Category:Properties by subject
Category:Property by topic navigation templates
point in time (P585) . floruit (P1317) . production date (P2754) . publication date (P577) . year of publication of scientific name for taxon (P574) . date popularized (P12643)
refine date (P4241)
earliest date (P1319) . earliest end date (P8554)
latest date (P1326) . latest start date (P8555) . latest end date (P12506)
date of the first one (P7124) . date of the latest one (P7125) (for qualifying quantities)
Physical numerical values listed under User:Swpb#Physical
Items with 1D extent
Items with 2D extent
list of Wikidata reasons for deprecation (Q52105174)
list of Wikidata reasons for preferred rank (Q76637123)