Wikidata:Property proposal/specific rotation

specific rotation


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Natural science

Descriptionan angle through which plane-polarized light is rotated by an optically active substance or a solution of that substance
Representsspecific rotation (Q2191631)
Data typeQuantity
Domainchemical substance (Q79529)
Allowed unitsdegree (Q28390), degree-mililitre per gram-decimetre, etc.
Example 1dolabriferol B (Q57421096) → -51,9 degree (Q28390) with temperature (P2076) = 20 degree Celsius (Q25267), wavelength (P2808) = 589 nanometre (Q178674), solvent (P2178) = chloroform (Q172275), Pxxx (concentration) = 0,7 gram per 100 mililitres (source: Dolabriferols B and C, non-contiguous polypropionate esters from the tropical sea hare Dolabrifera dolabrifera (Q39107295))
Example 2dolabriferol C (Q57394391) → -45,2 degree (Q28390) with temperature (P2076) = 20 degree Celsius (Q25267), wavelength (P2808) = 589 nanometre (Q178674), solvent (P2178) = chloroform (Q172275), Pxxx (concentration) = 0,7 gram per 100 mililitres (source: Dolabriferols B and C, non-contiguous polypropionate esters from the tropical sea hare Dolabrifera dolabrifera (Q39107295))
Example 3(−)-dolabriferol (Q44293768) → -53,0 degree (Q28390) with temperature (P2076) = 20 degree Celsius (Q25267), wavelength (P2808) = 589 nanometre (Q178674), solvent (P2178) = chloroform (Q172275), Pxxx (concentration) = 1,1 gram per 100 mililitres (source: Dolabriferols B and C, non-contiguous polypropionate esters from the tropical sea hare Dolabrifera dolabrifera (Q39107295))
Sourcescientific articles, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Q904273), chemical databases, etc.



Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Natural science

   Done: concentration (P6274) (Talk and documentation)
Descriptionqualifier: amount of substance in a mixture (solution) during measurement
Representsconcentration (Q3686031)
Data typeQuantity
Domainmixture (Q169336) (but in fact used only as a qualifier in items being chemical substance (Q79529))
Allowed unitsunits of different concentrations: mass concentration (g/kg, g/g, ...), volume concentration (ml/l, ml/dl, ...), molar concentration (mol/l, ...), molal concentration (mol/kg, ...), normal concentration (mval/l, ...), and so on



Specific rotation property is useless without indication of the concentration, so these two proposals shouldn't be discussed separately. The 'concentration' property should be, however, limited to specific properties (like the specific rotation) to avoid putting values of many other properties for mixtures into items describing pure substances (i.e. specific rotation is an important property for chiral chemical compounds that is measured using solutions of a chiral compound in an achiral solvent; but many properties, e.g. density, may be measured for solutions and the values obtained for the solutions are properties of specific solutions, not pure chemical compounds). Wostr (talk) 16:50, 11 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

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@ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2, Wostr, KaMan:   Done: specific rotation (P6272). − Pintoch (talk) 23:57, 19 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]