
This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Flooders and the translation is 50% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Quando usare il flood flag

Users should use the flood flag to avoid flushing other edits and actions from the RecentChanges (RC) feed when making repetitive changes. Such actions must never be controversial, as using the flood flag decreases the amount of oversight they may receive. Examples of acceptable use would be deleting a large number of pages according to Wikidata policies and guidelines, reverting a large number of non-constructive edits, or blocking many open proxies. Unacceptable uses include attempting to circumvent legitimate oversight of any controversial action, regardless of whether it is an administrator task or not.

Users may also wish to equip the flood flag when performing log actions on large numbers of usernames that are offensive or libellous (ie. bureaucrats renaming accounts, administrators performing local blocks and so on).

Aggiungere e rimuovere il flood flag

Il flag di flood è impostato e rimosso usando Special:UserRights. Gli amministratori possono aggiungersi il flag alla propria utenza; gli altri utenti possono richiederlo ad un burocrate nella bacheca dei burocrati.

Every user who has been granted the flood flag can remove it on their own after having finished the repetitive task. In some cases, a bureaucrat may remove the flood flag to force flooder's edits to appear in RC. This should be done in cases where the flooder has forgotten to remove it, or when the changes should be seen by default in RC.

Room for abuse?

One issue with the proposal as it stands is that there is room for abuse from flooders; if a flooder is making contentious edits or actions, they would be able to toggle the flood flag to prevent them from being seen or monitored from Recent Changes, which is the primary source at which new edits are displayed and observed.

L'assegnazione del flood flag è registrata presso Special:Log/rights, e mostrata nelle ultime modifiche. Gli utenti che abusano delle proprie funzionalità aggiuntive possono essere sanzionati.

Differenza con i bot

Il flood flag va inteso come rimpiazzo di un bot flag temporaneo assegnato dai burocrati. Gli utenti possono assegnarsi il flood flag o richiederlo ad un burocrate, senza dover richiedere un bot flag temporaneo.

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