Esta página em síntese: Quando unir itens, tenha a certeza absoluta que o assunto é o mesmo, depois utilize o gadget Unir. Não movas as afirmações manualmente porque o redirecionamento não será criado. Se não tem a certeza, peça ajuda. |
Uma fusão realiza-se quando dois ou mais elementos existentes na Wikidata tratam do mesmo tema, conceito ou objeto. trata-se de um processo em vários passos: primeiro faz falta reunir todos os dados dos elementos numa sozinha página (elemento receptor), e finalmente redirecionar a página obsoleta à nova.
Uma fusão pode ser realizada tanto de maneira automática como manual, transladando os links de sites de lugar e as declarações para um iten, e redirecionar depois o elemento ou elementos obsoletos. As fusões automáticas com o gadget de fusão são mais fáceis de processar.
Esta guia explica como habilitar as fusões automáticas mediante a ativação do gadget "Fundir" nas suas preferências, ou utilizando a ferramenta Special:MergeItems. Se isto falhar, também explica os passos que faz falta seguir para realizar uma fusão manual.
If you have any questions about merging items, feel free to ask them on the Project Chat.
Aviso: Wikidata item IDs are designated as persistent identifiers. Therefore, merged items should be redirected. Never reuse merged items for other things. |
Comprova que estás seguro
Assegura-te que os itens tratam realmente do mesmo tema, conceito ou objecto. poderia ter pequenas diferenças que fariam necessária a existência de dois ou mais itens.
- en:tree → de:Baum (Palavra Alemã para árvore)
- Merge?
- Reason: Os sites são sobre o mesmo conceito (tree) e portanto não faz falta fusionar-los no elemento (multilingue) iten, tree (Q10884)
- en:tree → de:Eichen (palavra em alemão para "carvalho")
- Merge?
- Reason: os elementos tratam de conceitos similares mas subtilment diferentes, e portanto têm de seguir separados em dois elementos, tree (Q10884) e Quercus (Q12004), respectivamente
- Miller (family name) → Miller (disambiguation page)
- Merge?
- Reason: These are different concepts, even if some Wikipedia articles include family names on disambiguation pages. They should remain separate as two items; Miller (Q1605060) and Miller (Q304896), respectively
Se não estás seguro (por exemplo, devido a dificuldades na tradução de vários idiomas), ou vos encontrais com links de site que parecem incoherentes, é melhor que comentais o problema a conflitos interwiki.
Fusão automática
Há duas maneiras de realizar uma fusão automática: O Merge gadget ou a página especial "Merge two items".
Tenha em conta que, apesar que as fusões automáticas parar-se-ão se se produzir um conflito interwiki, tens de comprovar igualmente que os elementos são os mesmos, já que as ferramentas simplesmente realizam a fusão que vós decidistes fazer.
Merge.js é um gadget realizado por Ebrahim que ajuda a transladar os links de sites, as etiquetas, as descrições, os alias, e as declarações com referências.
Para habilitar esta função, abre as Preferências, seleciona Gadgets, marca o botão Merge e faz clique ao botão Salvar. Para utilizá-la, abre o elemento recetor ou o obsoleto, vai ao menu desplegável à esquerda de "Procura" na barra superior e seleciona "Fusiona-o com..." e introduza o identificador do outro elemento no auxiliar de fusão. Finalmente, faz clique a "Fusiona".
Também podes utilizar a página Special:MergeItems para pôr em marcha a fusão de dois itens: todas as etiquetas, descrições, alias, links de site e declarações transladar-se-ão de um elemento ao outro. Introduza o Q#### (não as etiquetas) no campos correspondentes: o do elemento receptor (para o qual faz-se a fusão) e o do obsoleto (desde o qual faz-se a fusão).
If you need assistance with the special page, please use Wikidata:Project chat.
Special:MergeLexemes can be used to trigger a merge of two lexemes if (only if) the lemma, the language and the lexical category are identical. If one of them isn't identical, it may be that this can be corrected first.
Enter the L#### in the fields specifying which is the recipient lexeme ("The ID to merge to") and which is the obsolete lexeme ("The id to merge from").
A ferramenta QuickStatements 2 (Q29032512), e a sua antecessora, QuickStatements (Q20084080), permite aos usuários de unir uma quantidade de itens. Veja as instruções.
Marque como duplicado
If two items can't be merged because of two different articles at a Wikipedia, these can be marked for merging with markasduplicate.js.
The script also adds instance of (P31) = Wikimedia duplicated page (Q17362920) to the redundant item.
Manual merge: step by step
Manual merge steps (automatic merge is generally preferred) |
Select recipient itemOnce it has been decided that two or more items should be merged, one item will be selected to be the recipient item (i.e. the item you are merging to) for sitelinks and statements. The recipient item is usually the item that is used more often (possible indicators are the quality of sitelinks or the number of sitelinks and statements). When in doubt, it's best to choose the item with the lowest Q####, as it will be the older item (meaning the one created before the others).
Mover links de sítiosSitelinks can be moved manually from one item to another by first removing the link(s) from the obsolete item(s) (i.e. the item(s) you are merging from), and then adding it to the recipient item. If you try to add the sitelink to the recipient item before removing it from the obsolete item(s), there will be a conflict. There is a gadget in your preferences called Move that gives users the ability to move sitelinks quickly. Once the gadget is enabled, go to the obsolete item, click the icon next to the sitelink you wish to move, then input the Q#### of the recipient item.
Transladar a etiqueta e a descriçãoCorrect labels, descriptions and aliases that are present in the obsolete item, but not present in the recipient item, should simply be added to the recipient item. If a different label is already present, you can add the label of the obsolete item as an alias. To check which labels, descriptions and aliases are present in various languages, it is advisable to turn on the labelLister gadget in your preferences. To activate the labelLister gadget for a given item, click on the "Label List" tab at the top right of the item page. Upon clicking on it, you will see a pop-up with a list of all labels, descriptions, and aliases available by language code. The autoEdit gadget (also under preferences) can in some cases be used to generate new labels and descriptions for the recipient item, which may be easier than moving them from the obsolete item. Once activated, the gadget will appear in the left sidebar menu under "Tools" with the label "Automatic addition."
Declarações de moverCorrect statements that are present in the obsolete item, but not present in the recipient item, should simply be added to the recipient item. Be sure not to add statements that are already present but keep in mind that it's possible to add multiple values to one property in Wikidata.
Criar um redirecionamentoOnce all the sitelinks, properties, labels, and descriptions have been moved and copied over to the recipient item, the obsolete item can then be redirected. The Merge gadget provides the easiest way to do this. Redirects can also be created using Special:RedirectEntity. Furthermore, User:PLbot will create redirects for all merged items which are not redirected yet (Task 10). |
Fundir itens com conflitos de links de sítio
If there is a sitelink conflict, items can't be merged as only one link per site is possible.
Until the two pages at the site (e.g. articles at English language Wikipedia) are merged, two items have to be kept at Wikidata.
- One of the two items should be marked with instance of (P31)Wikimedia duplicated page (Q17362920) and qualifier of (P642)the other (main) item. Usually the more recent item should be marked. Wikidata:Database reports/Identified duplicates lists all such items.
- Statements, other sitelinks and labels/descriptions can be moved from the redundant item to the main item.
- Once the articles at the site are merged, the two items can be merged and instance of (P31)Wikimedia duplicated page (Q17362920) deleted.
Note the tool Mark as duplicate above.
If the sitelink conflict is due to an article and a redirect pointing to the same article, the redirect can be removed and the items merged.
Dealing with items where both have a Wikipedia link to the same Wikipedia
A Wikidata item can only have one Wikipedia link so it's not possible to re-add both links after merging. If one link is to a redirect and the other is to a proper Wikipedia article, then remove the link to the redirect and merge. If, however, both links are to proper Wikipedia articles, you should not leave any of those Wikipedia articles without a linked Wikidata item. Sometimes that means moving the Wikipedia link to a more appropriate item. Other times it means asking in Wikipedia for the articles to be merged when they are duplicates. If Wikipedia doesn't merge their articles, we don't merge the items here on Wikidata.
Encontrando elementos para fundir
Now that you know how to merge, you can make use of your new skill at various places on Wikidata where potential duplicates are found/listed. These places include:
- Wikimedia tool which has gamified the merging process, offering candidate pages to potentially be merged by the user
User:Ivan A. Krestinin/To merge
- lists of merge candidates based on similar page title strings
- lists of merge candidates based on sitelink names being identical
- lists of merge candidates based on values of a property being same in two items
- finds items containing only one sitelink to a Wikimedia site (which therefore may need to be merged with other items linked to different Wikimedia language versions of the same page)
- lists items in a given category that are linked to articles in Wikipedia A but not in Wikipedia B
- summary of constraint violations for properties; in particular, "Unique value" violations may indicate a duplication
- list of items having at least one sitelink which is due to a bug used in another item
Wikidata:Database reports/identical birth and death dates
- based on date of birth (P569) and date of death (P570)
Wikidata:Database reports/Identified duplicates
- items with Wikimedia duplicated page (Q17362920) waiting for Wikipedia to merge
Wikidata:VIAF/cluster/linking to multiple Wikidata items
- items which, according to VIAF (see VIAF ID (P214)), are related to the same person - VIAF may sometimes be wrong
Other pages and projects in the Category:Merge candidates
Feel free to add any more useful pages or delete ones that are not actively updated!
Canceling a wrong merge could be done in a few steps:
- Go to the history page of the item onto which the merge has been done and restore the revision just before the merge.
- Go to the history page of the merged item and restore the revision just before the merge.
The order is important (especially if the item has sitelinks) because articles can be linked to at most one item. So they should first be deleted on the item which got all the linked before they could be restored on the other one.
Some bots (KrBot for example) are known to replace the redirected items in statements with their target redirects a certain period of time (24 hours for KrBot) after the merge. The next step is to ping bot owners (like Ivan A. Krestinin) so they can run the code to cancel the if that period of time passed and some bot did the substitution, so that the statements can be restored with the right item.
On a closely related topic, the help page Help:Split an item will help you if the item has not been merged but if statements on two topics are mixed-up on a unique item for some reason. It has guidelines on how to divide the statements on two items without re-entering the information by hand.
Ver também
- Help talk:Merge, to propose or request a merge
Para páginas de Ajuda relacionadas, veja:
- Help:Deduplication
- Help:Conflation of two people
- Help:Sitelinks, que explica quais são os links do site e quais regras seguem
- Wikidata:Interwiki conflicts, para informar de conflitos interwiki
- Wikidata:Requests for deletions, for nominating items for deletion
- Wikidata:Tools, freely available tools for working with Wikidata
For additional information and guidance, see:
- Project chat, for discussing all and any aspects of Wikidata
- Wikidata:Glossary, the glossary of terms used in this and other Help pages
- Help:FAQ, frequently asked questions asked and answered by the Wikidata community
- Help:Contents, the Help portal featuring all the documentation available for Wikidata