Wikidata:Property proposal/NRHP criteria

NRHP criteria


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Place


The National Register of Historic Places (Q3719) in the United States consists of nearly 100K separate inscribed places; somewhat over half of those entities currently have items in Wikidata, with a continuous addition of more as expands its coverage of inscribed places. At present, the 50K+ existing items have a heritage designation (P1435) statement and/or a NRHP reference number (P649) statement and possibly a start time (P580) qualifier to give the place's inscription date. No properties exist to add further dimension to the inscription process by capturing data related to the scope, reasoning, or categorization the inscription within the National Register, although such data is readily available from numerous sources.

The proposed property is inspired by and modeled after World Heritage criteria (P2614), and is intended to be used exclusively as a qualifier to the statement heritage designation (P1435):National Register of Historic Places listed place (Q19558910). It would enrich Wikidata's coverage of the National Register by capturing the defined criteria officially cited in the inscription of a place on the register. By extension, the criteria provide a very broad characterization of the nature of a place's historic significance: related to a person who occupied a house (criterion B), for example, or a building's architectural importance (criterion C). — Ipoellet (talk) 22:41, 10 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Perhaps repurpose World Heritage criteria (P2614) as "heritage criteria" rather than its current World Heritage-specific scope? Using the property only as a qualifier to heritage designation (P1435) would make clear to the casual browser which specific defined set of criteria is being cited. The problem I see with that is that World Heritage criteria (P2614) is presently used more in freestanding statements than in qualifiers. — Ipoellet (talk) 01:32, 11 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
A freestanding property work just fine, I you see the use of World Heritage criteria (P2614) in frwiki (in the infobox of fr:Parc national Wood Buffalo). --Fralambert (talk) 02:41, 11 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  1. Copy all current labels to aliases
  2. Change labels as follows: en and en-gb -> "heritage criteria"; es -> "criterios de patrimonio"; fr -> "critère du patrimoine"; ast -> "criterios de patrimoniu"; ca -> "criteris de patrimoni"; pt -> "critérios do patrimônio"; delete all others (23) unless someone else can provide a translation
  3. Change descriptions as follows: en and en-gb -> "formal selection criteria in official heritage register programs"; es -> "criterios formales de selección en los programas oficiales de registro del patrimonio"; fr -> "critères formels de sélection dans les inventaires officiels du patrimoine"; delete all others (26) unless someone else can provide a translation
  4. Delete statement issued by (P2378):UNESCO (Q7809)
  5. Add statement Wikidata item of this property (P1629):National Register criteria for evaluation (Q47035098) (World Heritage and NRHP are the only heritage programs I am especially familiar with - others could easily be added here) Delete statement Wikidata item of this property (P1629):selection criterion for World Heritage (Q22809610) (per ArthurPSmith's suggestion below)
  6. Delete statements at Wikidata usage instructions (P2559)
  7. Add a Wikidata property example (P1855) from the NRHP
  8. Delete the statement at source website for the property (P1896)
  9. Add this discussion at property proposal discussion (P3254)?
  10. At property constraint (P2302):one-of constraint (Q21510859), add qualifications item of property constraint (P2305):A (Q47035155), B (Q47035235), C (Q47035253), D (Q47035331) (this qualification would be expanded for the future addition of other heritage programs)
  11. At property constraint (P2302):item-requires-statement constraint (Q21503247), add qualification item of property constraint (P2305):National Register of Historic Places listed place (Q19558910) (this qualification would be expanded for the future addition of other heritage programs)
  12. Add constraint used as qualifier constraint (Q21510863) with qualification constraint status (P2316):mandatory constraint (Q21502408) (NOTE: This change would go against existing consensus#P2614 as a qualifier of P1435 (in the WHS context only) that World Heritage criteria (P2614) may be used in either qualifiers or standalone statements at the editor's discretion.)
I have posted a note at Property talk:P2614 that this discussion is happening. Should I go ahead and make the changes above? — Ipoellet (talk) 18:35, 18 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Ipoellet: this plan looks good to me. I'm not sure how the constraint changes you propose would work, so somebody better versed in that area might want to comment there. Also we don't normally have more than one value for "subject item of this property" - it might be better to just delete that rather than have two which could be confusing. I'm not sure on this. When you feel you are ready and people have had time to comment (give it a few days here I guess, I see you've linked this from the talk page on P2614) you should make these changes and also change the status field in the property proposal template above to "withdrawn", which will automatically remove it from various lists. ArthurPSmith (talk) 20:32, 18 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@ArthurPSmith: Thx for both perspective and guidance. — Ipoellet (talk) 20:50, 18 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Isn't the usage we're talking about here out of scope for that property? criterion used (P1013) is about Wikidata-specific criterion (Q27949687), while the WHS and NRHP criteria we're trying to capture are entities external to Wikidata. — Ipoellet (talk) 23:08, 20 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • I began making the changes to World Heritage criteria (P2614) as discussed above. Those changes were immediately reverted by Jura1, presumably because that user did not feel her/his comments were adequately addressed in this discussion. I had taken Jura1's comments as a tentative suggestion, not as a statement of opposition to the discussed course of action; thus, I thought consensus had been reached. I regret the miscommunication.
I do not agree with Jura1 that the proposed usage (heritage selection criteria) is within the present scope of criterion used (P1013). Both the property page itself and the discussion linked by Jura1 make clear that the property is intended to capture the parameters within which a quantitative measurement is made, not to document a qualification "hurdle" crossed in assigning an entity a particular status - only the property's label fits the heritage criteria usage. I do not have an objection to modifying criterion used (P1013) to change its scope, but other users might and I feel World Heritage criteria (P2614) is a more natural fit.
We seem agreed in this discussion that NRHP criteria are a direct analog to World Heritage criteria, and are worth capturing in Wikidata. Given that, there seem to be three options:
  1. Create a new property for NRHP criteria as originally proposed
  2. Modify World Heritage criteria (P2614) to change its scope to accept NRHP criteria
  3. Modify criterion used (P1013) to change its scope to accept qualitative criteria such as heritage criteria, then collapse World Heritage criteria (P2614) into it
If I was wrong that we had arrived at #2 as a consensus, then how can this be done? — Ipoellet (talk) 17:55, 26 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Pigsonthewing: Would you support using criterion used (P1013) for World Heritage criteria as well? Should criterion used (P1013) and World Heritage criteria (P2614) be merged? — Ipoellet (talk) 21:34, 25 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]