Wikidata:WikiProject Retractions




Welcome to WikiProject Retractions
Do not cite it unless you know what you're doing.

About edit

This WikiProject is about creating data models and populating content in Wikidata about retraction (Q45203135), retraction notice (Q7316896), research articles about retracted research, popular press about retraction, Wikipedia articles about retracted research (e.g. controversies), and related concepts.

How should instances of retraction notice (Q7316896), retracted paper (Q45182324) and related be indicated in Wikidata (Q2013)?

  1. By the use of instance of (P31) set to retracted paper (Q45182324) etc. This approach has initially been used by fnielsen, see, e.g., THIS ARTICLE HAS BEEN RETRACTED Exercise induces interleukin-8 expression in human skeletal muscle (Q56242174).
  2. By using the genre property. This approach has initially been suggested by Daniel Mietchen.
  3. By suggesting a new property
  4. By using significant event. This has been used as an auxiliary approach by fnielsen (but not as the main approach), see, e.g., THIS ARTICLE HAS BEEN RETRACTED Exercise induces interleukin-8 expression in human skeletal muscle (Q56242174). This allows the retraction to show up in the timeline of Scholia.

Properties edit

These properties should be tagged with on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008): WikiProject Retractions (Q56477066).

Existing edit

Proposed edit

To be proposed edit

Out of scope edit

Items edit

Existing edit

Out of scope edit

To be created edit

Literature edit

Scholia edit

Tools edit

  • WD:SourceMD — to create / edit items about publications, and link them with authors if the publication's DOI is listed in their ORCID profile

Subpages edit

This WikiProject has the following subpages:

Participants edit

The participants listed below can be notified using the following template in discussions:
{{Ping project|Retractions}}

See also edit