
This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Deletion policy and the translation is 67% complete.




  • 項唔符合收錄指引
  • 明顯係搞搞震。
  • 項無任何數據,或者空白。
  • 以上列出嘅情況之外合情理嘅理由。
  • 當喺維基數據:刪版請求討論達成共識刪項。


  • 項跳轉去另一項。


Other pages may be deleted when:


Translations of pages may be deleted for any of the reasons in the above section, by a user who is both a translation administrator and an administrator. Any administrator who is not a translation administrator may self-grant the rights to their account without a vote, as described on the translation administrator policy page.


Admins can delete revisions or log entries when:

  • They reveal private or personal information, including a logged out user's IP address.
  • They contain a violation of copyright.
  • They contain defamatory content.
  • They contain harassment or other personal attacks of a serious nature.

In any case where oversight is warranted, admins are strongly encouraged to revision-delete the edits in question until the oversight can be performed; however, if privacy is a concern, they should avoid using summaries that draw greater attention to the edits, and should never use summaries that reference the specific content of the page. Remember also that revision deletion actions show up in watchlists, whereas Oversight actions do not; admins are thus urged to use their discretion on a case-by-case basis, prioritizing a balance between redaction of sensitive information and not highlighting such information.