Wikidata:Property proposal/place of disappearance

place of disappearance


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Person

   Not done
Descriptionlast place or location a missing person was seen or otherwise known to be alive
Data typeItem
Example 1Jimmy Hoffa (Q317638)Bloomfield Township (Q885364)
Example 2Amelia Earhart (Q3355)Pacific Ocean (Q98)
Example 3Sean Flynn (Q327426)National Highway 1 (Q1320165)
Example 4Naomi Uemura (Q1322504)Denali (Q130018)
See alsodate of disappearance (P746); place of death (P20)



Currently, the date of disappearance (P746) property exists, but there is no property describing the last known location a missing person was seen alive. This will ensure that a missing person will have paired parameters, similar to date of death (P570) and place of death (P20). HapHaxion (talk) 15:54, 18 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]


People can go missing more than once. However, date of disappearance (P746) is currently an instance of Wikidata property for birth or death (Q18608756), meaning that it should probably be used only when the disappearance is ongoing, and it is not known if the person is dead or alive (likely assumed dead, since it is the only option satisfying this quality other than birth). If the person is found, the property can be removed since their status is now known (if alive, no other action is necessary; if dead, replace the property with place of death (P20)). HapHaxion (talk / contribs) 11:50, 24 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
In that case wouldn't it make sense to use Property "has quality" or "significant event" with the value "missing" and then use qualifier start and end time. Germartin1 (talk) 14:46, 24 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I feel that has characteristic (P1552) would be appropriate, but only if the person is found. This would confirm either the person is still living, or would be placed with the start and end time qualifiers along with date of death (P570) (since the death was confirmed and not assumed as a virtue of the disappearance). This is just my thought process considering "date of disappearance" appears to be equivalent to "date of death" (they cannot both be present at the same time) in terms of them both being a Wikidata property for birth or death (Q18608756). I hope that makes sense. HapHaxion (talk / contribs) 17:31, 31 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]