Wikidata:Translation admeenistrators

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Translation administrators and the translation is 88% complete.

Translation admeenistrators are uisers who hae the technical ability tae mark pages for translation, an set up pages wi the Translate extension.

Uisers can request translation admeenistrator richts at Wikidata:Requests for permissions/Translation administrator if thay are willin tae help ither uisers or need it an thay ken what tae dae (acause thay've reid the documentation an if possible testit it). Bureaucrats are tasked wi decidin whether tae grant translation admeenistrator richts, an thay are removed if a bureaucrat deems it appropriate tae dae so (e.g. due tae inactivity). Admeenistrators dae nae need tae unnergang anither discussion tae acome translation admeenistrator; thay can self-grant the richts tae thair accoont if necessary.

There are currently 84 translation administrators.

Leet o translation admeenistrators

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