Wikidata:WikiProject Narration/da
The aim of this project is to discuss, define, collect and document approaches to indicate the narrative features of stories in different media (e.g. folk tales, books, comics, films, audio plays, performances, games, etc.)
Resources about the modelling of narrative features and for informations about narration.
Models and Ontologies
- Ontological Representations of Narratives: Approach centering on "cultural archetypes"
- Drammar ontology: Character centered approach (described in Representing Dramatic Features of Stories through an Ontological Model)
- News Storyline Ontology, storyline centered approach focussing on news
Foundational Works
Introductions and reference works
Aspects of narration
Fictional entities
fictional character (Q95074), character that may or may not be fictional (Q21070598)
Agents of the narration.
- Can be distinguished by their role in the narration (e.g. main character, minor character, point-of-view character) --> narrative role (P5800)
- Can recall certain archetypes/stereotypes --> character type (P9071)
- Can have certain motivations and moral values
- Can have certain external and internal character traits --> Wikidata property for items about people (Q18608871). For distinctive personality traits personality trait of fictional character (P9652) can be used.
- Can carry out certain actions
- Are often in a certain relationship to other characters - both as part of the storyworld (father, enemy, etc.) and as part of the narration (contrasting and corresponding characters)
- one and the same entity can have different characteristics in different works --> either qualify statements that apply (only) to a certain work via applies to work (P10663) <work> or (for character versions with distinctive features) create an own item for this version of the character and link it to the original via based on (P144)/said to be the same as (P460))
- Can be a plot device, e.g. as a motivator in the story (MacGuffin (Q488733)) --> narrative role (P5800)
The events that happened in the fictional world the story is set in.
- A story can be set in a certain time and place/environment. --> narrative location (P840), set in period (P2408), set in environment (P8411), set during recurring event (P9215) on the work item
- A narrative work can recall an archetypical story (Sun, Moon, and Talia (Q2002867), The Beauty Sleeping in the Wood (Q27134782) and Little Briar Rose (Q27134855) recall the story of Sleeping Beauty (Q11824)) --> manifestation of (P1557), maybe new property <recalls> on the work item
- The events have a certain duration
- A story can feature certain events --> set in period (P2408) on the work item
The events that are told in the narrative in a certain order and with a certain emphasis.
- The events told can serve a certain purpose (e.g. cliffhanger (Q665478), deus ex machina (Q203698), flashforward (Q2533706)) --> to indicate used plot devices on the item for the whole work uses (P2283) could be used, if there are items for a (chain of) event(s) (e.g. in the form of scenes or chapters) narrative role (P5800) could be used
- The events told can take a certain place in the dramatic structure (exposition (Q2642214), <rising action>, climax (Q569250), <falling action>, denouement (Q1974893))
- The order of events told can be linear or nonlinear (nonlinear narrative (Q2894685)) --> Probably uses (P2283) can be used
- The events told have a certain duration and frequency
The point of view and voice from/with which the story is told. Characteristics of the narrator can be either indicated via narrator (P2438) or, if the narrator is a character, on the item for the character.
- with a certain level of knowledge (e.g. <omniscient narrator>) --> narrator (P2438) on the work item and/or narrative role (P5800) on the character item
- from a certain point-of-view (e.g. first-person narrative (Q616622)) --> narrator (P2438) on the work item and/or narrative role (P5800) on the character item
- with a certain focus and voice (e.g. focal character (Q5463844), viewpoint character (Q15841935), stream of consciousness (Q3284176)) --> narrative role (P5800) on the character item or uses (P2283) on the work item
- with a certain attitude
- can have a certain personality (unreliable narrator (Q650118)) --> narrator (P2438) on the work item, other personality traits can be indicated on the character item
- can be part of the story (a character)
Main themes, literary themes and narrative motifs
A narrative work can be described with respect to ideas and notions expressed in it:
- the central idea (theme (Q1053916)) --> main subject (P921) on the work item
- a common story that is given shape in this narration (stoff (Q42109240) - e.g. Cinderella (Q11841), Tristan and Iseult (Q335367), Romeo and Juliet) --> for traditional stories (folk tales, legends, etc.) manifestation of (P1557) is currently used to express this relationship, but some work could be done in this area to find a nice way to structure things
- for narrative motifs (narrative motif (Q1697305)) --> narrative motif (P6962) on the work item, can be qualified with symbolizes (P4878)
- for events featured in the narrative --> set in period (P2408) on the work item
- for objects described by the narration --> depicts (P180) on the work item
Narrations and fictional entities can refer to other works (and to reality).
- they can be influenced by something. --> influenced by (P737) (If applicable, inspired by (P941) should be used)
- they can be inspired by something --> inspired by (P941) (especially used for events that inspired a work, people who inspired a certain character or works another work is loosely based on)
- they can represent an entity --> fictional or mythical analog of (P1074)
- they can quote, allude to or reference another work --> references work, tradition or theory (P8371) (used for works mentioned or alluded to in a certain narrative work), quotes work (P6166) (used for directly quoted works), samples from work (P5707) used for works sampled by an audiovisual work
- they can be based on another work --> based on (P144) (especially used for adaptations - works a certain work is based on)
- they can be based on a work by another person --> after a work by (P1877) (especially if there is no single work by this person the work is based on (e.g. "based on characters by ..."), otherwise based on (P144) <work> is preferable)
- they may feature historical events --> set in period (P2408) on the work item
Properties and Qualifiers
There are currently two entity types used to describe narrations: fictional entities and narrative works
For characters, see Properties for fictional characters
Properties for fictional entities:
A fictional, mythical, folkloristic or legendary entity has to be marked as such by making it an (indirect) instance of fictional entity (Q14897293), mythical entity (Q24334685), folklore character (Q25810847) or legendary figure (Q13002315) (see Wikidata:WikiProject_Fictional_universes). In all other statements you can use the same properties and items that can be used in similar statements about non-fictional entities. Here are just some properties which are especially relevant for entities from stories:
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
instance of | P31 | Item | instance of: every fictional entity has to be an (indirect) instance of fictional entity (Q14897293), mythical entity (Q24334685), folklore character (Q25810847) or legendary figure (Q13002315) | Reynard <instance of> fictional fox | - |
present in work | P1441 | Item | work: the work in which the subject appears | Bowser <present in work> Super Mario | characters |
significant person | P3342 | Item | person and human whose existence is disputed: used to indicate the relation between characters, to be qualified with object of statement has role (P3831).
There exist following specialized properties for relations between characters:
Common values for object of statement has role (P3831):
| Antonie Buddenbrook <significant person> Morten Schwarzkopf | - |
narrative role | P5800 | Item | narrative role: the role the subject plays in a narration, qualified with of (P642) to indicate the work in which the subject fulfills this function (to indicate that a game character is a player character (Q1062345)/non-player character (Q466466)/boss (Q468388) use subject has role (P2868) - via discussion at Wikidata:WikiProject_Video_games (September 2018)) | Anna Karenina <narrative role> protagonist | - |
character type | P9071 | Item | stock character: the character type of the subject | Emmett Brown <character type> absent-minded professor | - |
subject has role | P2868 | Item | role: used on game characters to indicate their role in terms of game mechanics (e.g. player character (Q1062345), non-player character (Q466466), boss (Q468388)) (see discussion at Wikidata:WikiProject_Video_games (September 2018)) | Guybrush Threepwood <subject has role> player character | - |
appears in the form of | P4675 | Item | shapeshifter: form taken by the subject (e.g. by shapeshifting or other forms of transformation) | Gregor Samsa <appears in the form of> insect | - |
possessed by spirit | P4292 | Item | spirit possession: item which is spiritually possessing the subject | Janosz Poha <possessed by spirit> Vigo the Carpathian | - |
superhuman feature or ability | P2563 | Item | superpower and superhuman quality: superhuman, supernatural, or paranormal abilities that the subject exhibits | Scarlet Witch <superhuman feature or ability> reality warping | - |
personality trait of fictional character | P9652 | Item | personality trait: particular personality trait which applies to the subject | Scrooge McDuck <personality trait of fictional character> parsimony | - |
fictional or mythical analog of | P1074 | Item | persons (or other entities) the subject is supposed to represent | Earth-that-was <fictional or mythical analog of> Earth | - |
inspired by | P941 | Item | artistic inspiration and inspired: persons (or other entities) that inspired the subject | Simon Dedalus <inspired by> John Stanislaus Joyce | - |
based on | P144 | Item | based on: fictional entity the subject is derived from (for persons that inspired the subject use inspired by (P941) | Alice <based on> Alice | derivative work |
incarnation of | P3701 | Item | incarnation: incarnation of another religious or supernatural being | Thirteenth Doctor <incarnation of> The Doctor | - |
first appearance | P4584 | Item | first appearance: work in which a fictional/mythical character or entity first appeared | Sherlock Holmes <first appearance> A Study in Scarlet | - |
last appearance | P12878 | Item | last appearance: last work featuring a fictional character or item | Mary Camden <last appearance> …And Thank You | - |
narrative age | P6249 | Quantity | fictional character: age of the subject within a story world, may be qualified with of (P642). Currently age of subject at event (P3629) is also in use for this purpose (see qualifiers below). | Bart Simpson <narrative age> 10 | - |
alternate universe counterpart | P11799 | Item | fictional entity: fictional character/entity that is an alternate universe counterpart of the subject | Rosalind Lutece <alternate universe counterpart> Robert Lutece | - |
If you really want to nerd out about your favorite character, consider if the following properties might apply:
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
lifestyle | P1576 | Item | lifestyle: Does your Character practice vegetarianism (Q83364) or is she an hermit (Q189829) or is he in the high society (Q17126676)? more values | Malcolm Reynolds <lifestyle> outlaw | - |
medical condition | P1050 | Item | health problem and physiological condition: Like post-traumatic stress disorder (Q202387) or claustrophobia (Q186892) | Henry DeTamble <medical condition> chrono-impairment disorder | - |
political ideology | P1142 | Item | political ideology: political ideology of an organization or person or of a work (such as a newspaper) | Aang <political ideology> pacifism | - |
social classification | P3716 | Item | social class, personnal status in France and social status: social class as recognized in traditional or state law | Sally Hemings <social classification> enslaved person | - |
interested in | P2650 | Item | item of special or vested interest to this person or organisation | European Holocaust Research Infrastructure <interested in> The Holocaust | - |
Properties for narrative works:
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
characters | P674 | Item | fictional character: the characters appearing in a work, can be qualified with object of statement has role (P3831)/narrative role (P5800) (see qualifier section below) to indicate the role of a character in the narration | The Sleeping Beauty <characters> wicked fairy godmother | present in work |
narrator | P2438 | Item | narrator: the character or actor narrating the story or the type of narrator used to narrate the story | The Usual Suspects <narrator> unreliable narrator | - |
uses | P2283 | Item | use: could be used to indicate the narrative techniques used in a work (maybe there should be an own property) | The Neverending Story <uses> story within a story | used by |
narrative location | P840 | Item | narrative location: location a work is set in | The Man Without Qualities <narrative location> Vienna | - |
set in environment | P8411 | Item | narrative environment: environment (geographic feature, building type, etc.) the narrative work is set in | shower scene of Psycho <set in environment> bathroom | - |
set in period | P2408 | Item | historical period: period a work is set in, events featured by a work | Mephisto <set in period> 1930s | - |
set during recurring event | P9215 | Item | recurring event: recurring event (e.g. season, month, holiday) during which this fictional work is set | Lady Snowblood <set during recurring event> winter | - |
influenced by | P737 | Item | social influence: ideas, developments, disciplines, etc. that remarkably influenced a certain work | Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde <influenced by> criminology | - |
inspired by | P941 | Item | artistic inspiration and inspired: works, events or persons which inspired a certain work | Cyrano de Bergerac <inspired by> Cyrano de Bergerac | - |
based on | P144 | Item | based on: work(s) this work is derived from | Daphnis and Chloe <based on> Daphnis and Chloe | derivative work |
references work, tradition or theory | P8371 | Item | reference: works a certain work refers to | 1Q84 <references work, tradition or theory> Sinfonietta | - |
quotes work | P6166 | Item | source of information: work this work directly quotes | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows <quotes work> 1 Corinthians 15 | - |
after a work by | P1877 | Item | creative work: person whose work inspired a certain work | Batman & Robin <after a work by> Bob Kane | - |
manifestation of | P1557 | Item | manifestation: tale type another work is a manifestation of | Sun, Moon, and Talia <manifestation of> Sleeping Beauty | - |
has spin-off | P2512 | Item | spin-off: spin-off of this series (use plot expanded in (P5940) for other kinds of work) | All in the Family <has spin-off> Maude | - |
plot expanded in | P5940 | Item | sequel, prequel and tie-in: a work that expands the narrative in this work (see also has spin-off (P2512) for series); may be qualified with object of statement has role (P3831) to specify the kind of expansion (sequel (Q261636), prequel (Q678345), tie-in (Q1187053)) | Where No Man Has Gone Before <plot expanded in> To Boldly Go: Part I | - |
main subject | P921 | Item | topic, topic and subject: the main idea of a narrative work (according to sources). May be contested (in this case one can use qualifiers like statement disputed by (P1310), statement supported by (P3680)) | Lolita <main subject> solipsism | statement is subject of |
depicts | P180 | Item | depicting object: an object (e.g. event) described by the narration. | The Tin Drum <depicts> Kristallnacht | depicted by |
narrative motif | P6962 | Item | narrative motif: thematic unit used to develop a theme, mood or plot. May be qualified with symbolizes (P4878) | Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde <narrative motif> doppelgänger | - |
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
applies to work | P10663 | Item | used to restrict a statement to a certain narrative work, replaces the previous uses of of (P642) or present in work (P1441) | Maleficent <narrative role> protagonist <applies to work> Maleficent | - |
narrative role | P5800 | Item | narrative role: to indicate the role a fictional entity plays in a certain narrative work, as a qualifier to characters (P674) (Please note the discussion at Property_talk:P5800 (November 6th, 2018). Currently the use as a statement seems to be preferred) | Sleeping Beauty <characters> Maleficent <narrative role> antagonist | - |
object of statement has role | P3831 | Item | role: to indicate the game function of a character in a certain game (e.g. player character (Q1062345), non-player character (Q466466), boss (Q468388)), as a qualifier to characters (P674) | Life Is Strange <characters> Chloe Price <object of statement has role> non-player character | - |
relative to | P2210 | Item | reference point: to indicate the entity a statement is true relative to | The Little Man <narrative role> foil <relative to> Pink Panther | - |
age of subject at event | P3629 | Quantity | age of a person: to indicate the age of a character in a certain work (it's uses could probably be replaced with narrative age (P6249) as a statement) | Bilbo Baggins <present in work> The Hobbit <age of subject at event> 50 | - |
time index | P4895 | Quantity | time: to indicate at what moment in a certain work (e.g. minute, chapter, fictional unit of time) a statement is true. | 1Q84 <narrative location> Shibuya-ku <time index> 3 chapter | - |
symbolizes | P4878 | Item | symbol: as a qualifier to present in work (P1441) or narrative motif (P6962) for fictional entities or Motifs said (by appropriate sources) to represent or embody an abstract concept in a certain work. | Engywook <present in work> The Neverending Story <symbolizes> science | - |
statement is regarded as spoiler for | P7528 | Item | spoiler: as a qualifier to any claim to indicate that this could be a spoiler | The Narrator <said to be the same as> Narrator <statement is regarded as spoiler for> Fight Club | - |
nature of statement | P5102 | Item | to indicate the nature of the statement. Special uses for statements about fictional entites:
| The Addams Family <named after> Charles Addams <nature of statement> out-of-universe perspective | - |
Identifiers that may be relevant for narratives
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
Aarne–Thompson–Uther Tale Type Index | P2540 | String | Aarne–Thompson–Uther classification system: index used to classify folktales | Cinderella <Aarne–Thompson–Uther Tale Type Index> 510A | - |
Identifiers that may be relevant for elements of narratives.
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
Archive of Our Own tag | P8419 | External identifier | tag for this item on Archive of Our Own | Harry Potter <Archive of Our Own tag> Harry Potter | - |
Fandom article ID | P6262 | External identifier | Fandom article: identifier of an article on Fandom (Wikia). Format: subdomain:Page_title (language-code.subdomain:Page_title for non-English wikis) | Kermit the Frog <Fandom article ID> muppet:Kermit_the_Frog | - |
Goodreads character ID | P6327 | External identifier | identifier for a fictional character on Goodreads | Rincewind <Goodreads character ID> 26569 | - |
Iconclass notation | P1256 | External identifier | Iconclass code that corresponds with an artistic theme or concept. For artworks, use P1257 (depicts Iconclass notation) | milkmaid <Iconclass notation> 47I22311 | - |
Comic Vine ID | P5905 | External identifier | identifier at the Comic Vine database of comic books, fictional characters, people, films and television series/episodes | Batman <Comic Vine ID> 4005-1699 | - |
TV Tropes ID | P6839 | External identifier | film/TV trope: identifier in the TV Tropes online wiki | Game of Thrones <TV Tropes ID> Series/GameOfThrones | - |
MyAnimeList character ID | P4085 | External identifier | identifier for a fictional character on MyAnimeList | Sagara Sanosuke <MyAnimeList character ID> 149 | - | character ID | P6296 | External identifier | identifier for a character or group of characters on (Bangumi/Chobits) | Freyja Wion < character ID> 36560 | - |
INDUCKS character ID | P4479 | External identifier | identifier for a character of the Disney Universe | Donald Duck <INDUCKS character ID> DD | - |
Marvel character ID | P5621 | External identifier | identifier for a character on the website | Scott Lang <Marvel character ID> 1010801 | - |
LGBTFansDB character ID | P6780 | External identifier | identifier for a character entry on LGBT fans deserve better database | Lily Aldrin <LGBTFansDB character ID> lily-aldrin-met-mother | - |
AniDB character ID | P5648 | External identifier | identifier for a character in AniDB database, if multiple identifiers are available for one character, use the smallest number one | Nanachi <AniDB character ID> 89866 | - |
Behind The Voice Actors character ID | P5107 | External identifier | identifier of a character from the Behind The Voice Actors website | Rei Ayanami <Behind The Voice Actors character ID> Evangelion/Rei-Ayanami | - |
FFF character ID | P5620 | External identifier | identifier for a character on the Franco Fossati Foundation website | Diabolik <FFF character ID> d/diabolik | - |
AnimeClick character ID | P5847 | External identifier | identifier of character from AnimeClick database | Goku <AnimeClick character ID> 5986 | - |
Cultureel Woordenboek ID | P3569 | External identifier | identifier for a concept in the Dutch Cultureel Woordenboek ('Cultural Dictionary') | Sisyphus <Cultureel Woordenboek ID> mythologie/sisyfos | - |
Getty Iconography Authority ID | P5986 | External identifier | identifier from the Getty Iconography Authority | Shiva <Getty Iconography Authority ID> 901000021 | - |
CERL Thesaurus ID | P1871 | External identifier | identifier in the Consortium of European Research Libraries Thesaurus | Simone da Lesina <CERL Thesaurus ID> cnp00166993 | - |
Visual Novel Database ID | P3180 | External identifier | identifier at the Visual Novel Database | Do You Like Horny Bunnies? <Visual Novel Database ID> v133 | - |
Giant Bomb ID | P5247 | External identifier | identifier at the Giant Bomb database of video games, fictional characters and voice actors | Halo 2 <Giant Bomb ID> 3030-7110 | - |
GND ID | P227 | External identifier | GND ID: identifier from an international authority file of names, subjects, and organizations (please don't use type n = name, disambiguation) - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek | Universe <GND ID> 4079154-3 | - |
VIAF ID | P214 | External identifier | VIAF ID: identifier for the Virtual International Authority File database [format: up to 22 digits] | Stan Lauryssens <VIAF ID> 120062731 | - |
NLP ID (old) | P1695 | External identifier | National Library of Poland unique identifier. Format: "a" followed by 13 digits. For the newer 16-digit format use P7293 | Jan Stanisław Skorupski <NLP ID (old)> a0000001110784 | - |
IdRef ID | P269 | External identifier | IdRef: identifier for authority control in the French collaborative library catalog (see also P1025). Format: 8 digits followed by a digit or "X" | Victor Hugo <IdRef ID> 026927608 | - |
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID | P268 | External identifier | Bibliothèque nationale de France: identifier for the subject issued by BNF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Format: 8 digits followed by a check-digit or letter, do not include the initial 'cb'. | René Magritte <Bibliothèque nationale de France ID> 123735831 | - |
Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID | P1417 | External identifier | identifier for an article in the online version of Encyclopædia Britannica | Alfred Hitchcock <Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID> biography/Alfred-Hitchcock | - |
Disney A to Z ID | P6181 | External identifier | Disney A to Z: ID of article in online version of Disney A to Z | Mickey Mouse <Disney A to Z ID> mickey-mouse | - |
Quora topic ID | P3417 | External identifier | identifier for a topic on Quora (English language version) | Wikidata <Quora topic ID> Wikidata | - |
Missing properties and qualifiers
Should there be an own property to indicate the narrative techniques used in a work or is benutzt (P2283) sufficient?
Some items in the field where some work was done, for inspiration and discussion (please add other interesting items if you find them):
See also the work done in Fiction WikiProjects dedicated to one work/universe, like
Related WikiProjects
- Wikidata:WikiProject_Fictional_universes
- Wikidata:WikiProject_Books
- Wikidata:WikiProject_Movies
- Wikidata:WikiProject_Performing_arts
- Wikidata:WikiProject_Theatre
- Wikidata:WikiProject_Video_games
- Wikidata:WikiProject Media Representation
- Wikidata:WikiProject Anime and Manga
- Wikidata:WikiProject_Antiquity/Mythology
- Wikidata:WikiProject_Digital_Narratives
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