Wikidata:WikiProject Performing arts/Data sources/CH

Example Items


Theatrical productions and single performances


Visualization of the modelling of Steckel's staging of Zuckmayer's Hauptmann von Köpenick

SELECT ?item1 ?image ?item1Label ?item2 ?image2 ?item2Label ?edgeLabel WHERE {
VALUES ?item1 {wd:Q40289399 wd:Q39907209 wd:Q7777570 wd:Q39918282 wd:Q7721293 wd:Q25379 wd:Q76820 wd:Q64 wd:Q204854 wd:Q87845 wd:Q118900 wd:Q40025058}
VALUES ?item2 {wd:Q40289399 wd:Q39907209 wd:Q7777570 wd:Q39918282 wd:Q7721293 wd:Q25379 wd:Q76820 wd:Q64 wd:Q204854 wd:Q87845 wd:Q118900 wd:Q40025058}
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OPTIONAL {?item1 wdt:P18 ?image}
OPTIONAL {?item2 wdt:P18 ?image2}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

Actors / actresses


Character roles


And here some examples how the modelling of character roles can be approached in the longer term (we did not systematically ingest the data in this manner, as we believe that it is preferable to ingest the character roles related to a work on the basis of the literary source and not on the basis of production databases):

Works and their various versions


And finally, an example of a touring theatre production based on the same performance plan as the original production:

Data Modelling Issues


This section contains the modelling decisions that were taken in view of the ingest of performing arts related data from Switzerland. In approaching the data modelling issues, we have adopted the following strategy: In a first step we took the data held by the Swiss Theatre Collection (among them data about 55'000+ professional performing arts productions) and the Swiss Dance Collection as a basis for the development of an integrated data model (Data Model for the Swiss Performing Arts Platform, Draft Version 0.51) that largely draws on existing data models in the field. In a second step, we are presently taking smaller datasets as pilot cases from which to approach the modelling issues in the context of Wikidata. Thereby, we are mapping the data structures of the source data file both against the Data Model for the Swiss Performing Arts Platform and against existing data structures (classes and properties) in Wikidata, in large parts already documented at Wikidata:WikiProject Theatre/Properties, thereby creating missing structures on the go.

In this vein, the ingest of the "Repertoire des Schauspielhauses Zürich" served as a first pilot case that brought to the fore a series of data modelling issues. Further modelling issues that appear in the context of the ingest of the data of the Swiss Theatre Collection are presently (spring 2018) added on the basis of a test ingest of a small excerpt of the database. For easier reading, (proposed) changes to the data model are indicated in "computer code format".

Representing the classes relating to the Performance Work


In the Data Model for the Swiss Performing Arts Platform, Draft Version 0.51, a distinction is made between the classes Performance (Series of Performances), Performing Arts Production, Performance Plan, and Performance Work; this allows to model rather complex cases. For the time being (summer/fall 2017), we are implementing a simplified version on Wikidata, which collapses the classes Performing Arts Production, Performance Plan, and Performance Work into one class. Thus, we will mainly use the class Performing Arts Production to model the data. In order to render guest performances, we will in addition use the class Series of Performances. The class Performance will be used only in exceptional cases, if there is a need to enter information about a specific performance. Future will show whether a more expressive data model is needed for more complex cases.

In the outset (in fall 2017), Wikidata had an entry for Performance Work: performance work (Q17538722) and a subclass of Performing Arts Production: theatrical production (Q7777570). There were no entries for Performing Arts Production and for its subclass "dance production". There was an entry for Performance: performance (Q35140), which was defined as a sub-class of Performance Work and of Event and as a super-class of "theatrical production".

The following changes to the data structures on Wikidata were made:

  • An entry for Performing Arts Production was created: performing arts production (Q43099500)   Done; it has two subclasses: theatrical production (Q7777570) and dance production (Q43099869) (newly created)   Done and the superclass Event.
  • The entry for Performance: performance (Q35140) was changed   Done: it is a subclass of Event, but not a subclass of Performance Work. Furthermore, it is not a subclass of "theatrical production", but a "representation of" Performing Arts Production (see below).
  • In order to describe guest performances, a new class series of performances (Q43100730) was created   Done; in analogy to the Data Model for the Swiss Performing Arts Platform, Draft Version 0.51, a Series of Performances is defined as "several individual representations of a Performance Work [...] in the context of a Performing Arts Production". The class is used to describe sets of performances that have something in common, e.g. all the performances of a touring production taking place at the same venue. This class may also be used if it is unknown if there was just one or several Performances of the same kind; thus, the series may contain just one Performance.

Linking Performing Arts Productions (theatrical productions) to single Performances


Linking Performing Arts Productions to single Performances is an issue when it comes to linking "guest performances" (i.e. single performances or series of performances) to the corresponding performing arts production. It would also be an issue when separate entries were to be created for the production and its premiere (which we decided to do only in exceptional cases).

Using the “part of”/”has part” relationship to link performing arts productions with their performances does not seem advisable, as either of them (theatrical productions and single performances) may consist of several parts of the same type. Following the Swiss Performing Arts Data Model, we thus suggested the creation of a new property representation of (P4646)   Done. In order to single out the premiere, the property representation of (P4646) can be used in combination with <instance of (P31)> <première (Q204854)>.

In this context, it seemed advisable to change the name of the existing property “first performance” to “date of first performance” [date of first performance (P1191)]   Done as its previous label appeared to be misleading. We also proposed to create a separate property "location of first performance" [Done: location of first performance (P4647)]  Done instead of indicating the location of first performance in form of a qualifier of "first performance".

Representing Performing Arts Productions consisting of several parts


Some Performing Arts Productions consist of several parts, e.g. two shorter plays performed one after the other on the same night. In order to render the parts, a sub-class "part of performing arts production" is to be created [To Do!]. The properties has part(s) (P527) and part of (P361) are then used to relate the production to its parts and vice versa. The qualifier series ordinal (P1545) is used to indicate the order in which the plays were performed.

Indicating premiere type and performance type at the level of the Performing Arts Production (or Series of Performances)


Both in the Schauspielhaus dataset and in the Swiss Theatre Collection's database, productions (premieres) are further characterized, mostly based on the premiere type (e.g. world premiere, language premiere, new staging, etc.), but in some cases also based on the performance type (e.g. outdoor performance) – an overview of the typology used is provided in the "Typology" section of the WikiProject Performing Arts. While these characteristics can be described at the level of a single performance, e.g. the premiere, by using instance of (P31), additional properties are used to describe them at the level of the Production (or at the level of a Series of Performances in the case of guest performances). In order to specify the type of performances (e.g. outdoor performances), the property has part(s) of the class (P2670) can be used. This property is however not adequate for the rendering of the premiere type of a Performing Arts Production, as it only applies to its first representation. We therefore suggested the creation of the following property:

A less parsimonious alternative would have been to create a separate entry for the premiere of each Performing Arts Production as well as for the first representation of each guest performance, where the date, place, and premiere type could have been indicated.

Representing the classes relating to the Work (FRBR group 1 classes)


In the Swiss Performing Arts Data Model, a distinction is made between the classes Work (original work) and Expression (primary expression of the original work, translations, adaptations, etc.). In the "Repertoire des Schauspielhauses Zürich", the information pertaining to the Work and the Expression is collapsed into one field, which leaves us with the following situation (the situation is similar for the Swiss Theatre Collection's dataset with the 55'000+ productions, although the information about the Work and its Expression may be more complete):

  • sometimes only the name of the Expression is indicated (typically in the case of German translations of works in other languages);
  • sometimes the name of the original work is indicated together with the name of the expression in brackets ("L'école des femmes (Die Schule der Frauen)", "Fast ein Poet (Touch of a Poet)");
  • in the case of plays originally in German language, the name of the original work and its primary expression coincide;
  • in some cases, the meaning of the text in brackets needs to be clarified:

Thus, a decision needs to be made how to deal with this situation in Wikidata. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the Schauspielhaus Zürich dataset also contains information about the Performance Roles occurring in the various plays. Yet, we do not know for sure whether the performance roles listed are the ones that can be found in the primary expression of the original work (or a faithful translation of the designations of these original characters) or whether the names or designations of the performance roles had been altered in the particular Expression of the Work that served as a basis for a given production. Finding out would require further research.

Collapsing a Work and all its Expressions into one item would seem like an elegant and parsimonious approach if we had to deal only with faithful translations. There are however at least two reasons why this approach would not take us very far: First, if we started to add information about the translator of each translation, things would become rather messy, even more so if there are several translations of the same play into the same language. Second, not all Expressions are faithful adaptations of the primary expression of the original Work: There are adaptations, characters' names are altered, etc. Trying to represent such variations in one single item would be a nightmare.

Therefore, the approach chosen in our modelling of the data consists in creating one item describing the Work and its primary expression and additional items for each further Expression of the Work (such as adaptations, translations, etc.). The information pertaining to the Manifestations of such expressions could most likely also be given in the same item, unless there is a good reason to distinguish several Manifestations pertaining to the same Expression. When describing such items, it should however be clear which class (Expression or Manifestation) the items belong to, and the properties should be named accordingly (e.g. an Expression does not have an ISBN number, however its Manifestation does). In most cases, the Item level of literary, musical, or choreographic Works will not need to be represented in Wikidata, as this is the realm of library catalogues or archival databases that could simply be linked to. In cases where electronic reproductions are made available on Wikimedia Commons, the Item level information may be provided in the metadata section on Commons. In the rare cases, where the Item itself is considered notable enough to deserve a Wikidata item on its own (example needed), nothing prevents us from creating such an item.

The WikiProject Books presently only distinguishes the classes "work" (frbr:Work): creative work (Q17537576) and "edition": version, edition or translation (Q3331189). The latter conflates frbr:Expression and frbr:Manifestation, although the main focus seems to be on frbr:Manifestation. As noted above, it does not make sense to describe the Work and its Expressions in one item. At the same time, the Expressions that are to be described in the context of the performing arts are not necessarily editions (often, they have not been published, but we do know who the translator or the adapter was, we know their language, etc.). Furthermore, we sometimes have information about which Expression (e.g. an adaptation) served as a basis for another Expression (e.g. a translation). We therefore suggested to further refine the model:

  • Create an additional class Expression (corresponding to frbr:Expression) [Discussion: Wikidata_talk:WikiProject_Books#frbr:Expression] to be used in the context of the performing arts if the edition (frbr:Manifestation) does not exist or is not known. The same class could also be used to link several editions (frbr:Manifestations) to a single Expression.
  • Slightly change the description of the class version, edition or translation (Q3331189): It does not conflate frbr:Expression and frbr:Manifestation, but corresponds to frbr:Manifestation; for the purpose of parsimony it may however also contain properties related to the corresponding Expression if the creation of a separate item for the Expression is not deemed necessary.

After some discussions (here and here) and some further thought, we agree to keep it simple by sticking to the class version, edition or translation (Q3331189) which conflates frbr:Expression and frbr:Manifestation. We would however suggest to change its label from "edition" to "version or edition" and to adjust its description to fully embrace frbr:Expression and frbr:Manifestation.   Done.

Furthermore, as the data source for the pilot ingest contains little information about frbr:Expression, we will simply link the Performing Arts Production to the frbr:Work it is based on. The exact designation of the frbr:Work in the database will be rendered by means of the qualifier subject named as (P1810).

Linking FRBR Group 1 classes among each other


If the model for creative works is further refined (according to the proposals made in the preceding section), we will also need additional properties to connect them.

The following properties already exist:

  • Work <based on (P144)> Work (frbr:Work) [equivalent-property: frbr:adaptationOf]
  • Work <has edition or translation (P747)> Version or Edition (frbr:Expression/frbr:Manifestation) [equivalent-property: frbr:realization ; fabio:hasManifestation].
  • Version or Edition (frbr:Expression/frbr:Manifestation) <edition or translation of (P629)> Work (frbr:Work/frbr:Expression) [equivalent-property: frbr:realizationOf; fabio:isManifestationOf; frbr:translationOf].
  • frbr:Item <exemplar of (P1574)> Work (frbr:Work/frbr:Expression) [equivalent-property: fabio:isPortrayalOf; fabio:isRepresentationOf].

The refined model requires the creation of the following properties:

  • New property: Expression <version, adaptation or translation of> Work [equivalent-property: frbr:realizationOf].
  • New property: Edition (frbr:Manifestation) <embodiment of> Expression [equivalent-property: frbr:embodimentOf].
  • New property: Expression <embodiment> Edition (frbr:Manifestation) [equivalent-property: frbr:embodiment].

Even if we stick to the simplified version, some additional properties are required to express the relationships between the various frbr:Expressions of a frbr:Work contained in the data of the Swiss Theatre Collection, such as:

  • New property: Version or Edition (frbr:Expression/frbr:Manifestation) <adaptation or arrangement of> Version or Edition (frbr:Expression/frbr:Manifestation) [equivalent-property: frbr:adaptationOf; frbr:arrangementOf] [Proposed: Wikidata:Property_proposal/adaptation_or_arrangement_of; Created: modified version of (P5059)]   Done.
  • Same property as above: Version or Edition (frbr:Expression/frbr:Manifestation) <adaptation or arrangement of> Work (frbr:Work/frbr:Expression) [equivalent-property: frbr:realizationOf; frbr:adaptationOf; frbr:arrangementOf]   Done.

What makes the ingest of these data difficult is the fact that the entries in the production databases usually just contain sufficient information to match them to a particular version of a play if that version has already been described in Wikidata; the data is usually not sufficient to describe the sometimes complex relationships between a work and its various versions from scratch.

Several Productions following the same Performance Plan


There are cases where several Performing Arts Productions follow the same Performance Plan. This is notably the case for revivals (the same play is given at the same venue during a later season, but without significant changes to the Performance Plan, but possibly with a different cast) and for touring versions of a given production (the same play is given at various venues, without significant changes to the Performance Plan, but possibly by a different production company and a different cast).

Again, it does not seem appropriate to use <based on (P144)> in this context, as the relation does not refer to a different Work, but is one between different Manifestations of the same Work (frbr:Work/frbr:Expression). Thus:

Linking the Performing Arts Production to the Work it is based on


The WikiProject Theatre suggests using manifestation of (P1557) to link the theatrical production to the Work it is based on. Alternatively, based on (P144) could be used. – Which one is preferable?

  • manifestation of (P1557) is aligned with FaBiO, where it is used to link Manifestations to Works, but not for linking Manifestations to Expressions (in the latter case, “embodiment” would be used). As Wikidata does not properly distinguish all the FRBR Group 1 classes, the distinction between “embodiment of” and “manifestation of” is not present either. In the case of the Schauspielhaus data, we do sometimes have a reference to the Work (in cases, where original works were staged), and sometimes to their Expression (in cases, where translations or adaptations were staged), although most of the time we will be able to establish the link to the original Work based on the reference to the Expression. There is however a drawback in using manifestation of (P1557) in this context, as it is not in line with the logic pursued by FRBRoo and the Swiss Performing Arts Data Model which describe the theatrical production not as a Manifestation of the original literary Work it is based on, but as a Manifestation of the Performance Work. In fact, from the point of view of scholars of the performing arts, the Performance Work represents a Work in its own place, independently from the literary Work it is based on.
  • based on (P144) has “equivalent property” Comic Book Ontology:adaptation, which would typically link an Expression to the Work. There is however no reference to FRBR on the property description page. Modelling the theatrical production as an adaptation of the original literary Work does also not feel entirely right in the context of FRBR. However, P144 has the advantage that there is no direct reference to FRBR.

In sum, based on (P144) is preferable in our case to link theatrical productions to the literary Work they are based on. The example illustrates, however, that it is useful to properly and explicitly model FRBR classes and properties in Wikidata. As a result, Comic Book Ontology:adaptation could be rightly rendered as a relation between an Expression and a Work (<version, adaptation or translation of>), while based on (P144) would be used to express relationships between separate works (including the relationship between Performance Works and the Works they are based on).

Representing Performance Roles


Adopting this nuanced approach regarding the representation of the FRBR group 1 classes still leaves us with the question how to approach the description of Performance Roles (i.e. characters in a play). In the Data Model for the Swiss Performing Arts Platform, Draft Version 0.51, Performance Roles create a link between the Work the theatrical production is based on and the Performance Work. In the context of Wikidata there would be three possible ways of attaching the Performance Roles to the Work (and/or its Expression):

  1. creating a set of items for the Performance Roles for each Expression of a Work;
  2. creating only one set of items for the Performance Roles for each Work;
  3. creating a set of items for the Performance Roles of the original expression of the Work with their faithful renderings in other languages plus additional items for every Performance Role defined by any Expression of the Work that corresponds to an additional Performance Role (character) that is not present in the original Work or substantially alters the Performance Role (character) compared to the corresponding Performance Role (character) in the original Work.

While the third option leaves some leeway for interpretation, it is much more parsimonious than the first option and at the same time much more expressive than the second option. In combination with the nuanced approach towards the rendering of Expressions, it provides a good basis for eventually sorting out the differences between various Expressions of the same Work over time in a bottom-up manner. In order to achieve this, properties are needed to describe the following relations and attributes:

  • A property linking a Performance Role (character) to a Work or an Expression saying that this Performance Role is contained (defined) in the Work or Expression (and its inverse property): present in work (P1441) / characters (P674).
  • A property linking the Performance Work (the Performing Arts Production or a single Performance) to the Performance Role: character role (P453).
  • A qualifier indicating the name or designation of the Performance Role (character role) in a given Expression of the Work: At first sight, one could think that subject named as (P1810) might be used; the scope of the present definition ("name by which a subject is recorded in a database, or participated in the production of the product") is however too narrow; it would have to be broadened. Broadening the definition however bears yet another problem: as the character role is indicated in form of a qualifier of the cast member (example), a "named as" qualifier on the same cast member would be understood to refer to the name of the cast member and not to the name of the character role. Thus, in order to properly render the names listed for example in a given theatre programme, a new property (qualifier) is needed to indicate the name of the character role: <name of the character role> [Proposed: Wikidata:Property_proposal/name_of_the_character_role; Created as' name of the character role (P4633)]  Done' next to the name of the actor, which can be indicated using <subject named as (P1810)>; the definition of <subject named as (P1810)> should be adapted accordingly, in order to cover this use case [Done for English, German, and French: subject named as (P1810)]  Done.

Note that this approach towards describing Performance Roles may lead us to many cases where Performance Roles have been linked to a particular Expression of a Work, but not to the Work itself – because the data sources do not provide any information with regard to the correspondences/alterations between the Performance Roles of the original Work and its Expression that was used as a basis for a particular Performing Arts Production. In the longer term, it may therefore be useful to create a tool that helps visualizing all the Performance Roles that are linked to the Expressions of a given Work in order to prevent the creation of duplicate entries for Performance Roles that are created when ingesting data about the Expressions of a Work.

In practice, when entering data on the basis of theatre programmes, it can be quite tricky to ingest the data creating the full link from the Performing Arts Production through the character roles to the Expression and the Work, as the following, at first sight rather easy, example illustrates: In the context of the pilot ingest of the Schauspielhaus Zürich dataset, we picked one play given in its original language (Zuckmayer's Hauptmann von Köpenick), although there are many other productions with plays that were given in translated and/or adapted versions. The item describing the exemplary theatrical production is: Der Hauptmann von Köpenick (Q40289399). Note that for reasons of simplicity, we have just entered a few actors and character roles; the play contains 60 roles, played by 33 different actors in the given production. As it is an original piece in German, the roles have been linked directly to the work (P1441 - present in work). However, the data does not directly support such a statement about the work. A work may have been adapted, translated, etc. for the purpose of the production. Thus, from one production to the other, the roles themselves or the references to the same roles as they appear on the theatre programme may differ to various degrees. It seems therefore that we need to choose from three options:

  1. Aim for maximum interlinking between productions and works; assume that no major changes have been made to the roles if there is no reference to an adaption in the theatre programme/database. In this case, we would just link all the roles directly to the work; in case of translations, we would add the German translation as German labels of the roles. This would have the advantage that all the actors that have played the same role of a given play could easily be retrieved by a query. The exact reference to the role contained in a given programme might get lost if somebody changes the label of the role, because it is possibly written differently. Similar issues may arise if for a specific production a role was created that was not present in the original work; in this case, that character may eventually be removed from the work item.
  2. We could take a more prudent approach by linking the character roles found in the theatre programmes to the expression of the work (and not to the work itself) if there is a hint of an adaptation or a translation of the work. In the case of doubt, we would create a separate item for the expression of the work (see the notes above regarding the rendering of FRBR Group 1 classes in Wikidata).
  3. Aim for maximum truthfulness to the source. In this case we would not link the roles to the work, but just name the roles along with the performers on the production item. This has the advantage that it would be easy to preserve the original reference to the role; at the price that roles would not be linked to the work. This approach could however later on be combined with approach 1 or 2 that could be pursued by taking not the theatre programmes as a reference, but the different edition of the play.

In the case of Zuckmayer’s “Captain of Köpenick”, the theatre programme lists two roles twice: “Gefreiter” and “Oberwachtmeister” appear twice, each time played by two different persons. They probably appear in different acts/scenes; but this would need to be double checked in an edition of the play, as it does not appear from the database. Furthermore, from the database we do not have an indication of the order of appearance of the two character roles of the same name in the play. – How should we approach this case? The most reasonable option seems to consist in numbering the character roles with the identical name. In order to be sure which person played which role, the theatre programme would need to be consulted. And by referring to an edition of the work, the two roles could be further characterized in order to keep them apart, e.g. “character in Zuckmayer’s play The Captain of Köpenick, appearing in act 1, scene 2”.

In the case of the Schauspielhaus Zürich ingest, we decided to postpone this kind of further research and to render the information about the character role only by means of the new property (qualifier) <name of the character role>, as this is the data that is effectively contained in the database. Researching, and properly ingesting the characters for each play could then be the object of a future project.

Note that in the case of a person playing several roles in the same production, there should be an entry as cast member for each role that was played.

See Bambi (Q43051) for how this is implemented for an animated feature film.

Representing performers


Note that in the case of the Schauspielhaus dataset, performers are generally indicated for the first performance (or for the first instance of a series of guest performances), and not for the production as such. For reasons of simplicity, we take however the entries about premieres as being representative for the entire production. Guest performances in turn are described at the level of the Series of Performances.

In contrast to the Schauspielhaus dataset, the database of the Swiss Archives for the Performing Arts contains data about productions, not premieres (i.e. changes in the cast between single performances may be indicated in the database). When we get to ingesting that data, we will need to think about to what extent and how we should render such changes in the cast on Wikidata.

Representing staff members


Listing staff members, like costume designers, choreographers, set designers, etc. at the level of the Performing Arts Production is quite straightforward. Among the roles that are contained in the Schauspielhaus Zürich dataset, only the property for the set designer was missing:

Several further roles are quite common in the data set of the Swiss Theatre Collection – for these, separate fields exist in the database. Some of them have been missing in Wikidata:

The dataset of the Swiss Theatre Collection also contains a field where further crew members are listed (especially larger productions tend to have a large number of contributors with rather specialized roles). We therefore suggest the creation of a generic property for further crew members whose exact role can be indicated using a object of statement has role (P3831) qualifier, thus:

Dealing with aliases, artistic names, etc.


In order to preserve the source information regarding the name by which a person was credited in a given context, the qualifier named as (P1810) should be used systematically when ingesting the data (and not just for cases where we are aware that an alias was used). This is the most robust approach in case of future changes of labels and/or aliases on the respective items.

Linking the theatrical production with the production company


While the Wiki Project Theatre suggests using producer (P162) to link theatrical productions to their production company (?), we would suggest using production company (P272) instead [Done: P272 was added to the property list]  Done where the producer is an organization (even in cases of one-man productions). producer (P162) should only be used to point to individuals in the occupational role of "producer"; the label of the property may be ambiguous and should be adapted accordingly [Done: producer (P162)]  Done (see:

Distinguishing buildings/venues and theatre production companies


Wikipedia typically covers both theatre buildings and theatre production companies to which they belong in one article. This is also the case with Schauspielhaus Zürich. As a consequence, the respective Wikidata item contains a mix of properties of either of them. Such items need to be cleansed before ingesting the data; separate items need to be created for the building/venue on one hand, and for the organization on the other hand:

Linking stages to venues


Example: Main Stage (Schauspielhaus Zürich) (Q39918282)

Should part of (P361) be used? (with the inverse property part of (P361) linking back from the venue to the stages). Or should location (P276) be used? – We decided to use both.

Labels of theatrical productions


How should labels of theatrical productions be rendered in the various languages?

  • We should probably use the original title in all the languages, but where should the translation of the title go? – In the alias or in brackets after the original title, e.g. Len “Der Hauptmann von Köpenick (The Captain of Köpenick)” – The decided in favor of the latter approach as it probably makes most sense in view of the generation of lists in the various languages. How about other use cases?
  • In addition, native label (P1705) can be used. Note that the original language applies to the Performance Work, and not to the Work the performance is based on.

Example items:

Theatre Seasons


A rather tricky issue concerns the representation of theatre seasons: Should theatre seasons be conceived of as a Date (Time Span) as is done in the Data Model for the Swiss Performing Arts Platform, Draft Version 0.51, in analogy to dcterms:PeriodOfTime, edm:TimeSpan, and rdac:C10010 “time span”? Or should they (also) be treated as events, such as season (Q25938183)? (Note that the latter is presently treated both as a “recurring event” and as a “time interval”):

  • In the case of a theatre season of a specific theatre (e.g. Schauspielhaus Zürich), season could be defined as an event consisting of several parts, namely the various productions of a given season. In the context of the Swiss Performing Arts Data Model, this type of season is rendered by the class “Theatre Operations”. organizer (P664) could be used to refer to the theatre production company that organizes the overall event. Furthermore, point in time (P585) could in theory be used to refer to the (Swiss/European) theatre season mentioned below; however this is presently not allowed in WD, as point in time (P585) requires an entry that is formatted like a point in time (and not a time interval). The class season (Q25938183) would seem to be appropriate for this type of season.
  • In the case of the (Swiss/European) theatre season running from 1st of August through 31 July, the focus is on the “time interval”. This type of season is strictly speaking not an event, and does not have an organizer. Given the fact that this type of “time interval” would be meaningless without the theatre “events”, it could still be modeled as season (Q25938183). Ideally, the property point in time (P585) would be used to refer to it, which is however not possible due to the format restriction (point in time).

For the sake of simplicity, we would suggest focusing just on the second approach, focusing on the time interval, thus for example European Theater Season 1947/48 (Q40008425) would be modeled as <instance of (P31)> European Theater Season (Q40008090). And the 1947 production of the "Hauptmann von Köpenick" would need to be linked to European Theater Season 1947/48 (Q40008425). To do so, we would either need to lift the constraint on <point in time (P585)> (in fact, a season is a point in time in the same way a year is) or to create a new property, e.g. <within time period> [Proposed: Wikidata:Property_proposal/within_time_period; Conclusion: the scope of' time period (P2348) has been widened to include theatre seasons]  Done'.

Repertoire des Schauspielhauses Zürich – Mapping Information


The dataset "Repertoire des Schauspielhauses Zürich" provided by the Zurich City Archives contains information about all the productions of the Schauspielhaus Zürich (Q675022) between 1938 and 1968. It thus largely constitutes a small subset of the data held by the Swiss Theatre Collection. Apart from the fact that it also lists the performance roles (while the data held by the Swiss Theatre Collection does not), it is less complex than the latter and was thus chosen as a pilot case in view of the ingestion of the entire performing arts production database held by the Swiss Theatre Collection, which contains data about 55'000 productions.

Mapping Table


The mapping table below contains the data mapping between the "Repertoire des Schauspielhauses Zürich" on one hand, and the Swiss Performing Arts Data Model as well as Wikidata on the other hand. In addition to the mapping of the data itself, it serves as a basis for the creation of the data model elements that are presently missing from Wikidata and that will continuously be added to the mapping table as they are created in the process of data ingestion.

Class (SPA / Wikidata) Property (in datafile) Property (SPA / Wikidata) Refers to class (SPA) / possible values Remarks
SPA-E17 Corporate Body

(Theatre Production Company = "Schauspielhaus Zürich")

production company (Q11396960)

Note: theatre company (Q742421) is used for theatre ensembles.


(if not "Gastspiel")

SPA-R is producer of

inverse of: production company (P272)

SPA-E9 Performing Arts Production
SPA-E14 Agent SPA-P label


String In the case of guest performances, the production company needs to be researched in the database of the Swiss Theatre Collection (the dataset contains just one true guest performance).

(if "Gastspiel")

SPA-R is producer of

inverse of: production company (P272)

SPA-E9 Performing Arts Production Check whether the Agent is always a Corporate Body, and not a Person.
SPA-E38 Time Span (Theatre Season)

subclass of: season (Q25938183)

Spielzeit (first year) SPA-P start date

start time (P580)

Date (yyyy-mm) Precise information on when the theatre season officially starts and ends is missing from the dataset and needs to be established together with the colleagues from the Swiss Archives for the Performing Arts (formerly Swiss Theatre Collection).

Example: European Theater Season 1947/48 (Q40008425)

Spielzeit (second year) SPA-P end date

end time (P582)

Date (yyyy-mm)
SPA-E22 Venue (missing information) SPA-R is operated by

operator (P137)

Corporate Body This information needs to be researched or to be established together with the colleagues from the Swiss Archives for the Performing Arts (formerly Swiss Theatre Collection).
Ortsvermerk SPA-P label


(if not "Gastspiel")

SPA-E9 Performing Arts Production theatrical production (Q7777570)

(if "Gastspiel")

SPA-E11 Series of Performances

series of performances (Q43100730)

Stück SPA-P label


native label (P1705)

String See the notes above regarding the rendering of the label.
Datum SPA-P first performance date

date of first performance (P1191)

Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Spielzeit SPA-R has date

time period (P2348)

SPA-E38 Time Span (Theatre Season)
Ortsvermerk SPA-R has location

location (P276)

SPA-E22 Venue

(if not "Gastspiel")

location of first performance (P4647) SPA-E22 Venue
Regie SPA-R has stage director

director (P57)

SPA-E14 Agent
Musik SPA-R has composer

composer (P86)

SPA-E14 Agent
Bühnenbild SPA-R has set designer

scenographer (P4608)

SPA-E14 Agent
Kostüme SPA-R has costume designer

costume designer (P2515)

SPA-E14 Agent
Choreographie SPA-R has choreographer

choreographer (P1809)

SPA-E14 Agent
Person SPA-R has performer

cast member (P161)

SPA-E15 Person Define cast member (P161) as sub-property of performer (P175); review the definitions.

Indicate the name of the Performance Role by means of the qualifier character role (P453) and/or by means of the qualifier name of the character role (P4633) that contains the string with the designation of the performance role as it appears in the source.


(if not "Gastspiel")

append the information to Dde String
Stück SPA-R is based on

based on (P144)

SPA-E2 Work

(if "Musik" = "")

SPA-P genre

genre (P136)

drama (Q39892385)

(if "Musik" != "")

drama with music (Q39894018)
Aufführungsvermerk = "Uraufführung" SPA-P premiere type

premiere type (P4634)

world premiere (Q2500107)
Aufführungsvermerk = "Erstaufführung" world premiere (of an adaption or translation of a work) (Q40249348)
Aufführungsvermerk = "Deutschsprachige Erstaufführung" language premiere (Q40248002) With the language as qualifier.
Aufführungsvermerk = "Schweizerische Erstaufführung" country premiere (Q40248880) With the country as qualifier.
Aufführungsvermerk = "Uraufführung der Nachdichtung" world premiere (of an adaption or translation of a work) (Q40249348)
Aufführungsvermerk = "Erstaufführung der Neufassung" / "Zum ersten Mal in neuer Fassung" world premiere (of an adaption or translation of a work) (Q40249348)
Aufführungsvermerk = "Wiederaufnahme" revival (Q2568341)
Aufführungsvermerk = "Freilichtaufführung" / "Freilichtaufführung im Rieterpark" has parts of the class (P2670) outdoor performance (Q40249907)
Aufführungsvermerk = "Gastspiel" / "Gastspiel..." guest performance (Q40249767)
Aufführungsvermerk = "Schülervorstellung" special performance for pupils or students (Q40250279) Could also be rendered by means of intended public (P2360)
SPA-E2 Work Stück

(if title in the original language)

SPA-P title

title (P1476)


(if title not in the original language)

(missing information) If the Work cannot be found on Wikidata, its original title needs to be researched.
Autor SPA-R has author

author (P50)

SPA-E15 Person
SPA-E15 Person (SPA-E14 Agent)

human (Q5)

group of humans (Q16334295)

Person SPA-R is performer of

<SPA-Q plays SPA-E33 Performance Role>

cast member (P161)

Qualifier: character role (P453)

SPA-E9 Performing Arts Production /

SPA-E11 Series of Performances

The performance role is indicated by means of the qualifier character role (P453) that points to the performance role and/or by means of the qualifier name of the character role (P4633) that contains the string with the designation of the performance role as it appears in the source.
Regie SPA-R is stage director of

inverse of:

director (P57)

SPA-E9 Performing Arts Production /

SPA-E11 Series of Performances

Musik SPA-R is composer of

inverse of composer (P86)

SPA-E9 Performing Arts Production /

SPA-E11 Series of Performances

Bühnenbild SPA-R is set designer of

inverse of scenographer (P4608)

SPA-E9 Performing Arts Production /

SPA-E11 Series of Performances

Kostüme SPA-R is costume designer of

inverse of costume designer (P2515)

SPA-E9 Performing Arts Production /

SPA-E11 Series of Performances

Choreographie SPA-R is choreographer of

inverse of choreographer (P1809)

SPA-E9 Performing Arts Production /

SPA-E11 Series of Performances

Notes Regarding the Interpretation of the Data in the Source Data File


Theatre troupes involved in the production


Note that the file contains both productions by the Schauspielhaus itself and guest performances by other theatre troupes. The latter have the mention "Gastspiel" in the column "Aufführungsvermerk"; in some cases the producing company is mentioned in the same column, in other cases this information in missing. In two cases, "Gastspiel Albert und Else Bassermann" and "Gastspiel Curt Götz und Valerie von Martens", "Gastspiel" does not designate guest performances, but just guest appearances of these actors in productions of the Schauspielhaus.

Performers names in brackets:

  • In one case, the performer’s name is given with an additional name in brackets: “Delmont, Karl (Karl Tscheulin)”. It may be assumed that “Karl Delmont” is the artistic name, and “Karl Tscheulin” the real name. But this would need to be double checked with the originators of the database or through further research; in fact: Theaterlexikon Schweiz lists him as “Karl Delmont” with the alias “Carl D.” (

IMDb lists an actor named “Karl Tscheulin” (

The Catalog of Copyright Entries. Part 1. [C] Group 3. Dramatic Composition and Motion Pictures. New Series. 1941 lists him as “Carl Delmont [pseud. Carl Tscheulin]”.



The status of the venues mentioned in the column "Ortsvermerk" needs further investigation: some venues are (were) operated by the Schauspielhaus itself; others are (were) possibly operated by third parties.

Types of Performances


The information provided in the column "Aufführungsvermerk" is polysemic in the sense that it both relates to a typology of performances and may in some cases contain information regarding the Expression used as a basis for the Performing Arts Production.

Regarding the performance types, a typology was established, and items for missing classes were created in Wikidata: Performance Types.

Regarding the Expression used as a basis for the Performing Arts Production there are a few entries in the column "Aufführungsvermerk" which point to a particular Expression ("Erstaufführung der Neufassung", "zum ersten Mal in neuer Fassung", "Uraufführung der Nachdichtung").

The genres (Genres of the Performing Arts) to which the different productions belong are implicit in the dataset: drama (Q39892385) (if there is no composer indicated), and drama with music (Q39894018) (if a composer is indicated). Entries for both genres had to be newly created in Wikidata.

“Spezieller Anlass”

The column "Spezieller Anlass" comprises a series of indications, such as:

  • Aufführung anlässlich des 70. Geburtstags des Autors
  • Aufführung anlässlich des 95. Geburtstags des Autors
  • Gastspiel von Zürcher Buben und Mädchen
  • Im Rahmen der Juni-Festwochen → “part of” event
  • Im Rahmen der Modewoche → “part of” event
  • Im Rahmen der Zürcher Theaterwochen → “part of” event
  • Schülervorstellung → performance type (special performance for pupils or students (Q40250279)
  • Silvesterpremière
  • Wohltätigkeitsabend "Post Faustum" zugunsten des Ensembles
  • Zur 100 jährigen Wiederkehr der UA
  • Zur 600-Jahrfeier des Eintritts des Standes Zürich in die Eidgenossenschaft

Some ideas how to model these data are indicated. See also: dedicated to (P825): person or organization to whom the subject was dedicated. To keep it simple, it is probably easiest to just add most of these notes to the German description of the item.

Issues / Potential Errors in the Source Data

  • In L'école des femmes (The School for Wives) (Q43759980), one actress (Raymone Duchâteau (Q45730267)) is only referred to by her first name. - It is the same on in the main entry; but see also the reference to Raymone Cendrars (aka Raymone, aka Raymone Duchâteau). → Merge items on Wikidata (no change required in the source dataset) .
  • Six entries refer to theatre productions consisting of the performance of two plays one after the other on the same night; they should be entered in the dataset one by one in order preserve the association between the play and the character roles. The information that the two plays are part of the same production would need to be provided in a separate field. The productions in question are:
    • 12/31/1950: Fortunios Lied; Monsieur et Madame Denis
    • 06/27/1957: Die Alkestiade; Die beschwipsten Schwestern
    • 01/06/1960: Der Apollo von Bellac; Das Lied der Lieder
    • 02/19/1960: Das Gemälde; Mittagspause
    • 06/01/1960: Herzliches Beileid; Porzellan und Elefanten
    • 04/15/1961: Die wundersame Schustersfrau; In seinem Garten liebt Don Perlimplín Belisa
  • There is a typo in the role description "Der Hass, Milchtbruder" (12/31/1940: Der Bauer als Millionär oder Das Mädchen aus der Feenwelt).
  • By chance we found out that the entries in the dataset do not always correspond to the data contained in the theatre programmes. Example: "Appollo von Bellac / Das Lied der Lieder" (1 June 1960):
Im Zusammenhang mit «Fritz Schulz» gibt es quasi zwei Doppeleinträge:
Der erste betrifft den Generaldirektor beim Apollo von Bellac:
  • Johannes v. Spallart (Programmheft);
  • Fritz Schulz (Datenbank).
Der zweite betrifft den Präsidenten beim Lied der Lieder:
  • Gert Westphal (Programmheft und Datenbank);
  • Fritz Schulz (Datenbank). Anmerkung CS (Schweizerische Theatersammlung): zu Fritz Schulz: Ich habe inzwischen noch einen alternativen Besetzungszettel gefunden, mit Fritz Schulz in beiden Rollen; er ist auch in den Premierenkritiken genannt. Die anderen beiden (v. Spallart, Westphal), sind möglicherweise bei späteren Aufführungen für ihn eingesprungen oder waren ursprünglich geplant. Können wir im Moment also guten Gewissens ignorieren.
This is the only instance where we double-checked the database with the theatre programme because the link between character roles and plays could otherwise not be established. Thus, we do not know how widespread such differences are. In any case, it would be useful if the original source(s) of the information in the dataset were indicated in the dataset description.

Inventory of Professional Theatre Productions in Switzerland (2015 release) – Mapping Information


Mapping Table


The mapping table below contains the data mapping between the Inventory of Professional Theatre Productions in Switzerland and Wikidata. In addition to the mapping of the data itself, it serves as a basis for the creation of the data model elements that are presently missing from Wikidata and that are continuously be added to the mapping table as they are created in the process of data ingestion.

For the moment, the table contains the mapping information for a small pilot ingest of data about opera productions based on the 2015 release of the dataset.

Class (SPA / Wikidata) Property (in datafile) Property (Wikidata) Refers to class (SPA) / possible values Remarks
SPA-E38 Time Span (Theatre Season)

subclass of: season (Q25938183)

Spielzeit (first year) SPA-P start date

start time (P580)

Date (yyyy-mm) Precise information on when the theatre season officially starts and ends was missing from the dataset, but has been established together with the colleagues from the Swiss Archives of the Performing Arts (formerly Swiss Theatre Collection).

Example: European Theater Season 1947/48 (Q40008425)

Spielzeit (second year) SPA-P end date

end time (P582)

Date (yyyy-mm)
SPA-E22 Venue OrtTheater (string after the colon) / Aufführungsstätte SPA-P label

Lfr / Lde / Lit

String The data about the venues should be imported from a separate data set.

In some cases, "Aufführungsstätte" further specifies the venue compared to "OrtTheater".

Ort located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) SPA-E20 Administrative Territorial Entity
(if not "Gastspiel")

SPA-E9 Performing Arts Production theatrical production (Q7777570)

(if "Gastspiel")

SPA-E11 Series of Performances

series of performances (Q43100730)

ProdTruppe production company (P272) SPA-E17 Corporate Body

(Theatre Production Company)

production company (Q11396960)

Note: theatre company (Q742421) is used for theatre ensembles.
Aufführungstitel (in accordance with Aufführungssprache) SPA-P label

Lde / Lfr / Lit

native label (P1705)

String See the notes above regarding the rendering of the label.
information contained in:


SPA-R is based on

based on (P144)

SPA-E2 Work
Aufführungssprache language of work or name (P407) Language
Premierendatum SPA-P first performance date

date of first performance (P1191)

Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Spielzeit SPA-R has date

time period (P2348)

SPA-E38 Time Span (Theatre Season)

(alternatively: Aufführungsstätte / Ort)

SPA-R has location

location (P276)

SPA-E22 Venue

(alternatively: Aufführungsstätte / Ort) (if not "Gastspiel")

location of first performance (P4647) SPA-E22 Venue
Regie SPA-R has stage director

director (P57)

SPA-E14 Agent
Regieassistenz SPA-R has assistant stage director

Newly created: assistant director (P5126)

SPA-E14 Agent
Buehnenmusik SPA-R has composer

composer (P86)

SPA-E14 Agent
Musikalische Leitung SPA-R has conductor

musical conductor (P3300)

SPA-E14 Agent
Buehnenbild SPA-R has set designer

scenographer (P4608)

SPA-E14 Agent
Chorleitung SPA-R has choral conductor

Newly created: choral conductor (P5024)

SPA-E14 Agent
Kostueme SPA-R has costume designer

costume designer (P2515)

SPA-E14 Agent
Choreographie SPA-R has choreographer

choreographer (P1809)

SPA-E14 Agent
Darsteller SPA-R has performer

cast member (P161)

SPA-E15 Person
Darsteller (orchestra, choir?) SPA-R has performer

performer (P175)

SPA-E15 Agent
Licht SPA-R has lighting designer

Newly created: lighting designer (P5026)

SPA-E14 Agent
Ton SPA-R has sound designer

Newly created: sound designer (P5028)

SPA-E14 Agent
Projektion SPA-R has projection designer

to be created: projection designer

SPA-E14 Agent
Video SPA-R has video designer

to be created: video designer

SPA-E14 Agent
Stab Div SPA-R has contributor

[to be clarified: use

contributor to the creative work or subject (P767)

or create a new property: stage crew member in analogy with film crew member (P3092), but not to be confounded with crew member(s) (P1029)]

SPA-E14 Agent To be used in combination with the qualifier object of statement has role (P3831) to further specify the contributor type, and if applicable with the qualifier of (P642) to designate to which part of the performance work the contribution applies. – Examples: Bambi (Q43051) (film); Bambi (Q2308402) (fictional character)

[To be created in the typology section: Overview table of contributor types; for a list of stage professions, see: Website of the Union of Swiss Theatres]


(if not "Gastspiel")

append the information to Dde String
Gattung = "Op" SPA-P genre

genre (P136)

opera (Q1344)
Gattung = "S" drama (Q39892385)
Premierenart = SPA-P premiere type

premiere type (P4634)

world premiere (Q2500107)
Premierenart = world premiere (of an adaption or translation of a work) (Q40249348)
Premierenart = language premiere (Q40248002) With the language as qualifier.
Premierenart = country premiere (Q40248880) With the country as qualifier.
Premierenart = world premiere (of an adaption or translation of a work) (Q40249348)
Premierenart = world premiere (of an adaption or translation of a work) (Q40249348)
Premierenart = "NI" new staging (Q40249579)
Premierenart = revival (Q2568341)
Premierenart = has parts of the class (P2670) guest performance (Q40249767)
AnzAkte SPA-P number of acts

(skip for now)

Integer See: number of parts of this work (P2635), which is not satisfactory, as it does not allow to store the unit in a multilingual format. An alternative approach has been proposed that uses has part(s) of the class (P2670) with a quantity (P1114) qualifier.

Also, it should be clarified whether this information applies to the number of acts contained in the work or the number of acts performed in the course of the given production.

AnzBilder SPA-P number of scenes

(skip for now)

Integer Same as AnzAkte.

Furthermore, it needs to be clarified how best to render "Bilder" in German. In German, there is a distinction between Akte - Bilder - Szenen; in English, both "Bilder" and "Szenen" may be rendered as "scenes".

AnzVorstellungen SPA-P number of representations

Newly created: number of representations (P5027)

SPA-E2 Work Stück

(if title in the original language)

SPA-P title

title (P1476)


(if title not in the original language)

(missing information) If the Work cannot be found on Wikidata, its original title needs to be researched.

(if not Gattung = "OP" ...)

SPA-R has author

author (P50)

SPA-E15 Person

(if Gattung = "OP" ...)

SPA-R has composer

composer (P86)

Notes Regarding the Interpretation of the Data in the Source Data File


Translation issue "Anzahl Bilder"

  • de: Akte - Bild - Szene
  • fr: acte - tableau - scène
  • en: Act - Scene.   (cf. « French scene » - « A "French scene" is a scene in which the beginning and end are marked by a change in the presence of characters onstage, rather than by the lights going up or down or the set being changed. »)

Answer Swiss Theatre Collection (STC): There is no consistent definition of “Bild / Szene” in German. Sometimes, the term “Szene” is used in its strict sense (“French Scene”), which is typical for French classical theatre, sometimes it is used more like a “chapter” in a book, i.e. the author dissects the play as they please.

Use: “scene”@en = “tableau/scène”@fr = “Bild/Szene”@de.

Example Item: Benvenuto Cellini (Q50928747) (Benvenuto Cellini)


Performers: « Nicolai Gedda, Andrée Esposito, Jacques Doucet, André Vessières, Michel Hamel, Pierre Violier, Georg Pappas, Jean Angot, Nicola Gyuzelev, Hugues Cuénod/ René Gachet, Oleh de Nyzankowsky; Bernadette Ferrasse, Jean-Pierre Ruffier, Pierre Polliand, Yves Graf, Jean-Claude Hayème, Jean-Marie Sosso; Orchestre de la Suisse Romande; Chœurs du Grand Théâtre; Ballets du Grand Théâtre »

Q: How to interpret/render semicolons and slashes in the “Darsteller” field?

STC: Slashes are used for double casts (“Doppelbesetzung”); the order should be preserved!

STC: The semi-colon separates different types of performers. The meaning of the first semi-colon in the example is unclear (soloists? singing vs. mute roles? is it a mistake?) – this should be clarified in the course of the ongoing data cleansing process.  

Q: How to interpret collectives’ names in plural form, such as “Chœurs du Grand Théâtre” or “Ballets du Grand Théâtre”?

STC: “chœurs” and “ballets” used to be considered a plurale tantum by some people.

Example Item: Orphée (Q51138260) (Orphée)


Q: How to model/render the work-version relationships? – « Orphée. Opéra en quatre actes. Livret de Ranieri de Calzabigi, adaptation française de Pierre Louis Moline, version française revue par Hector Berlioz (1866) dédiée à Pauline Viardot-Garcia »

STC: The data contained in the database is sufficient to identify the exact version of the work if the different versions of a work have been properly modelled / described, but it is not sufficient to serve as a source for the modelling of the work-version relationships from scratch.

Thus, whenever possible, the productions shall be linked to the corresponding frbr:Work (or frbr:Expression/frbr:Manifestation) item by means of the property <based on>; the qualifier <named as> shall be used to indicate how the theatrical work has been referenced in the database. This will allow liniking to the appropriate version when it has been created in Wikidata.

Example Item: Die Entführung aus dem Serail (Q51140177) (Entführung aus dem Serail)


Q: Do we have a controlled vocabulary for less common stage crew members’ roles? – « (TeschnischeLtg) Georges Hanimann, Frank Stoffel; (AtelierLtg) Michael Kraus; (Bühnenmeister) Othmar Egger, Michael Gemüth, Mike Roscher; (Schnürmeister) Daniel Andres, Marcel Keller, Jef Smith; (Maske) Anette Hummel-Kaim; (RequisiteLtg) Ronald Porawski; (Produktionsverantwortliche) Martina Wagner; (TheatertanzschuleLtg) Beate Vollack, Gina Besio; (StatisterieLtg) Inge Lörincz; (Gewandmeisterinnen) Bianca Pirchl, Barbara Bernhardt; (MalsaalLtg) Gregor Drechsler; (SchreinereiLtg) Otto Dürmüller; (Schlosserei) Ludwig Bischof; (Innendekoration) Gallus Ruf »

STC: Technical roles, such as the ones listed here, are being deleted in the course of the ongoing cleansing process; they were never supposed to be entered into the database; one volunteer kept entering them nonetheless, but they are missing from most entries.

Q: Does « Marionettes: Mirjam Ellenbroek » refer to the creator of the marionettes (crew member) or to the puppeteer (performer)?

STC: Probably to the designer of the marionettes.

Q: Do we need separate properties for less common performer types or do we use the <performer> property along with a qualifier?

STC: Not applicable in this example. There are not that many different performer types. In the context of "Kleinkunst"/"puppetry", there are puppeteers, pantomimes, etc.

Example Item: Liberté provisoire (Q51208455) (Liberté provisoire / Galas Karsenty)


Q: Do we need separate entries for each single performance (or series of performances); or is one entry for the production sufficient?

STC: The records for this type of guest performances are not necessarily complete. In the example cited, performances in the French speaking part of Switzerland are missing, as the database does not cover the relevant venues for the period in question. How SAPA will approach these cases in the future will need to be clarified with Urs Kaiser (Head documentation).

Differentiation between “drama with music” (Theater mit Musik) and “musical theatre” (Musiktheater):


STC: If the composer is indicated at the level of the Work, the genre is “musical theatre”; if the composer is indicated at the level of the Performance Work / Production, the genre is “drama with music”. This can be used as a rule of thumb for the data ingest; if there are any inconsistencies with data already present in WD, these cases can be dealt with after the ingest.