is a party, rather than an individual)
votes received (P1111) (blank until after the election)
ranking (P1352) this candidate's position in the results (blank until after the election)
candidate number (P4243) An official candidate number
candidate position (P10777) this candidate's position on the ballot, or in a Party List
subject named as (P1810) The name used on the ballot (which may be different from the candidate's commonly used name)
age of subject at event (P3629) This can be useful where a person's precise date of birth (P569) is unknown

Other properties

number of seats (P1342) number of seats/members in an assembly
number of seats in assembly (P1410) number of seats a political party has in a given legislature

Questions to solve

  1. Observe, that there are many ways to set up an election. Sometimes you vote for political parties, other times you vote for persons. Anything between that is also possible.
  2. How the elected candidates are choosen also differ, sometimes even within one single election. One example of that is the EU-parliament, where each country has their own specific rules.
  3. Some elections uses constituencies, sometimes there is one MP for every constituency, other times there are several elected candidate in one constituency.
  4. Some elections makes use of electoral colleges.
  5. In some cases there are more elected MPs than there are seats.
  6. Many elections are repeated if the first round did not give a majority to one candidate.
  7. Sometimes there are different kinds of cooperations between political parties.
  8. There are independant candidates. How should we describe them?
  9. Some candidates are not a member of the political party they represent, or they change membership after the election. How should that be described?
  10. In historical records, the names of the candidates are no longer known. We might not even know the number of votes. How should that be described in a good way?
  11. How should we describe indirect elections, like the election of the Prime minister of UK?
  12. In modern local elections, there is maybe a lot of information about each election. Thousands of persons and political parties get only one or a few votes in each Swedish election. Is it worth the effort to list them, when all we know is their name? They can even be fictional, like Donald Duck (Q6550), who gets a number of votes every four years.

Wikipedia Templates


These Wikipedia infoboxes are used for election-related information, and may be helpful when considering modelling decisions in Wikidata:



When a cell for an infobox is in green that's mean that the Wikidata will be fetched.

General information about the election
Wikidata property ⧼wikibase-datatype-label⧽ Qualifiers EN FR ES Creation level Description
- election_name nom_élection nombre_elección Page name
country (P17) Item - country pays país Created Country where the election take place
??? - flag_year variante variante For historical elections when an older flag design was in effect, enter the year the flag came into effect (not the election year). Default is to use the current flag.
flag image (P41) commons media file - flag_image Created For non-country elections, specify the full name of the flag, coat-of-arms, or seal image to display.
Item - endispute2 endisputa2 Show the offices contested so they appear in the table in place of the title
instance of (P31) Item - type type tipo Created The type of election
- période período Office's term with a begining and an end?
- vote_type The type of votes recorded at popular_voten. Defaults to "Popular".
boolean - ongoing encours encurso Must be either yes or no, whether the election is yet to take place, or completed.
boolean - party_colour Only for display reason.
boolean - party_name Only for display reason.
follows (P155) Item - previous_election élection_précédente elección_anterior Created The page name of the previous election of this type.
point in time (P585) Point in time - election_date date_élection fecha_elección Created Date of election. When there is more than one round, this property is in the item round.
Item - elected_mps Wikilink to the MPs elected in this election.
followed by (P156) Item - next_election élection_suivante siguiente_elección Created The page name of the next election of this type
Number (not available yet) - votes_for_election The number of votes for election and the system of voting (eg. Electoral College).
Number (not available yet) - needed_votes The number of votes required to win.
number of seats (P1342) Item - seats_for_election endispute endisputa The number of seats for election and the house or chamber the seats are for.
Number (not available yet) - majority_seats The number of seats required for a majority government.
??? - opinion_polls Pagename or section anchor of opinion polls.
Demographic and statistical information
Wikidata property ⧼wikibase-datatype-label⧽ Qualifiers EN FR ES Creation level Description
population (P1082) Number (not available yet) - habitants habitantes Created Population
electorate (P1831) Number (not available yet) - enregistrés registrados Number of electors registered on the electoral system
ballots cast (P1868) Number (not available yet) - votants votantes Electors who participated from the election. When there is more than one round, this property is in the item round.
ballots cast (P1868) Number (not available yet) - votants2 votantes2 Electors who participated on the runoff. When there is more than one round, this property is in the item round.
Number (not available yet) - turnout participation participación Voter turnout for this election.
Number (not available yet) - participation_pré participación_ant Voter turnout for the last election of a kind
Number (not available yet) - participation2 participación2 Voter turnout for the runoff
total valid votes (P1697) Number (not available yet) - valables válidos Valid votes. When there is more than one round, this property is in the item round.
total valid votes (P1697) Number (not available yet) - valables2 válidos2 Valid votes on the runoff. When there is more than one round, this property is in the item round.
number of blank votes (P5045) Number (not available yet) - blancs blancos Blank votes
number of blank votes (P5045) Number (not available yet) - blancs2 blancos2 Blank votes on the runoff
number of spoilt votes (P5044) Number (not available yet) - nuls nulos Null votes
number of spoilt votes (P5044) Number (not available yet) - nuls2 nulos2 Null votes on the runoff
??? - campagne campaña Campaigning period
free text - débat debate Dates of most important debates
Information specific to each candidature
Wikidata property ⧼wikibase-datatype-label⧽ Qualifiers EN FR ES Creation level Description
image (P18) Commons media file - image<X> image<X> imagen<X> Created Image of Nominee, head of Party list or Party Leader.
Strings that are not translated - colour<X>
couleur<X> color<X> Enter a hex colour code (without the #) to override the border colour of image
candidate (P726) Item - nominee<X>
candidat<X> candidato<X> Name of Nominee or Candidate
Item - leader<X> chef<X> líder<X> Name of head of Party list or Party Leader
Item - party<X> parti<X> partido<X> Political Party using Political party shortname templates.
Item - alliance<X> coalition<X> coalición<X> Political alliance in elections where coalition politics is common.
Item - parti<Y>_coalition<X> partido<Y>_coalición<X> Party of the alliance
Item - home_state<X> The state the Nominee or Candidate represents
Item - running_mate<X> colistier<X> The Nominee's Running mate.
Number (not available yet) - electoral_vote<X> vote_électoral<X> voto_electoral<X> The electoral votes obtained by the Nominee
Number (not available yet) - delegate_count<X> The aggregate number of delegates obtained by the candidate. Intended for use in pre-election processes such as selection of delegates to United States presidential nominating conventions. Intended to be used instead of electoral_vote1 for these cases.
Number (not available yet)? - states_carried<X> The states carried or won by the Nominee.
Point in time - leader_since1<X> The states carried or won by the Nominee.
Item - leaders_seat<X> The seat the Leader represents
Number (not available yet) - seats_before<X> sièges<X>_pré escaños<X>_ant The seat count before the election, labeled 'current seats' if the election is yet to take place.
Number (not available yet) - seats_needed<X> The seats required to gain an overall majority.
Number (not available yet) - seats<X> The seats won at the election.
number of seats in assembly (P1410) Number (not available yet) - seats_after<X> sièges<X> escaños<X> The seat count after the election
Number (not available yet) - seat_change<X> The change in the number of seats won at the election compared to the previous election.
Number (not available yet) - popular_vote<X> votes<X> votos<X> The number of votes obtained by the Nominee or Party.
votes received (P1111) Number (not available yet) - votes2v<X> votos2v<X> Número de votos obtenidos por el candidato, partido o fuerza política en la segunda vuelta o balotaje. (es) / Suffrages au second tour. (fr) – (Please translate this into English.)
Number (not available yet) - percentage<X> pourcentage<X> porcentaje<X> The percentage of the popular vote obtained by the Nominee or Party.
Number (not available yet) - swing<X> The swing or change in popular vote at the election compared to the previous election.
Information about poll
Wikidata property ⧼wikibase-datatype-label⧽ Qualifiers EN FR ES Creation level Description
Point in time - poll<X>_date The date of an opinion poll
Number (not available yet) - poll<X>_nominee<Y> TThe percentage poll <X> gave to nominee <Y>.
Number (not available yet) - poll<X>_party<Y> TThe percentage poll <X> gave to party <Y>.
Auxiliary rows
Wikidata property ⧼wikibase-datatype-label⧽ Qualifiers EN FR ES Creation level Description
free text - <X>blank Title of an <X> auxiliary row.
free text - <X>data<Y> Data <X> for nominee or party <Y>
Wikidata property ⧼wikibase-datatype-label⧽ Qualifiers EN FR ES Creation level Description
Commons media file - map_image carte mapa Not done Page name for the election map file.
- map_alt Alt text for the election map.
- map A freeform replacement for the above, which can be used to insert extension:ImageMaps or templates instead of images.
Multilingual text (not available yet) - map_caption carte_sous-titre mapa_subtítulo Caption on image of the election map to be displayed.
??? - légende_carte1 leyenda_mapa1 Leyenda del mapa electoral (columna izquierda). (es) / Légende de la carte, à gauche si plusieurs colonnes (fr) – (Please translate this into English.)
??? - légende_carte2 leyenda_mapa2 Leyenda del mapa electoral (columna derecha). (es) / Légende de la carte, à droite si plusieurs colonnes (fr) – (Please translate this into English.)
Results of the election
Wikidata property ⧼wikibase-datatype-label⧽ Qualifiers EN FR ES Creation level Description
office contested (P541) Item - title poste cargo Title of the leader before the election. (President, Speaker, Government, Prime Minister...)
Item - before_election prédécesseur predecesor The leader in power before the election, labeled incumbent if the election is yet to take place.
Item - before_party parti_prédécesseur partido_predecesor The party in power before the election.
Item - posttitle Title of the leader before the election. (President, Speaker, Government, Prime Minister...)
successful candidate (P991) Item - after_election successeur sucesor Created The leader in power as a result of the election.
Item - after_party parti_successeur partido_sucesor The party in power as a result of the election.
... ... - ... ... ... ... ...

Infobox Layout

Wikidata property ⧼wikibase-datatype-label⧽ Qualifiers EN FR ES Creation level Description
- ??? - fond - Couleur d'arrière-plan du tableau. (fr) – (Please translate this into English.)
- ??? - fond2 - Couleur d'arrière-plan du titre et des sous-titres. (fr) – (Please translate this into English.)
- Number (not available yet) - ancho Determina el ancho de la plantilla, incluyendo las imágenes de candidatos, partidos o fuerzas políticas (es) / Largeur de l'infobox (fr) – (Please translate this into English.)
- Number (not available yet) - map_size taille carte mapa_tamaño - Size of image of the election map to be displayed.

Political party / Politische Partei / Parti politique / Partido político

Wikidata property ⧼wikibase-datatype-label⧽ Qualifiers EN FR ES Creation level Description
Multilingual text (not available yet) - name nom - - name of the party
logo image (P154) URL - logo logo - Created Logo of the party.
member count (P2124) Number (not available yet) - membership adhérents membresía Created Number of members of the party.
has part(s) (P527) Item - newspaper, think_tank, student_wing, youth_wing, wing1, wing2, wing3, wing_title1, wing_title2, wing_title3 courant interne au parti juventud, estudiantil, publicación, radio Created Organizations and associations linked to the party (use P518 as qualifier)
sRGB color hex triplet (P465) String - colorcode Sièges/hex - Created Color code of the party. HTML color code (e.g. red, #FF0000 ) or transparent for no coloring.

Officeholder / Politicien / Autoridad


Politics of / Politique en


Even in these models are not infoboxs they could be included in this taskforce.

Template:Politics box (Q6064622)

General information about the election
Wikidata property Datatype Qualifiers EN FR ES Creation level Description
- modèle Model name
country (P17) Item - country pays país Created Country where the election take place
Item - article Article sur l'article sur la politique du pays (fr) – (Please translate this into English.)
coat of arms image (P94) commons media file - armoiries Created coat-of-arms image to display.
flag image (P41) commons media file - drapeau Created specify the full name of the flag to display.



Useful reports for missing or untidy data:



The participants listed below can be notified using the following template in discussions:
{{Ping project|elections}}