विकिडेटा:विशेषता प्रस्ताव

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Property proposal and the translation is 61% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
संपत्ति का प्रस्ताव

Before proposing a property, search the Wikidata:List of properties to see if it already exists. Before a new property is created, it has to be discussed here. When after some time there are some supporters, but no or very few opponents, the property is created by a property creator or an administrator.

You can propose a property here or on one of the subject-specific pages listed below.

WD:PP redirects here. For the protection policy, please see Page protection policy (shortcut WD:PPP).

संपत्ति के प्रस्तावों को विषय द्वारा विभाजित किया गया है:

सामान्य (६)

प्राधिकरण नियंत्रण (२२)

व्यक्ति (५)

संगठन और राजनीति (३)

खेल (२)

रचनात्मक कार्य (५)

स्थल (५)

बन्धु प्रकल्प (०)

परिवहन (०)

प्राकृतिक विज्ञान (०)

Computing (१)

शब्दिम (८)


तैयार (२)

पर्ज अनुरोध मायने रखता है

पूरी लिस्ट | अवलोकन

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