User talk:Epìdosis/Archive/2023

This page is an archive. Please do not modify it. Use the current page, even to continue an old discussion.


Ciao et auguri ! Vedo che sono io a inagurare la tue talk page per 2023. La notizia di CFIV169116 si sbaglia attribuendi le opere al generale = Merobaudes (Q639688); sono dell'omonimo poeto = Merobaudes (Q930459) . --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 20:58, 4 January 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban: ciao, ancora auguri! Pessimo errore questo in SBN, confusione davvero ingenua ... peraltro mi è capitato di seguire due anni fa un corso di storia romana in cui abbiamo parlato abbastanza anche del Merobaude poeta. Risolto ora, al solito sarà visibile in una o due settimane. A presto, --Epìdosis 08:55, 5 January 2023 (UTC)

South Korean politicians (1936)

Ciao Epidosis,

in my opinion Lee Jong-chan (Q624795) and Lee Jong-chan (Q94536917) are the same, just different romanizations.-- Spritz Ab (talk) 19:32, 17 January 2023 (UTC)

@Spritz Ab: thanks for the suggestions, they seemed me a bit too different ... but effectively I agree, merged now. --Epìdosis 19:59, 17 January 2023 (UTC)

Fahrenhorst family

Hi Epidosis, you added a statement to Q113786478 meaning that Wilhelm Fahrenhorst ist father of Eberhard Fahrenhorst Q93262204 - but defines his father was Walther Fahrenhorst Q94761471. Just a mistake or do you think it is correct this way? -- Gerd Fahrenhorst (talk) 18:02, 18 January 2023 (UTC)

@Gerd Fahrenhorst: it was an addition based on a massive export from GND, so I think that at the time in which GND was retrieved it stated so ... but evidently GND corrected itself, so I corrected also here on Wikidata. Thanks for reporting! --Epìdosis 18:11, 18 January 2023 (UTC)

MnM catalogues no longer needed

Hello, do you have ability to deactivate Mix'n'Match catalogues? and are no longer required and they don't update any more, so I'll better create new ones.

Or do I have to contact Magnus?

Thank you for help. Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 09:01, 19 January 2023 (UTC)

@Vojtěch Dostál: Of course, I can do it.   Done! See you soon, --Epìdosis 09:03, 19 January 2023 (UTC)
Thank you very much!! Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 10:37, 19 January 2023 (UTC)

conteggio references + vere fonti

ciao! ricordo male o esiste un modo per contare le references di uno statement (o forse mi confondo con quello per contare gli statments)? perchè se così fosse potrei fare la prova a unirlo alla query delle "vere fonti" che mi avevi scritto per isolare tutti quegli statements che hanno come fonte "importato da wikipedia" e che hanno un unica fonte (ergo l'unica fonte è importata da wikipedia) che dici, too far fetched? divudì 09:49, 21 January 2023 (UTC)

@Divudi85: Ciao, questa funziona. Grazie per la domanda e come sempre resto a disposizione, --Epìdosis 10:06, 21 January 2023 (UTC)
provato ora ma mi esce fuori anche Eliseo Sala (Q15407279) che ha mille ref oltre che un "importato da" divudì 19:02, 21 January 2023 (UTC)
@Divudi85: sì, non era abbastanza stringente, credo di aver capito perché. L'ho modificata, prova la versione attuale. --Epìdosis 19:09, 21 January 2023 (UTC)
top divudì 21:29, 21 January 2023 (UTC)


ciao, visto che mi è scappato torricelli della pulizia manuale, pensi sia possibile restringere ancora la query in modo che prenda solo gli elementi con solo un valore per luogo di nascita? thanks! divudì 18:56, 23 January 2023 (UTC)

@Divudi85: fatte varie prove, l'ultima query che ho aggiunto in sandbox penso risponda alla tua richiesta; se però così non fosse, avvisami (non sono sicuro al 100%). --Epìdosis 12:19, 24 January 2023 (UTC)
grazie, mi da però più risultati di prima (4770 questa, 4801 la tua nuova) ho isolato quelli in più ma non capisco con quale criterio li aggiunga. però mi hai dato un input per fare questa, che mi trova tutti i casi che devo evitare, ovvero due statement per P19 con uno dei due come fonte importato da progetto etc etc. Non resta che fare l'opposto cioè chiedergli tutti tranne questi... ehm come si fa? :) divudì 19:36, 24 January 2023 (UTC)
anzi, faccio io il contrario! sistemo a mano questi 103 che hanno due luoghi di nascita con (una delle) fonti "importato da" e poi non dovrei avere problemi. tzac. se la soluzione non va bene basta cambiare il problema, ahahah divudì 19:41, 24 January 2023 (UTC)
@Divudi85: benissimo. Attento ai casi (vari) di comune e capoluogo, in quei casi l'elemento corretto è ovviamente il comune (e la fonte del capoluogo si può trasferire sul comune, è un semplice errore di abbinamento). --Epìdosis 21:55, 24 January 2023 (UTC)

L. Alfano

Dear Epidosis,

I'm looking for the full name of L. Alfano of the Q3747188, a geophysicist and the 1959 recipient of Schlumberger Award.

Maybe you could help me. Thanks in advance.-- Spritz Ab (talk) 13:49, 23 January 2023 (UTC)

@Spritz_Ab: could be him? divudì 08:57, 24 January 2023 (UTC)
@Spritz Ab: thanks for the question, I love this cases of problematic identification. I agree with @Divudi85:: created Luigi Alfano (Q116373730). --Epìdosis 11:02, 24 January 2023 (UTC)
I owe you both a deep thanks!--Spritz Ab (talk) 21:59, 27 January 2023 (UTC)

Schlumberger Award (2)

I haven't disambiguated one scientist from Schlumberger Award yet. May you help me with finding P. Bois of Institut Français du Pétrole (Q116455574)?-- Spritz Ab (talk) 22:11, 27 January 2023 (UTC)

@Spritz Ab: surely the author of and, and other articles; it should be (although the affiliation "Copenaghen Zoo" is completely wrong); but, despite having checked tens of pages, no trace of the complete name. I don't know if maybe a native French speaker @Jahl de Vautban: can help :) Anyway, I created it as Pierre Bois (Q116457508) since it is the name widely used in existing sources; we could then add the complete given name, if available. --Epìdosis 08:56, 28 January 2023 (UTC)
@Spritz Ab: I got lucky. Based on this article I am able to identify him as Pierre Bois. A short biography is at the end of the article:

Pierre Bois received a degree in mathematics from the University of Poitiers.

In 1958, he joined the Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil, France. His interests are in the areas of geophysics, pattern recognition, and data processing. He has published more than 50 papers.

Prof. Bois has received the Conrad Schlumberger Award of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists in 1972 and is a member of the SEG et the EAEG.

I'm digging more but so far I wasn't able to find an external ID for him. --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 09:21, 28 January 2023 (UTC)
@Jahl de Vautban: great, information added to the item! BTW, IEEE is an ID ;-) Thanks very much! --Epìdosis 09:27, 28 January 2023 (UTC)

Gioacchino Francesco La Torre su IRIS UNIPI

Ciao! Forse tu hai i contatti per farre modificare Gioacchino Francesco La Torre: nell'unico articolo al suo nome è notato comme "F. La Torre" ed è affiliato al "Department of Surgical Sciences, University “La Sapienza”, Policlinico Umberto I, Rome, Italy"; sicuramente c'è un'errore nel catalogo IRIS. --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 19:48, 28 January 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban: sì, purtroppo gli IRIS hanno molti errori: nei casi di articoli con più autori, è l'autore stesso che deve confermare o meno gli abbinamenti e spesso conferma abbinamenti errati; in questo caso semplicemente la scheda di Gioacchino Francesco La Torre in IRIS UNIPI non dovrebbe esistere, perché la sua unica pubblicazione di fatto non è sua, ma appunto di un F. La Torre affiliato al Policlinico Umberto I di Roma. Finora ho contatti con gli staff di pochi IRIS (per fortuna UNIPI è tra questi), comunque sto annotando in vari file tutti gli errori che trovo in tutti gli IRIS, sperando di riuscire a farli correggere in futuro. Per qualunque altro errore, segnalami pure qui e annoto; se - come spesso accade - la pubblicazione errata è l'unica attribuita all'autore, puoi marcare la entry Mix'n'match con N/A. Grazie mille, --Epìdosis 08:42, 29 January 2023 (UTC)

Identificativo Box Office Mojo

Ciao, vedendolo mancante, ho inserito l'identificativo nella pagina, per poi scoprire che non funziona, il sito è cambiato molto negli ultimi due anni, non è che ora non si riesce più a inserire questo dato? Riesci a dargli un'occhiata?--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 19:23, 29 January 2023 (UTC)

Infatti su il suo template è stato aggiornato, non vorrei che qui fosse rimasto lo stesso e non sia più in grado di "supportare" il nuovo id, o qualcosa di simile, perché su l'id che ho inserito funziona, qui no--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 19:31, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
@Luke Stark 96: confermo, Box Office Mojo film ID (former scheme) (P1237) risulta obsoleta e non è stata proposta una nuova proprietà utilizzabile (effettivamente bisognerebbe farlo). --Epìdosis 21:04, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
Come pensavo, si riesce ad aggiornarlo? Si tratta di un sito molto importante, che su viene letto in automatico e compare anche nei collegamenti esterni--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 21:08, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
@Luke Stark 96: fattibile, nel senso che: 1) vanno proposte nuove proprietà in WD:PP (tenendo le vecchie proprietà a fini di archivio); 2) le nuove proprietà vengono approvate dalla comunità e create (relativamente scontato); 3) si importano nuovi valori es. da it.wikipedia o si aggiungono a mano (penso che una conversione dei vecchi valori sia impossibile, ma si può sentire il parere di @Horcrux:). Tempo un due settimane, un mese al massimo, si potrebbe arrivare a cominciare la fase 3, cominciando in questi giorni la 1. --Epìdosis 21:20, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
Ah quindi bisogna proprio crearne uno nuovo? E di conseguenza ci vorranno magari settimane? Se è così sarebbe davvero utile iniziare il prima possibile, quando avete tempo. Cavolo se me ne fossi accorto prima avremmo già fatto....--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 21:25, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
@Luke Stark 96: Tuttavia, potrebbe non essere necessario. La mia impressione è che, essendo stato acquisito (direi) da IMDB, usi per i film gli stessi ID di IMDB; nel qual caso una nuova proprietà non sarebbe necessaria e basterebbe che il template di leggesse la proprietà di IMDB. Puoi provare a vedere a campione se è così. Forse è proprio per questo che non è stata proposta una nuova proprietà di rimpiazzo, perché banalmente il sito ha cominciato ad appoggiarsi a un ID già presente in Wikidata (IMDB). --Epìdosis 21:36, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
Hai ragione tu: e hanno lo stesso id, quindi che si fa per farlo apparire nei collegamenti esterni?--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 21:40, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
@Luke Stark 96: ora dovrebbe funzionare; se serve fai qualche null edit. In presenza di IMDB, il tmp Collegamenti esterni lo legge anche come BoxOfficeMojo in automatico. --Epìdosis 21:46, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
Ho dovuto correggere IMDb (non so perché era diverso ma lo prendeva come giusto) e ora è presente nei collegamenti esterni. Quindi d'ora in poi non ci sarà più bisogno di aggiungere l'identificativo BoxOfficeMojo su Wikidata?--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 21:55, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
No, nessun bisogno; IMDB basta anche per BoxOfficeMojo. --Epìdosis 21:56, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
Perfetto, grazie mille e buona serata :)--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 21:56, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
Io comunque ne approfitterei per ricavare tramite bot gli ID di Box Office Mojo (che ancora funzionano) a partire da quelli di IMDb, dato che nel codice sorgente della pagina sembrano essere ancora visibili. --Horcrux (talk) 11:55, 30 January 2023 (UTC)
@Horcrux: Bene, può essere utile. Ma funzionano tramite link archiviato in Archive o proprio tramite il sito attuale? --Epìdosis 11:57, 30 January 2023 (UTC)
I link con il vecchio id sembrano ancora perfettamente funzionanti (vedi gli esempi in Property:P1237#P1855). --Horcrux (talk) 12:25, 30 January 2023 (UTC)
@Horcrux: benissimo, allora procedi pure; poi semmai setto nuovamente il tmp Collegamenti esterni su questa proprietà, se lo riteniamo la soluzione migliore. --Epìdosis 12:27, 30 January 2023 (UTC)
Non saprei, credo che la "matitina" mostrata dal template Collegamenti esterni debba puntare alla proprietà il cui ID è più semplice da reperire. E, in effetti, tramite la ricerca di gli URL che escono fuori sono quelli con l'ID di IMDb. --Horcrux (talk) 13:44, 30 January 2023 (UTC)

Come non detto: nel codice sorgente delle schede di Box Office Mojo gli ID attuali non si trovano più. Per esempio, per Gone with the Wind (Q2875) l'ID vecchio è gonewiththewind, che però è un redirect a Questo ID rl3629614593 è l'ID di una release del film, ma abbiamo anche gr2907263493, che è l'ID di una release group. Questa organizzazione degli identificativi mi ricorda un po' quella di MusicBrainz (cfr. release e release group); però bisognerebbe investigare meglio sul loro effettivo significato. --Horcrux (talk) 13:58, 30 January 2023 (UTC)

Avevo provato anch'io a inserire l'identificativo, ma né il mioil tuo funziona, @Horcrux:, non hai annullato l'edit perché stai cercando di fare in modo che funzioni?--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 15:39, 30 January 2023 (UTC)
@Luke Stark 96: Mi ero solo dimenticato di rollbackarmi *faccina imbarazzata*. --Horcrux (talk) 18:00, 30 January 2023 (UTC)
@Horcrux: ah no ok, pensavo ci fosse un motivo e quindi non l'ho annullato di proposito, a posto così--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 18:16, 30 January 2023 (UTC)

Building or type of building?


There seems to be some mix-up on casa del fascio (Q3661218) between a specific building and the type of building, no? The history is a bit messy, I'll let take a look.

PS: on an other note, I've seen your video on YouTube, they are great!

Cheers, VIGNERON (talk) 10:42, 30 January 2023 (UTC)

@VIGNERON:   Done, now it is again a type of building. Thanks for having appreciated the video! --Epìdosis 11:02, 30 January 2023 (UTC)

Sidney Homer

Hi Epidosis,

IMHO VIAF is wrong: Worldcat only has books from the banker and interest rate historian (LoC). Sidney and Syd the soccer player both have lived from 1903–1983, but don't share anything else.

Kind regards Phaic Thǎn (talk) 18:45, 30 January 2023 (UTC)

@Phaic Thǎn: I perfectly agree, thanks for noticing.   Done --Epìdosis 20:11, 30 January 2023 (UTC)

Mix'n'match catalog European Art Net

Hi, I came across the European Art Net catalog on Mix'n'match. It actaully links to the English version of The Fine Art Archive (Q10855166), which it links to via described at URL (P973). However abART person catalog (covering persons from the database) already exists and has its own property abART person ID (P6844) and there are other properties for the content of this database (like abART document ID (P6845) etc.). So it's a mostly duplicated catalog that doesn't use existing properties. I think it would be appropriate to import any new connections into the appropriate properties and deactivate the catalog. I have already contacted on this matter Magnus, who imported the catalog, but unfortunately he completely ignored my message. Jklamo (talk) 18:42, 31 January 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Jklamo:! I agree that European Art Net is not ideal from many points of view, especially because "it would be appropriate to import any new connections into the appropriate properties" (100% agree). European Art Net is a federation of databases (, among which is abART. There are also links to SIKART (all broken), to Basis Wien (OK) etc. but it's true that most (maybe all?) of these partners have specific properties. However, since Mix'n'match has many catalogues that are questionable for same reason (e.g. partial duplications, such as this case) and there is no clear procedure for asking the deactivation of such cases, I feel a bit uncomfortable deactivating a catalogue which is as problematic as some others. It would be ideal discussing the creation of such a procedure (with a dedicated page, and some guiding criteria) and then passing this request through such a procedure. I proposed the creation of such a procedure in Wikidata talk:Mix'n'match#Procedure and criteria for requests of catalogues' deactivation a few minutes ago; your comments about this general problem are welcome. If we manage to gather some consensus (and hopefully Magnus' opinion) about this issue, we can then manage this single case (and many others I have in mind) in a better way, I hope. Thanks, --Epìdosis 20:14, 31 January 2023 (UTC)



that should be redirect in my opinion. can you tel towich item it was redirected? Geagea (talk) 10:00, 8 February 2023 (UTC)

@Geagea: It was deleted as conflation; most IDs have been moved to Johann Ludwig Köhler (Q116392361). --Epìdosis 10:04, 8 February 2023 (UTC)

Francesco Buonaccorsi (Q109837637)

mi sto imbattendo in non pochi elementi di tipografi che hanno erroneamente (a volte errato sulla fonte stessa) come date di nascita e morte le date di attività. Oltre a quello del titolo, altro esempio che non ho ancora corretto è Johann Veldener (Q6216287). Ho provato a evidenziare questa discrepanza con questa barbara query che ha però degli ovvi problemi: 1. se la data di nascita/morte è un secolo mi restituisce l'ultimo anno del secolo (XVIII sec -> 1800) 2. ho usato la P106 per ridurre il numero di risultati ma in realtà quelle che ho incontrato sono spesso voci estremamente spoglie (quindi senza P106). C'è un modo per eliminare le date che hanno la precisione "secolo"? thanks -- divudì 15:00, 19 February 2023 (UTC)

@Divudi85: Ciao, proporrei; nella mia sandbox trovi qualche altra query che gioca sulla precisione (cerca wikibase:timePrecision). Buona pulizia! --Epìdosis 15:15, 19 February 2023 (UTC)
grazie! divudì 15:17, 19 February 2023 (UTC)

identificativo Portugal. Dicionário Histórico

Ciao Epìdosis, su Wikipedia sto facendo delle liste SPARQL di voci mancanti e spulciando tra i vari database qui mi sono imbattuta in Portugal. Dicionário Histórico ID (P8611). Ho notato che è matchato appena con 6 elementi, e non c'è un catalogo in m'n'm che ne consentirebbe una più rapida diffusione. Io non ho idea di come si segnali un nuovo catalogo e comunque sono indaffarata di là, ma se hai tempo puoi proporlo tu o magari lo fai notare ai wikidatisti portoghesi :D

Buon wikilavoro e scusa per la rottura!

P.S. Altra enciclopedia online per la quale si potrebbe creare un identificativo è Doosan Encyclopedia (Q488450) ! Mastrocom (talk) 15:18, 25 February 2023 (UTC)

@Mastrocom: grazie per la segnalazione, di solito segnalo i cataloghi mancanti a Gerwoman; per l'enciclopedia coreana, se ben capisco le voci sono contrassegnate da un ID numerico (es.; sì, si potrebbe proporre in WD:PP. @Gerwoman: if you are interested, Portugal. Dicionário Histórico ID (P8611) may be worth a MnM catalogue. Thanks, --Epìdosis 16:08, 25 February 2023 (UTC)

Tsui Hark (Q317814)

Buon giorno, the IdRef and ORCID are wrong.--Salatalık Kral (talk) 10:22, 27 February 2023 (UTC)

@Salatalık Kral: the IdRef is correct (except for containing the wrong ORCID), and the ORCID is of course wrong. Solved, thanks. --Epìdosis 10:27, 27 February 2023 (UTC)

oggetto indicato come

Ciao Epìdosis. Sai dirmi se hanno senso modifiche come questa[[1]]? Zanekost (talk) 17:50, 28 February 2023 (UTC)

@Zanekost: per me proprio no; era già stato notato (Topic:Xdct7tx93tmpc33g), ho aggiunto un commento a sostegno di un rollback massivo. --Epìdosis 19:36, 28 February 2023 (UTC)
Grazie per la solerte risposta. Concordo. Zanekost (talk) 20:07, 28 February 2023 (UTC)

Bruno Della Chiesa

Good morning Epìdosis, I've extracted Bruno Della Chiesa (Q116988954): Italian art historian from Bruno della Chiesa (Q2927034): French linguist (1962-). Do you have any information about the Italian philologist? --Kolja21 (talk) 10:11, 6 March 2023 (UTC)

PS: The three Wikipedia articles about the science fiction writer seems to be self promotion, see de:Diskussion:Bruno della Chiesa. --Kolja21 (talk) 10:49, 6 March 2023 (UTC)
@Kolja21: SBN distinguishes them correctly, but unfortunately - despite much research - I found no relevant infos about the Italian one; first publication in 1964, last in 1975, everything about art history. I changed it to art historian, more appropriate, but unfortunately nothing else is known as of now. --Epìdosis 11:46, 6 March 2023 (UTC)


Ciao scusa il disturbo,potresti controllare se questa foto   è migliore di   per la questa [2] voce? Oppure controllare le foto sostituite qui(foto di qualità o featured) [3] o questa [4] o questa [5]? Secondo me l'utente solo per vendetta personale sta danneggiando il progetto. Ciao e scusami di nuovo. 23:57, 7 March 2023 (UTC)

Ho spostato la foto in notturna nella proprietà apposita, mettendo quella diurna in image (P18); le altre mi paiono abbastanza intercambiabili; comunque P18 non ha vincolo di valore singolo, quindi nulla vieta di affiancare due o tre immagini. --Epìdosis 09:12, 8 March 2023 (UTC)
Prima di tutto ti ringrazio, ma lo user ha un problema personale con me,come puoi vedere ha cercato di cancellare tutte le mie foto più volte [6],[7],[8],[9]. Le foto sono molte e per esempio questa   sia meglio di questa   come anche [10] foto piccola e vecchia,[11] colori errati e piccola,questa [12] praticamente neanche si vede la chiesa,[13] questa è sfocata ecc ecc.....l'utente cancella qualsiasi miglioramento ed ha un carattere molto aggressivo. Sopratutto da quando l'hanno bloccato in linua inglese[14]. Se quando hai tempo potresti dare un'occhiata ti ringrazierei. Scusami di nuovo. 16:02, 8 March 2023 (UTC)
Comunque la tua modifica qui[15] è stata annullata naturalmente,ciao 16:23, 11 March 2023 (UTC)

Batch 127400

Hi, could you check batch 127400? It’s supposed to “remove redundant ¢Q483501 if not sourced or Wikimedia-sourced" but this statement was sourced --Emu (talk) 10:51, 14 March 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Emu:, I think this was included in the Petscan I used because, among the two references, one was to Wikipedia; a few other cases (probably around 1-2% of the total) might have been included for the same reason; I can manually check the batch. --Epìdosis 13:24, 14 March 2023 (UTC)
@Emu: I checked all (and also Thanks! --Epìdosis 15:54, 14 March 2023 (UTC)
Thank you! --Emu (talk) 15:54, 14 March 2023 (UTC)

Merge request


Can you merge the Wikidata pages "LeoBank" (Q111603637) and "Leobank" (Q111271602)?

They are about the same bank.

Yours sincerely, 05:47, 18 March 2023 (UTC)

  Merged Estopedist1 (talk) 07:04, 18 March 2023 (UTC)

Gaio Asinio Gallo

Ciao! Lavorando per il concorso ho trovato un caso penso un puo esterno. Su Edit16 c'è una scheda per Gaius Asinius Gallus (Q450708) = CNCA8713, però i titoli collegati sono di Gaius Cornelius Gallus (Q8825). Il primo non sembre di avere una scheda su SBN, però compare in CNCE077713. Puoi fare qualque cosa in questo caso? --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 18:53, 20 March 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban: grazie per la segnalazione! Sono falsi umanistici (, ma effettivamente l'attribuzione - falsa - è a Cornelio Gallo, mentre Asinio Gallo non c'entra niente. Non posso risolvere direttamente in EDIT16, ma segnalo a chi si occupa del database e dovrebbe essere corretto a breve. Grazie mille! --Epìdosis 19:06, 20 March 2023 (UTC)

IP nella mia talk

Ciao carissimo, scusa se ti disturbo qui ma ti ho trovato scorrendo la lista degli admin. C'è questo che credo sia una vecchia conoscenza in evasione su, anche se non ti so dire chi. Crede di aver trovato il sistema di provocarmi senza subire conseguenze. Personalmente non me ne fregherebbe nulla, l'ha già fatto mesi fa nella talk di un utente che avevo bloccato una settimana e l'ho bellamente ignorato, ma in questo momento della vita non ho proprio voglia di vedermi notifiche da Wikidata (gli auguro che capiti a lui nel momento meno opportuno) se poco poco accedo di là. Veramente la prima l'ho avuta addittura in e-mail, credo sia qualche impostazione che adesso disabilito. Se si può fare qualcosa, tenuto conto del fatto che è variabile, ti sono grato. A presto --Actormusicus (talk) 20:07, 21 March 2023 (UTC)

Ciao @Actormusicus:, sì mi pare un caso spiacevole. Purtroppo non ho esperienza nella gestione di IP dinamici; di solito la mia principale occupazione da admin è cancellare elementi non rilevanti. Ciò che posso consigliare è da un lato disattivare per quanto possibile le notifiche e dall'altro porre il problema in inglese in WD:AN, dove penso qualche amministratore saprà rispondere meglio meglio di me. Mi spiace non saper fare di più. Buona serata, --Epìdosis 20:12, 21 March 2023 (UTC)


Ciao Epì! Un aggiornamento: il nuovo catalogo è ora attivo ma purtroppo non sono previste schede d'autorità; semplicemente, rispetto al vecchio sito (che rimane attivo) ci sono nuovi link, qui un esempio di aggiornamento manuale; pensi che vi possa essere ugualmente la possibilità di creare un identificativo, per quel tipo di link al nuovo catalogo, oppure no? Spinoziano (BEIC) (talk) 15:16, 22 March 2023 (UTC)

@Spinoziano (BEIC): sicuramente no, trattandosi di stringhe di ricerca; un gran peccato! Per le sostituzioni dei link esistenti, converrebbe programmare un bot; altrimenti, usando QuickStatements, prima si rimuovono tutte le occorrenze di described by source (P1343)BEIC Digital Library (Q51955019) e poi le si riaggiunge. Suggerirei comunque, sul modello di Medvik (Q99413897) (es. Q307#P1343), di usare per P1343 non il riferimento, bensì due qualificatori, cioè subject named as (P1810) (al posto di section, verse, paragraph, or clause (P958)) e URL (P2699) (al posto di reference URL (P854)). Resto a disposizione per discuterne. --Epìdosis 16:11, 22 March 2023 (UTC)
Grazie per le indicazioni! Probabilmente tra qualche tempo ci saranno anche da inserire nuovi dati (non sugli autori ma sugli editori), ti tengo aggiornato. A presto. --Spinoziano (BEIC) (talk) 16:44, 22 March 2023 (UTC)

Barbara Bartholomew: Undo Merge

Hi @Epìdosis, In July 2022, Q111443493 was merged into Q56560568 but they do not seem to be the same person. The first is a visual artist who was a visiting prof at Lewis and Clark and the other is a writer of romance novels and other types of works. Would you mind undoing the merge or if I undo it? Thanks so much. Rolery02 (talk) 19:30, 23 March 2023 (UTC)

@Rolery02: sure, undone and added different from (P1889). Thanks for noticing! --Epìdosis 21:03, 23 March 2023 (UTC)
@Epìdosis: Thanks so much! --Rolery02 (talk) 14:10, 24 March 2023 (UTC)

Luigi Forni

Hi Epìdosis, I'm looking for the author of Prenozioni fondamentali di biologia, che segnano i limiti al materialismo, ed all'animismo nella scienza della natura (Torino 1829). The book is randomly linked with Luigi Forni (Q117304504): Italian archaeologist. --Kolja21 (talk) 23:25, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

@Kolja21: I love these quests! This is surely Luigi Forni (Q104052574): Italian physician (1775/6-1840), as also presently shown by --Epìdosis 23:35, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

Hans-Georg Schaetzler

Hi Epìdosis, is there a database for doctoral theses at Italian universities? I can't find Dr. Hans-Georg Schaetzler (Q116213706) in German library catalogues. He probably received his doctorate in Italy: Q116213706#P69. --Kolja21 (talk) 18:22, 31 March 2023 (UTC)

@Kolja21: unfortunately not, it is a big chaos. Most of the thesis are catalogued in OPAC SBN, although some libraries might have chosen to catalogue them only in the OPAC of their polo SBN (there are 102 poli SBN) instead of in the general OPAC SBN; some of theses might not be catalogued not even at the level of polo. The PhD theses of the last 10 years are well catalogued in the IRIS repository of each university (see WD:IRIS) and should also be in the OPAC SBN. Anyway, I searched for his thesis in various catalogues but with no result. --Epìdosis 19:31, 31 March 2023 (UTC)

Language labels

Do you know how I can get the nameGuzzler gadget? User:Jitrixis/nameGuzzler.js. I would love to be able to set all the labels at one time. So far, I've tried User:Brightblueskies/common.js and User:Brightblueskies/nameGuzzlerOption.js, but I seem to be missing something. Do you know what I need to do to get it? Brightblueskies (talk) 20:41, 1 April 2023 (UTC)

@Brightblueskies: You should edit your User:Brightblueskies/common.js#L-1 into

importScript( 'User:Jitrixis/nameGuzzler.js' );

--Epìdosis 20:44, 1 April 2023 (UTC)

Paul Cremona

Hi Epìdosis, Paul Cremona (Q117379263), who published a book in 1938 about "Italy's foreign and colonial policy, 1914-1937", was mixed with an person born in 1946. I guess Paul Cremona was an historian or political scientist. Any information about him in Italy? --Kolja21 (talk) 15:11, 2 April 2023 (UTC)

@Kolja21: Not much ... but here, page 72, I quote: "Paul Cremona, correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor, the Wall Street Journal and the London Observer, is order to leave the country within eight days"; same in this, page 8, "an order was issued for the expulsion of Dr. Paul Cremona, Rome correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor"; here, page 34, "Dr. Paul Cremona, correspondent in Rome for the Christian Science Monitor, resident of Italy for 17 years and dean of American correspondents there, was expelled from the country on August 21". According to this, page 55, "Five foreign correspondents were promptly expelled under the provisions of that policy. The most notable victim was Dr. Paul Cremona, a British subject born in Malta and educated in England". I also found a birth year 1896 and he was alive in 1963; I didn't find the death year (maybe around 1971). --Epìdosis 18:48, 2 April 2023 (UTC)
Thanks! That's fare more than I've expected. --Kolja21 (talk) 22:04, 2 April 2023 (UTC)

layer per tipografi

Qualcosa mi sfugge, non piglia il layer, forse perchè conto i ?workp nella SELECT? Inoltre se aggiungo ?start ?end in SELECT smette di contare i ?workp. Ho chiesto anche su "richiedi una query" ma non mi si filano :)

SELECT DISTINCT (COUNT(?workp) as ?number) ?coord ?layer
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5; wdt:P937 ?workp; wdt:P106 ?activity .
  ?workp wdt:P625 ?coord; wdt:P17 wd:Q38.
  values ?activity { wd:Q175151 wd:Q1229025 wd:Q998550 wd:Q2516866 wd:Q40881196 }
  ?item wdt:P2031 ?start.
  ?item wdt:P2032 ?end.
  FILTER ("1450"^^xsd:dateTime < ?start).
  FILTER ("1500"^^xsd:dateTime > ?end).
  BIND( IF(?number < 5, "0-4", IF(?number < 10, "5-9", IF(?number < 15, "10-14", IF(?number < 20, "15-19", IF(?number < 25, "20-24","25+"))))) AS ?layer)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "it, en". }
GROUP BY ?coord ?layer
Try it!

Mi puoi illuminare? divudì 17:50, 3 April 2023 (UTC)

@Divudi85: certamente.
SELECT DISTINCT ?number ?coord ?layer
  SELECT DISTINCT (COUNT(?workp) as ?number) ?coord
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5; wdt:P937 ?workp; wdt:P106 ?activity .
  ?workp wdt:P625 ?coord; wdt:P17 wd:Q38.
  values ?activity { wd:Q175151 wd:Q1229025 wd:Q998550 wd:Q2516866 wd:Q40881196 } .
  ?item wdt:P2031 ?start.
  ?item wdt:P2032 ?end.
  FILTER ("1450"^^xsd:dateTime < ?start).
  FILTER ("1500"^^xsd:dateTime > ?end).
  GROUP BY ?coord
} AS %what
  INCLUDE %what
  BIND( IF(?number < 5, "0-4", IF(?number < 10, "5-9", IF(?number < 15, "10-14", IF(?number < 20, "15-19", IF(?number < 25, "20-24","25+"))))) AS ?layer)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "it". }
GROUP BY ?number ?coord ?layer
ORDER BY DESC(?number)
Try it!
Questa funziona, con query annidata. Mi sono basato sulla query "Places of birth for IRIS authors" nella mia sandbox. Tieni conto che, se vuoi inserire un ?layer basato su una parametrazione di un numero ottenuto tramite un COUNT, ti serve annidare all'interno una query in cui tu ottenga il ?number come variabile e poi utilizzare il ?number come variabile nella query "esterna". Altrimenti, usando un'unica query, siccome il ?number è ottenuto come variabile nel SELECT, non è possibile leggerlo nel BIND e quindi il layer fallisce. L'altro problema me lo rispieghi riadattando la mia query? Così capisco meglio. --Epìdosis 20:19, 3 April 2023 (UTC)
megic! grazie mille. immaginavo, l'altra query (sempre tua :) che contava il numero statements delle biblioteche dal quale ho copiato l'idea infatti non usava un count. l'altro problema non era un problema poichè è inutile mettere ?start e ?end nella SELECT. sto cercando un modo per rappresentare diacronicamente le quantità sulla mappa ma qui su wikidata missà più di così non si può fare. sto usando tableau link, visualizzazione più carina ma altri problemi, ogni "fetta" di periodizzazione non tiene conto della dimensione dei cerchi negli altri periodi, lol. finirò disegnare le mappe a mano divudì 21:08, 3 April 2023 (UTC)

IdRef IDs reindirizzati

Ciao Epì, ho visto che stai eliminando le IDs IdRef che havevo segnalato comme reindirizzate. Sono io che facio le domande di reindirizzamento su IdRef quando trovo un duplicato. No ho niento contro queste eliminazione in fine, però ti chiedo di aspettare che l'ID non compare più nel cluster VIAF prima di farlo (cio che di solito si vede bene con moreIdentifier perche il VIAF compare sulla stessa riga). --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 09:32, 4 April 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban: certamente, mi pare che questi fossero già scomparsi dal VIAF. Ho preso recentemente contatti coll'ABES e dovrei cominciare a breve a mandare gruppi di segnalazioni di duplicati consistenti (mandare singole segnalazioni tramite il modulo Améliorer la notice è efficace ma piuttosto lungo). Comunque moreIdentifiers non dovrebbe dare l'opzione per aggiungere un ID IDREF se nell'elemento è già presente un altro ID IDREF, quindi dovrebbe essere impossibile che un ID venga riaggiunto tramite moreIdentifiers. Sto anche cominciando a mandare massivamente segnalazioni di conflazioni (per questo sto cominciando a pulire gli ID deprecati); nei prossimi mesi conto creare una collaborazione stabile coll'ABES, giusto ieri ho avuto nuove conferme. Se sei interessato a partecipare, possiamo sentirci via mail :) --Epìdosis 09:43, 4 April 2023 (UTC)

Silvia Quadrelli

Hi Epidosis,

I'm sorry if my merge was wrong, but I thought to be coincidences between and

Kind regards Jackie Bensberg (talk) 10:51, 5 April 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Jackie Bensberg:! There are effectively some coincidences, but I think the merge is not enough sure; the fact that SBN distinguishes them is a sufficient reason to keep the items distinct, unless a clear proof arises for considering them the same person (e.g. a curriculum vitae in which the person claims both the philological work and the translations, or a journal article attributing both to the same person). --Epìdosis 10:59, 5 April 2023 (UTC)
May you ask at the SBN? Or better editore Angelo Longo?--Jackie Bensberg (talk) 11:01, 5 April 2023 (UTC)
@Jackie Bensberg: according to CFIV354395, the biographical information about the person born in 1990 were already obtained by Longo editore, so I think Longo editore doesn't know if she has also published translations; probably it would be necessary to contact Fanucci editore in order to obtain more data regarding the translator, about which nothing is in fact known. --Epìdosis 11:11, 5 April 2023 (UTC)

Due domande

Ciao, due domande al volo:
1) esiste una proprietà inversa alla Property:P921 (io ho trovato solo un elemento Q70782961)?
2) Sarebbe possibile creare un identifier collegato all'enciclopedia Q47484421, che mi sembra abbastanza autorevole (esempio)?
Grazie in anticipo per le risposte!--3knolls (talk) 07:56, 8 April 2023 (UTC)

@3knolls: grazie per le domande! Dunque:
  1. no, non esiste; le proprietà inverse sono un tema piuttosto discusso, perché da un lato consentono di porre un chiaro legame tra due elementi essendo poste in ciascuno dei due, ma dall'altro duplicano la medesima informazione e quindi ne rendono più complesso l'inserimento e la manutenzione (una stessa info dev'essere aggiunta due volte ed, eventualmente, rimossa due volte se errata); elementi come main subject of (Q70782961) servono a far funzionare il gadget "relateditems", che permette di visualizzare negli elementi le dichiarazioni inverse deducendole dall'altro elemento (es. in X deduce gli elementi che hanno per argomento X)
  2. sì, è sicuramente possibile (le nuove proprietà si propongono tramite WD:PP; da laureato (e dottorando) in antichistica, posso dire che è probabilmente la principale e più completa enciclopedia di riferimento per l'antichità greco-romana; l'unica pecca è che, per chi non è affiliato a un'istituzione che paghi l'abbonamento a Brill, solo la prima parte delle voci è accessibile; in passato avevo notato su Wikidata un pochino di ostilità nei confronti di possibili identificativi che rappresentassero siti parzialmente o totalmente sottoposti a paywall, ma oggi mi pare quasi scomparsa, e comunque l'autorevolezza della fonte è indubbia.
Resto a disposizione, e buona Pasqua! --Epìdosis 09:43, 8 April 2023 (UTC)


Ciao, ti segnalo questo doppione: esatto, errato (almeno credo... triplo SOB). Grazie e buon proseguimento AmaliaMM (talk) 15:42, 10 April 2023 (UTC)

Ciao @AmaliaMM:, in realtà no: Dreams of My Russian Summers (Q3227651): book by Andreï Makine è l'opera, mentre Q60414487: 1995 edition è un'edizione; sono correttamente collegati tramite has edition or translation (P747) e edition or translation of (P629). --Epìdosis 15:50, 10 April 2023 (UTC)

Q111503839 and Q654465

Hello Epì,

Nacolea (Q111503839) and Q654465 seems to be the same, but the link to removed from Q654465 and a new item created . Can you chack please Geagea (talk) 08:42, 17 April 2023 (UTC)

@Geagea: surely distinct, one is about the city and the other about the titular see; I moved some sitelink from the second to the first accordingly. Thanks for noticing the imperfect distinction between the two. --Epìdosis 10:26, 17 April 2023 (UTC)

Creazione di uno MnM

Ciao Epì, sto provando a creare uno catalogo MnM, pero sembra ni non fonzionare (è qua). Per caso capisci perchè non funziona? A vero ho sempre avuto un'errore quando ho voluto salvarlo, però si è creato... --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 08:18, 16 April 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban: non riesco a capire la ragione dell'errore, mi spiace! Hai usato lo scraper di Mix'n'match, giusto? Io di solito carico sempre file csv o tsv, dello scraper non ho quasi nessuna esperienza purtroppo. Tuttavia posso cancellarlo, così fai un secondo tentativo. Se invece hai usato un csv o tsv, mandamelo via mail e posso sicuramente dirti se ha dei problemi. Buona domenica, --Epìdosis 08:24, 16 April 2023 (UTC)
Si volevo provare proprio il scraper (anche se ammetto che non aggiunge molto rispetto al csv). Beh, lasciamolo così fino a pranzo, forze non ha finito il scraping (e tanto devo lavorare ancora sul csv); se è sempre bloccato a quel momento potrai cancellarlo. Nel frattempo creo la domanda per una nuova proprieta e mando un e-mail a la database per informarli. Buona domenica! --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 08:35, 16 April 2023 (UTC)
Ciao, puoi cancellare il catalogo, ho fatto come hai detto tu con uno csv. Buona sera! --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 18:09, 17 April 2023 (UTC)
@Jahl de Vautban: ok,   Done. --Epìdosis 19:51, 17 April 2023 (UTC)

Nel bosco

Ciao Epì, ho spostato la pagina e ne ho fatto una di disambiguazione. Poi ho trovato un elemento di Wikidata che mi sembrava quello giusto. Un controllo da parte tua non farebbe altro che bene. Grazie, AmaliaMM (talk) 14:59, 18 April 2023 (UTC)

@AmaliaMM: controllato, tutto OK. --Epìdosis 19:27, 18 April 2023 (UTC)

Cerrai e Incubator

Buona sera, Epìdosis. Wiki-Cerrai è stato un caso, sai che la matematica non è il mio forte; ma l'ho 'pescata' tra le donne che non hanno neppure una voce Wikipedia. Meriterebbe una voce in inglese. Purtroppo non possiedo immagini di copertine dei suoi libri e la sua voce non ha immagini. Su Incubator il progetto Wikipedia in lingua sassarese (nord ovest della Sardegna) ha 1.991 voci di testo. Nostre statistiche: [16] e il progetto Wikipedia in lingua campidanese (sud est della Sardegna), aperto a febbraio 2022, ha 818 voci di testo (dobbiamo arrivare a 1.000, prima di chiedere l'uscita da Incubator). Nostre statistiche [17]. Stiamo controllando i collegamenti INTERWIKI e tra, l'uno e l'altro progetto, ci mancano un solo centinaio di controlli. Le voci in campidanese hanno collegamento a Commons fatto a mano, naturalmente quando esiste la relativa scheda. Stiamo cercando utenti registrati, disposti a fare un minimo di interventi mensili, perché questo è richiesto per ottenere l'uscita da Incubator. Un saluto. Fausta Samaritani (talk) 19:54, 21 April 2023 (UTC)

Ciao @Fausta Samaritani:, ti ringrazio per la segnalazione; i progetti in nuove lingue sono sempre interessanti. Purtroppo non ho nessuna conoscenza di sardo (e nemmeno ho mai messo piede in Sardegna; spero di farlo in futuro), quindi dubito di poter dare una mano in scrittura. Tuttavia, per piccole cose tecniche relative a Wikidata potrei forse essere in grado di rendermi utile; nel caso, resto di sicuro a disposizione. Buon weekend, --Epìdosis 07:58, 22 April 2023 (UTC)


Ciao! Questo libro non è di BVEV066230 = Democrates (Q3443396) ma di VEAV463355 = Damocrates (Q718142). Buon week-end! --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 15:08, 22 April 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban:   Done, sarà visibile in pochi giorni. Grazie mille! --Epìdosis 10:38, 25 April 2023 (UTC)

Help me please redirecting from Q117843700Q97425738

Help me please redirecting from Q117843700Q97425738 (Category:Cameroonian centenarians) added Ukrainian Wikipedia page from w:uk:Категорія:Довгожителі Камеруна --Atlikta (talk) 18:43, 25 April 2023 (UTC)

@Atlikta:   Done; for the general problem, you can have a look at Help:Merge. --Epìdosis 18:47, 25 April 2023 (UTC)

Aiuto con query

Ciao Epìdosis, scusa se rompo sempre a te, vorrei fare una query degli item che fanno parte di Q110319947. Ciò che mi mette in difficoltà è che vorrei ordinarli per data di inizio P580, ma non so come gestire la cosa perché è una sottoproprietà dell'item di sopra. Come si gestisce?

Faccio un esempio stupido, se guardi Q1810575, vai a status di un elemento del patrimonio immateriale, che è Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Come si gestiscono data di inizio e titolo?

Grazie in anticipo come sempre Mastrocom (talk) 11:42, 28 April 2023 (UTC)

Ignora tutto quanto scritto sopra. Ci sono riuscita. L'unica cosa è che non riesco a evitare le ripetizioni degli item che hanno più nazioni. Vorrei che queste ultime comparissero tutte in country (nel caso ve ne sia più di una per ogni item). Ho provato diverse GROUP BY ma niente. Qui trovi la query. Grazie ancora, Mastrocom (talk) 13:37, 28 April 2023 (UTC)
Ciao @Mastrocom:, nessun problema, è un piacere provare a scrivere query; io stesso ne ho chieste tante in WD:RAQ. Proporrei Resto a disposizione e buon wiki, --Epìdosis 14:03, 28 April 2023 (UTC)

Jennifer Ackerman

Hello Epì,

Jennifer Ackerman (Q106873733) and Jennifer Ackerman (Q112529209) seem to be the same person. Even though they have two different VIAF id's 60780954 and 100695931. Looking at the publications in VIAF seem there is equivalent: "Ah-choo! : the uncommon life of your common cold", "Bird way", "Birds by the shore : observing the natural life of the Atlantic coast". But it might be only a kind of mixed up in VIAF. Also Jennifer Ackerman (Q112529209)occupation (P106)opinion journalist (Q6051619) based on Czech National Authority Database (Q13550863): osa20191019500, but using google translate the source speaking about ornithologist author and not about opinion journalist (Q6051619). Can you look at it. Geagea (talk) 07:56, 2 May 2023 (UTC)

@Geagea: I agree. Merged them and so distinguished two ones, Jennifer Ackerman (Q106873733): American ornithologist and essayist (1959-) and Jennifer Ackerman (Q118129348): accomplished performer in cabaret, musical theater, and opera, following the LoC. --Epìdosis 09:25, 2 May 2023 (UTC)
Thank you very much. Geagea (talk) 09:51, 2 May 2023 (UTC)

Catalogo beni culturali

Ciao, avendo oggi stubbato una villa della mia provincia e avendo capito come inserire il dato nel Property:P9051, mi sono accorto che in non è collegato al {{Collegamenti esterni}}; mi daresti una mano a collegare le due cose? Immagino poi sarebbe utilissimo per altre centinaia se non migliaia di voci. Grazie, scusa per il disturbo :-) Threecharlie (talk) 10:41, 2 May 2023 (UTC)

@Threecharlie: certamente,   Done (qui); di solito le aggiunte di nuove proprietà vengono proposte nella pagina di discussione del template, ma questa dubito che possa suscitare proteste (e comunque, nel caso, la rimozione è velocissima) - peraltro anch'io pensavo che fosse già stata aggiunta :) A presto, --Epìdosis 13:48, 2 May 2023 (UTC)


Ciao! Credo che ci sià un'inversione degli ISNI su CFIV160448 = Antiphon of Rhamnus (Q335560) e RAVV019076 = Antiphon (Q15078686). Potresti controllare? Grazie! --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 05:09, 6 May 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban:   Done, confermo; sarà visibile forse martedì, o quello seguente. --Epìdosis 08:11, 6 May 2023 (UTC)

J. M. Kosterlitz

Hi Epìdosis, who is "J. M. Kosterlitz" from the Istituto di Fisica dell’Università, Torino (DNB 1083356380)? The university has a page Laurea Honoris Causa al Premio Nobel John Michael Kosterlitz but I'm not sure if he is identical with Michael Kosterlitz (Q1700920): British physicist. Can you check? Kolja21 (talk) 12:36, 8 May 2023 (UTC)

@Kolja21: Surely identical with Michael Kosterlitz (Q1700920): British physicist. As Britannica states, "He had a fellowship at the Istituto di Fisica Teorica in Turin, Italy, from 1969 to 1970". --Epìdosis 13:11, 8 May 2023 (UTC)
Perfect. Thanx! --Kolja21 (talk) 13:13, 8 May 2023 (UTC)

Libri su wikidata

Ciao, scusa il disturbo ma vedo che lavori tanto qui /trovo sempre i tuoi aggiornamenti nei miei OS/ due cose: c'è una proprietà da aggiungere a un elemento wikidata di un libro che mostri in che paesi è pubblicato? Libri di autori enciclopedici anche se essi non lo sono possono avere un elemento wikidata=? Grazieg Fresh Blood (talk) 20:01, 10 May 2023 (UTC)

Buonasera @Fresh Blood:, dunque premetto che sui libri puoi usare come punto di riferimento Wikidata:WikiProject Books; Wikidata distingue gli elementi sulle opere (work) da quelli sulle edizioni delle opere (editions); sia per le opere sia per le edizioni, Wikidata ammette anche entità che su Wikipedia non sarebbero sicuramente ammissibili (del resto, Wikipedia ha solo voci sulle opere, praticamente mai voci sulle edizioni, mentre su Wikidata si trovano entrambi i tipi di elementi); per quanto riguarda il paese, se intendi il paese di origine di un'opera la proprietà da usare è country of origin (P495), mentre se intendi stricto sensu "in che paesi è pubblicato" puoi ottenere il risultato creando vari singoli elementi per varie singole edizioni e inserendo in ciascun elemento la singola città di pubblicazione tramite place of publication (P291) (successivamente si può fare una query che riconduce le varie città di pubblicazione agli stati in cui si trovano). Resto a disposizione, --Epìdosis 22:09, 10 May 2023 (UTC)
Molto gentile, grazie, ma in pratica intendevo anche come usufruire, se cioè c'è qualcosa tipo VIAF per le bio o tipo IMDB che mi permette di vedere tutte le edizioni e i relativi paesi di pubblicazione? grazie ancora 15:59, 11 May 2023 (UTC)
Chiedo scusa, avevo già la pagina aperta e ho quindi scordato di loggarmi Fresh Blood (talk) 16:01, 11 May 2023 (UTC)

La musica di una vita

Ciao, ho creato l'elemento in questione senza sapere che esisteva già con il titolo "Music of a Life". Non so come rimediare al pasticcio e, d'altro canto, come si fa a intitolare in inglese un'opera scritta in francese da un russo? Non mi resta che segnalare il tutto... grazie AmaliaMM (talk) 09:31, 11 May 2023 (UTC)

@AmaliaMM:   Done uniti senza problemi (cfr. Help:Merge che spiega in modo facile come usare il gadget Merge per fare le unioni). --Epìdosis 22:54, 11 May 2023 (UTC)
Merci, mon Camille-Charles! AmaliaMM (talk) 04:19, 12 May 2023 (UTC)

Rimozioni BNCF

Ciao! Perché stai facendo queste rimozioni? Horcrux (talk) 12:18, 16 May 2023 (UTC)

Ciao @Horcrux:, è una rimozione massiva (già conclusa) di termini non preferiti; in teoria Wikidata dovrebbe linkare solo a termini preferiti ed etichette di nodo. In generale, in collaborazione con la BNCF stiamo cominciando una revisione dei link reciproci da WD a NS e da NS a WD (Wikidata:Gruppo Wikidata per Musei, Archivi e Biblioteche/Nuovo soggettario), perché nel corso del tempo si sono accumulate varie imprecisioni; si sta anche procedendo a una ristrutturazione dei link da NS a WD, che penso diventeranno visibili nell'interfaccia a etichette (e non solo nello SKOS/RDF) prima di fine anno. L'obiettivo per le prossime settimane è innanzitutto procedere al graduale svuotamento delle violazioni di valore singolo e valore unico in Wikidata, poi controllare i casi in cui i link da WD a NS non sono esattamente reciproci, ecc. Ora, i termini non preferiti rimossi appartenevano principalmente a due tipologie: varianti storiche e termini composti. Non escludo che in seguito, specie per i termini composti, si possa rivalutare la possibilità di inserire link reciproci con WD (penso probabilmente con apposito qualificatore object has role (P3831) = "termine non preferito", elemento da creare); tuttavia, nel corso di queste operazioni di pulizia, abbiamo preferito al momento rimuovere i link ai termini non preferiti per ridurre i possibili falsi positivi da controllare. Resto a disposizione, --Epìdosis 13:26, 16 May 2023 (UTC)
E non era meglio marcarli come deprecati? --Horcrux (talk) 15:09, 16 May 2023 (UTC)
@Horcrux: Siccome ho notato che, tra il 2017 e il 2020, vari IP avevano vandalizzato un certo numero di valori di BNCF Thesaurus ID (P508), e non mi era facile quantificare quanti fossero gli ID vandalizzati ancora presenti, ho preferito procedere a una rimozione completa; comunque il gruppo di modifiche è reperibile in EditGroups per futura revisione manuale, per quando in futuro eventualmente si rivaluterà la possibilità di linkare ai termini non preferiti. --Epìdosis 06:18, 17 May 2023 (UTC)

Editori BEIC

Caro Epì, ti aggiorno: ho iniziato a caricare i nuovi dati per gli editori, seguendo gli accorgimenti che mi hai indicato per "descritto nella fonte". Qui il log. Per il caricamento ho usato l'account principale perché oggi non riuscivo a loggarmi tramite OpenRefine con l'account "BEIC", la prossima volta però ci riprovo. Il programma è di proseguire a inserire un po' di dati alla volta nelle prossime settimane, ovviamente fammi sapere se hai dei suggerimenti. Grazie e a presto. Spinoziano (BEIC) (talk) 10:18, 19 May 2023 (UTC)

@Spinoziano (BEIC): mi pare tutto OK, ben fatto! Per quanto riguarda OpenRefine e l'account BEIC, strano ... ma non saprei come aiutarti. Tienimi aggiornato :) --Epìdosis 13:36, 19 May 2023 (UTC)
Aggiornamento: ho caricato un secondo elenco di dati, li sto controllando pian piano uno per uno, sistemando qua e là alcuni dettagli, ma mi sembra sia andato liscio come il primo, questa volta sono anche riuscito a loggarmi giusto. Poi il programma è di continuare così un pochetto per volta. A presto. --Spinoziano (BEIC) (talk) 08:29, 30 May 2023 (UTC)

ISNI di Gregorio Nazianzeno e Giorgio Codino

Ciao Epi,

Per qualche ragione che non capisco l'ISNI 0000 0001 2147 086X che hai tolto su Gregory of Nazianzus (Q44011) e George Kodinos (Q302990) è ancora valido (è quello con il heading "Gregorius Nazianzenus, (Erzbischof von Taphar und Heiliger der orthodoxen Kirche)", ma viene risolto come ricerca. Nonostando penso che dovrebbe essere mantenuto. Buon week-end, --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 15:05, 28 May 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban: sì, molto strano infatti che non risolva; inoltre, la conflazione è drammatica; però OK, ripristino come deprecato in attesa che venga risolto in futuro (si spera). --Epìdosis 15:14, 28 May 2023 (UTC)

Why delete

Hello Epìdosis! Why did you delete data from multiple items? Pallor (talk) 22:47, 29 May 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Pallor:! I ran a query on items having both occupation (P106)teacher (Q37226) (not-referenced or referenced from Wikipedia) and another occupation (P106) with a value being a subclass of (P279) (direct or recursive) of teacher (Q37226); on the basis of the query, I removed those occupation (P106)teacher (Q37226), that were not properly referenced and redundant; in this single case, head teacher (Q1056391)subclass of (P279)teacher (Q37226); of course, feel free to readd the removed values with a reference and I won't remove them at the next run of the query. --Epìdosis 06:52, 30 May 2023 (UTC)
Thanks for the answer. I understand that a teacher is too general, but it is not quite the same as, say, a school principal or an educational scientist. If someone is appointed as a school principal, he or she probably worked as a teacher before that, so the designation of the occupation "teacher" is also necessary. In this case, I do not recommend deletion, but replacement. For example: teacher -> high school teacher or teacher -> math teacher AND the school principal or other occupations should be left next to it. If it is not clear what can be replaced, then you should think about leaving it as it is. For this, however, you need to know the person's life path, I don't believe that it can be automated. For those items that were on my watch list, the deletion had to be corrected in each case. Pallor (talk) 09:19, 30 May 2023 (UTC)
Please also refrain from removing occupation (P106)author (Q482980) from people linked as author (P50) from a instance of (P31)written work (Q47461344). Autom (talk) 18:25, 2 June 2023 (UTC)
Hi @Autom:! I partially disagree: in cases like Tori Cárdenas (Q118183285) and Seamus Sullivan (Q118189035) besides occupation (P106)author (Q482980) there is also in the 1st occupation (P106)poet (Q49757) and in the 2nd occupation (P106)playwright (Q214917); both are defined as subclass of (P279)writer (Q36180) and writer (Q36180)subclass of (P279)author (Q482980); this means that the contemporary presence of poet (Q49757)/playwright (Q214917) together with the more generic author (Q482980) is evidently redundant and thus author (Q482980), unless properly referenced (from a book/article/website/database etc.), is removable in my opinion. Of course the removal can be undone if a proper reference for the generic value is found, but keeping the unreferenced value together with the more specific ones seems not much useful. --Epìdosis 18:54, 2 June 2023 (UTC)

Publio Rutilio Lupo

Ciao Epi, puoi guardare SBLV062374 = Publius Rutilius Lupus (Q13410930)? Se si tratta daverro del retore romano la menzione fl. 1521 è completamente sbagliate. --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 16:08, 31 May 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban: confermo erroraccio (probabilmente indotto dalla data di una delle prime cinquecentine);   Done (al solito, la correzione si vedrà tra alcuni giorni, penso martedì prossimo). --Epìdosis 16:19, 31 May 2023 (UTC)


Più per curiosità, ma perche ha eliminato l'identificatore Worldcat da Tessellis? diff ValterVB (talk) 13:07, 2 June 2023 (UTC)

Ciao @ValterVB:, qualche mese fa WorldCat Identities (Q76630151) ha cessato di esistere e la proprietà correlata, WorldCat Identities ID (superseded) (P7859), è in corso di dismissione; la maggioranza degli utenti sembra propensa a usare la P7859 come mezzo per ottenere la nuova WorldCat Entities ID (P10832), e a cancellarla definitivamente finito il travaso; siccome P7859 è stata nella gran parte dei casi ricavata da VIAF ID (P214), mi sto assicurando di rimuovere i valori di P7859 che erano stati importati da un valore di P214 ormai non più presente nell'elemento - per evitare che, nel caso in cui un VIAF sia stato rimosso da un elemento (o ivi deprecato) perché conflato o non pertinente, il vecchio ID WorldCat Identities ricavato da esso venga usato per aggiungere all'elemento un nuovo ID WorldCat Entities impreciso. --Epìdosis 13:14, 2 June 2023 (UTC)

Your batches removing P7859

Could you explain your reasoning for removing WorldCat Identities ID (superseded) (P7859) on a massive scale? I think it would make more sense not remove those until new identifiers of WorldCat Entities ID (P10832) were added. William Graham (talk) 16:21, 2 June 2023 (UTC)

Also in my experience it has been discouraged to remove deprecated properties that could still have some value as an identifier. William Graham (talk) 16:23, 2 June 2023 (UTC)
Hi @William Graham:! I have explained it in Wikidata:Properties_for_deletion/P7859#Removal_of_P7859_before_consensus_reached; I think we can continue the discussion there. --Epìdosis 16:30, 2 June 2023 (UTC)

Punteggi recensioni

Ciao, ho appena annullato questa modifica, in cui quell'utente ha rimosso, come si usa di solito, percentuali (%) e "/10", visto che appunto si inseriscono sempre, poi penso di aver capito perché l'ha fatto: nella pagina di ora ci sono errori, tipo "94% %" o "8.2/10 /10". Visto che qui si usano sempre, almeno da quanto ho visto, il problema è di (nei template) oppure mi sbaglio io e va scritto il punteggio senza percentuali e senza "/10"? Io penso sia un loro errore, infatti qui ad esempio è tutto giusto--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 10:24, 4 June 2023 (UTC)

@Luke Stark 96: concordo perfettamente con la tua analisi; la reduplicazione di % e /10 era dovuta al template di en.wikipedia che legge review score (P444); ho rispolverato le mie conoscenze di template complessi e con due modifiche ho risolto il problema nel template; segnala pure all'utente di en.wikipedia :-) Buona domenica, --Epìdosis 10:45, 4 June 2023 (UTC)
Grazie mille, quindi qui è corretto usare le percentuali e il /10? Non so se esistono linee guida a riguardo, ma usando il buon senso servono, altrimenti sembrano dei numeri messi a caso--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 11:18, 4 June 2023 (UTC)
@Luke Stark 96: Sembra proprio corretto, sulla base degli esempi in review score (P444). --Epìdosis 11:19, 4 June 2023 (UTC)
Ok, anche perché li ho sempre visti compilati in questo modo, grazie e buona giornata :)--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 11:21, 4 June 2023 (UTC)
Alla fine ti hanno annullato la modifica, a quanto pare creava problemi in alcuni film, ma è comunque un problema dei loro template, non di Wikidata, dove le percentuali e il /10 viene sempre inserito--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 18:21, 4 June 2023 (UTC)
Bisognerebbe fargli notare che ora ci sono errori tipo questo e chissà quanti altri, quindi comunque annullando la tua modifica hanno sistemato delle pagine ma hanno causato errori in altre--Luke Stark 96 (talk) 18:38, 4 June 2023 (UTC)
en:Template talk:Rotten Tomatoes prose#Datum. --Epìdosis 18:53, 4 June 2023 (UTC)


Hi Epìdosis, do you any idea who Joannes Papadopulos Kerameus (GND 1158933444) could be? The ID was created for the work Historia tēs Mikras Asias (1881). The only person close is Athanasios Papadopoulos-Kerameus (Q4344608): Greek classical philologist. --Kolja21 (talk) 00:30, 8 June 2023 (UTC)

@Kolja21: book available at, but not much useful. So, I think that it is highly plausible that he is the father of the famous Athanasios Papadopoulos-Kerameus (Q4344608): Greek classical philologist, his existence is asserted both by el.wikipedia ("Ο πατέρας του Αθανασίου, ιερέας Ιωάννης Παπαδόπουλος–Κεραμεύς, επίσης λόγιος") and GRE (ПАПАДО́ПУЛО-КЕРАМЕ́ВС Афа­на­сий Ива­но­вич [...] Ро­дил­ся на тер­ри­то­рии Ос­ман­ской им­пе­рии в се­мье пра­во­слав­но­го греч. свя­щен­ни­ка). So he was an Orthodox priest and, according to el.WP, also a scholar. --Epìdosis 09:15, 8 June 2023 (UTC)
Thanks! Anemi shows his name in Greek. This is a good start. I've created Joannes Papadopulos-Kerameus (Q119225958). --Kolja21 (talk) 21:16, 8 June 2023 (UTC)
@Kolja21: Yes, but Anemi shows a genitive; the nominative is surely the one in el.WP. Edited now :) --Epìdosis 08:34, 9 June 2023 (UTC)
Thanks a lot. I didn't thought about that. --Kolja21 (talk) 14:09, 9 June 2023 (UTC)
BTW: Anemi is stating "Παπαδόπουλος-Κεραμεύς, Ιωάννης" as preferred term. Shall we add the hyphen? Same spelling as his son. --Kolja21 (talk) 14:18, 9 June 2023 (UTC)
@Kolja21: yes I think, probably more precise with -. Added. --Epìdosis 15:45, 9 June 2023 (UTC)

MnM catalogue e property

Ciao Epi, potresti legare Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris author ID (P11790) con il catalogo adatto ? Non riesco a capire come si fa... Grazie! --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 15:49, 8 June 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban:   Done, lo possono fare solo gli utenti che hanno il flag di amministratori di Mix'n'match dato da Magnus; per fortuna ce l'ho :) --Epìdosis 15:54, 8 June 2023 (UTC)

Full professor

Hello Epìdosis! I know that it was correct editing the full professors, but the result caught me by surprise. Thanks for the offer, if you do the query, I'll look it over (it should also include country of citizenship (P27)=Hungary (Q28)).

If I may have two more suggestions. We talked about the monks here: could you add to this autofix that the bot always writes that occupation (P106)=monk (Q733786)? Then we will specify the occupation if necessary, but do not leave P106 blank.

The other: recently I noticed that someone is spreading the value P106=member of parliament (Q486839) with a bot. Can you put it in an autofix to fix P106=politician (Q82955), position held (P39)=member of parliament (Q486839) in this case? Thanks in advanc! Pallor (talk) 09:44, 12 June 2023 (UTC)

@Pallor: thanks for your message; here is the query for country of citizenship (P27)Hungary (Q28) + position held (P39)full professor (Q25339110), I can filter it more thoroughly if needed; OK for religious orders, let me know from which ones do you prefer me to apply the autofix and I will add them; solved member of parliament (Q486839), 1 + 2. --Epìdosis 12:44, 12 June 2023 (UTC)


Ciao, scusa se ti rompo :D ti scrivo per chiederti due cose:

  • Se ritieni, credo sia utile semiproteggere per qualche giorno Giorgia Meloni, che è bersagliata (me l'ha segnalato un utente su itwiki);
  • Questi sono vandalismi da cancellare. Ho provato a inserire il template {{Delete}} ma, nell'anteprima, esce uno strano errore scritto in rosso: "Lua error: invalid capture index %2 in replacement string". Cosa sbaglio? Puoi risolvere tu il problema?

Ti ringrazio molto! --Mtarch11 (talk) 12:25, 12 June 2023 (UTC)

@Mtarch11: ho provveduto a correggere le (non-)traduzioni dell'IP e ho protetto Giorgia Meloni (Q451791) per un mese. Grazie per le segnalazioni, resto a disposizione! --Epìdosis 12:31, 12 June 2023 (UTC)
Grazie a te! --Mtarch11 (talk) 12:33, 12 June 2023 (UTC)

Ernst Holler

Hi, I’m a bit puzzled by your deletions of external identifiers of Ernst Holler (Q110763916). Could you maybe have another look and explain your reasoning? Thank you! --Emu (talk) 21:55, 13 June 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Emu:, I was probably thinking about a conflation with Ernst Höller (Q110751516): Austrian teacher but now I think I was wrong. I restored them. Thanks! --Epìdosis 06:00, 14 June 2023 (UTC)

Hans Thomas

Someone added Persée author ID (P2732), you removed it. Fine! But in the meantime another one added IdRef ID (P269) based on this Persée author ID (P2732). Any idea how many such "orphaned" ghost-items are still in Wikidata? @Kolja21: --Wurgl (talk) 08:36, 14 June 2023 (UTC)

Like you said: Bargioni added Persée-ID and before Epìdosis removed the wrong ID IdRef was imported by Reinheitsgebot. So the question is: How can we avoid or find subsequent errors? --Kolja21 (talk) 14:52, 14 June 2023 (UTC)
@Kolja21: probably is the answer :) --Epìdosis 14:56, 14 June 2023 (UTC)
  Done Thanks. Just three hits: The one item solved by Wurgl, a person vs river and a conflation. --Kolja21 (talk) 16:46, 14 June 2023 (UTC)


Rework the PLWABN MnM catalogues to work under new conditions (this et al). Matlin (talk) 18:14, 15 June 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Matlin:! Unfortunately until Topic:Xj7oel8u3ow066ix gets solved, I have no way to change personally the formatter URL of Mix'n'match catalogs. The only person who can do it is Magnus Manske. I surely think that Mix'n'match admins should be able to update formatter URLs without bothering him, this would be much better for all I think; if you agree, you can comment there and we can hope that finally this issue gets fixed. Thanks and sorry for not being able to do more right now! --Epìdosis 10:05, 16 June 2023 (UTC)
  Done @Matlin: Magnus has enabled Topic:Xj7oel8u3ow066ix, I have just updated the formatter URL of all the 5 PLWABN catalogs. --Epìdosis 17:03, 20 June 2023 (UTC)

Faculté de médecine de Paris

Hello Epi, can you help with that:
We have faculté de médecine Paris-Descartes (Q113759620) and Faculté de Médecine (Q60291592)?

And with all that we have also Faculté de médecine de Paris (Q3064277) - - École de médecine de Paris
Geagea (talk) 19:40, 15 June 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Geagea:, the modeling of corporate bodies is very complex, and messy, both in Wikidata and elsewhere, so I usually avoid it - there is already so much to fix on humans, which at least are usually easier to understand! I have sometimes fixed some issues, but only on Italian organizations. Regarding this, probably it's better to involve @Alain Schneider: who created faculté de médecine Paris-Descartes (Q113759620). --Epìdosis 10:09, 16 June 2023 (UTC)
Thanks. At first glance it seems that should be 3 items but hesitate when I saw Faculté de médecine de Paris (Q3064277) . Geagea (talk) 10:18, 16 June 2023 (UTC)
Alain Schneider (talk) 16:33, 16 June 2023 (UTC)
Alain Schneider, thank you very much. can you look at the below. just to see if I understand you correctly
Geagea (talk) 22:40, 17 June 2023 (UTC)


ciao, ti segnalo che suor Chiara Belli (XVI sec.) ha lo stesso sbn id di una traduttrice contemporanea ->

byee divudì 15:54, 18 June 2023 (UTC)

@Divudi85: grazie! Errore peraltro duplice, poiché la traduttrice di quel libro era Chiara Belliti (Q95751099) (aplografia di una sillaba ...).   Done, presto visibile. --Epìdosis 18:03, 22 June 2023 (UTC)

Piacenza Civic Museum

Hello, can you please look at Q18753616 and Q55377422? Are they the same or different? Is the VIAF assigned correctly? Thanks Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 05:37, 28 June 2023 (UTC)

@Vojtěch Dostál: same, merged. In Italy there have been two or three subsequent imports of museums and libraries and churches and they aren't yet fully harmonized here ... thanks for noticing! --Epìdosis 06:47, 28 June 2023 (UTC)
Thanks! Vojtěch Dostál (talk) 07:04, 28 June 2023 (UTC)


Please, why do you remove this value? Infovarius (talk) 11:59, 28 June 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Infovarius:! I have recently set up a few queries through which I remove redundant values of occupation (P106), defined as follows: if item X has at least two values A and B of P106, and value B is superclass (direct or indirect) of A, and value A is referenced, and value B has either no reference or only a imported from Wikimedia project (P143) reference, then I remove value B. I have recently run it with engineer (Q81096) as value B; of course, if a user judges the removal not appropriate for some reason, can undo my removal and add a not-imported from Wikimedia project (P143) reference to the value. --Epìdosis 12:56, 28 June 2023 (UTC)

CHAP author IDs

Hi Epìdosis, excuse my writing to you in English, my Italian is virtually nonexistent.

First of all, thank you so much for all your work around Ancient Greece and Rome! I am just now starting to invest time into Wikidata again and find my favourite subject in good hands.

Second, thank you for following my matching CHAP author IDs with WD items. Jahl has already done a huge deal there but we still have more than half the database left to check, and the entries left are the really tricky and obscure ones which take long to identify properly. I need about half an hour per entry (cross-checking references and determining the best fit), and I am grateful that there's somebody who double-checks my work.

Thirdly, please let's get in touch about Greek mythology. I'm kind of an expert, having written my PhD thesis on a German retelling of Greek myths, and I would love to curate this part of Wikidata with the help of dedicated and knowledgable people like you. Maybe we could have a chat face to face on time?

For now best wishes from Germany, Jonathan Groß (talk) 11:34, 2 July 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Jonathan Groß:, thanks for writing me! It's a pleasure to see you are back on the classical items here in Wikidata. In the last years the situation of ancient persons and authors has significantly improved, mainly thanks to the great activity of Jahl; I have also kept an eye on the area and helped in creating and improving some items, of course, besides rollbacking a few vandalisms (still not so many, fortunately). Of course we can reason together about Greek mythology! In the last years also @JBradyK: has done a lot of very good edits in this area (and, by the way, also on Greek archaeological heritage) and could be interested in joining us. And of course let me know if you come near Pisa or central Italy in the next months. See you soon, --Epìdosis 13:13, 2 July 2023 (UTC) P.S. I had a look on CHAP authors and I see a lot of anonyms and some pseudo-authors left, so it won't be an easy job ... I matched a few easier ones and I created Solomon of Basra (Q120188296), since in the last years I have also sometimes tried to create and fix a few Syriac authors
Hi @Jonathan Groß! Thank you! Some systematic curation of Greek mythology would be lovely. The online resources are improving all the time, e.g. with [Manto] P9736 and, in German, evolving currently, [Mythoskop] [which hopes to propose a WD ID property soon]. I've been using Wikidata for name disambiguation in my [ToposText], for which I should have a new database out shortly, and sharing results of some more thorough person tagging of specific texts with interested parties (Monica Berti/Athenaeus, Manto/Pausanias, Mythoskop/Apollodorus). Mythology is somewhat problematic, with so many conflicting stories and whether to merge or split named characters based on differing parentage accounts etc. And rivers versus their gods, and divine epithets vs actual divinities. And myth overlapping with but not coinciding with ancient Greek religion. Also, multilingual mining of problematic or poorly OCRd mythological dictionaries.
Still, WD is rich in coverage of mythological characters. There is a large amount to clean up but mostly data statements to flesh out and to document. I'm a believer in using ancient texts as references for mythology, since the analytical contribution of modern commentators is occasionally worse than useless. This puts me at odds with much of the community, I know, but at least we can generate a few thousand P1441 statements pretty easily. Keep me posted, and if you want any ancient texts in English tagged with Wikidata entities, I'm happy to share... JBradyK (ToposText) (talk) 08:40, 3 July 2023 (UTC)

Hi @JBradyK:, it's a pleasure to meet you! Mythoskop reached out to me a few weeks ago, and during our first talk Anke Tornow mentioned your projects (which I was shamefully unaware of). I look forward to our collaboration! For now, I'm still occupied with histories from Late Antiquity (Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris (Q87125491)), but once that is done I turn back to mythology for sure. Best, Jonathan Groß (talk) 10:05, 3 July 2023 (UTC)

Tre nuove pagine

Ciao, oggi ho creato in Wikipedia tre categorie, ossia: Romanzi di Taylor Caldwell, di Giorgio Montefoschi e di Rosetta Loy. Purtroppo ho messo solo il titolo e il collegamento, ma per il resto non saprei cosa scrivere o cercare. Potresti dare un'occhiata? Grazie e a presto, AmaliaMM (talk) 12:27, 8 July 2023 (UTC)

Ciao @AmaliaMM:, grazie per la segnalazione! Dunque, basta che tu aggiunga instance of (P31)Wikimedia category (Q4167836) e per il resto non serve altro; nella descrizione "categoria di un progetto Wikimedia" va minuscolo e non maiuscolo; infine, se si tratta di categorie di autori inglesi, puoi cercare se esiste la categoria di Wikipedia in inglese "Category:Novels by NOME" e nel caso collegarti a quella (ho collegato ora it:Categoria:Romanzi di Taylor Caldwell a en:Category:Novels by Taylor Caldwell). Per qualunque dubbio resto a disposizione! A presto, --Epìdosis 12:32, 8 July 2023 (UTC)
Ciao, non immaginavo che esistesse la categoria sulla Caldwell, così ho scoperto di aver connesso l'elemento La dinastia dell'oro per suo conto, mentre c'era Dynasty of Death. Il guaio è successo quando usavo un altro nome e non ero abbastanza esperta, ma è possibile che anche gli anglofoni abbiano sbagliato... AmaliaMM (talk) 14:00, 8 July 2023 (UTC)
@AmaliaMM: nessun problema, uniti. --Epìdosis 14:08, 8 July 2023 (UTC)

Tentativo di proposta di proprietà

Ciao @Epìdosis, ti contatto per avere un tuo parere riguardo la mia prima proposta di proprietà. Ho seguito la tua videolezione a riguardo ma ho come l'impressione di aver fatto qualche errore. Mi piacerebbe avere un tuo parere in merito per non sbagliare in futuro. Come sempre, grazie mille!

Proprietà proposta: Identificativo Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia di un autore

Wikidata:Property proposal/Person - Wikidata Giu.gent93 (talk) 14:45, 10 July 2023 (UTC)

@Giu.gent93: proposta perfetta, ti sei solo dimenticato di fare {{Ping project}}, quindi nessuno l'ha notato; ora ho provveduto; e poi hai transcluso in "person" ma hai lasciato "authority control" nel tmp, problema minore :) --Epìdosis 15:04, 10 July 2023 (UTC)

VIAF cluster

Ciao Epì,

I couldn't remember the right page to report a VIAF cluster. May I therefore bring it to your attention?

VIAF 113441452 contains books from Gerhard Hinz (Q95882918), Gerhard Hinz (Q94891662), maybe even more people.

Best wishes-- U. M. Owen (talk) 11:59, 9 July 2023 (UTC)

@U. M. Owen: thanks for the report! The page is Wikidata:VIAF/cluster/conflating entities; it is meant to collect reports so that they don't get lost, because in fact the few times in which I contacted it was ineffective; the page has the hope that, in the not-so-near future, VIAF will look at it and start solving issues. In the case of, could you specify which books are conflated? In the meanwhile I have improved a bit the two items. Thanks! --Epìdosis 13:40, 9 July 2023 (UTC)



there is another one: mixes Alexandra Stewart (Q120610926) and Alexandra Stewart (Q451524) (this movie).--U. M. Owen (talk) 17:42, 14 July 2023 (UTC)

@U. M. Owen: thanks, marked as conflated. --Epìdosis 21:11, 14 July 2023 (UTC)

URL identificativi RSPA

Ciao Epi, mi sono appena accorto che il website per RSPA erà di nuovo online con un'altro URL. Ho modificato le due proprieta mà li cataloghi MnM hanno sempre il vecchio. Ti sarebbe possibile modificarli con rispettivamente:

Grazie e a presto! --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 19:32, 12 July 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban:   Done, dovrebbe essere OK ora. Grazie mille! --Epìdosis 19:41, 12 July 2023 (UTC)

Sui romanzi di Patricia Highsmith

Ciao, da questa categoria si può vedere come una serie di romanzi gialli abbiano una sottocategoria (Tom Ripley) e poi ci sono tre titoli di cui uno (Carol) non è un giallo, ma gli altri sì. Sarebbe buona cosa creare una sottocategoria, come quella su Ripley, ma non sono certa di sapere come si fa. Ti ringrazio se farai questo, perché, tra le mille cose, mi sto leggendo i romanzi della brava donna e conto di non fermarmi a due. Fammi sapere, AmaliaMM (talk) 15:22, 19 July 2023 (UTC)

@AmaliaMM: risolto direi. Buona lettura! --Epìdosis 15:28, 19 July 2023 (UTC)
Grazie, caro AmaliaMM (talk) 15:39, 19 July 2023 (UTC)

thank you for your many additions to George Gilder

Thank you for your additions to the entry for George Gilder, and especially for the various IDs. It takes time to verify IDs (from various other databases) and then add them, so I appreciate your work with that. --L.Smithfield (talk) 16:17, 21 July 2023 (UTC)

LTA and your semi-protections

Please see meta:User:Elizium23/L'anatra romana for background on this LTA case, and I am not sure whether blocks or rangeblocks will do any good, judging from how quickly this user can hop to a new ISP. Elizium23 (talk) 22:33, 21 July 2023 (UTC)

@Elizium23: thanks for reporting. I partially protected the items since the edit wars were uselessly flooding their page histories. Of course feel free to edit them as needed. I can extend the protections if the edit wars restart. Best, --Epìdosis 07:54, 22 July 2023 (UTC)


Hi Epidosis, could you please tell me where can I apply for autopatrolled or any other user rights, here on Wikidata? Thanks. — Sadko (words are wind) 10:16, 30 July 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Sadko:, you are already an autoconfirmed user (I think this is what you meant for "autopatrolled"); for other flags, you can use the subpages of Wikidata:Requests for permissions. Of course ask if you have any doubts. --Epìdosis 16:42, 30 July 2023 (UTC)
That's the one. Cheers mate. — Sadko (words are wind) 16:57, 30 July 2023 (UTC)

Temple of Spes wikidata reversion

Ciao. You reverted my deletion of the ToposText reference in wikidata Q3983282, but that reference is very clearly to the Temple of Spes in the Forum Boarium, while the wikidata page is for the alleged temple on the Quirinal, some distance away. Could you please undo your reversion? Grazie. - Eponymous-Archon (talk) 15:53, 3 August 2023 (UTC)

@Eponymous-Archon: sure, and thanks for the explanation. @JBradyK: for a check inside ToposText (the link to Wikidata should probably be fixed there). --Epìdosis 19:41, 3 August 2023 (UTC)
Non c'e problema. La pagina per il tempio (i tempi?) è stata cambiata un paio di volte, per cui ToposText può avere un link per una vecchia versione. Si vede che adesso la pagina "disambiguation" ha un numero wikidata che sicuramente è uno sbaglio - Eponymous-Archon (talk) 20:26, 3 August 2023 (UTC)
Thank you for pointing out the error in ToposText. I have just taken the liberty of trespassing on foreign soil to create an item for the Temple of Spes in the Forum Holitorium d:Q121190567. I am mildly surprised that it didn't exist already. All best wishes! JBradyK (ToposText) (talk) 08:07, 5 August 2023 (UTC)

Voce Vittorio Staccione

Ciao, facendo il festival della qualità mi sono accorta che la voce in oggetto non ha i collegamenti necessari alla sezione Altri Progetti (nella voce ci sono due foto). Se puoi provvedere, ti chiedo anche di inserire il template nella voce, perché io ho poca pratica e temo di combinare un pasticcio. Grazie, AmaliaMM (talk) 05:45, 4 August 2023 (UTC)

@AmaliaMM: certo,   Done. --Epìdosis 10:22, 4 August 2023 (UTC)

Luigi Lamberti

Hi Epìdosis, I'm searching for the author of Napoli salvata dai suoi scrittori, 1 (1999) = Luigi Lamberti (Q121359052). ICCU says he was born 1959 ( but IdRef/SUDOC says 1972 ( I can't open the link to OPAC SBN ("Nessun risultato trovato"). --Kolja21 (talk) 11:58, 11 August 2023 (UTC)

@Kolja21: I've done some research, I have some limited results: SBN has 1959 with no source; IDREF has 1972 with in fact no source as well (it cites as source Napoli salvata dai suoi scrittori but in fact it seems from Google Books, which showed me the cover of the book, that 1972 doesn't appear); considering that the book says "Luigi Lamberti, laureato in Scienze Politiche ha svolto attività culturale per vari anni presso l’Istituto Italiano di Studi Filosofici. E’ autore di saggi critici apparsi su varie riviste." (; it is in fact the same text appearing on the cover of the book), and that the book was published in 1999, Luigi Lamberti is presented as a person having worked at the Istituto Italiano di Studi Filosofici for many years and having published critical essays on many journals, which seems to be more fit for a man of 40 years (1959-) than for a man of 27 years (1972-); and in general I tend to trust the sources in the same language of the author more than the others, except in cases of evident mistakes. So I have set 1959 as preferred. Unfortunately no decisive source online confirming or not my choice. --Epìdosis 13:49, 11 August 2023 (UTC)

Elias Cretensis e Elias Ecdicus

Ciao Epi,

C'èra una confuzione su Elias Ekdikos (Q11918865), autore di uno Anthologium gnomicum, che veniva confuso con Elias of Crete (Q19998526), autore di commentari su Gregorio Nazianzeno e su Giovanni Climaco. La notizia SBN BVEV023270 sembra anche lei fare questa confuzione, almena sul nome (per le opere collegate non sono sicuro). --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 15:02, 3 August 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban: risolto: tolti i nomi non pertinenti e spostati alcuni record bibliografici a Elia del Medigo (Q463405). Grazie! --Epìdosis 09:06, 14 August 2023 (UTC)


Ciao Epidosis,

I was wondering if you could help me. The editors of the Mythoskop database have contacted me in order to link the contents of their mythological database to Wikidata items. They have stable IDs for mythical persons, locations and source texts, all of which could be integrated with WD through a property and, of course, a Mix'n'match catalogue.

Could you help me set up this catalogue? I've only done it once or twice almost 10 years ago, and I have no idea how to set up a webscraper.

Best wishes, Jonathan Groß (talk) 12:29, 10 August 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Jonathan Groß:! In fact, I have managed to upload a catalog through a web scraper only one time and it was many years ago. I usually upload catalogs created in collaboration with @Bargioni: through tsv files, which I think is a very good method. If you need help for the tsv, of course I'm available. Thanks in advance for this interesting project! --Epìdosis 15:57, 10 August 2023 (UTC)

Hi Epidosis, thanks for the clarification. It would help tremendously if I could see an example of a tsv file for mix'n'match. I've done this a long time ago, but all the tools have changed so much in that time I've lost confidence. Many thanks in advance, Jonathan Groß (talk) 08:31, 13 August 2023 (UTC)

  Done. --Epìdosis 09:07, 14 August 2023 (UTC)

Amadore Massi

Ave, Epìdosis, et ignosce mihi incommodum si fero. Il caldo e la previa mancanza di aka fanno fare errori, inducono cioè a creare una pagina già esistente. Dimmi almeno che quella sfilza di cartulazioni incontrollabili non rilevava. --Frognall (talk) 06:00, 14 August 2023 (UTC)

@Frognall: nessun problema per la duplicazione, vedo che hai già unito; ho ripristinato attested in (P5323), tutti quei ff. li aveva aggiunti Salvaf e quindi penso si possano considerare corretti. --Epìdosis 08:47, 14 August 2023 (UTC)
Sospettavo di aver commesso un secondo errore. Alcuni aspetti di questo sito mi mandano ai matti. Un grazie e un saluto. --Frognall (talk) 09:46, 14 August 2023 (UTC)

Il marchese di Villemer

Ciao Epì, volevo implementare la pagina in oggetto ma ho trovato più pagine intitolate "Le Marquis de Villemer" e non so come regolarmi. Io cerco il romanzo, non la versione teatrale, per fare la voce in WP. Spero nel tuo soccorso... grazie AmaliaMM (talk) 08:21, 15 August 2023 (UTC)

@AmaliaMM: trovato, l'elemento del romanzo è Q19196151. --Epìdosis 08:44, 15 August 2023 (UTC)
@Epìdosis:, ti ringrazio per quanto sopra. Ora ho un altro problema: sulle pagine di Wikipedia "Il marchese di Villemer" e "lei e lui" (entrambi libri di George Sand), non mi escono gli "Altri progetti", per quanto ci siano in Wikidata delle possibilità di richiamo. Per favore, dimmi se sono io a sbagliare il tmp o se il problema è nella pagina. Grazie al quadrato, AmaliaMM (talk) 13:28, 15 August 2023 (UTC)
@AmaliaMM: per le voci di opere i link a Wikisource non in italiano vanno purtroppo inseriti manualmente, anche se sono presenti su Wikidata; ho provveduto. --Epìdosis 16:54, 15 August 2023 (UTC)
Ciao, ti ringrazio: la sintassi mi è chiara e penso di cavarmela la prossima volta. Tuttavia, nella voce "Lei e lui" c'è un'immagine caricata e qui non so come regolarmi con Commons. Anche questa è una situazione frequente... Meno male che ci sei, perché io non saprei davvero inventarti. Un bacione da questa specie di zia, AmaliaMM (talk) 04:26, 16 August 2023 (UTC)
@AmaliaMM: risolto facilmente, la categoria su Commons commons:Category:Elle et Lui esisteva ma non era collegata a Wikidata. --Epìdosis 07:41, 16 August 2023 (UTC)

Harish Patel: Bad German Filmportal

Hi Epidosis,

Harish Patel (Q95871600) was created for Doktor Mani – can't be the same as a real doctor.

Grazie-- U. M. Owen (talk) 10:29, 17 August 2023 (UTC)

@U. M. Owen: I agree. The item was already a duplicate when created, then I conflated it following a VIAF conflation, then the conflation was worsened by my merge induced by the same VIAF conflation; unmerged, merged the old duplicate and conflated VIAF now deprecated. Thanks for noticing, --Epìdosis 14:38, 17 August 2023 (UTC)

Gennadius Massiliensis

Ciao Epi, puoi dirmi se posso usare BVEV052008 = Gennadius of Massilia (Q373675) o c'è un altro ID? --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 11:29, 20 August 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban: è corretto, puoi sicuramente usarlo. In questo momento gli ID si vedono solo nel core autoriall (cioè l'url di formattazione usato da Wikidata), ma spero che a settembre il problema verrà risolto. --Epìdosis 11:37, 20 August 2023 (UTC)


You've given this as an instance of a "written work" but the way it is being used suggests it's an edition. You can cite a page from an edition, but not from a written work. --EncycloPetey (talk) 03:13, 22 August 2023 (UTC)

Hi @EncycloPetey:! The definition of Mare Magnum volume 82 (Q118465996) (and of Mare Magnum (Q116771656), of which it is part) is somehow problematic: version, edition or translation (Q3331189) is defined as "specific version of a work, resulting from its edition, adaptation, or translation; set of substantially similar copies of a work", which seems not usable in this case, as we are talking about a manuscript work, which has never been printed; I'm not sure about substituting written work (Q47461344) with manuscript (Q87167); suggestions are welcome.
Regarding attested in (P5323): the property proposal was mainly about lexems, but since 2021 the property examples are items; and Property talk:P1343#Use for catalogues reached consensus for using it just as opposite of not found in (P9660), for indicating that a certain entity is mentioned in a certain reference work; of course, if you think that another property is more suitable, or that a new property should instead be created in order to play this role, you can take part in the discussion. --Epìdosis 08:35, 22 August 2023 (UTC)
I'm also unconvinced by this use of attested in (P5323). As for the property examples, they are names, with a given native label (P1705) which is, presumably, the form that is attested in the publication. So far I can make sense of that. In the case of an human however, I am puzzled: I'm left imagining that an author is physically in a publication the same way that a plant is in an herbarium, which obviously isn't what was meant. Are works or publication intended? Then the statement should be in the respective item, not in the author, but I don't think that is the scope of attested in (P5323). Reading the discussion on Property talk:P1343#Use for catalogues, I believe the correct way would be to use directly on Q118465996 either cites work (P2860) or quotes work (P6166) with the corresponding work/publication. --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 10:08, 22 August 2023 (UTC)
@EncycloPetey, Jahl de Vautban: being Mare Magnum (Q116771656) (and so its volumes) a bibliography, listing specific editions of works, I agree that cites work (P2860) is the best possible solution (e.g. Mare Magnum volume 82 (Q118465996)cites work (P2860)CITED EDITION); however, since each volume contains hundreds of editions, and the creation of the items of these editions would be a relevant amount of work, the users involved in the project Wikidata:Gruppo Wikidata per Musei, Archivi e Biblioteche/Mare Magnum asked me if it was possible to connect, instead, not volume to cited editions but volume to cited authors and printers; for this reason I started the discussion in the talk of P1343, which didn't raise any substantial objection to my proposal, and after that the project started using P5323 in this way. Given the present situation, I would then distinguish two issues: firstly, reach an agreement on the definition of P5323, i.e. considering it as contrary of not found in (P9660) is a suitable definition or should be restricted; secondly, if the definition of P5323 is restricted, how to manage the hundreds of statements added through the aforementioned project, which are correct data and have to be kept in some way (under P5323 or another property), given that the conversion to P2860 + EDITION would be ideal but is very far from immediate. --Epìdosis 10:34, 22 August 2023 (UTC)
OK, I agree on the way forward and I added my opinion on Property_talk:P5323#Use_outside_lexemes. For the Mare Magnum project, while I also agree on the significant time it would represent to create each edition, at least the participants seem to be getting paid for that, which I'm not, so I don't think the amount of work it represents should be a criterion to define the ontology. Anyway, the current way of modelling makes it difficult to know whether the attestation is 1. of a work/publication at all; 2. of a work/publication by or on the concept. What to do think of using list of works (P1455) or critical catalogue (P9969) ? --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 12:09, 22 August 2023 (UTC)
@Jahl de Vautban: About the project Wikidata:Gruppo Wikidata per Musei, Archivi e Biblioteche/Mare Magnum: not exactly, Bambooblues and Salvaf are writing their MA thesis about this project but aren't payed and Valesonz is their thesis advisor, at Florence University. Regarding list of works (P1455): it seems designed to link from author-item to Wikipedia-list-of-author's-works-item, like in the example Leo Tolstoy (Q7243)list of works (P1455)Leo Tolstoy bibliography (Q860998), which seems a different use case. Regarding critical catalogue (P9969): it seems designed to link from author-item to publication-containing-list-of-author's-works-item, like in the example Vincent van Gogh (Q5582)critical catalogue (P9969)L'Œuvre de Vincent van Gogh: catalogue raisonné (Q17280421), so it would be perfect for catalogues of works of a single author, but in this case Mare Magnum cites works of different authors ordering them by theme, so it isn't suitable. It's a complex case, unfortunately. --Epìdosis 12:18, 22 August 2023 (UTC)
Apologies for jumping to conclusions. And using bibliography (P8625) on the authors? It is currently restricted with value-type constraint (Q21510865)instance of (P31)bibliography (Q1631107) but I think that it's more easily expandable to the nature of Mare Magnum than attested in (P5323). --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 12:48, 22 August 2023 (UTC)
@Jahl de Vautban: don't worry! bibliography (P8625) maybe wouldn't need any edit to the value-type constraint (Q21510865), because I think adding instance of (P31)bibliography (Q1631107) to Mare Magnum (and its volumes) would be OK. However, looking at the examples of the property, it seems designed in a different way: the values (only 81 as of now, I see) are items containing Wikipedia-sitelinks of bibliographies regarding entirely a subject, so e.g. Paraguay (Q733)bibliography (P8625)bibliography of Paraguay (Q4903386); so I'm concerned about three aspects: 1) the property has single-value constraint (Q19474404), so item X cannot link to more bibliography-items; 2) the property has distinct-values constraint (Q21502410), so the same bibliography-item cannot be linked from many items; 3) the property has main subject (P921) as inverse property, meaning that the linked bibliography should be a bibliography regarding mainly this sole subject. Of course the present costraints are very limiting, because they are thought for a specific use-case, i.e. the en.wikipedia article "bibliography of X" covering exactly and only that specific theme. Let's imagine to enlarge the property to the possibility of linking to bibliographies outside Wikipedia, and let's take the case of this book, Comedy and Tragedy: A Bibliography of Critical Studies: if we create an item for it, then the item would have both ITEMmain subject (P921)comedy (Q40831) and ITEMmain subject (P921)tragedy (Q80930), so then we could have also ITEMbibliography (P8625)comedy (Q40831) and ITEMbibliography (P8625)tragedy (Q80930); cases like this would certainly oblige us to remove both the costraints at points 1 and 2. However, what concerns me about Mare Magnum is point 3: the idea is that the property is used to connect a bibliography mainly about a topic to the topic itself; Mare Magnum is a bibliography about every kind of topic, whilst single volumes have a main theme, e.g. I have just added Mare Magnum volume 82 (Q118465996)main subject (P921)history of literature (Q6497044); if we enlarge a bit the scope of P8625 (i.e. removing the constraints at points 1 and 2), I think history of literature (Q6497044)bibliography (P8625)Mare Magnum volume 82 (Q118465996) would be perfectly fine, but I think using P8625 also for everything a bibliography mentions (which would mean also removing the coinstraint at point 3) is an excessive broadening. So unfortunately it seems P8625 too is not suitable. BTW, as I initially proposed in the initial discussion in the talk of P1343, for me creating a new property would be perfectly fine, exactly because I felt that no property covered well this use case (the most similar seemed me P5323, but in fact it was designed for lexemes and for the attestations of names as strings of characters, rather than for concepts as in this use case). --Epìdosis 13:09, 22 August 2023 (UTC)
You can use "instance of" manuscript, if you're talking about a specific, hand-written single-copy of something. I've set that value on the item, since I am assuming that is what you mean by "manuscript". --EncycloPetey (talk) 16:37, 22 August 2023 (UTC)
@EncycloPetey: thanks, I changed to instance of (P31)manuscript (Q87167) also the other volumes of Mare Magnum; it's what I meant. Regarding this, since it is not the only case but there are more than 2 thousands others, I think it has to be kept until a consensus is reached about how to manage the cases as a whole (and about that issue we can discuss in the talk of P5323); I don't see specific reasons for treating it differently. --Epìdosis 17:07, 22 August 2023 (UTC)

Periodo di attività

Ciao Epìdosis. Non ho capito come funzionano l'inizio e la fine. per me danno una informazione ingannevole. Sembrerebbe invece che si riferiscano al secolo di attività. Vedi p.e. Francesco Zanin (Q30888019) in cui pare che abbia iniziato a dipingere 24 anni prima di nascere e 15 anni dopo esser morto. Zanekost (talk) 14:40, 23 August 2023 (UTC)

@Zanekost: l'uso è corretto (cfr. es. anche Miguel Manescal (Q93435977)), ma in questo caso ovviamente il dato di RKD è assurdo; ora l'ho deprecato (se lo si rimuove, poi c'è il rischio che venga reimportato). Idealmente bisognerebbe ottenere la correzione dentro RKD, ma non so quanto sia facile. --Epìdosis 14:45, 23 August 2023 (UTC)
OK, grazie… Così mi pare almeno che l'informazione non compaia più nell'infobox su commons Zanekost (talk) 14:58, 23 August 2023 (UTC)

Due dubbi

Ciao Epìdosis, sono un po’ perplesso su due cose:

La data di scioglimento o demolizione (P576) agli effetti pratici è applicabile a due eventi differenti e non necessariamente contemporanei (p.e.un convento – o una chiesa – viene soppresso ma la demolizione, se avviene, può essere successiva anche di anni).

Vedo che qualcuno ha inserito il nome in francese di diverse entità, con tanto di fonti. Trovo che la cosa abbia poco senso in wikidata… Zanekost (talk) 14:51, 24 August 2023 (UTC)

Buonasera @Zanekost:, penso tu ti riferisca in particolare a Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Servi (Q3585424); riguardo a dissolved, abolished or demolished date (P576), la proprietà se si tratta di un edificio dovrebbe indicare la sua demolizione fisica, non tanto il suo scioglimento "amministrativo"; in generale, su Wikidata (anche se spesso non avviene) dovrebbero esserci sempre due elementi distinti, uno per l'entità organizzazione (es. la biblioteca X) e una per l'entità edificio (es. l'edificio Y che ospita la biblioteca X), e quindi il significato della proprietà non dovrebbe essere ambiguo; se necessario, comunque, è possibile specificare il significato tramite un qualificatore (direi object has role (P3831)); su name (P2561), l'uso mi pare sensato, sostanzialmente supplisce al problema per cui gli alias su Wikidata non possono avere riferimenti, mentre la proprietà in questione permette di inserirli, e registrare con fonte i nomi con cui un'entità è stata nota mi pare un uso utile. Resto a disposizione come sempre, --Epìdosis 17:01, 24 August 2023 (UTC)
Esatto Epìdosis mi riferivo in particolare a quella chiesa, ma riguarda anche tutte le chiese chiuse sotto Napoleone, che non sono poche.
In effetti più che scioglimento si tratta di sconsacrazione ma non trovo la proprietà adatta.
In casi come questo mi domando se non andrebbe creata anche una voce correlata per il monastero che è stato soppresso nella stessa data. Poi l'edificio fortemente rimaneggiato è divenuto l'Istituto Canal Marovich poi mensa per i poveri e Casa studentesca del Centro di Pastorale Universitaria Santa Fosca.
Quanto al nome trovo sviante che si inserisca un'incidentale traduzione: ho provato ad aggiungere una delle innumerevoli citazioni storiche in italiano ma il risultato non mi convince. E poi bisogna avere la pazienza di creare anche le voci relative alle fonti. Zanekost (talk) 18:10, 24 August 2023 (UTC)
@Zanekost: Per la sconsacrazione, credo venga indicata con significant event (P793)deconsecration (Q16635429) e qualificatore point in time (P585). E sì, servirebbero un elemento per l'edificio (che valga solo e soltanto per l'edificio) e uno per ciascuna istituzione che in tale edificio ha avuto sede. --Epìdosis 18:15, 24 August 2023 (UTC)

Massimo Fabrizi

Hi Epìdosis, there are two persons with this name: Massimo Fabrizi (Q110979935) (b. 1969), editor, and Massimo Fabrizi (Q110980016), poeta romanesco e musicista. The last one published Aldo Fabrizi, mio padre. He is older and better known (since he had a famous father) but I can't find any authority file for him. Can you check? I would like to create a GND for him. --Kolja21 (talk) 20:18, 11 August 2023 (UTC)

@Kolja21: Checked; as previewable, only SBN can solve it (as usual: authors of a given country should be handled well firstly by their national library/network of libraries) ... I will do it, usually changes become visible each Monday or Tuesday - but in August it's far from sure, I would say it will be surely visible in September. The update status is shown in the homepage, under "ultimo aggiornamento", and currently is 24/07/2023. --Epìdosis 21:34, 11 August 2023 (UTC)
  Done Thanks for the details documented by ICCU. --Kolja21 (talk) 14:56, 6 September 2023 (UTC)


Ciao Epìdosis,

while matching MANTO to Wikidata I've come across two items Daphnis (Q13406785) and Daphnis (Q741627). They had previously been merged by User:Iwbrowse in 2015 but in 2021, you separated them again with a mutual different from (P1889) statement.

Frankly, I don't understand why. Daphnis (Q13406785) has the same statements as Daphnis (Q741627) (or at least some of them), but the latter is more detailed and has wikilinks and external IDs connected to it (which the former item does not). Couldn't we just merge the two items again?

Best wishes from me, birthday boy, Jonathan Groß (talk) 09:42, 30 August 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Jonathan Groß:! I probably did it on the basis of some Wikipedias (it.wp, en.wp, es.wp) which didn't identify the Daphnis of Longus with the mythical character (without clear sources in fact); Brill's New Pauly identifies them, but in old Pauly-Wissowa I read the phrase "Vielleicht ist Longus auch durch die Ὀαριστύς angeregt, deren D. mit dem Helden der Sage allerdings kaum mehr als den Namen gemein hat". I have now transformed different from (P1889), which was surely excessive, into said to be the same as (P460), but I remain doubtful about merging them completely. What do you think? --Epìdosis 10:00, 31 August 2023 (UTC)

I think this needs looking into. The Daphnis alluded to in Knaack's RE article is a character in an eidyllion by Theocritus, and Knaack denies identification with the Daphnis in Longus' Novel. I will do some research and get back to you. Cheers, Jonathan Groß (talk) 11:24, 31 August 2023 (UTC)

Hi. I've added more specific descriptions to the items involved and created a set index item as well. I think you were right in distinguishing the two items. According to Knaack (pace Reitzenstein), Daphnis (Q741627) was the inspiration for Longus's character Daphnis. However, I do not consider Daphnis (Q13406785) and Chloe (Q19861876) to be part of Greek mythology as they are clearly inventions by Longus (of course, quite possibly inspired by mythology). I have therefor removed the statement "instance of: mythological Greek character" in both items to avoid further confusion. I hope this is acceptable. Cheers, Jonathan Groß (talk) 07:38, 5 September 2023 (UTC)

@Jonathan Groß: it seems perfect to me! Thanks, --Epìdosis 17:17, 5 September 2023 (UTC)

Jan {Hendrik, Hermanus} van der Merwe

Hello Epidosis,

I'd like to ask about an old merge of Q24039857 and Q102310304. Are you sure about it? The Wikipedia page of Johannes Hendrik van der Merwe (a materials scientist) does not mention a PhD in Leiden in 1952. Moreover, there's a Geni profile (Geni - Johannes Hermanus van der Merwe (1923-1977)) that belongs to a theoretical physicist attending University of Leiden. The birth and death dates differ between these two scientists.

Thank you, (~~~~) PKalnai (talk) 19:09, 1 September 2023 (UTC)

@PKalnai: thanks for noticing, the profile is decisive, and also other sources are convincing. Merge undone and restored Johannes Hermanus van der Merwe (Q102310304)different from (P1889)Jan H. van der Merwe (Q24039857). --Epìdosis 19:39, 1 September 2023 (UTC)

August Wilhelm von Hof(f)mann

Hello Epidosis,

I'd like to discuss the merge of Q76360 and Q102077512. There's the dissertation of August Wilhelm Hoffmann, with the family name having the double 'f', Hoffman, available online: On page 29, there's a Vita section stating that Hoffmann was born on 26th May 1818 in Erfurt (Erfordia in Latin), his father was Ludwig Johann (Ludovicus Joannes in Latin) and matriculated in 1839 (MDCCCXXXIX). However, the Wikipedia page of Hofmann August Wilhelm von Hofmann - Wikipedia states that he was born on 8th April 1818 in Giessen, his father was Johann Philipp, and matriculated in 1836. Also the areas of dissertations are different, medicine versus chemistry. My conclusion is that these are two different persons.

Unfortunately, there's an inconsistence on the MGP profile of Hoffmann (ID 231029), as Max Le Blanc was not a student of his, but Hofmann's ( p44-50.pdf). This inconsistence was imported into Wikidata. Perhaps an ideal solution would be to split the Wikidata pages again and change the advisor of Max Le Blanc. What do you think?

Thank you, (~~~~) PKalnai (talk) PKalnai (talk) 18:06, 11 September 2023 (UTC)

@PKalnai: I perfectly agree with your analysis, thanks for noticing the problem! Unmerged August Wilhelm von Hofmann (Q76360) vs August Wilhelm Hoffmann (Q102077512). Good evening, --Epìdosis 19:37, 11 September 2023 (UTC)


Hi Epìdosis, thanks for working on Property talk:P227/human/wanted/import/from VIAF. Do you see a way to process a part of the "~89.000 items linked to a VIAF cluster" automatically? I'm thinking about: Year of birth and death identical, except athletes. @MisterSynergy: FYI. --Kolja21 (talk) 10:54, 14 September 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Kolja21, MisterSynergy:, I think the previous import of GNDs from VIAF (Wikidata:Requests for permissions/Bot/MsynBot 12) was a significant success, both importing a relevant amount of IDs but also being prudent enough in avoiding to import not-so-certain ones. The main filter used in that import (besides the fundamental ones, "items about humans only, GND to be imported is nowhere found in all of Wikidata yet, item does not have any GND claim yet") was "year of birth identical in GND database and Wikidata", and it was done just about six months ago, so I fear that very few GNDs could be extracted if we keep this same limitation (anyway, the ones that could be extracted reiterating the same criteria of that impost should be extracted, IMHO we could set a periodic import e.g. once or twice a year). My guess (but precise data would be good to have a clearer picture of the situation) is that the great majority of these 89k GNDs have no dates. If this is true, the only significant criterium I can formulate, as of now, is the following: "same label (keeping into account that NAME SURNAME in WD is SURNAME, NAME in GND) + at least one coincident occupation (i.e. one of the vaues of occupation (P106) in WD has a GND ID (P227) which is also present in the GND". Of course cases in which the to-be-imported GND is already in another item should go into User:MisterSynergy/gnd-import for manual check, which is a very good way to discover past mistakes of various types. Anyway, this discussion is very interesting and worthwile to establish a general modus operandi which could possibly be applied in the future also to other VIAF members, so it's a great pleasure for me to discuss possible criteria with you! Good evening, --Epìdosis 17:30, 14 September 2023 (UTC)

Diktyon numbers on Wikidata

Ciao Epìdosis,

today I was puzzled to find that apparently there is no WD property for Diktyon numbers yet. I have prepared a proposal. However, there is one thing I hope to clear up before I put it out there: To my knowledge, the IDs are universally called "Diktyon numbers" by the scholarly community even though the IDs are only used to refer to entries in the Pinakes database. Therefor, the name of the property should be "Diktyon" but the description should be "numeric ID for a Greek manuscript in the Pinakes database". From my point of view this is the correct way, but it might confuse others.

What do you think of this, as you are totus in illis when it comes to Pinakes?

Best, Jonathan Groß (talk) 12:05, 14 September 2023 (UTC)

@Jonathan Groß: thanks for the proposal, very much needed! In fact, an import of manuscripts could also be relatively easy since some of the information in Pinakes have also been copied into a Wikibase, Biblissima (compare e.g. = = Regarding the name Diktyon, I think it is related to "Diktyon is a scientific network of digital resources and databases on Greek manuscripts"; "The first step to create this network is based on the creation of unique identifiers for manuscripts shelf marks that will be integrated in the different databases from the beginning of 2014. The creation of identifiers for other common items (authors, texts, people) will then follow." So Diktyon is an effort, started about one decade ago, to use unique identifiers firstly for Greek manuscripts, basically (I guess) extending the use of Pinakes IDs (which are called "Diktyon" par excellece) since Pinakes was, and is, by far the most comprehensive (I would say basically all-comprehensive) database of Greek manuscripts. I don't have, in fact, more information about the Diktyon project than the ones present in the website, but this should at least answer partially your question :)
BTW, speaking about Greek literature (and manuscripts), we miss TLG work IDs (which have two disadvantages, paywall and the difficulty of linking to TLG in general, but are anyway an important standard) and Pinakes work IDs (which are sometimes more comprehensive than TLG ones, mainly on Byzantine and post-Byzantine authors whose works aren't yet in TLG, and can be considered a relevant standard too); I haven't proposed them yet because I prefer proposing properties when I am confident about having some time to add at least some tens of values, but I'm sure it will be good having them sooner or later. Bye, --Epìdosis 13:03, 14 September 2023 (UTC)

Thank for the comment! I have now opened the proposal to discussion.

I share your scepticism about importing TLG work IDs at this point ... there is no way for us to meaningfully employ them here or check their statements in any way. Also, I'm having enough trouble getting only a few hundred items from the Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris into Wikidata (because I don't just create mini-items, I add qualified and referenced statements to them, so creating more than four at a time give me a headache). And I am also unsure to what degree we can rely on tools such as Mix'n'match to help us with our data. I have had nothing but trouble with my last two catalogues (MANTO and Mythoskop), both of which are missing several rows of data, and Magnus cannot seem to find out how to fix it.

I would love to have a reliable way of integrating external datasets with Wikidata, but given the state of MnM and my recent experiences I don't feel confident.

Sorry for unloading all of this on you. But I am sure you can relate. Best, Jonathan Groß (talk) 13:35, 14 September 2023 (UTC)


Ciao Epìdosis, I have a question: Can you make it so the MnM catalogue for Mythoskop (no. 6010) shows up in this category:  ?

Cheers, Jonathan Groß (talk) 18:39, 26 August 2023 (UTC)

@Jonathan Groß: I thought that the group function worked on the basis of the instances of the properties; so, considering Mythoskop ID (P11946)instance of (P31)Wikidata property related to Greek mythology (Q64295974), it should be there, and it's unclear to me why it isn't there :(
But: considering that the main utility of the group functions is the "top missing", you can just add Mythoskop manually to the list, so having,108,6010,6028. Good night, --Epìdosis 22:24, 26 August 2023 (UTC)

Yes, I saw this yesterday for the first time: When I created the catalogue for the MANTO database, it automatically applied the category as well as the catalogue description from the property I entered. This had not worked earlier when I created the Mythoskop catalogue. Perhaps the server was too swamped at the time then. Anyway, many thanks for your clarification. I guess Magnus is the only one who can fix it. And he is already looking into the Mythoskop catalogue.

Have a splendid Sunday! Jonathan Groß (talk) 06:32, 27 August 2023 (UTC)

Ciao Epìdosis,

the Mythoskop catalogue finally shows all 2080 rows of data I fed it, but now it doesn't display links to the website for some items. I asked Magnus about it but no answer. I have a vague hope that it might work on a new catalogue. Could you kindly delete the old one, no. 6010? Jonathan Groß (talk) 18:47, 23 September 2023 (UTC)

@Jonathan Groß: before deleting I tried updating the formatter URL, could you check if it solved the issue? Otherwise, of course I can delete Good evening, --Epìdosis 18:51, 23 September 2023 (UTC)

Apparently it has. Thank you so much! :D You're the best! Jonathan Groß (talk) 18:53, 23 September 2023 (UTC)


Ciao! Tutto bene? A circa un anno di distanza, ti ricontatto per una questione simile... Complice un utente distratto se non vandalico (appena bloccato, ma ora chi controlla/annulla i suoi numerosi edit?) pare si siano prodotti errori in varie schede (riguardanti in particolare calciatori). Ho appena agito in questa, ma se provo a rimuovere l'errata associazione automatica Mix'n'match con l'entry su Transfermarkt che si riferisce ad un quasi omonimo, per evitare il ripetersi dell'aggiunta dell'identificativo (doppio), mi appare un messaggio di errore (mancanza di permessi?). Quando puoi, mi daresti qualche lume? Grazie mille! Sanremofilo (talk) 09:41, 16 September 2023 (UTC)

@Sanremofilo: comprendo, basta che tu faccia il login in Mix'n'match e poi ricarichi la pagina, a quel punto non dovrebbe darti problemi; una volta fatto il login, dovrebbe permanere per varie settimane/mesi. Se il problema persiste, fammi sapere! --Epìdosis 09:44, 16 September 2023 (UTC)

Meyer, Johann, 17. sec. <‍Autore>

Hello Epìdosis, is there an authority record for Jean Meyer (Q122829014), author of Le maitre de langue muet (Trento Biblioteca Diocesana Vigilianum) or can you create on? The book was printed in Nürnberg that's why he is stated as "Johann". I didn't find it in the Bibliothèque nationale de France. --Kolja21 (talk) 12:29, 26 September 2023 (UTC)

@Kolja21: unfortunately not, since the book is not in SBN because only two libraries of Alto Adige (province of Bolzano) and no libraries of Trentino (province of Trento) are presently in SBN. I hope they will enter in SBN sooner or later ... --Epìdosis 12:43, 26 September 2023 (UTC)
Ok. I've filed a report so hopefully till then the conflation (GND) will be solved. --Kolja21 (talk) 12:45, 26 September 2023 (UTC)

Richiesta pulizia di un elemento

Ciao Epìdosis, scusami il disturbo, ma volevo chiederti se quando hai un po' di tempo libero se ti è possibile oscurare il campo oggetto di queste due modifiche (prima e seconda) di un elemento presente qui su Wikidata in quanto contengono una parola offensiva; credo che basti oscurare semplicemente il campo oggetto piuttosto che tutte le modifiche nel mezzo. Ti ringrazio in anticipo. Pazio Paz (talk) 22:06, 26 September 2023 (UTC)

@Pazio Paz: ok, oscurato l'oggetto delle due modifiche. --Epìdosis 07:21, 27 September 2023 (UTC)
Grazie mille, ti auguro un buon proseguimento :). Pazio Paz (talk) 14:20, 27 September 2023 (UTC)

Æneid of Virgil

There are multiple editions of the Conington translation. In this edit you put an ID for a 3rd edition from 1870 on a data item for the first edition from 1866. --EncycloPetey (talk) 16:41, 27 September 2023 (UTC)

@EncycloPetey: thanks for noticing, I saw another user had added the ID in the wrong format and so I readded it in the correct format, but I assumed the ID itself was correct, however it wasn't. --Epìdosis 22:23, 27 September 2023 (UTC)


One more thing (and I'm sorry for turning your talk page into a collection of random notes) ... I've come across the marvellous Mandragore (Q16928470) database. We should at some point look into integrating their data as well. Jonathan Groß (talk) 18:59, 5 October 2023 (UTC)

@Jonathan Groß: never seen, interesting of course. No problem if you write here notes about Greek stuff ;-) --Epìdosis 19:33, 5 October 2023 (UTC)

disable old MnM catalogs

Hi! Could it be possible to disable two old catalogs and, because new one was uploaded? Thanks! -Framawiki (please notify !) (talk) 08:30, 7 October 2023 (UTC)

@Framawiki:   Done. --Epìdosis 09:04, 7 October 2023 (UTC)

Quota 1222

Ciao, ho ricevuto la notifica che la pagina in oggetto è stata connessa a un elemento Wikidata che non saprei citare o copiare. Il problema è che io avevo già creato l'elemento e non capisco perché mi venga notificato questo. Spero sia una cosa normale. Grazie e a presto, AmaliaMM (talk) 13:01, 8 October 2023 (UTC)

@AmaliaMM: ciao, credo che la notifica ti sia arrivata perché l'elemento che avevi creato qualche mese fa era un duplicato e ora è stato unito. Quindi ora è tutto a posto. A presto! --Epìdosis 13:31, 8 October 2023 (UTC)

Pinakes cities and depots

Ciao Epìdosis, while matching cities from Pinakes to Wikidata I can't escape the impression that this is a part of their classification scheme that they haven't given enough thought. They put individual castles / manors, mountains, islands, regions (Chalkidiki, Hagion Oros) all in the "cities" category. We can deal with this by trying to find the closest match for each case, but it is far from straightforward.

Some places are really hard to identify. Also I suspect that there may be typos in their labels: This depot is called "Βιβλιοθήκη Κ. Εὐγενιδείων Ἐκαπιδευτηρίων", but that doesn't make a lot of sense even to my limited Modern Greek. I suspect it should read "Ἐκπαιδευτηρίων". Do you know where to address such matters?

Finally, and this is not so much a question as a statement, I have always found it appalling that Pinakes assigns Jerusalem to a country called **. I can only wonder who instigated this, or whom they try to appease with this, especially when they have no problem naming and designating countries which are not recognised by some states, like Kosovo. This has always rubbed me the wrong way and I feel about it very strongly right now with the war on Israel that erupted yesterday.

Anyway, our work continues, and I am glad you're getting to it so enthusiastically. I am expecting a small dataset on the Septuagint manuscripts from the LXX project manager himself in the next few days, and that should help us mapping this part of the Greek manuscripts.

Have a splendid and peaceful Sunday!

Best, Jonathan Groß (talk) 13:08, 8 October 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Jonathan Groß:, thanks for the great of matching that you are doing; I tried to help you a bit yesterday evening with cities and I effectively noticed that the classification scheme is far for uniform, since among a majority of cities also other types of entities are used, like geographical regions and individual buildings like castles and monasteries ... I have checked some and it seems that most of these strangeness have been inherited directly from 1995 (the basis of Pinakes), which is itself the reworked and enriched 3rd edition of the much older, 1948; the 2nd edition is freely available The last time I have contacted IRHT they said they had started a revision of the authority lists (cities, institutions, fonds, authors, works etc.), so they may be evaluating this aspect; anyway, when we have finished the matching of "cities" we can prepare a clearer analysis of the situation, with some specifing suggestions to make it more uniform, sending it to I also agree that some places, especially in Greece, Cyprus and Middle East, are very hard to identify; the identification is usually possible consulting the 1995 repertory, which lists the bibliography related to each city, but it requires some time. Spelling mistakes (and also many diacritics are missing) are present, I have found a few dozens in the last months; they can be reported to and get corrected quickly, but you can also send them directly to me, these are uncontroversial corrections that I can very quickly make personally; I have now fixed Ἐκπαιδευτηρίων (also, in the same entity, the country was indicated as Greece, but is obviously Turkey; fixed) after a quick check on the 1995 repertory, to be sure. For Jerusalem, I perfectly agree that posing it under ** and Peja (Q112657) under Kosovo is problematic; we can include this in the analysis I suggested above. Let's continue matching! --Epìdosis 13:50, 8 October 2023 (UTC)

Thank you for understanding. I agree with your approach. Pinakes seems to be dealing with some legacy 'problems' in this dataset, even the Megali Idea seeps through.

Some items that need looking at are "Türkiye Meliu Indéterminé fonds principal Sine numero", I cannot even find a city named Meliu ... and "High Point (NJ)" which is named in some catalogues as the place where the owner of the library (book collection) Acton Griscom (1891–1960) supposedly lived, but this is a mountain with a skate park. Curious. Jonathan Groß (talk) 14:03, 8 October 2023 (UTC)

@Jonathan Groß: Checked: Meliu in 1995 catalogue appears as such, the source cited (Gedeon, Μνήμη Γανοχώρων, p. 62) just says "Ἐν δὲ Μηλέᾳ" ... seemingly a Μηλέα in Thrace, which I wasn't able to find as of now; for High Point, the collector Acton Griscom (Q56177963) lived there according to both 1995 catalogue and the source it cites, so I think it is correct. --Epìdosis 15:02, 8 October 2023 (UTC)
@Jonathan Groß: BTW, I can also create IDs for missing copyists and owners of manuscripts; I have just created the ID for Acton Griscom (Q56177963). So, if you see missing links from manuscripts to copyists and/or owners, you can also report these cases to me. --Epìdosis 16:18, 8 October 2023 (UTC)
@Jonathan Groß: last addendum: as of now, Pinakes pages can link to a variety of external IDs (including VIAF, DNB, BNF, CERL), but Wikidata isn't yet included in this list; of course I plan to ask the IRHT to add Wikidata to the list, when I have the time to write an e-mail extensively explaining our matching efforts here on Wikidata (so probably in mid November). --Epìdosis 16:25, 8 October 2023 (UTC)
Something to laugh and dream: Redlynch House, once home of the famous book collector John Roland Abbey (Q6255470), is now for sale (PDF). If you have a few millions to spare and don't mind a few years of hair-pulling renovation ...   Jonathan Groß (talk) 07:24, 10 October 2023 (UTC)

I am finished now with matching the cities with only one case remaining: Saint-Didier. There are many tiny places by that name in France, and Olivier 1995 does not cite a catalog but lists a single Greek manuscript (56441), apparently from own research or owner's notice. Is there any way to find out which Saint-Didier this refers to? Jonathan Groß (talk) 08:18, 10 October 2023 (UTC)

@Jonathan Groß: fortunately the 1964 edition ( specified "Saint-Didier [Vaucluse, Fr.]", so I was able to match it; the indication Vaucluse has been forgotten in 1995 edition; now edited in Pinakes too to make it clear. You have done a great work on the cities! --Epìdosis 09:51, 10 October 2023 (UTC)

Describing palimpsests

Ciao Epìdosis, I just created Codex Weissenburgensis 64 (Q122901241) for a palimpsest. Can you give me our opinion if that is a good way to describe such an item? I have not found any guidance in the WikiProject Books spreadsheet on manuscripts, I think this aspect needs to be fleshed out in our data model as well.

In the process I have also created items for lower script (Q122901270) and upper script (Q122901275). These will need some pruning I'm sure, but they are a necessary addition. Jonathan Groß (talk) 14:37, 1 October 2023 (UTC)

@Jonathan Groß: surely a necessary addition; as a first impression, the qualifier applies to part (P518) seems a good choice to me, but of course it needs to be discussed and afterwards added in a clear way to the data model page of WikiProject Books. Good night (I have just arrived back home from Lisbon), --Epìdosis 22:47, 1 October 2023 (UTC)

Hi Epìdosis! I'Ve tried and designed a mindmap for the data model for manuscripts on Wikidata, have a look: link. I still don't know how to integrate aspects such as intended use (hours, lectionary...), palimpsest, liber concatenatus ... curious what you think. Jonathan Groß (talk) 18:34, 3 October 2023 (UTC)

@Jonathan Groß: it seems very good. Some comments: has part(s) (P527) (with reciproque part of (P361)) seems fine to link between the item of a composite manuscript and the items of its originally-separated parts; P985 doesn't exist, I would probably use full work available at URL (P953) (it just needs enlarging a bit the constraints); for intended use, the first possibility I can think of is genre (P136), because has use (P366) is probably too generic and subject has role (P2868) is mainly used as qualifier; exemplar of (P1574) needs always to be qualified with section, verse, paragraph, or clause (P958) indicating the interval of folios or pages; "collated by" could be proposed as new property. Good night, --Epìdosis 21:07, 3 October 2023 (UTC)
Thanks, I've integrated this and moved a few things around, now it should be okay. I've also taken a look at the CIDOC data model, but I found it too incomplete and cumbersome for our purposes. Jonathan Groß (talk) 15:37, 5 October 2023 (UTC)


@Jonathan Groß: I have created another archival fond as example, Ms. grec (Q122978081), and one doubt came to me, about how we connect it to the institution which owns it. My initial choice was archives at (P485), but in fact it has a different scope, i.e. connecting a person/institution to the archive owning their documents, not an archival fonds to the archive which owns it, thus I discarded it; so I tried now location (P276), which is probably better because it expresses where the fonds is. Do you agree? --Epìdosis 19:18, 8 October 2023 (UTC)

I will take a look at it. Thank you for noticing my subpage! You're welcome to contribute to it.
BTW, I have started Wikidata:Property proposal/fonds but I have not yet transcluded it as I am not an expert on archival fonds hierarchies and don't want to mess around. Jonathan Groß (talk) 19:24, 8 October 2023 (UTC)
@Jonathan Groß: the proposal seems good, I think it can be transcluded. Regarding the above problem, I see that the situation is (as previewable) pretty confuse, it may need a discussion at Wikidata:WikiProject Archival Description (which is probably more competent on archival fonds and also manuscript than WikiProject Books). Some data to be analysed, and then cleaned:
10741 cases of fondscollection (P195)archive (
9809 cases of fondslocation (P276)archive (
10030 cases of fondsarchives at (P485)archive (
0 cases of fondslocation (P276)archive + fondsarchives at (P485)archive (
0 cases of fondscollection (P195)archive + fondsarchives at (P485)archive (
1226 cases of fondscollection (P195)archive + fondslocation (P276)archive (
In my opinion P485 should not be used like this, but I'm uncertain between P195 and P276 (probably using both at the same time is redundant and should be avoided). We should decide for one option and then try to uniform it. --Epìdosis 19:43, 8 October 2023 (UTC)
@Jonathan Groß: reflecting again on this, I would probably propose to use only collection (P195), which is the most specific one; if a fonds is part of a collection (which is the archive), this also implies it is in the archive; location (P276), in fact, says that the fonds is in the archive, but doesn't strictly imply that it's part of its collection; and archives at (P485) is simply designed for another scope, so should not be used in this field. I have a residual doubt about the possibility of using collection (P195) + location (P276), but data redundancy is bad in principle, so I would avoid it and just restrict to collection (P195) alone. If you agree, we can post the proposal of collection (P195) on Wikidata talk:WikiProject Archival Description and wait for feedback. --Epìdosis 08:15, 12 October 2023 (UTC)
I need to clear something up for myself before answering that. Are we talking about the data model for fonds or the inclusion of fonds in our data model for manuscripts? I will try and address both: 1) Items about fonds need to be connected to a holding institution to make sense. I think we can use fonds abcarchives at (P485)institution xyz for that. Additional information about ownership and provenance would be good. Current ownership can be inferred from archives at (P485) but is not necessarily identical to the holding instution. Also, previous ownership can (and should) be modelled as well. For the collocation of a fonds, the current holding instution (archives at (P485)) should be sufficient and we need not add statements like fonds abccountry (P17)country x and fonds abclocation (P276)town y. I believe this is what you mean by data duplication. 2) About the integration of fonds items in other classes, I can see two use cases pertinent to our data model: 2a) Items about manuscripts should always have a statement such as ms. Afondsfonds x. If allocation changes (or has changed in the past), several values are possible, but the current one should have a preferred rank (and, ideally, qualifiers specifying the time period). Examples would be the papyri from the Schøyen Collection (Q2380144) which have been sold to the Green Collection (Q5602422), or the Bodmer papyri sold to Swiss libraries. 2b) Items about holding institutions. These should list the fonds housed by them in some way, I'm not sure how exactly, but I will think about it [[[d:Q108914745|in this collection (Q108914745)]] or something similar.] I think institutions should also have statements for country (P17)country x and location (P276)town y.
I hope this addresses your question in a helpful way. I would like to hear your opinion on my points 1-2a-b.
My main concerns are (A) having a data model that makes sense and is economical, (B) model statements so that they can easily be accessed in SPARQL and Cirrus Searches. Jonathan Groß (talk) 09:15, 12 October 2023 (UTC)
@Jonathan Groß: so my question was intended on your point 1. So 1) I'm unsure about the use of fonds abcarchives at (P485)institution xyz, looking at its (very concise) proposal back in 2013 and, most important, at its present description I read "the institution holding the subject's archives", which seems also confirmed by the examples below; the property is meant to connect a person or institution to the institution holding their archives; since a fonds is not a persona and not an institution, I think P485 is probably not suitable and I would prefer a solution like fonds abccollection (P195)institution xyz; I'm fine with not adding also fonds abccountry (P17)country x and fonds abclocation (P276)town y to single manuscripts to avoid redundancy. 2a) Perfectly agree. 2b) I agree on institutions necessarily having country (P17)country x and location (P276)town y, whilst I would avoid adding to the institution's item the list of its fonds, since this would duplicate the same datum and this is tendentially avoided in last years; in the same way, the manuscripts (and other objects) contained in a fonds have a statement only in one direction, i.e. ms. Afondsfonds x, and not in the other, i.e. fonds xcontained objectsms. A, similarly to avoid data duplication. So I would propose:
What do you think? --Epìdosis 09:41, 12 October 2023 (UTC)
I agree with the first two points. To the last I would say: Manuscript has fondsfonds k AND collection (P195)institution k, because fonds can change ownership and/or housing. So for example, if manuscripts A, B and C are part of fonds k, and this fonds is acquired by institution Y from institution X at some point, the fonds statement would stay the same but collection (P195) would get an additional (currently valid, and thus preferred) value. This would help track the migration of (fonds and) manuscripts in queries. Does that make sense? Jonathan Groß (talk) 09:48, 12 October 2023 (UTC)
@Jonathan Groß: It makes sanse, I perfectly agree. So we can probably open the first discussion about fonds abccollection (P195)institution xyz (as opposed to the other alternatives that are presently used, see queries above). --Epìdosis 09:51, 12 October 2023 (UTC)

Name collision: Reuven Cohen

Hello Epìdosis,

I think there's another case of two different people with identical names working in similar branches of science.

First, Reuven Cohen (Q51056747), an applied mathematician mostly affiliated with Bar Ilan University. He did his PhD in 2003. His CV is archived here: Wayback Machine ( His Google Scholar profile (with photo):

Second, Reuven Cohen (Q102302617, merged) , a telecommunications engineer/computer scientist mostly affiliated with Technion. He did his PhD in 1991. His partial CV is available here (with photo): Prof. Reuven Cohen (Technion, Computer Science, Networking group). Also, his LinkedIn profile:

I believe these are two different scientists. What is your opinion?

Thank you, PKalnai (talk) 14:23, 14 October 2023 (UTC)

@PKalnai: I agree,   unmerged. Thanks! --Epìdosis 14:35, 14 October 2023 (UTC)

Archival Collections

It seems to me unnecessary to duplicate archives at (P485) with collection (P195) ( Actually, I think that the name of collection (P195) and its description ("art, museum, archival, or bibliographic collection the subject is part of") are inconsistent. The name "collection" implies to be used for objects which are part of such collection. On the contrary, the description implies the same function as archives at (P485) and then the proper name should be "collection holder". The problem is, that collection (P195) was created without discussion, so we don't know, how this property was intended to be used. Daniel Baránek (talk) 16:28, 27 October 2023 (UTC)

Oh, I did not notice the discussion above. Now I understand. But I still think, that the collection (P195) should be renamed then to "collection holder" or to something similar. Daniel Baránek (talk) 16:36, 27 October 2023 (UTC)
Hi @Daniel Baránek:, thanks for writing me. A few days ago I noticed the use of different data models to connect archival fonds to the owning institution, so after the discussion above I proposed the change at Wikidata_talk:WikiProject_Archival_Description#Archival_fonds_and_the_institutions_owning_them and as of now there was no objection, so I started to apply the fix. I agree that the name "collection" for collection (P195) is very generic and so could be misleading; in fact "collection holder" would be more precise to indicate e.g. that object X is in the collection of museum Y, at the same time it would probably be imprecise for book X in the bibliographic collection Y (which is a significantly different use of the property, but seems to be permitted by its description), so maybe keeping the generic "collection" as label is presently the best solution; it may be necessary to split the property in the future, though. However, coming to consider archives at (P485), it seems it was created to indicate that person X has its archival materials preserved at institution Y, so connecting archival fonds X to institution Y seems outside the original scope of P485; this interpretation is also based on the examples of P485, which seem to confirm the original scope of the property. For this reason, although P195 is not fully deprived of problems, I still think it's probably a better option in this situation in comparison with P485. My batch is first adding P195 and then removing P485 on the basis of this reasoning; if you agree with it, I continue its run (I stopped it when I read your message). Good evening, --Epìdosis 16:48, 27 October 2023 (UTC)
Hi @Epìdosis, thanks for the link to the WikiProject. As I wrote, I understand now, so I will have nothing against removing archives at (P485). Daniel Baránek (talk) 17:39, 27 October 2023 (UTC)
@Daniel Baránek: ok, perfect: I continue the batch. --Epìdosis 17:42, 27 October 2023 (UTC)


Ciao Epìdosis,

Now that we have Diktyon ID (P12042) (nice number :) we could also create a MnM catalogue. You said that the import of data would be fairly easy as the Diktyon items are part of a Wikibase. I would suggest a very lightweight approach. What kind of data could we even extract without issue? Best, Jonathan Groß (talk) 16:36, 24 September 2023 (UTC)

@Jonathan Groß: it's a good question (the Wikibase is, but as of now I don't have an answer, but only a few doubts (maybe they are useful as well): 1) the general doubt is that I have never extracted data from a Wikibase ... this one seems to have an API but not a query service, so as of now I'm unsure about the best way to extract data from it; 2) whilst I'm sure that this Wikibase contains a fair amount of data about Greek manuscripts extracted from Pinakes (BTW, it also contains non-Greek manuscripts, e.g., I don't know exactly if all Greek manuscripts have been imported and when (checking some cases, it seems that a lot of Greek manuscripts have been imported in 2020, so probably manuscripts added to Pinakes after 2020 are not in this Wikibase); 3) I have a doubt about the usefulness of using Mix'n'match in this case, I usually recommend the use of MnM when in a catalog most entries are already present in Wikidata and/or when many of the entries of the catalog are not present in Wikidata but are also present in other Mix'n'match catalog, so MnM makes it easier to create new items starting from many catalogues instead of starting only from one - given these premises, in this case nearly all the manuscripts are absent in Wikidata and I don't know about other catalogues containing significant numbers of Greek manuscripts.
So, to conclude, I would propose a different approach, which I try to detail below (I take as example manuscript from Pinakes Excuse me for the length :(
1) firstly I would like to clarify one point of the data model of manuscripts (i.e. Wikidata:WikiProject Books#Manuscript properties), i.e. how to describe their collocation: it can be divided into three parts, i.e. city, institution and archival fond of the institution; as far as I see from the present data model, the city falls into location (P276) (reasonable), but then problems start, because the data model has both collection (P195) qualified with inventory number (P217) and the inverse, inventory number (P217) qualified with collection (P195) (see e.g. Shahnamah of Ibrahim Sultan (Q53676578)) - this is the first problem, only one option has to be chosen, and the other discarded, duplication of data inside the same item is surely a problem - unfortunately collection (P195) has as value not the most precise one, i.e. the archival fond, but the institution - so, second problem, how do we link the single manuscript to its archival fond of pertinence? I think the first practical thing we need to do is discussing these two points, establish a precise data model and also arrange one or two Wikidata:Showcase items of manuscripts for future reference
2) we also need to check that we have all the items for cities, institutions and archival fonds; cities are surely all present, I'm also confident we have most institutions, but we will need to create a few hundreds of archival fonds; BTW, Pinakes has IDs for countries, cities, institutions and archival fonds, and having these four properties (or at least the last two ones) would probably facilitate our check ... if you agree, I think we can propose them as a 4-batch (similarly to e.g. Wikidata:Property proposal/SDBM IDs)
3) when the points 1 and 2 are OK, we can safely proceed with the real import: I think that, given the situation, the best solution will be importing massively all the ~80k manuscripts in new items modeled more or less like this: label in English and French copied from Pinakes (but I would omit the country, I think it's a bit redundant), e.g. "Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV), Ott. gr. 046"; instance of (P31)manuscript (Q87167); location (P276)city; 1 or 2 statements for the institution, the archival fond and the inventory number; Diktyon ID (P12042)number. I estimate a maximum of a few hundreds duplicates (i.e. already existing manuscripts), which will become more evident after we have all the manuscripts imported. Of course this point 3 presupposes we have a complete list of the manuscripts in Pinakes, but, since I think the points 1 and 2 will need at least some weeks to be solved, I'm confident in the meanwhile I can obtain this list (the way I'm thinking about is a scrape via numerus currens, i.e. checking all possible Diktyon numbers from to, the highest Diktyon presently existing; it will take just a few days).
If you agree with the above plan, I think that: A) we should start as soon as possible a reflection about 1, because these discussions about data models are often very long (argh!); B) we can start also checking institutions and archival fonds per 2 (if you want, in a few days I can obtain a complete list of them; if we propose properties for them, I can create their Mix'n'match catalogs immediately after their properties are created), I would very much like to help you in this, especially for Italian institutions and archival fonds; C) I can get in a few weeks a complete list of the manuscripts, to be ready for the massive import when 1 and 2 will be completed. Let me know! --Epìdosis 17:32, 24 September 2023 (UTC)

I'm thrilled for this prompt, qualified, informed and comprehensive answer, much more than I could have hoped for with my lazy ping. I agree that we need to clear up our data model first, and I agree with your overall approach. We can get started right away, I just don't know how much time I can put in over the next days as things are quite hectic at home. All the best, Jonathan Groß (talk) 19:51, 24 September 2023 (UTC)

I will give the data model a bit more thought. Meanwhile, you got mail! Jonathan Groß (talk) 11:44, 28 September 2023 (UTC)

So I browsed a bit and found Codex Coislinianus (Q1105939) – an interesting case, as the remnants of this manuscript are scattered across 8 libraries in 6 countries. How would we deal with those? Create items for the disiecta membra with Coislin 202part of (P361)Codex Coislinianus (Q1105939) and the inverse Codex Coislinianus (Q1105939)has part(s) (P527)Coislin 202? I think that would be a good course of action. Jonathan Groß (talk) 12:20, 29 September 2023 (UTC)

And there are, of course, cases where it is the other way around, two separate codices bound together. Like with Lectionary 61 (Q6512323) and Minuscule 729 (Q6870880), both part of Diktyon 49751. I would suggest creating dedicated items for these cases as well. Jonathan Groß (talk) 12:44, 29 September 2023 (UTC)

In case of Lectionary 61 (Q6512323) and Minuscule 729 (Q6870880), I did what I suggested earlier today and created a new item for the manuscript as it is bound today. Now on towards clearing up our data model on manuscripts. As Wikidata does not have a way to string hierarchical properties together, we would have to give each manuscript separate statements for their location (country, city, institution), fonds, and shelf number. Keeping our current data model intact should be a priority, along with compliance with scientific standards. Taking up what you said in your initial, exhaustive response, all manuscript items should have statements for:

  • country = country (P17)
  • city: location (P276) should work, although this property has a broader scope and is often used for finer granularity of values (meaning city districts, specific buildings, street adresses etc.). But for our purposes, that should not pose a problem.
  • institution: collection (P195) is a good candidate, but I have some gripes with it. 1) As of now it is mostly used to specify the value of a holding institution (bestandshaltende Institution) like Bibliothèque nationale de France (Q193563), but its name (en: collection, de: Sammlung) suggests something more along the lines of "fonds" or "(private) collection". 2) The data duplication you mentioned, because it is used as a qualifier to inventory number (P217) – and vice versa. And both properties have constraints prompting users to duplicate the data as well.
    In my opinion, the best course of action would be to dissolve 2) by removing the constraint in both properties and keeping to the practice of using collection (P195) for holding institutions, but also specifying that this property is meant to do just that, and change its name and alias accordingly. Of course this can only be done after discussing the matter with the community.
  • fonds: Minding the ambiguity of collection (P195) as it is today, we should propose and create a new property.
  • shelf mark: These of course are part of inventory number (P217) or identical to it, depending how you look at it. Pinakes only has the running number, but in scholarship location, institution and fonds are often used before that. I think the best course of action would be to use inventory number (P217) with at least fonds and shelf mark as a string, maybe even city, institution, fonds and shelf mark as in Pinakes. And of course, the data duplication issue with collection (P195) woudl have to be addressed.

What do you think? Should we move this discussion to the WikiProject Books? Jonathan Groß (talk) 18:47, 29 September 2023 (UTC)

@Jonathan Groß: thanks very much for these reflections. Of course I agree that, for manuscripts composed of two previous ones and for ancient manuscripts divided into two, the best possible solution is having three items interlinked through part of (P361)/has part(s) (P527). About the fundamental statements, I agree on country (P17) for countries and location (P276) for cities; regarding collection (P195) I exactly agree with the solution you propose, changing its labels/descriptions/aliases and constraints to keep it only for the institution and to remove the redundancy with inventory number (P217), of course it needs community discussion (and a significant effort of cleaning after the - hoped - approval); I agree also on the need of a new property for archival fonds (I think we can propose it a few days after we have Pinakes property for archival fonds and we have started creating a few ones); finally good using inventory number (P217) for the shelf mark, in which I would probably include city, institution, fonds and shelf mark, and I would not qualify it with collection (P195) in order to avoid redundancy. Finally, I think we should submit our proposal about reforming in the aforementioned ways the usage of inventory number (P217) and collection (P195) to WikiProject Books, starting soon the discussion and hoping it evolves in reasonable time :) Good night, --Epìdosis 22:51, 29 September 2023 (UTC) BTW, here in Lisbon at Wikidata Days both yestarday and today (and, I think, also tomorrow) we have spoken a lot about data modeling of manuscripts!

Thanks for your answer. It seems we are in agreement. This gives me hope that we might be able to move things along in due time. Meanwhile, have fun at Lisbon and give my best to everyone there! Jonathan Groß (talk) 22:54, 29 September 2023 (UTC)

So I started adding Diktyon numbers to existing Wikidata items for manuscripts. My thought was that we might avoid creating hundreds of duplicates later with the data import. I thought there would be a few hundred items at most, but it seems there are a lot more. I've managed to assign numbers for most of the manuscripts from the BNF collections, but it took an entire evening. And there are some lists that show how much more work this would entail: NT uncials, NT lectionaries, NT minuscules 1–1000, 1001–2000 and 2001–. And there are some more lists and items in the en:Category:Greek-language manuscripts.

The problem with my approach is that it is inefficient. Even when focussing on a single institution like the BNF, I have several tabs open with lists of the various fonds and need to switch between them (the header of each an every page is "Pinakes", which is not helping). I need to ascertain that the shelf number on Wikipedia is correct (it wasn't in two or three cases). And even when things go smoothly (alternating only between Grec and Supplement Grec, assignment is correct) it takes at least 30 seconds to find, copy and paste the Diktyon number to the Wikidata item. As an added problem (which I already described above), many items describe codices or codicological units which belong to several Pinakes entries or only part of a single Pinakes entry. This is especially true for Uncials (majuscule manuscripts) which are scattered across the planes or sometimes encompass only a single leaf of a manuscript.

The reason it takes so long to find a Diktyon number for a specific manuscript is that the Pinakes search function is very cumbersome. To look up a manuscript you must enter (in French or English) its country, city, institution, fonds AND shelf number, all of which must be chosen from hierarchical drop-down menus. Google search doesn't really help as it mostly produces wrong results; it does help, however, in getting quicker to the fonds in question. To me this demonstrated the usefulness and importance of our endeavour to integrate the Pinakes data into Wikidata.

I am unsure if I should keep on adding Diktyon numbers in this way. Maybe I will work only the on straightforward cases where the Wikidata item is identical to the Pinakes item. This should avoid a few hundred duplicate items. But perhaps this isn't even adviseable? I'd love your feedback.

So long, and have a great weekend, Jonathan Groß (talk) 06:53, 30 September 2023 (UTC)

@Jonathan Groß: wow, I also thought about there being very few Greek manuscripts already in Wikidata ... the thing I would suggest to do is in fact starting the match of manuscripts whose name on Wikidata coincides more or less with the shelf mark in Pinakes, for the others we can think more thoroughly about possible strategies. And of course we need to start the discussion in WikiProject Books, hoping to encounter good agreement on the issues. I will start working thoroughly on this probably in the middle of next week, after having settled a batch of things which I accumulated during my good days in Lisbon :) --Epìdosis 09:55, 30 September 2023 (UTC)

This is just to let you know, I've decided on my approach: Matching the New Testament manuscripts from Aland's catalogue is the easiest way. I am doing this by searching for "Aland" in the Biblissima database and going through the results one by one, checking if the Aland number has an item on Wikidata (not all do), then check the Diktyon no. linked in the Biblissima catalogue, and if it checks out, add it to the Wikidata item. Takes about 30 seconds per manuscript. Jonathan Groß (talk) 18:47, 1 October 2023 (UTC)

So far, after a few hours of work (on 3 consecutive days), I've gone through 62% (1,199) of the search results. I should be finished by the end of this week. Jonathan Groß (talk) 16:11, 3 October 2023 (UTC)

I've done it. I've gone through all 1,853 search results and added Diktyon numbers to the existing WD items. This was a nice little monkey exercise, and I will continue with the (less numerous) Rahlfs numbers for the Septuagint manuscripts. BTW, you weren't that far off with your guess that we would have "a few hundred duplicates". As of now, we have 814 WD items with Diktyon numbers. Jonathan Groß (talk) 20:27, 5 October 2023 (UTC)

This query lists Ancient Greek manuscripts without Diktyon ID. 1072 results right now. So still some work to do :) Jonathan Groß (talk) 08:31, 6 October 2023 (UTC)

Ciao Epìdosis! I have another question about P12042: The database report has "single value" constraint violations even for instances where the additional values are qualified as "object has role:obsolete inventory number". Is there a way to get the bot to leave these cases out of the error report? Or do you know somebody who can answer this question for us? Best, Jonathan Groß (talk) 13:59, 5 November 2023 (UTC)

I know this issue unfortunately. The bot which updates the database reports of constraint violations has a few limitations, including not taking into account qualifiers which "normalize" single value constraint violations, and not taking into account ranks. These limitations have been reported, but never solved. However, if you use the query in the Property talk:P12042, the query has none of these limitations, and has the additional advantage of having real-time data, instead of a weekly updates. Good evening from Athens! Epìdosis 16:02, 5 November 2023 (UTC)
I see, thank you! Up until now I've used the violations reports as a basis for clearing these errors, but I can try switching to queries and finally acquaint myself with SPARQL.
So you're in Athens again, congrats! Hope you have a good time. Give my best to any Wikimedian. Jonathan Groß (talk) 13:07, 6 November 2023 (UTC)

Cambio formato per Polo bibliografico della ricerca title ID (P9598)

Ciao Epìdosis, l'identificativo corrispondente a Polo bibliografico della ricerca title ID (P9598) è passato da 7 a 8 cifre. Ho modificato la pagina della proprietà (elementi di esempio e istruzioni d'uso in Wikidata) ma non so come modificare la discussione Property_talk:P9598 dove si dovrebbe cambiare i valori permessi in \d{8}, potresti farlo tu per favore? ciao --moz (talk) 13:55, 2 November 2023 (UTC)

@Elena moz: non avevi modificato il vincolo della proprietà; ora è OK. --Epìdosis 14:03, 2 November 2023 (UTC)
@Epìdosis: grazie mille! --moz (talk) 14:11, 2 November 2023 (UTC)

Categoria errata

Ciao Camillo, ho appena creato una categoria su Wikipedia, ma non ho creato l'elemento Wikidata a causa di un errore mio: si tratta di Opere di Camilla Läckberg che dovrebbe anche contenere i romanzi della medesima. Invece io ho fatto in modo che le opere (una raccolta di racconti) si trovino dentro alla categoria Romanzi. Scusa se sono sempre così strampalata, per favore vedi che razza di pasticcio ne è venuto. Ciao, AmaliaMM (talk) 06:57, 5 November 2023 (UTC)

@AmaliaMM:   Done. Buona serata! --Epìdosis 16:08, 5 November 2023 (UTC)

Le ali della colomba

Ciao e grazie per il precedente intervento: Ora ho combinato l'ennesimo pasticcio creando la disambigua Le ali della colomba, necessaria, datto l'alto numero di opere omonime. Purtroppo ho trovato un'altra pagina di disambiguazione con titolo in inglese (la trovi nei "Puntano qui") e penso che la pagina fatta oggi sia più completa e si potrebbe rimuovere l'altra o quello che ti sembra giusto. Grazie, AmaliaMM (talk) 07:39, 7 November 2023 (UTC)

Altro problema... ho creato un nuovo elemento intitolato "La notte del peccato" e tutto perché, nella pagina del film francese "Léviathan (film, 1962) sembrava non esserci elemento WD. Adesso c'è una pagina da cancellare... sono davvero molto incapace! --AmaliaMM (talk) 17:24, 7 November 2023 (UTC)
@AmaliaMM:   Done entrambi. --Epìdosis 23:22, 7 November 2023 (UTC)
Grazieeee (così finisce anche la notte dell'angoscia D) AmaliaMM (talk) 04:40, 8 November 2023 (UTC)


Buon giorno. Collaboro da qualche settimana con wiki in tarantino (roa-tara) che in questi ultimi tempi mi appare molto vivace. Ho riscontrato questi problemi tecnici: ho messo nella mia babel di Wikidata il tarantino ed è uscito un 'NAP X' che non so giustificare. Il tarantino, a quanto ne so, non ha nulla a che fare con il napoletano, non ne deriva affatto. Inoltre, se desidero compilare, in questa lingua, 'Lingua Etichetta Descrizione', non si apre la finestra e non posso scrivere nulla. Ho anche notato che, anche se esiste la voce in tarantino, quando sono sulla stessa voce ma in una diversa lingua, il tarantino non mi appare come la 'lingua suggerita', tra quelle che possiedono quella voce; ma sono presenti, ad esempio, ligure, lombardo, napoletano, veneto, ecc. Ritengo che tutto questo pesi sulla corretta visualizzazione delle voci in tarantino sui motori di ricerca. Grazie anticipatamente della risposta. Fausta Samaritani (talk) 10:34, 7 November 2023 (UTC)

@Fausta Samaritani: buonasera, sì sapevo che ci fossero alcuni problemi tecnici relativi a roa-tara, ma non avevo mai indagato. Sono abbastanza convinto che il problema del babel in cui compare NAP-X sia strettamente legato al problema per cui il tarantino non ti compare in nel box di etichette, descrizioni e alias; ho provato io stesso e confermo il problema; siccome mi pare che il bug non fosse mai stato segnalato, ho aperto una segnalazione in phab:T350746. Per quanto riguarda il secondo problema, mi servono uno o due esempi di voci in cui questo ti accade per capire meglio il problema e valutare come segnalrarlo (forse si tratta di un bug già noto, phab:T322244, ma non ne sono sicuro se non vedo qualche esempio concreto). Mi spiace di non poter fare di più, trattandosi di bug nel software ovviamente non posso intervenire direttamente, non sapendo programmare, e posso solo segnalare il problema e sperare che venga risolto. A presto, --Epìdosis 23:32, 7 November 2023 (UTC)
Bona sera. Presto detto: il tarantino non compare mai tra le lingue 'suggerite'. Faccio un esempio: Taranto si dice Tarde. Vedi: [18]. Se vai sulla voce 'Taranto' di il tarantino non appare tra le lingue suggerite. Posso notare gli effetti, ma non sono in grado di afferrare le cause di questi disguidi e mi affido alla tua esperienza. A proposito, sono passata recentemente da Pisa e ho saputo che all'Università si sono svolte esercitazioni su Wikidata. Fausta Samaritani (talk) 23:51, 7 November 2023 (UTC)
@Fausta Samaritani: è strano, io andando in w:it:Taranto vedo, nella colonna di sinistra assieme ai link alle altre Wikipedie, anche il link alla voce w:roa-tara:Tarde. Questo forse dipende dal fatto che io in Special:GlobalPreferences#mw-prefsection-rendering ho deselezionato "Utilizza un elenco ridotto di lingue, con le lingue per te rilevanti", e quindi vedo tutte le lingue e non solo una selezione; puoi provare a fare lo stesso (ci sono due spunte a fianco a "Utilizza un elenco ridotto di lingue": puoi provare a mettere la spunta sulla casella di sinistra e a toglierla a quella di destra) e vedere se il problema si risolve, altrimenti scrivimi ancora e penso a un'altra possibile soluzione. Per quanto riguarda l'università di Pisa, penso che si tratti del corso del prof. Vittore Casarosa, dove dal 2019 ho tenuto in ogni anno accademico una lezione e un'esercitazione su Wikidata, con buon successo (User:Epìdosis/Lezioni/UniPi) e anche quest'anno ripeteremo l'esperienza in questo mese. Buona serata, --Epìdosis 17:29, 8 November 2023 (UTC)
Si, in effetti si sblocca e sono visibili tutte le lingue. Ma rimane un dubbio: con che criterio sono state selezionale le lingue 'italiane' suggerite? Resta poi il problema della mia Babel. Come faccio ad aprire la casella 'Lingua Etichetta Descrizione' per le voci in tarantino? Fausta Samaritani (talk) 17:47, 8 November 2023 (UTC)
@Fausta Samaritani: credo che le lingue suggerite dipendano dalle coordinate geografiche (in senso lato) del luogo da cui ci si connette, e (forse) dalle Wikipedie a cui si ha contribuito, ma non ne sono così sicuro, soprattutto per la seconda ipotesi. Sono felice che la mia proposta abbia risolto il problema. Per quanto riguarda il tarantino in "lingua etichetta descrizione", ho aperto la segnalazione di bug (phab:T350746) ma non penso, onestamente, che verrà risolta a breve; l'unica soluzione, non comodissima, che ho in mente, è la seguente: puoi attivare in Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets il gadget "labelLister"; a fianco alla cronologia di ogni elemento ti comparirà un link "Etichette"; entrando in tale link puoi cliccare sul link in basso "Modifica", digitare il codice roa-tara, dare ok, poi aggiungere etichetta, descrizione ed eventuali alias in tarantino e salvare; il sistema è ovviamente più scomodo dell'avere il tarantino a fianco alle altre lingue nel box visualizzato immediatamente nell'elemento, ma al momento non ho soluzioni migliori. Ovviamente resto a disposizione se hai altri dubbi o domanda! A presto, --Epìdosis 06:04, 9 November 2023 (UTC)
Grazie delle risposte, ne farò tesoro. Fausta Samaritani (talk) 08:10, 9 November 2023 (UTC)

Please protect Q255704 and Q72795 per vandalism

Good evening @Epìdosis. I would like to inform you that the IP (talkcontribslogs) is vandalizing both Q255704 and Q72795, changing deliberately the labels and descriptions in English and some other languages ([19], [20] and [21]).

I reverted them ([22] and [23]) and notyfied them in their talk page ([24]) for not doing that editions again without getting consensus, but them blanked their talk page twice ([25] and [26]) and continues with their editions ([27]). Please consider protect both entries and restore them to their stable versions if continues with their changes again. All the best, 19:33, 9 November 2023 (UTC)

As postscript, the user @Hjart also reverted some editions by this IP, see an example here. 19:38, 9 November 2023 (UTC)
I agree with your analysis, the labels should usually be the same as the article's title in the corresponding Wikipedia, unless there is specific consensus for a different solution; other names could of course go into the aliases. Both items had been lastly edited by you restoring the old labels; I semiprotected them both for two weeks. In order to have quicker intervention than a single admin (as me) can guarantee, you can write directly in WD:AN, which is monitored by many admins at the same times. I take the opportunity to encourage you to register an account, so that you can continue to edit this semiprotected items. Good evening, --Epìdosis 21:16, 9 November 2023 (UTC)


Ciao Epì, ho trovato due elementi che si riferiscono allo stesso romanzo: [28] e [29]. Anche se il primo contiene la scheda del romanzo originale, sul secondo ho inserito più informazioni (l'ho trovato per primo). Vedi se puoi fare qualcosa... grazie AmaliaMM (talk) 15:39, 11 November 2023 (UTC)

@AmaliaMM:   Done uniti; l'unione è molto semplice, puoi vedere Help:Merge/it#Accessorio e chiedermi se hai dubbi. A presto, --Epìdosis 16:50, 11 November 2023 (UTC)

Why did you remove the link in Eti Craif (Q116689521) field occupation (P106) to Sex for Judgeship scandal (Q61126904)? They are directly connected since the article describes both her becoming a judge and resigning from that position. DGtal (talk) 09:31, 19 November 2023 (UTC)

Hi @DGtal:! Yesterday I discovered a wide range of misuses of statement is subject of (P805) as qualifier of occupation (P106) and I was trying to resolve them, possibly reaching the conclusion of removing P805 from the allowed qualifiers of P106; in the case of Eti Craif (Q116689521) my initial though was that significant event (P793) as main statement could be sufficient to link it to Sex for Judgeship scandal (Q61126904); however, continuing to check these cases, I have reached the conclusion that a small number of the use of P805 as qualifier of P106 are correct, so I also reconsidered the case of Q116689521 and I think restoring the qualifier is the best solution, so I did it now. Thanks for writing me. Bye, --Epìdosis 10:54, 19 November 2023 (UTC)
Thanks for all your work. DGtal (talk) 10:58, 19 November 2023 (UTC)

Errore in SBN

c'è da correggere un errore di battitura in questa data di nascita qui su SBN. DarioSolar (talk) 15:58, 22 November 2023 (UTC)

@DarioSolar: grazie mille, ho appena modificato la voce di autorità eliminando l'errore di battitura. Buona serata, --Epìdosis 17:43, 22 November 2023 (UTC)

distinzione tra morte e "non si hanno più sue notizie"

buondì, dopo una carriera da tipografo itinerante il buon Bertocchi pare si sia fatto prete (1502) e si siano perse le sue notizie, per il viaf invece è defunto in quella data. Per ora ho aggiunto valore sconosciuto a date of death (P570) con earliest date (P1319) 1502, c'è modo di specificare diversamente? divudì 09:21, 26 November 2023 (UTC)

@Divudi85: puoi aggiungere anche floruit (P1317)"1502" e poi direi che è perfetto! Buona domenica, --Epìdosis 09:22, 26 November 2023 (UTC)

DBI, nuovi URL e mix'n'match

Buondì, tu hai idea di come far collimare gli attuali contenuti di mix'n'match coi nuovi URL di Treccani? ci sono ancora un sacco di lemmi non abbinati che col cambio di URL è impossibile parecchio indaginoso cercare se siano corrispondenti a qualche elemento esistente di 'data :( AttoRenato (talk) 12:18, 1 December 2023 (UTC)

@AttoRenato: sì, avevo notato, molto spiacevole; ho fatto ora una prova di fix aggiornando l'URL di formattazione su Mix'n'match; nel caso in cui il problema persista temo che l'unica soluzione sia il rifacimento ex novo del catalogo. --Epìdosis 12:57, 1 December 2023 (UTC)
Un mago come sempre! :P mi pare funzioni! Grazie! AttoRenato (talk) 18:52, 1 December 2023 (UTC)

Alberto Conti (musician)

Hi Epìdosis, any idea who this Augusto Conti (Q123598872) could be? GND claims he was a musician. Only source: Osservazioni Sul Concerto Del Prof. Frederigo Consolo La Sera Del 21 Marzo 1885 / A. Conti. --Kolja21 (talk) 00:31, 2 December 2023 (UTC)

The scan: --Kolja21 (talk) 00:36, 2 December 2023 (UTC)
@Kolja21: thanks for reporting. The transcription has a little mistake (and too many capital letters), it should be Osservazioni sul concerto del Prof. Federigo Consolo la sera del 21 Marzo 1885. This publication is absent in OPAC SBN, unfortunately. In my opinion this page of Google Books (an article of 7 April 1885, from a correspondent in Florence, saying that the illustrious philosopher Augusto Conti wrote an article on the Rassegna nazionale in praise of Federigo Consolo and specifically of his concert) is a sufficient evidence to prove that "A. Conti" (which is printed on the book) is not Alberto Conti, but Augusto Conti (= Augusto Conti (Q3629606): Italian philosopher and educationist (1822-1905) = If you agree, I will consequently delete Augusto Conti (Q123598872) (or merge it into Augusto Conti (Q3629606), if you prefer). Good Sunday, --Epìdosis 10:07, 3 December 2023 (UTC)
Thanks for your research. I would prefer a merge since the GND with the (wrong) name "Conti, Alberto" exists. --Kolja21 (talk) 15:19, 3 December 2023 (UTC)
PS: I've prepared GND 1052852858 for a merge, changing the main name from "Conti, Alberto" to "Conti, A." --Kolja21 (talk) 15:25, 3 December 2023 (UTC)
Thanks @Kolja21:,   Done merge into Augusto Conti (Q3629606): Italian philosopher and educationist (1822-1905). --Epìdosis 15:26, 3 December 2023 (UTC)

Alberto Conti (history teacher)

An other Alberto Conti (Q123598882). Unclear if the history teacher was born 1938 (BnF) or 1949 (GND). Can you help? --Kolja21 (talk) 00:49, 2 December 2023 (UTC)

@Kolja21: it seems the contrary, 1938 (GND) vs 1949 (BNF, SUDOC). I have tried to search online, no result for 1949, one result for 1938 (the Facebook page of the association he founded, Tages, has 1938); moreover, SBN has 1938 and indicates as source one book he published in 2022. SUDOC took 1949 from BNF, and the source used by BNF is not fully clear; in my opinion 1938 is the correct value, I marked it as preferred. Good Sunday again, --Epìdosis 10:17, 3 December 2023 (UTC) P.S. of course ask me for any case of problematic Italian authors like these, I like very much doing these researches

Cosima, romanzo

Ciao, ho creato questo elemento ma c'è anche Cosima, come edizione di WikiSource, inoltre c'è un'intera categoria di immagini su Commons. Potresti controllare il tutto (compreso l'errore che ho fatto con la Britannica)? Grazie AmaliaMM (talk) 09:31, 3 December 2023 (UTC)

@AmaliaMM: tutto   risolto. Buona domenica, --Epìdosis 09:55, 3 December 2023 (UTC)

DifoolBot 2

Hi Epìdosis, the bot is approved, and now running. I'll let you know when the ULAN batch is finished or something else comes up. Thanks! Difool (talk) 02:21, 7 December 2023 (UTC)

@Difool: great, I'm mainly curious about User:Difool/viaf already somewhere, let me know when it is updated so that I can start cleaning these cases. Thanks again! --Epìdosis 08:33, 7 December 2023 (UTC)
Btw, I was looking at the report of people with Union List of Artist Names ID (P245), but no link to Library of Congress authority ID (P244). Can I add those Library of Congress authority ID (P244) properties and VIAF ID (P214) via the LC code - with duplicate check, or is there a reason this is not done yet? I checked some and found a duplicate: Ray Thompson (Q109886793), Ray Thompson (Q94538467) Difool (talk) 03:08, 9 December 2023 (UTC)
@Difool: I think you can safely proceed. You can reference the Library of Congress authority ID (P244) you add with Union List of Artist Names ID (P245), like in this example. Then of course you can also import VIAF ID (P214), if absent in the item, from P244, with the usual reference. Remember to update User:Difool/viaf already somewhere of course ;-) Thank you! --Epìdosis 09:20, 9 December 2023 (UTC)
I've updated User:Difool/viaf already somewhere. I've not added the Library of Congress authority ID (P244) properties; after running the test for the report, I think those Library of Congress authority IDs in ULAN come from VIAF, so they might need some more checking. I'll proceed with the LC batch instead. Difool (talk) 00:36, 10 December 2023 (UTC)

Una mano?

Ti serve una mano per controllare tutte le modifiche del datathon? --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 15:29, 12 December 2023 (UTC)

@Jahl de Vautban: certamente, sarebbe davvero molto utile! Grazie davvero per la proposta. Il datathon finisce tra meno di un'ora; stasera sono di ritorno a Pisa e poi da domani riprenderò in mano il tutto. --Epìdosis 15:33, 12 December 2023 (UTC)
OK allora commincio partendo dell participante numero 1. --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 17:03, 12 December 2023 (UTC)
@Jahl de Vautban: grazie mille per l'aiuto! Dovremmo aver finito, molto prima di quanto pensassi. Buona notte, --Epìdosis 23:55, 12 December 2023 (UTC)
Prego, è un bel progietto; ci mancano molti libri e articoli. Per i più grossi giornali inglese (typo Classical Philology o Journal of Hellenic Studies), su qualli o lavorato con Scholia, abbiamo una buona coppertura, però la maggioranza degli altri mancano anche loro. Ho visto che tra gli organizatori del datathon c’è Matteo Romanello, che a creato Cited Loci; penso che ci sarebbe anche molto da fare con le citazione della letteratura o dei testi antichi! —Jahl de Vautban (talk)
@Jahl de Vautban: sì, sono molto d'accordo, e ovviamente anche Matteo; con lui e Federico pensiamo di organizzare almeno altri due eventi simili nel 2024, a Bologna e a Pisa; l'idea sarebbe anche quella di provare a lavorare sui dati di quella che probabilmente è la più autorevole fonte bibliografica sull'antichità classica, L'Année philologique (Q749828), e Matteo nutre qualche speranza di riuscire a ottenere quei dati. Sicuramente ci sarà un seguito, dunque; inserirò i dati sui successivi eventi nella stessa pagina Wikidata:Gruppo Wikidata per Musei, Archivi e Biblioteche/Bibliografia di antichistica. Ti terrò aggiornato con grande piacere! A presto, --Epìdosis 09:52, 13 December 2023 (UTC)

Eugenio Bianchi

Hi Epìdosis, LCAuth no2021113567 was created for a translator who should be identical with Eugenio Bianchi (Q123983572): Italian-American tenor and music teacher (1822-1895). Might be interesting for ICCU. --Kolja21 (talk) 10:03, 23 December 2023 (UTC)

@Kolja21: after Christmas I have finally had time to clean all the Eugenio Bianchi in SBN; unfortunately no trace of Eugenio Bianchi (Q123983572): Italian-American tenor and music teacher (1822-1895); I had the opportunity to create Eugenio Bianchi (Q124028851): Italian bibliophile (1835-1876) but his two works are not present in the libraries contributing to GND. See you soon and thanks as always, --Epìdosis 18:27, 27 December 2023 (UTC)
@Kolja21: thank you very much for creating! Just a little fix needed: "bibluiofilo" is a typo in Italian, it should be "bibliofilo" (I edited it in Indice SBN but my edit isn't visible yet in OPAC SBN due to Christmas holidays). Bye, --Epìdosis 14:03, 28 December 2023 (UTC)
I was surprised and failed to pronounce the word correctly ;) I hadn't thought of a typo. --Kolja21 (talk) 14:06, 28 December 2023 (UTC)

Interwiki Purge en|Deep State de|Staat im Staate

Die o.g. Wiki-Artikel, die offensichtlich das selbe Thema in zwei Sprachen beschreiben, lassen sich nicht mehr miteinander interwiki-linken. Es existieren zwei Wikidata Einträge Q1658150 und Q65168291 die gegenseitig die interwiki-Verknüpfung de->en und en->de ausschließen. Wie kann dieser interwiki purge 'rückgängig' gemacht werden?

Meine Versuche wenigstens zwischenzeitlich direkte Verknüpfungen zur Englischen Wiki-Seite herzustellen werden von anderen Nutzern kommentarlos oder 'irrelevant' rückgängig gemacht?

Warum kümmert sich dieser Rückgängig macher nicht um die Rekonstruktion?

Ich empfinde interwiki-Purges als markante Fehler. Brusinsky (talk) 12:18, 31 December 2023 (UTC)

Hi @Brusinsky:, thanks for raising the problem! I think the best solution is using sitelinks to redirects: in deep state (Q1658150) en:Deep state with de:Tiefer Staat (redirect); in state within the state (Q65168291) de:Staat im Staate with en:State within the state (redirect). --Epìdosis 18:36, 31 December 2023 (UTC)
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