Hëllef:Navigéieren duerch Wikidata/Benotzeroptiounen

This page is a translated version of the page Help:Navigating Wikidata/User Options and the translation is 45% complete.

Dës Säit liwwert Informatiounen iwwer e puer Benotzeroptiounen déi fir registréiert Benotzer vu Wikidata disponibel sinn. Hei stinn och Tipps fir Benotzerastellungen esou ze maache fir de Maximum aus deem erauszehuele wat Wikidata unzebidden huet.

E registréierte Benotzer ass e Benotzer, deen e Benotzerkont opgemaach huet a sech op Wikidata oder en anere Wikimedia-Projet (iwwer den eenheetleche Login) ageloggt huet.

Bedenkt datt d'Benotzeroptiounen déi op dëser Säit beschriwwe sinn nëmme fir déi disponibel sinn déi schonn e Benotzerkont fir Wikidata ugeluecht hunn. Och wann et net néideg ass fir e Benotzerkont unzeleeën fir bei dësem Projet matzemaachen, esou gëtt et awer ugeroden. E Benotzerkont uleeën ass einfach a gratis an Dir braucht weder Ären Numm nach aner perséinlech Daten unzeginn. Et ass och méiglech Iech mat Ärem Benotzernumm a Passwuert deen Dir schonn op anere Wikimedia-Projeten iwwer SUL, deen en eenheetleche Benotzer-Login fir all Projeten erméiglecht, anzeloggen.


De Menü mat den Astellunge fir Wikidata
Den Tool fir d'Sprooch erauszesiche fannt Dir uewen op der Säit
Den Abschnitt "An anere Sproochen" vun enger Säit vun engem Element
Babel user information
lb-0 Dëse Benotzer versteet kee Lëtzebuergesch (oder versteet et just mat grousse Schwieregkeeten).
lb-1 Dëse Benotzer huet Grondkenntnisser am Lëtzebuergeschen.
lb-2 Dëse Benotzer huet erweidert Kenntnisser am Lëtzebuergeschen.
lb-3 Dëse Benotzer huet ganz gutt Kentnisser am Lëtzebuergeschen.
lb-4 Dëse Benotzer beherrscht Lëtzebuergesch bal wéi seng Mammesprooch.
lb-5 Dëse Benotzer huet professionell Kenntnisser am Lëtzebuergeschen.
lb-N Dësem Benotzer seng Mammesprooch ass Lëtzebuergesch.
Users by language

There are many reasons why you might want to customize your language settings. For instance, you may want to view Wikidata in a specific dialect which is a distinct variety of a language (Canadian English and Brazilian Portuguese are considered dialects of English and Portuguese). If you know multiple languages, you may want to view and add information about items—such as labels, descriptions, and aliases—in all the languages you understand while editing Wikidata.

You can set your language preferences in one of three ways: via the "Preferences" link in user options, by using the Universal Language Selector, or through the Babel extension (#babel template).

Language fallback chain

Only the Universal Language Selector and Babel extension allow you to specify a language fallback chain. The fallback chain refers to Wikidata's systematic way of displaying content to you when it is not available in your primary language of preference. For example, if you have indicated that you know language X, Y, Z, but a page is not available in X or Y, you will automatically be provided with a Z version of the page. You can view your current language fallback chain at Special:MyLanguageFallbackChain. Note that level 0 for a language still adds it to the language fallback chain.

Features which use the user's language fallback chain:

Features which use the default language fallback chains:

  • HTML page title and H1 heading on item pages
  • Claims with the data type "item" displayed on item pages
  • {{Q}} template
  • API call wbgetentities with parameter languagefallback=1

Menü vun den Astellungen

Dës Optioun ass déi einfachst an déi bescht fir Benotzer déi Wikidat nëmmen an enger Sprooch liesen an änneren.

You can update your language settings by clicking on the "Preferences" link at the top of any page. You can also reach the Preferences menu (when logged in) by visiting Special:Preferences. On the first tab titled "User profile," scroll down to the "Internationalisation" section. Select your preferred language from the drop-down menu and hit "Save" at the bottom of the page to save your settings. Dialects of languages are available for selection, however, full translations of site pages may not exist for them; if you would like to read and edit Wikidata in a dialect, it is therefore recommended that you use one of the other language setting options in order to state your language fallback chain.

Universellen Tool fir d'Sprooch ze wiesselen

This option is best for users who will be contributing to Wikidata in a language that is not fully supported by the default Wikidata input settings and/or their native keyboard.

You can access the Universal Language Selector (ULS) by clicking on the following icon found at the top of any page:  . The ULS provides a mechanism for configuring your language settings for both the Wikidata interface and your input methods (i.e. you will be able to type text in languages not directly supported by your keyboard). For more information, see the ULS extension page.

Erweiderung Babel

This option is best for users who will be contributing to Wikidata in multiple languages. When editing Wikidata, if you know multiple languages, you may want to see information about items—labels, descriptions, and aliases—in those languages, and have the option of adding any missing information in the languages you understand to those fields. The Babel extension makes this possible by allowing users to configure the list of languages displayed within the section with terminological information ("In more languages") included at the top of item pages.

You can activate the Babel extension by adding the #babel template to your user page. Syntax for the #babel template is as follows:


where xx is a MediaWiki language code, and i indicates your level of proficiency in the language; i will either be a number from 0 to 5 (where 0 is no knowledge and 5 is professional proficiency) or the letter N for native speakers. Multiple language are separated by |. For example, if you wanted to add a #babel template that showed you had native understanding of English, advanced knowledge of French, and professional proficiency in German, you would use the following code:


More information on the number designations is available from the babel extension page. For MediaWiki language codes, see the list of projects per language codes.

Nodeems Dir d'Schabloun #babel op Är Benotzersäit derbäigesat hutt ginn Etiketten, Beschreiwungen an Aliasen an den ernimmte Sprooche just ënner dem Abschnitt "An anere Sproochen" op de Säite vun den Elementer gewisen. Klicken op d'Sproochen an dësem Abschnitt ännert och Är bevirzucht Sprooch.

LabelLister gadget

To access the label and description in all languages, turn on the gadget LabelLister.


Gadgets are special scripts, or programs, written by other users which help make certain Wikidata tasks easier and more efficient to do. For example, one gadget, known as Merge.js can be used to first perform a semi-automated merge of two items and then request the deletion of the duplicate item.

Gadgets can be activated in the Preferences menu under the "Gadgets" tab. Gadgets are mostly based on JavaScript, so please note that JavaScript has to be enabled in your browser in order for them to work.

Dir kënnt d'Lëscht vun de Gadgeten, déi fir Iech disponibel sinn op Special:Gadgets gesinn. Méi Informatiounen, inklusiv Dokumentatioun an Detailer vun den Auteure fannt Dir op Wikidata:Tools/Gadgets.

Access levels and permissions

A user's ability to use and modify certain Wikidata interface features is determined by the user rights the user has. Just some of the special access levels a user can have include administrators, bureaucrats, translation administrators, and property creators.

Some access levels for user accounts may be requested at Wikidata:Requests for permissions. Users may self-nominate, or nominate one another. Other access levels need to be assigned manually by a user with the appropriate authority.

To learn more about the different user access levels and permissions, please see Wikidata:User access levels.

Kuckt och

Fir zousätzlech Informatiounen an Uleedung, kuckt:

  • Project chat, for discussing all and any aspects of Wikidata
  • Wikidata:Glossary, the glossary of terms used in this and other Help pages
  • Help:FAQ, frequently asked questions asked and answered by the Wikidata community
  • Help:Contents, the Help portal featuring all the documentation available for Wikidata