Wikidata:Status updates/2020 06 29

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2020-06-29.



Tool of the week


Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • Wikibase Live sessions is coming back with the first call about Data Modeling in the context of Libraries happening on Thursday, July 2nd at 1600 UTC.

Did you know?



  • It is now possible to search for EntitySchema pages using a shortcut “E:”, similar to “P:” for Properties and “L:” for Lexemes. For example: E:E10 or E:kakapo. T245529
  • Continued working on the first version of Federation, which will allow other Wikibase installations to use Wikidata's Properties - getting closer to a first testable version
  • More work on consistency of user interface components
  • Finalizing the click-dummy for the first version of the Query Builder so we can start testing it with some editors soon and get feedback.
  • Continuing to investigate how to improve our APIs and other ways to improve access to the data in Wikidata for programmers
  • Discussed the future of the Wikidata Query Service and ideas for next steps we can take to make it scale better. Guillaume will join the next office hour to talk about it.
  • More work on clearer separation of Wikibase repository and Wikibase client code in order to improve maintainability

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Monthly Tasks
