Wikidata:Bot requests/Archive/2014/01

Remove all User: like aliases

for example, User:Example redirected en:User:Example/Wikipedia to en:Wikipedia, when bot created item about en:Wikipedia, bot will add User:Example/Wikipedia as an alias. There're many items with this kind of alias: change language to French and paste "Utilisateur:" to the search box, you will find "Utilisateur:Salamandret/brouillon" is an alias of Q1067977.--GZWDer (talk) 17:06, 28 January 2014 (UTC)

  Doing… -- Bene* talk 09:50, 1 February 2014 (UTC)
@GZWDer: Do you know any other prefixes like "User:" and "Utilisateur:" that should be removed? Also what's about labels starting with "User:"? There are quite a few here. -- Bene* talk 09:55, 1 February 2014 (UTC)
@Bene*: I believe this is done?  Hazard SJ  20:00, 25 February 2014 (UTC)
If you are ok with the results, I think so. -- Bene* talk 22:21, 25 February 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: -- Bene* talk 22:21, 25 February 2014 (UTC)

Authors added from Wikisource without VIAF

I think will be useful to get list of items which has link to Wikisource but doesn't have VIAF identifier. Sure with breakdown per Wikisource edition. --EugeneZelenko (talk) 15:18, 20 January 2014 (UTC)

[1] for the English Wikisource. --Ricordisamoa 00:44, 12 February 2014 (UTC)
I tried noclaim[214] and link[enwikisource] and noclaim[214] and link[ruwikisource] and it didn’t work for me. --EugeneZelenko (talk) 02:43, 12 February 2014 (UTC)
NOCLAIM must not be the first command; this should do. (note that, for the next few days, WDQ will be out-of-date for a couple of days, due to Labs no longer carrying daily diff dumps). --Magnus Manske (talk) 12:58, 12 March 2014 (UTC)
Thank you! It works now! --EugeneZelenko (talk) 14:05, 14 March 2014 (UTC)
@EugeneZelenko: to exclude categories, templates and project pages: link[enwikisource] AND noclaim[214] AND noclaim[31:4167836] AND noclaim[31:11266439] AND noclaim[31:14204246], listing people only: link[enwikisource] AND noclaim[214] AND claim[31:5]. --Ricordisamoa 00:27, 17 March 2014 (UTC)
Thank you! But I figured out this already :-) --EugeneZelenko (talk) 00:45, 17 March 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: --Ricordisamoa 01:24, 17 March 2014 (UTC)

Remove English descriptions consisting of language names only

We do have abuse filters for that, but they don't work. I requested a database report to simplify manual checking, but this request went unnoticed, while I came to the conclusion that the vast majority of these cases don't need any manual check at all, so now let's put it as a bot request: Users enter language names as English descriptions all the time. There may be several reasons for this, but in the end, neither an English-language language name ("French") nor a foreign-language one ("français") will ever be a valid description for any item (while something like "French actor" is, of course). So my request is: Take the list of language names from Special:AbuseFilter/8 (currently, it is "^(a(frikaans|ra?bic|lbania)|b(ulgaria)|(c|č)(hinese|zech|roatian|atala|esky)|d(anish|eutsch|utch|eutch|ansk)|e(nglish)|espa(nol|ñol|nish)|f(ilipino|ran[cç]ais|ren(c|s)h|arsi|rancese)|g(ujarati|reek|eorgian|erman)|h(indi|rvatski|ungar(y|ian))|i(celandic|ndonesia|taliano)| japanese|k(annada|orean)|l(atvian|ietuviu|ituanian)|m(acedonian|agyar|alayalam|arathi)|n(ederlands|orwegian)|p(ersian|olish|olski|o(r)?tugu[eê]s|unjabi|усский)|r(omana|ussi(a|o)n)|s(erbian|imple english|inh(la|ala)|panish|rpski|venska|hqip)|t(agalog|amil|hai|elugu|[uü]rk[cç]e|urk(ish|iş|ey))|urdu|vietnamese|עברית|русский)$"), search all matching English descriptions and set them to blank (or maybe better, revert their insertion, as it might have overriden an existing description - though I checked a lot of these items and can't remember a case where this was actually true). Thanks for considering. --YMS (talk) 14:51, 24 January 2014 (UTC)

User:Techman224 fixed the edit filter that I linked. Thanks for that! This sure is one step towards reducing the number of such descriptions. I changed filters 26 and 27 accordingly. However, I guess there are several hundred or thousands of such descriptions already existing. A bot run still would be appreciated. --YMS (talk) 09:45, 29 January 2014 (UTC)
@YMS: Maybe you can provide the regex as a list of languages because a regex takes much more time in an SQL query than the equals operator. -- Bene* talk 10:23, 1 February 2014 (UTC)
I will do so shortly (and fix some issues with the list in the course of that). --YMS (talk) 10:42, 1 February 2014 (UTC)

The list extracted from the updated regex, one per line (in source text, that is): afrikaans arabe arbic arabic albania bulgaria chinese czech čzech croatian catala català catalan česky danish deutsch dutch deutch dansk english espanol español espanish filipino francais français french frensh farsi francesce gujarati greek georgian german hindi hrvatski hungary hungarian icelandic indonesia indonesian italian italiano japanese kannada korean latvian lietuviu lituanian macedonian magyar malayalam marathi nederlands norwegian persian polish polski portugues potugues português potuguês punjabi pусский romana russian russion serbian simple english sinhla sinhala spanish srpski svenska swedish shqip tagalog tamil thai telugu turkce türkce turkçe türkçe turkish turkiş turkey urdu vietnamese עברית русский ελληνικά -- YMS (talk) 10:52, 1 February 2014 (UTC)

Ok, some stats first: I get 2487 terms that match one of the above strings, mostly lables and descriptions but also some aliases. Now lets decide how to work with this list. Imho it is too hard to try to revert changed descriptions. Also if I understood the discussion about the abuse filter correctly, only added descriptions weren't catched. If you agree I will run a bot to remove all descriptions and aliases containing a language. For the labels I am not sure because we also have items about the languages. Do you have an idea how we can fix the items' labels correctly? -- Bene* talk 11:27, 1 February 2014 (UTC)
Labels and aliases should be checked by humans, I guess. It would be great if a bot could compile a list of those, though. English descriptions should be safe to remove by a bot (I removed some more of those since putting this request and still did not face one that was correctly there, nor can I imagine such a case, I also still can't remember a case where a legit description was overwritten by a language. --YMS (talk) 14:45, 1 February 2014 (UTC)

So here is a list of items with a language as label or alias:

Click [expand] to view the content
  • Q12972569: tl:Afrikaans (alias)
  • Q4162338: en:afrikaans (alias)
  • Q841351: pt:Afrikaans (alias)
  • Q1506986: af:Afrikaans (alias)
  • Q14196: en-gb:Afrikaans (label), fr:afrikaans (label), en:Afrikaans (label), en-ca:Afrikaans (label), af:Afrikaans (label), an:Afrikaans (label), ast:Afrikaans (label), az:Afrikaans (label), bar:Afrikaans (label), ca:afrikaans (label), cy:Afrikaans (label), da:Afrikaans (label), de:Afrikaans (label), eml:Afrikaans (label), eu:Afrikaans (label), fi:afrikaans (label), gd:Afrikaans (label), hr:Afrikaans (label), kw:Afrikaans (label), li:Afrikaans (label), nds:Afrikaans (label), nds-nl:Afrikaans (label), nl:Afrikaans (label), nn:Afrikaans (label), nrm:Afrikaans (label), nso:Afrikaans (label), oc:Afrikaans (label), pap:Afrikaans (label), scn:Afrikaans (label), sh:Afrikaans (label), simple:Afrikaans (label), sv:Afrikaans (label), vec:Afrikaans (label), vi:Afrikaans (label), nb:afrikaans (label), vep:Afrikaans (label), ia:Afrikaans (label)
  • Q3607867: it:Albania (label)
  • Q4709033: en:Albania (label)
  • Q4709034: en:Albania (label)
  • Q1655535: war:Albania (label), vi:Albania (label), fr:Albania (label), es:Albania (label), en:Albania (label), nl:Albania (label), it:Albania (label)
  • Q1576577: pt:Albania (label), war:Albania (label), pl:Albania (label), vi:Albania (label), fr:Albania (label), es:Albania (label), en:Albania (label), tl:Albania (label), it:Albania (label), nl:Albania (label)
  • Q3607868: en:Albania (label), it:Albania (label), nl:Albania (label), fr:Albania (label)
  • Q4709032: en:Albania (label), en-ca:Albania (label), en-gb:Albania (label), fr:Albania (label)
  • Q24861: la:Albania (label)
  • Q9394: sq:Albania (label)
  • Q137573: la:Albania (label)
  • Q228634: fr:Albania (label), en:Albania (label), nl:Albania (label), de:Albania (label), tr:Albania (label), it:Albania (label), sv:Albania (label), pl:Albania (label), cs:Albania (label), fi:Albania (label), es:Albania (label)
  • Q1131928: de:Albania (label)
  • Q932378: it:Albania (label), es:Albania (label), fr:Albania (label), nl:Albania (label), pt:Albania (label), sv:Albania (label)
  • Q8822438: en:albania (label)
  • Q249655: sq:Albania (label)
  • Q794: sq:Albania (label)
  • Q186262: ro:Albania (alias)
  • Q222: en:Albania (label), pl:Albania (label), es:Albania (label), it:Albania (label), sw:Albania (label), ace:Albania (label), ak:Albania (label), an:Albania (label), ang:Albania (label), ast:Albania (label), bi:Albania (label), br:Albania (label), co:Albania (label), cy:Albania (label), ee:Albania (label), eu:Albania (label), fi:Albania (label), fo:Albania (label), gl:Albania (label), hif:Albania (label), ia:Albania (label), id:Albania (label), ie:Albania (label), ilo:Albania (label), io:Albania (label), jv:Albania (label), kg:Albania (label), kl:Albania (label), la:Albania (label), lij:Albania (label), lmo:Albania (label), ln:Albania (label), mg:Albania (label), ms:Albania (label), nah:Albania (label), nn:Albania (label), nov:Albania (label), oc:Albania (label), pam:Albania (label), pap:Albania (label), rm:Albania (label), ro:Albania (label), sc:Albania (label), so:Albania (label), st:Albania (label), su:Albania (label), vec:Albania (label), vi:Albania (label), nb:Albania (label), min:Albania (label), simple:Albania (label), nap:Albania (label), ts:Albania (label), nan:Albania (alias), roa-tara:Albania (alias), yue:Albania (alias)
  • Q3607864: it:Albania (label), nl:Albania (label), fr:Albania (label)
  • Q177076: de:Albania (label), fi:Albania (label), sq:Albania (label), nb:Albania (label)
  • Q9158783: pl:Arabe (label)
  • Q184138: fr:Arabe (label)
  • Q3086110: fr:Arabe (alias)
  • Q35323: sq:Arabe (alias), fr:Arabe (alias), it:Arabe (alias)
  • Q13955: fr:arabe (label), pcd:Arabe (label), bcl:Arabe (label), nrm:Arabe (label), wa:Arabe (label), en:Arabic (label), sco:Arabic (label)
  • Q13023995: th:Arabic (alias)
  • Q1967409: de:Arabic (label)
  • Q2859358: fr:Arabic (label), de:Arabic (label), en:Arabic (label), es:Arabic (label), it:Arabic (label), pt-br:Arabic (label), pt:Arabic (label), sv:Arabic (label)
  • Q479886: de:Arabic (alias)
  • Q1564706: de:Bulgaria (label)
  • Q3656821: en:Bulgaria (label), ro:Bulgaria (alias)
  • Q4996149: en:Bulgaria (label)
  • Q180845: ro:Bulgaria (alias)
  • Q1003703: en:Bulgaria (label)
  • Q298852: it:Bulgaria (label), en:Bulgaria (label), fi:Bulgaria (label), pl:Bulgaria (label), nl:Bulgaria (label), fr:Bulgaria (label), sv:Bulgaria (label), de:Bulgaria (alias)
  • Q782906: ru:Bulgaria (alias)
  • Q7918: fi:bulgaria (label)
  • Q8241: ace:Bulgaria (label), an:Bulgaria (label), ast:Bulgaria (label), br:Bulgaria (label), en-ca:Bulgaria (label), en-gb:Bulgaria (label), es:Bulgaria (label), eu:Bulgaria (label), fi:Bulgaria (label), fo:Bulgaria (label), gl:Bulgaria (label), hif:Bulgaria (label), ia:Bulgaria (label), id:Bulgaria (label), ie:Bulgaria (label), io:Bulgaria (label), jv:Bulgaria (label), kl:Bulgaria (label), la:Bulgaria (label), ln:Bulgaria (label), ms:Bulgaria (label), na:Bulgaria (label), nah:Bulgaria (label), nap:Bulgaria (label), nn:Bulgaria (label), no:Bulgaria (label), oc:Bulgaria (label), ro:Bulgaria (label), sw:Bulgaria (label), tl:Bulgaria (label), vec:Bulgaria (label), vi:Bulgaria (label)
  • Q3655997: pl:Bulgaria (label), bg:Bulgaria (label), en:Bulgaria (label), de:Bulgaria (label), es:Bulgaria (label)
  • Q1265953: en:Bulgaria (label), de:Bulgaria (label), vi:Bulgaria (label), nl:Bulgaria (label), es:Bulgaria (label), fr:Bulgaria (label), fi:Bulgaria (alias)
  • Q219: en:Bulgaria (label), es:Bulgaria (label), nb:Bulgaria (label), ia:Bulgaria (label), su:Bulgaria (label), fi:Bulgaria (label), nap:Bulgaria (label), lad:Bulgaria (label), ie:Bulgaria (label), la:Bulgaria (label), fo:Bulgaria (label), ceb:Bulgaria (label), br:Bulgaria (label), ast:Bulgaria (label), kl:Bulgaria (label), io:Bulgaria (label), pam:Bulgaria (label), ace:Bulgaria (label), nov:Bulgaria (label), ro:Bulgaria (label), rn:Bulgaria (label), eu:Bulgaria (label), oc:Bulgaria (label), rm:Bulgaria (label), an:Bulgaria (label), vec:Bulgaria (label), nah:Bulgaria (label), hif:Bulgaria (label), vi:Bulgaria (label), sc:Bulgaria (label), jv:Bulgaria (label), ms:Bulgaria (label), bi:Bulgaria (label), ee:Bulgaria (label), nn:Bulgaria (label), ln:Bulgaria (label), so:Bulgaria (label), gl:Bulgaria (label), id:Bulgaria (label), pap:Bulgaria (label), co:Bulgaria (label), ilo:Bulgaria (label), it:Bulgaria (label), en-ca:Bulgaria (label), en-gb:Bulgaria (label), sw:Bulgaria (label), simple:Bulgaria (label), ts:Bulgaria (label), pt:Bulgaria (alias), jbo:Bulgaria (alias), sco:Bulgaria (alias), yo:Bulgaria (alias), th:Bulgaria (alias), ca:Bulgaria (alias), cy:Bulgaria (alias), ur:Bulgaria (alias), sv:Bulgaria (alias), is:Bulgaria (alias), se:Bulgaria (alias), nan:Bulgaria (alias), lv:Bulgaria (alias), eml:Bulgaria (alias), war:Bulgaria (alias), ang:Bulgaria (alias), lij:Bulgaria (alias), sq:Bulgaria (alias), my:Bulgaria (alias), sr:Bulgaria (alias), roa-tara:Bulgaria (alias), lmo:Bulgaria (alias), ml:Bulgaria (alias), yue:Bulgaria (alias), ext:Bulgaria (alias), gd:Bulgaria (alias), bn:Bulgaria (alias), na:Bulgaria (alias), bcl:Bulgaria (alias), tr:Bulgaria (alias), tl:Bulgaria (alias), scn:Bulgaria (alias), sl:Bulgaria (alias)
  • Q9708690: pt:Catala (label)
  • Q6105239: en:catala (label)
  • Q6076344: en:catala (label)
  • Q1050145: de:Catala (label)
  • Q2838499: fr:Catala (label)
  • Q211290: en:catala (label)
  • Q7026: en:catala (alias), en:Catalan (label), fr:catalan (label), frp:Catalan (label), nrm:Catalan (label), oc:Catalan (label), wa:Catalan (label)
  • Q11913228: ca:Catalan (label)
  • Q2625257: en:catalan (label)
  • Q1235932: en:catalan (label)
  • Q1050183: fi:Catalan (label)
  • Q583974: ru:Catalan (alias)
  • Q2521949: en:catalan (label)
  • Q139182: en:Catalan (label)
  • Q347351: fr:Catalan (label), en:Catalan (label), de:Catalan (label), sv:Catalan (label), simple:Catalan (label), en-ca:Catalan (label), en-gb:Catalan (label), es:Catalan (alias)
  • Q7325612: zh-hans:chinese (label)
  • Q7682665: simple:Chinese (label)
  • Q12965013: tl:Chinese (alias)
  • Q185614: bn:Chinese (alias)
  • Q42740: de:Chinese (alias)
  • Q7850: en:Chinese (label), tw:Chinese (label)
  • Q2687991: fr:Chinese (label), en:Chinese (label), nl:Chinese (label), pt:Chinese (label), nn:Chinese (label), sq:Chinese (label), de:Chinese (label), oc:Chinese (label), it:Chinese (label), da:Chinese (label), sk:Chinese (label), ms:Chinese (label), cs:Chinese (label), gl:Chinese (label), es:Chinese (label), yue:Chinese (label), zh-yue:Chinese (label), ca:Chinese (label), eo:Chinese (label), fi:Chinese (label), hu:Chinese (label), id:Chinese (label), is:Chinese (label), min:Chinese (label), nb:Chinese (label), nds:Chinese (label), pl:Chinese (label), pt-br:Chinese (label), sv:Chinese (label)
  • Q396410: en:Croatian (label), simple:Croatian (label), de:Hrvatski (alias)
  • Q6654: en:Croatian (label), roa-rup:Croatian (label), hr:Hrvatski (alias), en:hrvatski (alias)
  • Q158419: hr:Croatian (label)
  • Q2667491: nl:Czech (label)
  • Q338056: pl:Czech (label)
  • Q1149309: de:Czech (label)
  • Q397635: en:Czech (label), ms:Czech (label), simple:Czech (label), en-ca:Czech (label), en-gb:Czech (label), id:Czech (alias)
  • Q1679429: de:Czech (alias)
  • Q9056: en:Czech (label)
  • Q213: nan:Czech (alias), ilo:Czech (alias)
  • Q3702228: it:Danish (label)
  • Q5219672: en:Danish (label)
  • Q365952: en:Danish (label), simple:Danish (label)
  • Q636771: en:danish (alias)
  • Q9035: en:Danish (label), da:dansk (label), nn:Dansk (label), nb:dansk (label), pt:dansk (alias)
  • Q1164874: en:Dansk (label)
  • Q11774267: cs:Dansk (label)
  • Q12307355: da:Dansk (label)
  • Q219561: da:Dansk (alias)
  • Q13488828: da:dansk (label)
  • Q670592: de:Deutch (label), en:Deutch (label), es:Deutch (label), fr:Deutch (label), nl:Deutch (label)
  • Q77454: sv:Deutsch (alias)
  • Q291495: de:Deutsch (label), ru:Deutsch (label)
  • Q406864: nl:Deutsch (label)
  • Q6231596: en:Deutsch (alias)
  • Q1151741: cs:Deutsch (label), en:Deutsch (label), da:Deutsch (label)
  • Q3621: en:Deutsch (alias)
  • Q2675368: en:Deutsch (label), de:Deutsch (label), hu:Deutsch (label), ro:Deutsch (label), cs:Deutsch (label), sv:Deutsch (label), fr:Deutsch (label)
  • Q366068: fr:Deutsch (label), en:Deutsch (label), pt:Deutsch (label), gsw:Deutsch (label), de:Deutsch (label), it:Deutsch (label), sv:Deutsch (label), cs:Deutsch (label), es:Deutsch (label), als:Deutsch (label), th:Deutsch (label), nl:Deutsch (label), da:Deutsch (label), la:Deutsch (label), ca:Deutsch (label), fi:Deutsch (label), id:Deutsch (label), ms:Deutsch (label), nb:Deutsch (label), pt-br:Deutsch (label), hu:Deutsch (label), ja:Deutsch (alias), ko:Deutsch (alias), ru:Deutsch (alias), uk:Deutsch (alias), mk:Deutsch (alias), zh:Deutsch (alias), fa:Deutsch (alias), ur:Deutsch (alias), he:Deutsch (alias)
  • Q1261369: sh:Deutsch (alias)
  • Q188: de:Deutsch (label), en:Deutsch (alias), es:Deutsch (alias), fi:Deutsch (alias), pt-br:Deutsch (alias), ru:Deutsch (alias), en:German (label), en-ca:German (label), ie:German (label)
  • Q3716555: it:Dutch (label)
  • Q3501996: cs:Dutch (label)
  • Q22711: pdc:Dutch (alias)
  • Q784704: en:Dutch (label)
  • Q7411: en:Dutch (label), af:Nederlands (label), li:Nederlands (label), nl:Nederlands (label), vls:Nederlands (label), zea:Nederlands (label), en:Nederlands (alias)
  • Q1267799: fr:Dutch (label), en:Dutch (label), nl:Dutch (label), pt:Dutch (label), simple:Dutch (label), de:Dutch (label), srn:Dutch (label), sk:Dutch (label), es:Dutch (label), it:Dutch (label), ca:Dutch (label), cs:Dutch (label), eo:Dutch (label), fi:Dutch (label), gl:Dutch (label), da:Dutch (label), hu:Dutch (label), id:Dutch (label), is:Dutch (label), min:Dutch (label), ms:Dutch (label), nb:Dutch (label), nds:Dutch (label), pl:Dutch (label), pt-br:Dutch (label), sv:Dutch (label), ro:Dutch (label), sl:Dutch (label), ja:Dutch (alias), ko:Dutch (alias), mk:Dutch (alias), fa:Dutch (alias), ru:Dutch (alias), th:Dutch (alias), zh:Dutch (alias), uk:Dutch (alias), ar:Dutch (alias)
  • Q5378164: en:English (label)
  • Q2017605: nl:English (label), ca:English (label), es:English (label), fr:English (label), pt:English (label), roa-rup:English (label), uz:English (label), vo:English (label)
  • Q2075077: sv:English (alias)
  • Q885957: sv:English (alias)
  • Q182: en:English (label), simple:English (label), vo:English (label), gl:English (label), es:English (label), en-gb:English (label), ru:English (label), tr:English (label), pl:English (label), fr:English (label), de:English (label), da:English (label), en-ca:English (label), ilo:English (label), fi:English (label), de-formal:English (label), cs:English (label)
  • Q5378163: en:English (label)
  • Q1860: en:English (label), en-ca:English (label), en-gb:English (label), ak:English (label), sn:English (label), tw:English (label), ng:English (label), ve:English (label), ru:English (alias)
  • Q15656378: hif:English (label)
  • Q736236: es:Espanol (alias)
  • Q840017: es:Espanol (alias)
  • Q6345553: es:espanol (label)
  • Q3492565: es:Espanol (alias), pl:Spanish (label), sh:Spanish (label), en:Spanish (label), es:Spanish (label), sr:Spanish (alias)
  • Q1321: lzh:Espanol (alias), en:Spanish (label), en-ca:Spanish (label), en-gb:Spanish (label), yue:Spanish (alias), lzh:Spanish (alias)
  • Q857295: es:Espanol (alias)
  • Q1397166: eo:Farsi (label), it:Farsi (label)
  • Q3739842: it:Farsi (label)
  • Q234245: fr:Farsi (label), de:Farsi (label), en:Farsi (label), nl:Farsi (label), sh:Farsi (label), bs:Farsi (label)
  • Q484206: diq:Farsi (label), ms:Farsi (alias)
  • Q193979: is:Farsi (label)
  • Q9168: en:Farsi (alias), de:Farsi (alias), nb:farsi (alias), es:farsi (alias), en:Persian (label)
  • Q12714629: nn:Filipino (label)
  • Q721626: bcl:Filipino (label), en:Filipino (label), es:Filipino (label), nl:Filipino (label), tl:Filipino (alias)
  • Q10282310: pt:Filipino (label)
  • Q34057: eu:Filipino (alias), es:filipino (alias), id:Filipino (alias), ca:Filipino (alias), af:Tagalog (label), ia:Tagalog (label), nl:Tagalog (label), sv:Tagalog (label), is:Tagalog (label), fi:Tagalog (label), zea:Tagalog (label), da:Tagalog (label), fr:tagalog (label), de:Tagalog (label), en:Tagalog (label), cy:Tagalog (label), cs:Tagalog (label), nds:Tagalog (label), nn:Tagalog (label), nb:Tagalog (label), pl:Tagalog (alias), eu:Tagalog (alias), qu:Tagalog (alias), es:tagalog (alias), ms:Tagalog (alias), bn:Tagalog (alias), br:Tagalog (alias), pt:Tagalog (alias), tr:Tagalog (alias), nan:Tagalog (alias), id:Tagalog (alias), ml:Tagalog (alias), vi:Tagalog (alias), ca:Tagalog (alias), ilo:Tagalog (alias)
  • Q4172847: ceb:Filipino (alias), ilo:Filipino (alias)
  • Q33298: cbk-zam:Filipino (label), sv:Filipino (label), fi:Filipino (label), fr:filipino (label), de:Filipino (label), en:Filipino (label), de-ch:Filipino (label), bcl:Filipino (label), ca:Filipino (label), oc:Filipino (label), bn:Filipino (alias), ia:Filipino (alias), nl:Filipino (alias), pt:Filipino (alias), nan:Filipino (alias), nb:Filipino (alias)
  • Q7895758: fr:francais (label)
  • Q6135058: fr:Francais (label)
  • Q3083181: fr:Francais (alias)
  • Q5501668: en:French (label)
  • Q12362727: et:French (label)
  • Q1455487: cs:French (alias)
  • Q236309: sv:French (alias)
  • Q271931: sv:French (alias)
  • Q609272: ru:French (alias)
  • Q1374385: sv:French (alias)
  • Q271423: sv:French (alias)
  • Q335059: sv:French (alias)
  • Q1347274: sv:French (alias)
  • Q15304085: de:French (label), en:French (label), fr:French (label)
  • Q150: en:French (label), en-ca:French (label), pih:French (label)
  • Q8962800: es:French (label), de:French (label), en:French (label), en-ca:French (label), en-gb:French (label), pl:French (label), fr:French (label), ca:French (label), cs:French (label), da:French (label), eo:French (label), fi:French (label), gl:French (label), hu:French (label), id:French (label), is:French (label), it:French (label), min:French (label), ms:French (label), nb:French (label), nds:French (label), nl:French (label), pt:French (label), pt-br:French (label), sk:French (label), sv:French (label), ja:French (alias), ko:French (alias), ru:French (alias), zh:French (alias)
  • Q1125300: th:Georgian (alias)
  • Q3136914: ka:georgian (label)
  • Q411370: en:Georgian (label), simple:Georgian (label)
  • Q18973: ro:Georgian (alias)
  • Q8108: en:Georgian (label), en-gb:Georgian (label), oc:georgian (label)
  • Q3104234: fr:German (label)
  • Q13039329: sq:German (label)
  • Q741798: sh:German (label), sr-el:German (label)
  • Q2635930: cs:German (label), pl:German (label), en:German (label), sr-el:German (label), sr:German (label)
  • Q6600935: es:German (alias)
  • Q33196: ca:German (alias)
  • Q1291548: pl:German (label)
  • Q1009909: es:German (alias)
  • Q42884: ro:German (alias), en:German (alias)
  • Q3708826: uz:German (label), es:German (label), en:German (label), nl:German (label), de:German (label), uz:German (alias)
  • Q2734574: fr:German (label), en:German (label), it:German (label), nl:German (label), nb:German (label), de:German (label)
  • Q5807368: en:German (label), de:German (label)
  • Q2699418: en:German (label), de:German (label)
  • Q3071702: en:German (label), de:German (label), en-ca:German (label), en-gb:German (label), es:German (label), nl:German (label), da:German (label), pl:German (label), cs:German (label), it:German (label), sk:German (label), hu:German (label), sr-el:German (label), fr:German (alias)
  • Q12750187: en:German (label), de:German (label)
  • Q348514: en:German (label), it:German (label), et:German (label), es:German (label), pt:German (label), pl:German (label), fr:German (label), nn:German (label), hr:German (label), en-ca:German (label), en-gb:German (label), hu:German (label), pt-br:German (label), simple:German (label), nl:German (label), de:German (label), ca:German (label), cs:German (label), da:German (label), eo:German (label), fi:German (label), id:German (label), is:German (label), min:German (label), ms:German (label), nb:German (label), nds:German (label), sk:German (label), sl:German (label), sv:German (label), gl:German (label), ro:German (label), sr:German (alias), ru:German (alias), mk:German (alias), gu:German (alias), he:German (alias), hi:German (alias), ja:German (alias), ko:German (alias), kn:German (alias), or:German (alias), sr-el:German (alias), sr-ec:German (alias), th:German (alias), zh:German (alias), bg:German (alias), fa:German (alias), ar:German (alias), lt:German (alias)
  • Q22633: ku:German (label), sv:German (alias), hr:German (alias)
  • Q2990861: pl:German (label), en:German (label), de:German (label)
  • Q867: is:German (label), pl:german (label)
  • Q5601731: en:Greek (label)
  • Q1346776: pt:Greek (label), is:Greek (label), pl:Greek (label), fr:Greek (label), en:Greek (label), de:Greek (label), nl:Greek (label), sv:Greek (label), es:Greek (alias), it:Greek (alias)
  • Q5601732: en:Greek (label), de:Greek (label)
  • Q227823: en:Greek (label), simple:Greek (label), sco:Greek (label), it:Greek (label), ml:Greek (alias), tl:Greek (alias), ms:Greek (alias)
  • Q9129: en:Greek (label)
  • Q1282294: nl:Gujarati (label), sh:Gujarati (alias)
  • Q417815: fr:Gujarati (label), en:Gujarati (label), nl:Gujarati (label), de:Gujarati (label), en-ca:Gujarati (label), en-gb:Gujarati (label)
  • Q81235: zu:gujarati (label)
  • Q712728: gu:Gujarati (label)
  • Q208030: gu:GUJARATI (label)
  • Q5137: en:Gujarati (label), de:Gujarati (label), ca:Gujarati (label), da:Gujarati (label), fr:gujarati (label), nl:Gujarati (label), nn:Gujarati (label), sv:Gujarati (label), de-ch:Gujarati (label), nb:Gujarati (label), oc:Gujarati (label), af:Gujarati (label), bn:Gujarati (alias)
  • Q902879: gu:gujarati (label)
  • Q905327: hi:Gujarati (label)
  • Q5408968: hi:hindi (label)
  • Q1153329: hi:hindi (label)
  • Q5655467: anp:hindi (label)
  • Q5071100: hi:hindi (label)
  • Q36747: az:Hindi (alias)
  • Q43794: tr:Hindi (label), en:turkey (label), simple:Turkey (label), en-gb:turkey (label), ml:Turkey (alias)
  • Q3849895: anp:hindi (label)
  • Q7424019: hi:hindi (label)
  • Q685762: tl:Hindi (label), de:Hindi (label), en:Hindi (label), nl:Hindi (label)
  • Q5690610: hi:hindi (label)
  • Q12420576: hif:hindi (label)
  • Q1568: en:Hindi (label), en-ca:Hindi (label), en-gb:Hindi (label), af:Hindi (label), als:Hindi (label), an:Hindi (label), ast:Hindi (label), bat-smg:Hindi (label), bcl:Hindi (label), bi:Hindi (label), ca:Hindi (label), cbk-zam:Hindi (label), cy:Hindi (label), da:Hindi (label), de:Hindi (label), de-ch:Hindi (label), es:hindi (label), eu:Hindi (label), fi:hindi (label), fr:hindi (label), gd:Hindi (label), hif:Hindi (label), hu:hindi (label), ie:Hindi (label), it:hindi (label), ksh:Hindi (label), li:Hindi (label), lt:Hindi (label), lv:hindi (label), nds:Hindi (label), nl:Hindi (label), nn:Hindi (label), sco:Hindi (label), sh:Hindi (label), sq:Hindi (label), sv:Hindi (label), war:Hindi (label), nb:hindi (label), gsw:Hindi (label)
  • Q175361: hi:hindi (label)
  • Q4750672: hr:hrvatski (label)
  • Q4568516: nb:Hrvatski (alias)
  • Q5924003: en:Hrvatski (label)
  • Q37878: hr:hrvatski (label)
  • Q6196903: en:hrvatski (alias)
  • Q13476318: en:Hungarian (label)
  • Q361401: en:Hungarian (label), simple:Hungarian (label)
  • Q12972269: tl:Hungarian (alias), tl:Magyar (alias)
  • Q180121: de:Hungarian (label)
  • Q9067: en:Hungarian (label), hu:magyar (label), pt:magyar (alias)
  • Q5943060: en:Hungary (label)
  • Q5943067: en:Hungary (label)
  • Q28: en:Hungary (label), en-gb:Hungary (label), en-ca:Hungary (label), bi:Hungary (label), ceb:Hungary (label), ee:Hungary (label), hif:Hungary (label), ms:Hungary (label), pag:Hungary (label), sco:Hungary (label), simple:Hungary (label), sm:Hungary (label), st:Hungary (label), ts:Hungary (label), vi:Hungary (label), sn:Hungary (label), nan:Hungary (alias), pam:Hungary (alias), th:Hungary (alias), nan:Magyar (alias)
  • Q294: en:Icelandic (label)
  • Q342329: en:Icelandic (label), simple:Icelandic (label)
  • Q12858540: simple:Icelandic (label)
  • Q269107: id:indonesia (label), id:indonesia (alias)
  • Q512468: de:INDONESIA (alias)
  • Q346717: map-bms:Indonesia (label), id:Indonesia (label), tl:Indonesian (label), en:Indonesian (label), en-gb:Indonesian (label), fr:Indonesian (label), nl:Indonesian (label)
  • Q252: en:Indonesia (label), nb:Indonesia (label), it:Indonesia (label), es:Indonesia (label), id:Indonesia (label), ak:Indonesia (label), ang:Indonesia (label), an:Indonesia (label), ast:Indonesia (label), bi:Indonesia (label), bug:Indonesia (label), ceb:Indonesia (label), ch:Indonesia (label), cy:Indonesia (label), en-ca:Indonesia (label), en-gb:Indonesia (label), eu:Indonesia (label), fi:Indonesia (label), fo:Indonesia (label), gl:Indonesia (label), gn:Indonesia (label), hif:Indonesia (label), ia:Indonesia (label), ie:Indonesia (label), ilo:Indonesia (label), ki:Indonesia (label), kl:Indonesia (label), la:Indonesia (label), map-bms:Indonesia (label), ms:Indonesia (label), nah:Indonesia (label), nap:Indonesia (label), nn:Indonesia (label), nov:Indonesia (label), oc:Indonesia (label), pam:Indonesia (label), pap:Indonesia (label), pms:Indonesia (label), rm:Indonesia (label), se:Indonesia (label), sw:Indonesia (label), vi:Indonesia (label), war:Indonesia (label), min:Indonesia (label), simple:Indonesia (label), cbk-zam:Indonesia (label), nan:Indonesia (alias)
  • Q9240: en:Indonesian (label)
  • Q233810: en:Italian (label), sq:Italian (label), simple:Italian (label), en-ca:Italian (label), en-gb:Italian (label), pt:Italiano (label), ilo:Italiano (label), it:Italiano (label), es:Italiano (label), gl:Italiano (label), pt-br:Italiano (label), de:Italiano (alias)
  • Q12965087: tl:Italian (alias), tl:Italiano (alias)
  • Q652: en:Italian (label), oc:Italian (label), it:italiano (label), es:italiano (label), bcl:Italiano (label), pt-br:italiano (alias), pt:italiano (alias)
  • Q13049217: an:Italiano (label)
  • Q11286699: ja:Italiano (alias)
  • Q13211502: en:Italiano (label), ur:Italiano (alias)
  • Q5926174: es:Japanese (label)
  • Q346080: en:Japanese (label), tl:Japanese (label), simple:Japanese (label)
  • Q11309927: ja:Japanese (alias)
  • Q5287: en:Japanese (label), sco:Japanese (alias), yue:Japanese (alias), bn:Japanese (alias)
  • Q3739653: eu:Kannada (label)
  • Q376730: kn:kannada (alias)
  • Q6363867: en:Kannada (label)
  • Q12957828: sh:Kannada (alias)
  • Q16: nds-nl:Kannada (alias)
  • Q33673: af:Kannada (label), nl:Kannada (label), sv:Kannada (label), fi:Kannada (label), nn:Kannada (label), da:Kannada (label), fr:Kannada (label), de:Kannada (label), en:Kannada (label), cy:Kannada (label), nds:Kannada (label), simple:Kannada (label), eu:Kannada (label), oc:Kannada (label), nb:Kannada (label), pl:Kannada (alias), es:Kannada (alias), bn:Kannada (alias), pt:Kannada (alias), eo:Kannada (alias), az:Kannada (alias), lv:Kannada (alias), it:Kannada (alias), id:Kannada (alias), ml:Kannada (alias), vi:Kannada (alias), ca:Kannada (alias), cs:Kannada (alias)
  • Q2723113: kn:kannada (label)
  • Q1282533: en:Kannada (label)
  • Q484464: sv:Korean (alias)
  • Q632551: en:Korean (alias)
  • Q351637: en:Korean (label)
  • Q9176: en:Korean (label)
  • Q343458: en:Latvian (label), simple:Latvian (label)
  • Q9078: en:Latvian (label)
  • Q9083: oc:Lituanian (label)
  • Q9296: en:Macedonian (label), oc:Macedonian (label)
  • Q568972: en:Macedonian (label), oc:Macedonian (label)
  • Q3277432: fr:Magyar (label)
  • Q133032: eu:Magyar (label), ro:Magyar (alias), th:Magyar (alias), nb:Magyar (alias)
  • Q398056: en:Magyar (label), ms:Magyar (label), de:Magyar (label), it:Magyar (label), sv:Magyar (label), fr:Magyar (label), nl:Magyar (label), ru:Magyar (alias)
  • Q12826553: uz:Malayalam (label)
  • Q6149225: ml:Malayalam (label)
  • Q136113: ml:Malayalam (alias)
  • Q36236: es:Malayalam (label), af:Malayalam (label), nl:Malayalam (label), sv:Malayalam (label), nn:Malayalam (label), az:Malayalam (label), da:Malayalam (label), fr:malayalam (label), de:Malayalam (label), en:Malayalam (label), nds:Malayalam (label), simple:Malayalam (label), oc:Malayalam (label), nb:Malayalam (label), eu:Malayalam (alias), bn:Malayalam (alias), pt:Malayalam (alias), fi:Malayalam (alias), it:Malayalam (alias), hif:Malayalam (alias), id:Malayalam (alias), ml:MALAYALAM (alias), ca:Malayalam (alias), mg:Malayalam (alias), ur:Malayalam (alias)
  • Q213912: hi:malayalam (label)
  • Q487163: ml:malayalam (label)
  • Q1272038: de:Marathi (label)
  • Q2405651: fr:Marathi (label)
  • Q2672099: mr:marathi (label)
  • Q12734819: ro:Marathi (label)
  • Q3403879: mr:marathi (label)
  • Q1265028: ca:Marathi (alias), sh:Marathi (alias)
  • Q396316: fr:Marathi (label), en:Marathi (label), nl:Marathi (label), en-ca:Marathi (label), en-gb:Marathi (label)
  • Q3352401: mr:marathi (label)
  • Q1571: en:Marathi (label), nb:marathi (label), af:Marathi (label), ca:Marathi (label), cy:Marathi (label), da:Marathi (label), de:Marathi (label), de-ch:Marathi (label), fr:marathi (label), nl:Marathi (label), nn:Marathi (label), sv:Marathi (label), tr:Marathi (label), oc:Marathi (label), sco:Marathi (label)
  • Q488963: nl:Nederlands (label)
  • Q2972358: nl:Nederlands (label)
  • Q259318: fy:Nederlands (label)
  • Q6208649: en:nederlands (alias)
  • Q257820: el:Nederlands (alias)
  • Q55: bcl:Nederlands (label)
  • Q556589: en-gb:nederlands (label)
  • Q7060975: en:Norwegian (label)
  • Q2001301: de:Norwegian (label), fr:Norwegian (label)
  • Q12859219: simple:Norwegian (label)
  • Q9043: en:Norwegian (label)
  • Q215392: pl:Norwegian (label), fr:Norwegian (label), pt:Norwegian (label), en:Norwegian (label), ro:Norwegian (label), da:Norwegian (label), nb:Norwegian (label), es:Norwegian (alias), et:Norwegian (alias), nl:Norwegian (alias), sv:Norwegian (alias), ru:Norwegian (alias), ca:Norwegian (alias), nn:Norwegian (alias), nb:Norwegian (alias), cs:Norwegian (alias)
  • Q414093: en:Norwegian (label), simple:Norwegian (label), en-ca:Norwegian (label), en-gb:Norwegian (label), bn:Norwegian (alias)
  • Q1435651: sv:Persian (label)
  • Q523256: fa:persian (label)
  • Q2299892: nl:Persian (label)
  • Q12128999: fr:Persian (alias), en:Persian (alias)
  • Q11109038: bs:Persian (label), id:Persian (label), it:Persian (label), fr:Persian (label), nl:Persian (label), es:Persian (label), en:Persian (label), ms:Persian (label), cs:Persian (label)
  • Q7170197: en:Persian (label)
  • Q2743021: es:Persian (alias)
  • Q543213: en:Persian (label), simple:Persian (label), ur:Persian (alias)
  • Q2630129: nl:Persian (label)
  • Q42610: en:Persian (alias)
  • Q611639: fr:Polish (label)
  • Q346127: en:Polish (label), simple:Polish (label)
  • Q809: en:Polish (label), pl:Polski (alias)
  • Q2679718: pl:Polski (alias)
  • Q19813: pl:polski (label), pl:polski (alias)
  • Q2870929: pl:polski (label)
  • Q4363476: be-tarask:portugues (label)
  • Q3292181: en:portugues (label)
  • Q864337: pt:Portugues (label)
  • Q2084169: en:portugues (label)
  • Q5146: es:Portugues (alias), ln:Portugues (alias), id:Portugues (alias), pap:Portugues (alias)
  • Q3815613: en:portugues (label)
  • Q525000: en:Punjabi (label), it:Punjabi (label)
  • Q1193328: pa:punjabi (label)
  • Q12859454: simple:Punjabi (label)
  • Q1920219: pa:punjabi (label)
  • Q58635: gd:Punjabi (label), sv:Punjabi (label), nl:Punjabi (label), da:Punjabi (label), en:Punjabi (label), cy:Punjabi (label), eu:Punjabi (alias), qu:Punjabi (alias), es:Punjabi (alias), af:Punjabi (alias), bn:Punjabi (alias), pt:Punjabi (alias), fi:Punjabi (alias), pa:Punjabi (alias), nn:Punjabi (alias), fr:Punjabi (alias), hif:Punjabi (alias), de:Punjabi (alias), ca:Punjabi (alias), nb:Punjabi (alias)
  • Q854323: id:Punjabi (label), sh:Punjabi (alias)
  • Q5851589: es:Romana (label)
  • Q7362358: en:Romana (label)
  • Q12354626: eo:Romana (label)
  • Q7362357: en:Romana (label), es:Romana (label), nl:Romana (label)
  • Q1752019: oc:Romana (label)
  • Q855830: en:Romana (label), de:Romana (label), sk:Romana (label), cs:Romana (label), pl:Romana (label), nl:Romana (label)
  • Q1650330: es:Romana (label), ca:Romana (label)
  • Q382223: de:Romana (label), an:Romana (label), ca:Romana (label), eo:Romana (label), es:Romana (label), eu:Romana (label), fr:Romana (label), it:Romana (label), lmo:Romana (label), nap:Romana (label), nl:Romana (label), pl:Romana (label), pms:Romana (label), pt:Romana (label), roa-tara:Romana (label), sc:Romana (label), scn:Romana (label), tl:Romana (label), vi:Romana (label), vo:Romana (label), uz:Romana (label)
  • Q1562393: en:Romana (alias)
  • Q366468: tl:Romana (alias)
  • Q344799: de:Romana (label), pl:Romana (label), an:Romana (label), it:Romana (label), en:Romana (label), nl:Romana (label), fr:Romana (label), sl:Romana (label), es:Romana (label)
  • Q13999699: ro:romana (label)
  • Q861598: ro:romana (label)
  • Q9004230: ro:romana (label)
  • Q2438411: en:Russian (label)
  • Q7737: en:Russian (label)
  • Q122263: en:Russian (label), en-ca:Russian (label), en-gb:Russian (label)
  • Q398000: en:Serbian (label), sr-el:Srpski (label)
  • Q9299: en:Serbian (label)
  • Q1242686: de:Shqip (label), sq:Shqip (label)
  • Q1759510: sq:Shqip (alias)
  • Q747737: sq:shqip (label)
  • Q497863: de:SIMPLE (label)
  • Q3484683: fr:Simple (label)
  • Q3484686: fr:Simple (label)
  • Q3484687: fr:Simple (label)
  • Q3484688: fr:Simple (label)
  • Q7390402: en:SIMPLE (label)
  • Q7390403: en:SIMPLE (label)
  • Q7506340: fi:SiMPLE (label), en:SiMPLE (label)
  • Q7520642: en:Simple (label)
  • Q7520643: en:Simple (label)
  • Q2315394: en:Simple (label)
  • Q775079: fr:Simple (label)
  • Q1971926: zh-hans:SIMPLE (label), zh-hant:SIMPLE (label), zh-hk:SIMPLE (label), ru:SIMPLE (label), en:SIMPLE (label), es:SIMPLE (label), nl:SIMPLE (label), fr:SIMPLE (alias)
  • Q421718: ru:Simple (label), en:Simple (label), pt:Simple (label), de:SIMPLE (label), fr:Simple (label)
  • Q9077527: es:Simple (alias)
  • Q134556: es:simple (alias), fr:Simple (alias)
  • Q3536153: si:sinhala (label)
  • Q241586: en:Sinhala (label), it:Sinhala (label), nl:Sinhala (label), fr:Sinhala (label)
  • Q13267: eu:Sinhala (label), en:Sinhala (alias), en:sinhala (alias), nb:sinhala (alias)
  • Q39093: si:sinhala (label)
  • Q1118784: en:Sinhala (label)
  • Q3492674: fr:Spanish (label)
  • Q2568426: en:spanish (label)
  • Q7573131: en:Spanish (label), fr:Spanish (label)
  • Q241649: en:Spanish (label), simple:Spanish (label)
  • Q864886: sr:srpski (alias)
  • Q2531930: sr-el:srpski (label)
  • Q6282139: en:srpski (alias)
  • Q12640424: en:srpski (label)
  • Q5620230: en:svenska (alias)
  • Q9027: sv:svenska (label), pt:svenska (alias), es:svenska (alias), en:Swedish (label)
  • Q7654755: nb:Swedish (alias)
  • Q298714: en:Swedish (label), simple:Swedish (label), en-ca:Swedish (label), en-gb:Swedish (label), bn:Swedish (alias)
  • Q1262011: fr:Tagalog (label), ceb:Tagalog (label), it:Tagalog (label), de:Tagalog (label), tl:Tagalog (label), sh:Tagalog (alias)
  • Q931604: tl:Tagalog (label), en:Tagalog (label), pag:Tagalog (label)
  • Q242036: scn:Tamil (alias)
  • Q2494094: en:Tamil (label)
  • Q173491: eu:Tamil (label), es:Tamil (label), it:Tamil (label), tr:Tamil (alias)
  • Q631173: ta:tamil (label)
  • Q5885: en:Tamil (label), de:Tamil (label), af:Tamil (label), bcl:Tamil (label), da:Tamil (label), de-formal:Tamil (label), es:tamil (label), fi:Tamil (label), hu:tamil (label), lb:Tamil (label), nl:Tamil (label), nn:Tamil (label), sv:Tamil (label), de-ch:Tamil (label)
  • Q774365: en:Tamil (label), nn:Tamil (label), ca:Tamil (label), it:Tamil (label), hu:Tamil (label), tl:Tamil (label), ms:Tamil (label), id:Tamil (label), es:Tamil (label), nl:Tamil (label), fr:Tamil (label), nb:Tamil (label)
  • Q223044: ta:Tamil (label)
  • Q418708: sh:Telugu (label), sv:Telugu (label)
  • Q1535227: te:telugu (label)
  • Q2182761: en:Telugu (label), nl:Telugu (label), sv:Telugu (label), sh:Telugu (label), cs:Telugu (label)
  • Q846933: te:telugu (label)
  • Q7423740: te:telugu (label)
  • Q8097: en:Telugu (label), de:Telugu (label), af:Telugu (label), ast:Telugu (label), bcl:Telugu (label), ca:Telugu (label), cy:Telugu (label), da:Telugu (label), de-formal:Telugu (label), eu:Telugu (label), fi:Telugu (label), hif:Telugu (label), hu:telugu (label), nl:Telugu (label), nn:Telugu (label), sv:Telugu (label), de-ch:Telugu (label), simple:Telugu (label), oc:Telugu (label), nb:Telugu (label)
  • Q2600374: pl:Thai (alias)
  • Q472834: it:thai (label), de:Thai (label), nl:Thai (label), sv:Thai (label), hr:Thai (label), fr:Thai (alias), pt:Thai (alias)
  • Q12960201: sh:Thai (alias)
  • Q1757463: th:Thai (label)
  • Q42732: en:Thai (label), es:Thai (alias), it:Thai (alias)
  • Q347957: ca:Thai (alias)
  • Q1318885: en:Thai (label), nl:Thai (label), de:Thai (label), it:Thai (label), da:Thai (label), es:Thai (label), simple:Thai (label), th:THAI (alias)
  • Q12859888: simple:Thai (label)
  • Q188710: de:THAI (alias), ru:Thai (alias), en:THAI (alias)
  • Q9217: en:Thai (label), af:Thai (label), da:Thai (label), nl:Thai (label), nn:Thai (label), sv:Thai (label), nb:thai (label)
  • Q716: hak:Thai (label)
  • Q1071406: en:turkey (alias)
  • Q2024092: pt:Turkey (label), uz:Turkey (label), es:Turkey (label), vo:Turkey (label), ca:Turkey (label), nl:Turkey (label), uz:Turkey (alias)
  • Q975535: pt:Turkey (label), ht:Turkey (label), rup:Turkey (label), uz:Turkey (label), es:Turkey (label), vo:Turkey (label), en:Turkey (label), tr:Turkey (label), ca:Turkey (label), id:Turkey (label), vi:Turkey (label), sh:Turkey (label), nl:Turkey (label), roa-rup:Turkey (label), de:Turkey (label), fr:Turkey (label), uz:Turkey (alias)
  • Q1715478: fr:Turkey (label), en:Turkey (label), nl:Turkey (label), pt:Turkey (label), zh-yue:Turkey (label), vi:Turkey (label), de:Turkey (label), tr:Turkey (label), it:Turkey (label), vo:Turkey (label), tl:Turkey (label), es:Turkey (label), id:Turkey (label), pl:Turkey (label), sv:Turkey (label)
  • Q1457958: en:turkey (alias)
  • Q43: en:Turkey (label), en-gb:Turkey (label), en-ca:Turkey (label), simple:Turkey (label), bi:Turkey (label), chy:Turkey (label), ee:Turkey (label), hif:Turkey (label), ik:Turkey (label), nso:Turkey (label), sco:Turkey (label), tum:Turkey (label), tw:Turkey (label), ki:Turkey (label), su:Turkey (alias), nan:Turkey (alias), th:Turkey (alias)
  • Q12343422: da:Turkis (label)
  • Q180778: da:Turkis (alias)
  • Q165254: nn:Turkis (label), lt:Turkis (label), nb:Turkis (label)
  • Q197204: fi:Turkis (label)
  • Q5960345: nn:Turkis (label), nb:Turkis (label)
  • Q4699546: en-gb:turkish (label)
  • Q256: en:Turkish (label), gv:Turkish (label)
  • Q1563530: en:Turkish (label), en-ca:Turkish (label), en-gb:Turkish (label), simple:Turkish (label)
  • Q7900325: en:Urdu (label)
  • Q7900324: en:Urdu (label), fr:Urdu (label)
  • Q7900326: en:Urdu (label)
  • Q1617: en:Urdu (label), en-ca:Urdu (label), en-gb:Urdu (label), an:Urdu (label), da:Urdu (label), de:Urdu (label), de-ch:Urdu (label), es:urdu (label), eu:Urdu (label), fi:Urdu (label), hif:Urdu (label), hu:urdu (label), ie:Urdu (label), lt:Urdu (label), lv:urdu (label), nds:Urdu (label), nl:Urdu (label), nn:Urdu (label), sco:Urdu (label), sh:Urdu (label), simple:Urdu (label), sv:Urdu (label), nb:urdu (label), ast:Urdu (label)
  • Q4130082: en:Vietnamese (label), en-ca:Vietnamese (label), en-gb:Vietnamese (label)
  • Q9199: en:Vietnamese (label)
  • Q216151: de:Vietnamese (alias)

This are 406 different items and 1737 terms altogether. -- Bene* talk 16:18, 1 February 2014 (UTC)

Your bot is doung well, thanks. The list is great, too, and shows (in my opinion) that there are way too many false positives in labels and aliases to let those do a bot. However, the community was working fast here.
One mistake in the list: You list some entries of "simple" which should be "simple english". --YMS (talk) 10:38, 2 February 2014 (UTC)

I'm adding the following languages to the filter now (all found in recent changes of the past 24 hours; note some again are two words), maybe you want to add them to your bot, too: bahasa indonesia makedonski norsk bokmål română sanskrit --YMS (talk) 14:13, 2 February 2014 (UTC) Delusion23 added the following ones in between (extracted from the filter notes, not checked for completeness): Khmer українська angol английский ไทย engels engleza ingles anglais српски Armenian hayeren ქართული esperanto हिन्दी --YMS (talk) 14:18, 2 February 2014 (UTC)

I've also just added:

slovak slovenčina slovenščina slovene slovenian slovakian englisch By the way thanks very much for the work you've all been doing to sort out this problem. It has been one of the things that has been frustrating me since I first started editing Wikidata and now we have the tools to start preventing it from happening. Delsion23 (talk) 18:45, 2 February 2014 (UTC)

Two Some more: македонски tiếng viet montenegro italienisch thailand ελληνικα greece --YMS (talk) 12:07, 3 February 2014 (UTC)

This section was archived on a request by: Matěj Suchánek (⧼Talkpagelinktext</small>) 14:50, 13 April 2014 (UTC)

Such as:

  1. JPL Small-Body Database (Q4026990)
  2. Virtual International Authority File (Q54919)
  3. International Standard Name Identifier (Q423048)
  4. IUCN Red List (Q32059)
  5. SIMBAD (Q654724)
  6. Minor Planet Center (Q522039)
  7. INSEE code (Q156705)
  8. OKATO (Q856636)
  9. World Odonata List (Q13561342)
  10. Jonathan's Space Report (Q6272367)
  11. National Central Library of Florence (Q460907)
  12. Italian National Institute of Statistics (Q214195)
  13. International Plant Names Index (Q922063)
  14. VizieR (Q1662358)

and so on. They are trusted database, so we should use stated in (P248) instead of imported from Wikimedia project (P143).--GZWDer (talk) 15:45, 21 December 2013 (UTC)

imported from Wikimedia project (P143) already has several uses: After importing authortiy numbers from any Wikipedia the respective Wikipedia is attributed as source. And after bulk import of VIAF numbers and freebase Id's based on external mappings the authority file or concrete dump was given as source. Personally however I use stated in (P248) on individual items when I have actively checked the validity and appropriateness of the authority number in its respective database. And especially for VIAF imho stated in (P248) does not make much sense, since (similar to wikidata Q-numbers) the numbers stand for clusters of "real" entries reshuffled by automatic processes on a regular schedule (these numbers are quite stable of course, but in a sense VIAF does not make any semantic statements of its own, it just refres to its constituents). I know here is not the proper place to discuss source qualifiers for authority control properties, I only intend to utter that things may be tricky and "trust" has many aspects). -- Gymel (talk) 12:04, 11 January 2014 (UTC)

Sports Statistics Update Bot

My idea is a bot that automatically updates sports statistics. Preferably, it would get statistics from the assorted [sport] sites (e.g. etc.). It would pull information from an athletes' page every so often and update that athlete's Wikipedia article.

Thanks! Newyorkadam (talk) 22:39, 30 December 2013 (UTC)Newyorkadam

By the way, I was forwarded from's Bot Request page.

I would want a hell of a lot more information about how this would work before I even considered letting Wikidata have any control over another project's content. Resolute (talk) 18:33, 1 January 2014 (UTC)
What do you mean how it would work? It would pull data from those websites and update athletes' articles. Newyorkadam (talk) 18:43, 1 January 2014 (UTC)Newyorkadam
Hi Newyorkadam, thanks for this interesting idea. I have got two questions:
  1. Are those webpages reliable? Where does the data come from?
  2. Under which license is the data published? Just noting that Wikidata's content is licensed under the CC0.
Best regards, -- Bene* talk 21:34, 2 January 2014 (UTC)
Bene - under US law, bare statistics are not copyrightable, so there shouldn't be an issue there. (England is apparently a more problematic though). I'm not sure of any issue that might relate to more advanced statistics (of which Baseball is legendary for, but also which I doubt Newyorkadam is looking to add).
Newyorkadam - Sorry, I meant to ask how Wikidata would work vis a vis the articles themselves. The point of a site like Wikidata is to centralize certain types of information across all wikis. Statistics could be one aspect, but my belief is that it would ultimately mean the loss of control over the data, styles, formatting, etc. by local wikis. That concerns me a little. Resolute (talk) 21:47, 2 January 2014 (UTC)
No, formatting is up to Wikis (with the only current restriction that a Wiki page can only import info from the Wikidata item corresponding to this page), and the wikis need to opt in anyway, so if they want to keep the statistics locally they are free to do it. The problem is of course that if some data is vandalized it shows up incorrectly at all wikis which use it, but this is a general problem for centralized storage of info.--Ymblanter (talk) 07:05, 3 January 2014 (UTC)
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── @Resolute: however, if you read [2] you can see that they don't allow this use of data. Quoting:

Please do not attempt to spider data from our web sites, as spidering violates the terms and conditions that govern your use of our web sites: Site Terms of Use
If we notice excessive activity from a particular IP address we will be forced to take appropriate measures, which will include, but not be limited to, blocking that IP address. We thank you in advance for respecting our terms of use.

Regards Bene* talk 09:58, 3 January 2014 (UTC)
Fair enough. If they don't want you to take the data from their site, that is obviously their right. The bare data itself is not copyrightable, however. And thank you for the response, Ymblanter. Resolute (talk) 22:40, 3 January 2014 (UTC)
We can always use another website like ESPN for statistics (if it isn't copyrighted too). Newyorkadam (talk) 01:03, 4 January 2014 (UTC)Newyorkadam
Probably we can't: «Any business use, "re-mailing" or high-volume or automated use of WDIG Sites is prohibited» from Terms of use --ValterVB (talk) 08:12, 4 January 2014 (UTC)
I haven't looked at the data, but [3] looks interesting. Legoktm (talk) 08:31, 4 January 2014 (UTC)
I'm not expert about license. Is compatible?: «This database is copyright 1996-2014 by Sean Lahman.» «This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. For details see: » --ValterVB (talk) 09:08, 4 January 2014 (UTC)
The alike-part seems problematic. We could copy the content to wikidata and redistribute it, but the licence must stay the same. Since the content in wikidata is CC0, I guess that this is not possible. --Zuphilip (talk) 10:48, 4 January 2014 (UTC)

Replace values

Hi, I need a bot to remove any instances of member of political party (P102)independent politician (Q327591) and replace it with member of political party (P102)no value. This is to clean up the constraints page for member of political party (P102) and remove the classification of independent politician (Q327591) as an instance of a political party. This was discussed at User talk:SPQRobin#Independent politicians. --Wylve (talk) 15:22, 11 January 2014 (UTC)

That is:

  1. Create items of political divisions of the United States if there're no article in Wikipedia.
  2. Add country (P17), contains the administrative territorial entity (P150), located in the administrative territorial entity (P131), coordinate location (P625), P132 (P132)/instance of (P31), and one of FIPS 55-3 (locations in the US) (P774), FIPS 6-4 (P882), P883 (P883), FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions) (P901) to political divisions of the United States.

Currently, FIPS 55-3 (locations in the US) (P774), FIPS 6-4 (P882), P883 (P883), FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions) (P901) are used in less than 150 items, and Q816 even have no contains the administrative territorial entity (P150) claims! Please make a bot to do them. The number of political divisions of the United States is: County (6,372), City or Town (147,410), Congressional District (7,619), Census Tract (170,359), Metro/Micro Area (1,215), ZIP Code/ZCTA (166,081), Other (175,807). So it's a big work to do.--GZWDer (talk) 05:46, 12 December 2013 (UTC)

I will try to help the taskforce by manual adding/preparing as well as some automatic tasks (a bot for everything is maybe a little too much to ask for). First, I will concentrate on the county level. Some questions and comments:
--Zuphilip (talk) 14:18, 15 December 2013 (UTC)
Update: P883 (P883)   Done, FIPS 6-4 (P882)   Done, FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions) (P901)   Done --Zuphilip (talk) 20:27, 22 January 2014 (UTC)

Import release dates for media entries

Of the thousands of media works (music albums, movies, etc) present on Wikidata, there are but under two hundred entires that have a supplied publication date (P577), which I think is very valuable and relevant data.

For all instances of album and film, I propose we import the value for "release date" from infoboxes on the English Wikipedia, if available. However, per this discussion there may be concerns regarding reliability or suitable sourcing. I personally feel querying Wikipedia will give us at least some data with which can be improved if need be over time. Wikipedia data is well-monitored and hence arguably fairly accurate. Alternatively we could import the data from Rovi (they also have data on video), widely considered a reliable source, but as you could imagine, using their API is not free. I also wonder if there could be potential legal implications given how we're using their data. I cannot think of another source that is as easily accessible. That being said, I think Wikipedia is still the best option. Note you'd have to parse the infoboxes to get the actual release date, as formats may vary, or use dbpedia, which provides standardized data formats imported from Wikipedia.

Thanks! — MusikAnimal talk 23:19, 19 January 2014 (UTC)

Removing aliases

Please remove all aliases "Lepilemuridae" from genus item as Lepilemuridae (Q3830736) is family of primates now. Infovarius (talk) 15:02, 20 January 2014 (UTC)

The same task is for family Salmonidae: to remove Salmoniformes from all languages aliases, because order Salmoniformes is Q9394365. Infovarius (talk) 20:35, 25 January 2014 (UTC)

  Done --Pasleim (talk) 13:54, 27 April 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: --Pasleim (⧼Talkpagelinktext</small>) 13:54, 27 April 2014 (UTC)

Fix my mistakes !

I have added p31: craft (Q2207288) to several items through Widar, but actually I was misled by the French label, it seems that the correct item was profession (Q28640). Can someone correct that ? I do not think it has to be restricted may edits, as it seems that we should always use craft (Q2207288) in p31 to keep some consistency. --Zolo (talk) 09:19, 18 January 2014 (UTC)

Done.--GZWDer (talk) 14:02, 12 April 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: GZWDer (⧼Talkpagelinktext</small>) 14:02, 12 April 2014 (UTC)

Import geographic coordinates from the French Wikipedia

Some bots import geographic coordinates from various Wikipedias. But I've seen no one which do it from the French Wikipedia. It would be useful for many French places which haven't an article in other languages. Thanks in advance. Ayack (talk) 14:51, 15 July 2013 (UTC)

Anyone? Ayack (talk) 15:19, 28 September 2013 (UTC)

Will import article coords as part of this task. --WikedKentaur (talk) 17:14, 28 September 2013 (UTC)

Great, thanks! Ayack (talk) 17:20, 28 September 2013 (UTC)

Partly done -- script has problems with utf encoding. --WikedKentaur (talk) 18:10, 24 November 2013 (UTC)

The bot seems blocked. Is anybody importing coordinates from Wikipedias?--Pere prlpz (talk) 15:33, 23 December 2013 (UTC)

:-( — Ayack (talk) 19:19, 26 January 2014 (UTC)

Import virus identifiers

There is a list of the codes following this link:

The third column of the table has the name of the virus. First one for example is Poxviridae Poxviridae (Q948421). For this item get the string from the second column (in this case 00.058) and set it as P1076 (P1076).

For sourcing I would use: url = author = Cornelia Büchen-Osmond title = Taxonomy and Classification of Viruses

Because the table is sometimes updated it would also be good to set "date retrieved". It might also be good to make an item for that page/table, so we can change the url in one place if it ever changes. In that case I guess we should use "stated in" and that item. --Tobias1984 (talk) 10:28, 24 January 2014 (UTC)

Global Economic Map Bot

The Global Economic Map Bot will be the primary bot to update the Global Economic Map project.

It will retrieve data from World Bank Indicators, UN Statistics, International Labor Organization, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gapminder World, OpenCorporates and OpenSpending. The data retrieved will automatically update Wikidata with economic statistics and it will also update the Global Economic Map project.

Mcnabber091 (talk) 21:31, 26 January 2014 (UTC)

I can do that Amir (talk) 21:32, 26 January 2014 (UTC)